英语手抄报:Difficulty in the Interview

  "Although I am from the earth, I will find you, who from the other planet as long as you are shining and excellent enough, and you will have the opportunity to get our offer." This is the opening remarks in the special job fair of City College of Wuhan University of Science and Technology from a personnel manage, Zhang Jiajun. His words enclose the distance between the job seekers at present.


英语手抄报:Difficulty in the Interview

  But, then, some special requirements of the company make the students feel unexpected.


  “Are there any couples seeking job at present? If, you can leave now, because we do not need lovers." Zhang Jiajun explained, “If two lovers work in the same company, they will bring personal emotions when dealing things, which will lead to some unnecessary conflicts, affect the work efficiency as well.”


  "Can you play mahjong?" Zhang Jiajun suddenly asked when a female job seeker finishing her self-introduction. He explained that playing mahjong can observe a person's interest and inside attitude.


  A boy with wild-curly hair style sat in front of Zhang Jiajun. Zhang Jiajun asked "Do you think your hair style is suitable for this position?" The boys said confidently, “Yes.” "Do you have driver's license?" "Yes." luckily, the wild-curly hair style boy got the second chance to be interviewed under a lot of pressure.


  "Although I am from the earth, I will find you, who from the other planet as long as you are shining and excellent enough, and you will have the opportunity to get our offer." This is the opening remarks in the special job fair of City College of Wuhan University of Science and Technology from a personnel manage, Zhang Jiajun. His words enclose the distance between the job seekers at present.


  But, then, some special requirements of the company make the students feel unexpected.


  “Are there any couples seeking job at present? If, you can leave now, because we do not need lovers." Zhang Jiajun explained, “If two lovers work in the same company, they will bring personal emotions when dealing things, which will lead to some unnecessary conflicts, affect the work efficiency as well.”


  "Can you play mahjong?" Zhang Jiajun suddenly asked when a female job seeker finishing her self-introduction. He explained that playing mahjong can observe a person's interest and inside attitude.


  A boy with wild-curly hair style sat in front of Zhang Jiajun. Zhang Jiajun asked "Do you think your hair style is suitable for this position?" The boys said confidently, “Yes.” "Do you have driver's license?" "Yes." luckily, the wild-curly hair style boy got the second chance to be interviewed under a lot of pressure.



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