




Good afternoon! Ladies and Gentlemen! I’m so glad to stand here to interpret my lesson. Today I’m going to talk about the third exam of Grade6. I’m going to talk about it from four parts: Writing learning aims, Evaluation design, Learning process and Board design.

First, I talk about writing learning goals from 4 parts.

Part1: Writing learning aims

1. Say the course standard.


A. I can catch simple words or recording materials according to the

pictures, images and gestures.

B. I can catch the simple story according to the stories with pictures.


A: I can pronounce properly and catch the tone in oral express.

B: I can say out the words or play according to the pictures or words.


I can simply narrate the topic of daily life.

(4) Writing

A. I can make use of all the big and small letters and common

punctuation marks.

B. I can write simple sentences according to the pictures words or models.

(5) Playing

A. According to the orders, I can play games with simple English.

B. I can perform little stories or plays with the help of teacher.

2.Say analysis of the teaching material and teaching methods.

This lesson is about the third exam of Grade6. It includes only writing. There are 8 subjects. Through task-based language teaching method, discussion method,let students find out where they haven’t catch, analyze why they did wrong and correct their answers.

3. Say analysis of the students and the learning methods.

The students in Grade 6 have some English foundation. In the teaching process, teachers should make full use of the knowledge that students have learned and with the help of simple explanations to guide them to correct their answers. In addition, students should feel the communication of English through answering and performing. The learning methods in this class are self learning, discussion and cooperation.

4. Say learning aims.

A: Through the study of this lesson. I can correct mistakes, analyze success and failure, and I can find the difference between others. (Key points)

B: With the help of partners and teachers, I can improve learning methods and do better in next exam. (Different points)

Part2: Evaluation design

1. Oral evaluation:

If the Ss pronounce clearly and correctly or answer the questions actively, T says: Good job!Good! Great! Super! Wonderful! and so on to encourage them.

2. Process evaluation

In the process of learning, if the Ss read the conversation rightly, or answer the questions correctly, the teacher gives them or their group a thumb picture on the board.

3. Conclusion evaluation

At the end of the class, count how many thumbs each group have got. Then T gives the winners a gift and the other groups give them applause. Part3: Learning process

There are 6 steps in this part: Step1: Warm-up; Step2: Self-correct and cooperation.; Step3: Teacher’s explanation; Step4:Consolidation; Step5:Sum-up Step6: Homework

Step1: Warm up

(1) Greeting. (2) The whole analysis of this exam (3) Praise and encouragement. (4) Show the learning aims. (5)Introduce every group name and evaluation system

Good morning boys and girls! How are you today? Nice to see you again! OK! First, Let’s conclude the whole situations of this exam. There are 49 students to take part in this exam. 33% of the students did better, and they got high scores. But there are 7 students did badly, you should try hard. Now let’s

give applause to the top students. I hope other students learn from them. Zhao Mengqiu 100, Li Jinke 100.Well! Today we will analysis and correct the paper of the third exam. Let’s read the learning aims. Now, first: please say your group name. If you do it better, you can get one sticker, if you are the best one, you can get a magic gift. OK, let’s have a match.

Step2: Self-correct and cooperation.

First, look at your own paper and correct the wrong answers that you can do by yourself.

Then discuss with you partners and correct some mistakes with the help of your partner or group members.

Step3: Teacher’s explanation

In this step, first I will point out where the students made mistakes in common.

Then invite some students who can to explain, I’ll offer help in time. Step4: Consolidation

Here I design some subjects to check if the Ss achieve the learning aims A&B.


1. 对划线部分提问)

2. 对划线部分提问)

3. His father often goes to other countries. (改为一般疑问句)

4. 你有什么业余爱好?(翻译句子)

5. 我爷爷喜欢晨练。(翻译句子)

6. 你弟弟喜欢放风筝吗?(翻译句子)

Step 5: Sum up


Setp6: Homework

Please look at our homework.


Part4: Board design

This is my board design. Thank you for your attention. That's all.


do morning exercises

They like doing morning exercises.

fly kites

He likes flying kites.

What are your hobbies?

Tell me, please.





