
Mogao Grottoes (Mogao Caves):

the Caves of the Thousand Buddhas 千佛洞

Manuscripts of the Dunhuang Caves敦煌写本 The Library Cave藏经洞

The silk road 丝绸之路 Buddhism 佛教 painted sculpture 彩塑

The Eastern louvre Museum东方卢浮宫

the UNESCO World Heritage Sites 联合国教科文组织的世界遗产保护单位

painted murals 壁画 flying Apsaras 飞天

Nirvana Day 涅槃节 Laba 腊八节 Tree of Buddha 菩提树

Seven-colored Lotus 七彩莲花台 Amitabha 阿弥陀佛

Guanyin/Goddess of Mercy 观世音菩萨

The Western Paradise 西方极乐世界

旅游festivals 词汇

Lunar calendar 农历 Lucky money 压岁钱

lion dancing 舞狮

guess riddles/play riddles 猜灯谜 Outing 踏青

Dragon Boat race 赛龙舟 Cowherd 牛郎

Weaver Maid 织女 Vega 织女星

magpie bridge 鹊桥 Aquila 天鹰座

Milky way/Silver river 银河 joss stick 线香

chrysanthemum 菊花 fake money 假钱

double-ninth cake 重阳糕 float lantern 放河灯

Expressions for scenic spots and others

Beijing: The Great Wall Tian’anmen Square The Forbidden City The Temple of Heaven

5. Handicraft and other Articles:

■ cloisonné enamels

■ ivory carvings

■ jade ware

■ the “Four treasures of the scholar”

■ scrolls of calligraphy and painting

■ embroidery and silk cloth

■ dough and clay figures

■ Beijing Roast Duck


1. The Mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen

2. The Linggu Temple

3. The Confucian Temple

4. Xuanwu Lake

5. Zhonghua Gate


1. The Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang

2. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses

3. The Greater Wild Goose Pagoda

4. The Xi'an City Wall


1. The West Lake

Sunset Glow over Leifeng Tower(雷峰夕照)

Listening to Orioles Singing in the Willows(柳浪闻莺)

Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds(双峰插云)

Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor(花港观鱼)

Spring at the Su Causeway(苏堤春晓)

Lotus Flowers in the Breezing Winding Courtyard (曲院荷风)

Pinghu Autumn Moon(平湖秋月)

Three Pools Mirroring the Moon(三潭印月)

Duanqiao Bridge Snow(断桥残雪)

Evening Bell at Nanping Hill(南屏晚钟)

2. Lingyin Temple

Mawangdui Han Tombs 马王堆汉墓

lacquer ware 漆器

Map of Garrison 驻军图

textiles 纺织品

silk books 帛书

silk paintings 帛画

bamboo and wooden slips 简牍

T Shape Painting on Silk 马王堆T 型帛画

Garment of plain silk guaze 素纱禅衣

Colorful coffins giant coffin彩棺巨椁

archaeological discovery 考古发现

oriental sleeping beauty 东方睡美人

Jiuzhaigou Valley

镜海 Mirror Lake

五花海 Five Flower Lake

火花海 Spark lake

飞瀑流辉 Flying Waterfall on Lotus Platform

金沙铺地 Golden Sand Field

白马藏族 Baima Tibetan Tribes

羌族 Qiang ethnic minority

金丝猴 Golden snub-nosed monkey

藏羚羊 White-lip deer

黑颈鹤 Black-neck crane

酥油茶 Buttered Tea

青稞酒 Barley wine

珍珠滩瀑布 Pearls Beach waterfall

剑岩 Sword Rock

雪山和原始森林 Snow-covered mountains and Primeval Forests

1、武陵源风景名胜区 Wulingyuan Scenic

2、张家界国家森林公园 Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

3、自然保护区 Natural Reserve

4、金鞭溪 the Golden Whip Stream

5、腰子寨 Kidneys Village

6、南天一柱 Southern Pillar

7、仙女献花 Fairy Flowers

8、天波府 Tianbo Mansion

9、摆手舞 Waving Dance

10、哭嫁歌 Weeping

11、吊脚楼 The Hanging House

12、织棉 Woven Cotton

13、琵琶 Chinese Lute

14、大鲵 Giant Salamander

15、国家二级保护动物 National Level 2 Protect Animals

16、国家级非物质文化遗产 national intangible cultural heritages World Natural Heritage世界自然遗产

World Biosphere Reserve世界生物圈保护区

Green Global 21绿色环球21

the national forest park国家森林公园

Southern Sky Column 南天一柱

Golden whip stream 金鞭溪

Yellow Dragon Cave 黄龙洞

Sea-calming Needle 定海神针

sub-primitive forests 次原始森林


Ngawa/Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture 阿坝藏族羌族自治州 Dujiangyan Irrigation system 都江堰水利工程

