
  英语成语小故事:精卫填海Jingwei filling Up the sea

    A girl was named Nu-wa. In her family, there were her father, mother. Brothers and sisters.


  Nu-wa loved them, and they loved her too. One day, Nu-wa together with her brothers and sisters went to the sea to swim.xiaogushi8.com They were playing a game in the sea. Nu-wa swam far away and forgot the way to swim back. In the afternoon. The sea waves were very big.



  A big wave took Nu-wa away into the sea. Nu-wa was to tired that she couldn’t swim any more, so, Nu-wa died.


  Nu-wa became a bird. The bird flew above the sea all the time.


  The bird its father, mother, brother. And sisters. The bird flew away and flew back, xiaogushi8.com and it wanted to see its family, but the family didn’t know the bird was Nu-wa. They looked for her in the sea. At last, they found that the bird was filling up the sea with small branches and stones. They now knew that the bird was nu-wa. Day after day, the bird filled the sea with small branches and stones. xiaogushi8.com She didn’t any of her friends to die in the sea like her.


  People were moved and called the little bird Jingwei.


  英语成语小故事:精卫填海Jingwei filling Up the sea

    A girl was named Nu-wa. In her family, there were her father, mother. Brothers and sisters.


  Nu-wa loved them, and they loved her too. One day, Nu-wa together with her brothers and sisters went to the sea to swim.xiaogushi8.com They were playing a game in the sea. Nu-wa swam far away and forgot the way to swim back. In the afternoon. The sea waves were very big.


  A big wave took Nu-wa away into the sea. Nu-wa was to tired that she couldn’t swim any more, so, Nu-wa died.


  Nu-wa became a bird. The bird flew above the sea all the time.


  The bird its father, mother, brother. And sisters. The bird flew away and flew back, xiaogushi8.com and it wanted to see its family, but the family didn’t know the bird was Nu-wa. They looked for her in the sea. At last, they found that the bird was filling up the sea with small branches and stones. They now knew that the bird was nu-wa. Day after day, the bird filled the sea with small branches and stones. xiaogushi8.com She didn’t any of her friends to die in the sea like her.


  People were moved and called the little bird Jingwei.



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