Good afternoon! Ladies and Gentlemen! I’m so glad to stand here to interpret my lesson. Today I’m going to talk about the third exam of Grade6. I’m going to talk about it from four parts: Writing learning aims, Evaluation design, Learning process and Board design.

First, I talk about writing learning goals from 4 parts.

Part1: Writing learning aims

1. Say the course standard.


A. I can catch simple words or recording materials according to the

pictures, images and gestures.

B. I can catch the simple story according to the stories with pictures.


A: I can pronounce properly and catch the tone in oral express.

B: I can say out the words or play according to the pictures or words.


I can simply narrate the topic of daily life.

(4) Writing

A. I can make use of all the big and small letters and common

punctuation marks.

B. I can write simple sentences according to the pictures words or models.

(5) Playing

A. According to the orders, I can play games with simple English.

B. I can perform little stories or plays with the help of teacher.

2.Say analysis of the teaching material and teaching methods.

This lesson is about the third exam of Grade6. It includes only writing. There are 8 subjects. Through task-based language teaching method, discussion method,let students find out where they haven’t catch, analyze why they did wrong and correct their answers.

3. Say analysis of the students and the learning methods.

The students in Grade 6 have some English foundation. In the teaching process, teachers should make full use of the knowledge that students have learned and with the help of simple explanations to guide them to correct their answers. In addition, students should feel the communication of English through answering and performing. The learning methods in this class are self learning, discussion and cooperation.

4. Say learning aims.

A: Through the study of this lesson. I can correct mistakes, analyze success and failure, and I can find the difference between others. (Key points)

B: With the help of partners and teachers, I can improve learning methods and do better in next exam. (Different points)

Part2: Evaluation design

1. Oral evaluation:

If the Ss pronounce clearly and correctly or answer the questions actively, T says: Good job!Good! Great! Super! Wonderful! and so on to encourage them.

2. Process evaluation

In the process of learning, if the Ss read the conversation rightly, or answer the questions correctly, the teacher gives them or their group a thumb picture on the board.

3. Conclusion evaluation

At the end of the class, count how many thumbs each group have got. Then T gives the winners a gift and the other groups give them applause. Part3: Learning process

There are 6 steps in this part: Step1: Warm-up; Step2: Self-correct and cooperation.; Step3: Teacher’s explanation; Step4:Consolidation; Step5:Sum-up Step6: Homework

Step1: Warm up

(1) Greeting. (2) The whole analysis of this exam (3) Praise and encouragement. (4) Show the learning aims. (5)Introduce every group name and evaluation system

Good morning boys and girls! How are you today? Nice to see you again! OK! First, Let’s conclude the whole situations of this exam. There are 49 students to take part in this exam. 33% of the students did better, and they got high scores. But there are 7 students did badly, you should try hard. Now let’s

give applause to the top students. I hope other students learn from them. Zhao Mengqiu 100, Li Jinke 100.Well! Today we will analysis and correct the paper of the third exam. Let’s read the learning aims. Now, first: please say your group name. If you do it better, you can get one sticker, if you are the best one, you can get a magic gift. OK, let’s have a match.

Step2: Self-correct and cooperation.

First, look at your own paper and correct the wrong answers that you can do by yourself.

Then discuss with you partners and correct some mistakes with the help of your partner or group members.

Step3: Teacher’s explanation

In this step, first I will point out where the students made mistakes in common.

Then invite some students who can to explain, I’ll offer help in time. Step4: Consolidation

Here I design some subjects to check if the Ss achieve the learning aims A&B.


1. 对划线部分提问)

2. 对划线部分提问)

3. His father often goes to other countries. (改为一般疑问句)

4. 你有什么业余爱好?(翻译句子)

5. 我爷爷喜欢晨练。(翻译句子)

6. 你弟弟喜欢放风筝吗?(翻译句子)

Step 5: Sum up


Setp6: Homework

Please look at our homework.


Part4: Board design

This is my board design. Thank you for your attention. That's all.


do morning exercises

They like doing morning exercises.

fly kites

He likes flying kites.

What are your hobbies?

Tell me, please.


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