
  结霜的雪人 Frosty The Snowman

  Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul

  With a corn cop pipe and a button nose

  And two eyes made out of coal

  Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale they say

  He was made out of snow

  But the children know how he came to life one day

  There must of been some magic in

  That ol‘ silk cap they found

  For when they placed it on his head

  He began to dance around

  Frosty the snowman was alive as he could be

  And the children say he could laugh and play

  Just the same as you and me

  Frosty the snowman knew the snow was hot that day

  So he said lets run and have some fun before I melt away

  Down to the village with a broom stick in his hand

  Runnin’ here and there all around the square

  Sayin‘ catch me if you can

  He led them down the streets of town

  Right to the traffic cop

  And he only paused a moment when he heard him holler stop  Frosty the snowman

  Had to hurry on his way

  But he waved goodbye sayin’ please don‘t cry

  I’ll be back again some day

  I know you‘re the only one who’s right for me

  结霜的雪人 Frosty The Snowman

  Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul

  With a corn cop pipe and a button nose

  And two eyes made out of coal

  Frosty the snowman is a fairy tale they say

  He was made out of snow

  But the children know how he came to life one day

  There must of been some magic in

  That ol‘ silk cap they found

  For when they placed it on his head

  He began to dance around

  Frosty the snowman was alive as he could be

  And the children say he could laugh and play

  Just the same as you and me

  Frosty the snowman knew the snow was hot that day

  So he said lets run and have some fun before I melt away

  Down to the village with a broom stick in his hand

  Runnin’ here and there all around the square

  Sayin‘ catch me if you can

  He led them down the streets of town

  Right to the traffic cop

  And he only paused a moment when he heard him holler stop  Frosty the snowman

  Had to hurry on his way

  But he waved goodbye sayin’ please don‘t cry

  I’ll be back again some day

  I know you‘re the only one who’s right for me


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  • 平安夜歌曲:结霜的雪人英文版
  • Frosty the snowman was a jolly happy soul With a corn cop pipe and a button nose And two eyes made out of coal Frosty th ...查看

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  • 幼儿园小班音乐教案:堆雪人
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