Jiuzhaigou Valley ,the Valley of Nine Villages 九寨沟

Zipingpu Water-Control Project 紫平铺水利枢纽工程

China ’s first environmental protection reservoir中国第一环保水库 Wolong National Nature Reserve for giant pandas卧龙大熊猫保护区 settlement of Qiang ethnic group 羌族聚居区

calcified landscape 钙化景观

virgin forests 原始森林

alms 高山草甸

stone forests 高山石林

Mogao Grottoes (Mogao Caves):

the Caves of the Thousand Buddhas 千佛洞

Manuscripts of the Dunhuang Caves敦煌写本 The Library Cave藏经洞

The silk road 丝绸之路 Buddhism 佛教 painted sculpture 彩塑

The Eastern louvre Museum东方卢浮宫

the UNESCO World Heritage Sites 联合国教科文组织的世界遗产保护单位

painted murals 壁画 flying Apsaras 飞天

Nirvana Day 涅槃节 Laba 腊八节 Tree of Buddha 菩提树

Seven-colored Lotus 七彩莲花台 Amitabha 阿弥陀佛

Guanyin/Goddess of Mercy 观世音菩萨

The Western Paradise 西方极乐世界

旅游festivals 词汇

Lunar calendar 农历 Lucky money 压岁钱

lion dancing 舞狮

guess riddles/play riddles 猜灯谜 Outing 踏青

Dragon Boat race 赛龙舟 Cowherd 牛郎

Weaver Maid 织女 Vega 织女星

magpie bridge 鹊桥 Aquila 天鹰座

Milky way/Silver river 银河 joss stick 线香

chrysanthemum 菊花 fake money 假钱

double-ninth cake 重阳糕 float lantern 放河灯

Expressions for scenic spots and others

Beijing: The Great Wall Tian’anmen Square The Forbidden City The Temple of Heaven

5. Handicraft and other Articles:

■ cloisonné enamels

■ ivory carvings

■ jade ware

■ the “Four treasures of the scholar”

■ scrolls of calligraphy and painting

■ embroidery and silk cloth

■ dough and clay figures

■ Beijing Roast Duck


1. The Mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen

2. The Linggu Temple

3. The Confucian Temple

4. Xuanwu Lake

5. Zhonghua Gate


1. The Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang

2. The Terracotta Warriors and Horses

3. The Greater Wild Goose Pagoda

4. The Xi'an City Wall


1. The West Lake

Sunset Glow over Leifeng Tower(雷峰夕照)

Listening to Orioles Singing in the Willows(柳浪闻莺)

Twin Peaks Piercing the Clouds(双峰插云)

Viewing Fish at Flower Harbor(花港观鱼)

Spring at the Su Causeway(苏堤春晓)

Lotus Flowers in the Breezing Winding Courtyard (曲院荷风)

Pinghu Autumn Moon(平湖秋月)

Three Pools Mirroring the Moon(三潭印月)

Duanqiao Bridge Snow(断桥残雪)

Evening Bell at Nanping Hill(南屏晚钟)

2. Lingyin Temple

Mawangdui Han Tombs 马王堆汉墓

lacquer ware 漆器

Map of Garrison 驻军图

textiles 纺织品

silk books 帛书

silk paintings 帛画

bamboo and wooden slips 简牍

T Shape Painting on Silk 马王堆T 型帛画

Garment of plain silk guaze 素纱禅衣

Colorful coffins giant coffin彩棺巨椁

archaeological discovery 考古发现

oriental sleeping beauty 东方睡美人

Jiuzhaigou Valley

镜海 Mirror Lake

五花海 Five Flower Lake

火花海 Spark lake

飞瀑流辉 Flying Waterfall on Lotus Platform

金沙铺地 Golden Sand Field

白马藏族 Baima Tibetan Tribes

羌族 Qiang ethnic minority

金丝猴 Golden snub-nosed monkey

藏羚羊 White-lip deer

黑颈鹤 Black-neck crane

酥油茶 Buttered Tea

青稞酒 Barley wine

珍珠滩瀑布 Pearls Beach waterfall

剑岩 Sword Rock

雪山和原始森林 Snow-covered mountains and Primeval Forests

1、武陵源风景名胜区 Wulingyuan Scenic

2、张家界国家森林公园 Zhangjiajie National Forest Park

3、自然保护区 Natural Reserve

4、金鞭溪 the Golden Whip Stream

5、腰子寨 Kidneys Village

6、南天一柱 Southern Pillar

7、仙女献花 Fairy Flowers

8、天波府 Tianbo Mansion

9、摆手舞 Waving Dance

10、哭嫁歌 Weeping

11、吊脚楼 The Hanging House

12、织棉 Woven Cotton

13、琵琶 Chinese Lute

14、大鲵 Giant Salamander

15、国家二级保护动物 National Level 2 Protect Animals

16、国家级非物质文化遗产 national intangible cultural heritages World Natural Heritage世界自然遗产

World Biosphere Reserve世界生物圈保护区

Green Global 21绿色环球21

the national forest park国家森林公园

Southern Sky Column 南天一柱

Golden whip stream 金鞭溪

Yellow Dragon Cave 黄龙洞

Sea-calming Needle 定海神针

sub-primitive forests 次原始森林


Ngawa/Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture 阿坝藏族羌族自治州 Dujiangyan Irrigation system 都江堰水利工程

Jiuzhaigou Valley ,the Valley of Nine Villages 九寨沟

Zipingpu Water-Control Project 紫平铺水利枢纽工程

China ’s first environmental protection reservoir中国第一环保水库 Wolong National Nature Reserve for giant pandas卧龙大熊猫保护区 settlement of Qiang ethnic group 羌族聚居区

calcified landscape 钙化景观

virgin forests 原始森林

alms 高山草甸

stone forests 高山石林


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