
Love in High School

  Love in high school is a very sensitive topic, the students in high school have come to the age of being mature, inside, they desire to love someone, but it is the awkward time. First, they need to focus their attention so that they can enter a better college, second, their parents are strongly objective to their love, the teachers even ban the love relationship between students. As a student, they have their own rights to love someone, the inner desire and the objection from parents and schools make them struggle to their emotions. In my opinion, high school students have so many pressure, they should put aside their love emotions for a while, they need to focus on the study, when high school time ends, they can choose their love. It is much easier, if you want to love at the time, then to love. No one will stop you.


  To Enjoy This Moment

  Once, my foreign teacher asked us a question“Do you think worrying tomorrow is a good thing?”, I think about this question many times, my answer is absolutely “yes”, but enjoying this moment is more important. In China, it is a tradition that people save the money for tomorrow, so they spend less money; they only buy the things they need, then saving the rest of the money for emergency. In my opinion, people can take out small portion of the emergency money; they can make themselves live more comfortable, they can enjoy the life at this moment. My parents never travel, they think it is a way of wasting money, they consider the money should be used in a suitable way; they save it just in case the emergency. We should learn to make fun, who knows what will happen tomorrow, enjoying the moment makes the life colorful.


Love in High School

  Love in high school is a very sensitive topic, the students in high school have come to the age of being mature, inside, they desire to love someone, but it is the awkward time. First, they need to focus their attention so that they can enter a better college, second, their parents are strongly objective to their love, the teachers even ban the love relationship between students. As a student, they have their own rights to love someone, the inner desire and the objection from parents and schools make them struggle to their emotions. In my opinion, high school students have so many pressure, they should put aside their love emotions for a while, they need to focus on the study, when high school time ends, they can choose their love. It is much easier, if you want to love at the time, then to love. No one will stop you.


  To Enjoy This Moment

  Once, my foreign teacher asked us a question“Do you think worrying tomorrow is a good thing?”, I think about this question many times, my answer is absolutely “yes”, but enjoying this moment is more important. In China, it is a tradition that people save the money for tomorrow, so they spend less money; they only buy the things they need, then saving the rest of the money for emergency. In my opinion, people can take out small portion of the emergency money; they can make themselves live more comfortable, they can enjoy the life at this moment. My parents never travel, they think it is a way of wasting money, they consider the money should be used in a suitable way; they save it just in case the emergency. We should learn to make fun, who knows what will happen tomorrow, enjoying the moment makes the life colorful.



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