
  As the a student, I am so eager to graduate quickly and then make living by myself. I want to be independent and return my parents’ love. I am so looking forward to my first salary, when I get it, I will spend it with many purposes.



  First, I want to buy some presents to my parents. I am so thankful to my parents, for they taking care of me all the time. Though I was born in an ordinary family, my parents give me all their love. I am so lucky to have them as my parents. So when I get my first salary, I will think of them in the first time. I will buy something they like.


  Second, I will buy something for myself. I have so many things want to buy, but I don’t have enough money. Like the new cell phone. My phone has been used for many years and it is out of date, I want to buy a new one. I also want to buy the beautiful dress.


  Thinking about I can earn money by myself, I feel so excited. The first salary will be very precious for me.


  As the a student, I am so eager to graduate quickly and then make living by myself. I want to be independent and return my parents’ love. I am so looking forward to my first salary, when I get it, I will spend it with many purposes.


  First, I want to buy some presents to my parents. I am so thankful to my parents, for they taking care of me all the time. Though I was born in an ordinary family, my parents give me all their love. I am so lucky to have them as my parents. So when I get my first salary, I will think of them in the first time. I will buy something they like.


  Second, I will buy something for myself. I have so many things want to buy, but I don’t have enough money. Like the new cell phone. My phone has been used for many years and it is out of date, I want to buy a new one. I also want to buy the beautiful dress.


  Thinking about I can earn money by myself, I feel so excited. The first salary will be very precious for me.



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