
  A fox, seeing a fish cart coming, lay down and pretended to be dead.

  The cart man, tempted by the idea of making some extra money by selling the fox's fur, picked up the animal by its tail and threw it into the back of the cart among the fish. Then he resumed his journey.

  The fox ate his fill of the fish and jumped out of the cart.

  A wolf saw him jumping out and asked him what he had been doing in it. The fox told him and also how he got into the cart in the first place. The wolf ran ahead and lay down before the cart path, pretending to be dead. The cart man was delighted to find another animal to sell, but he found the wolf was too heavy to lift.

  So he pushed it into a sack, tied the sack to his cart and dragged it away.







  A fox, seeing a fish cart coming, lay down and pretended to be dead.

  The cart man, tempted by the idea of making some extra money by selling the fox's fur, picked up the animal by its tail and threw it into the back of the cart among the fish. Then he resumed his journey.

  The fox ate his fill of the fish and jumped out of the cart.

  A wolf saw him jumping out and asked him what he had been doing in it. The fox told him and also how he got into the cart in the first place. The wolf ran ahead and lay down before the cart path, pretending to be dead. The cart man was delighted to find another animal to sell, but he found the wolf was too heavy to lift.

  So he pushed it into a sack, tied the sack to his cart and dragged it away.







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