
  Everyone loves to do something when he has free time, and I do, too. What's my favorite activity? It's shopping. Shopping is so exciting and fun. When you walk along the street, you can see many different kinds and styles of clothes. They're really beautiful and new to me, so I find it hard to control myself. I want to buy everything. Of course, after shopping I have less money and I become sad because it will be a long time until I have enough money for my next shopping spree.



  Everyone loves to do something when he has free time, and I do, too. What's my favorite activity? It's shopping. Shopping is so exciting and fun. When you walk along the street, you can see many different kinds and styles of clothes. They're really beautiful and new to me, so I find it hard to control myself. I want to buy everything. Of course, after shopping I have less money and I become sad because it will be a long time until I have enough money for my next shopping spree.



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