
1. 随着社会信息化程度的加强,信息通讯技术(简称ICT)凭借网络的飞速发展已渗透

到社会的各个领域,教育界也出现了以ICT的广泛应用为特征的发展趋势,并成为教育改革的强大动力。据我所知,我们京源学校也一直致力于ICT 教育的推动,那么现价段,就我们学校的教育教学工作中,怎么实施的ICT 教育?或者您怎么理解这一概念。

回答:建校以来,我们一直坚持科技进校园的理念,强调一线教师加强科学素养的培养,积极接受科技对于教育教学工作的不断革新,并努力学习尝试。目前来看,我校坚持把ICT 教育分为素养教育和适用教育两个方面。素养教育,即通过利用计算机和各种信息仪器以及多媒体器材等培养学生有关信息的生成、处理、分析、检索等基本信息素养的教育,使学生在学习和日常生活中遇到问题时能够积极运用信息技术去解决。而活用教育则是指以基本的信息素养能力为基础,在学习和日常生活中能积极活用信息技术的教育。通过将信息技术整合到各科课程中,发展学生的创造性思维能力和多样的学习活动能力,提高学生的自主学习能力。

2. 我们学校对ICT 教育的实施可谓特别的重视,那么您能简单介绍一下它的重要价值在哪


回答:ICT 开始走进中学校园,并逐渐将其实现课堂教学大容量、多信息、多趣味、高效率的优越性展示在中学教师面前。将计算机引进课堂,无疑是改进教学手段的一种突破。它集声音、图象、动画、文字于一台体的多种信息功能,使教学手段趋于全方位,多层次,创造了一个更合适学生学习的开放环境。促使教学效果达到最优化,培养了学生听说能力和运用英语交际的能力。具体来说,有这么几个优点:1. 有利于创造真实情景。2人机对话,及时反馈和监控学生可以根据自己的情况操作,可以查询难点;可以边看边跟读,学习地道的语音、语调。一个个动画的屏幕代替了传统的小黑板,幻灯片和书本上静止的画面、文字, 激发了学生的求知欲。在轻松愉快的环境中训练,开口说英语的能力大的增加了。教师则可以通过监控、对讲、切换功能,控制和了解学生的学习情况,为学生提供帮助。 3.能充分调动学生的积极性按信息论的观点,人们学习新知识的过程要经历感知—理解—记忆—运用几个阶段。ICT 集图形、文字、动画和声音等多种媒体技术为一体,交互或共同出现,能教长时间地吸引学生的注意力。使他们耳、眼、口、手并用,大的缩短他们的感知过程,激发了他们的求知欲,调动了学生的学习主动性。

3. 看来贵校对ICT 教育下了不少功夫,听说您在支持学校工作的同时还是一名特别推崇ICT

教育的英文教师,那么我想了解一下W hat are theteacher’s and student’s viewpoints of English Teaching with multimedia?What is (are) the problem(s) students run into while teachers are conducting English teaching with multimedia?



(1) Students can not take notes effectively because of the high speed of courseware. (2) Multimedia teaching negatively reduces the opportunities of emotional exchange between teachers and students because of the change from interpersonal communication to man-machine communication in classroom. (3) Multimedia courseware often serves as a platform for gathering materials and in fact becomes an electronic version of the traditional spoon-feeding education. Thus, many students become the passive recipients of information in class. (4) Multimedia teaching is not conducive to the training of students’ spoken English to a certain extent.

In response to these issues, under the guidance of the theory ofConstructivism and Humanism, explored the methods and measures in order todeal with the existing issues and proposed the related suggestions as follows: (1) Building a scientific classroom teaching mode; (2) Designing practical multimedia courseware;

(3) Strengthen emotional communication with students; (4) Further highlight the main role of students in learning(这段英文需要改里面的句子结构,修改成自己的话)

4. 您刚刚谈到了学生在ICT 教育中存在的问题以及相对应的解决办法,那么老

师在实施过程中是否也有一些问题呢,有没有组织过关于多媒体设备或软件的专业培训?Misunderstandings and Disadvantages of Multimedia Teaching in Teaching

回答:专业培训是必须有的,因为ICT 教育也是不断注入新鲜的血液的。比如最早我们使用投影,录音机教学,接着使用电脑多媒体操作平台,而后又推广片段录课,微格课,乃至最近的幕课的使用,这些当然需要专业的培训之后老师们才可以具体操作。同时,The time when computers have become popular in China is not long, so the co llege English teachers haven’tused them for a long time. Many young teachers can use them by training or self-study. They are lecturers orbachelors and they have very short teaching experiences. All the above restrict the multimedia teaching methodfrom becoming popular in school teaching.

Constructivist learning theory thinks that learners can’t get real knowledge by being taught, but byconstructing meaning under a certain social cultural background with others’ help. Of course, necessary studymaterial is needed. Under constructive study environment, teaching design should include not only the teachingtarget analysis but also creating a certain scene suitable for learners to study. We can say that multimedia teachingmethod is brought to bear in teaching and become a good tool of creating such a study scene. Butit’s a pity that in actual teaching teachers have some misunderstandings to multimedia teaching.

老师们在初步接触ICT 教学的时候,肯定有不少的问题,就拿英语这门学科来说吧。新颖动感的多媒体课件固然可以激起学生更大的学习兴趣,但也有可能使学生的注意力过分集中在多媒体技术的多种展示技巧上,而忽视了其本身所体现的教学内容,不知不觉把精神愉悦当作课堂最终目的,使课堂教学本末倒置。2、多媒体的不适当应用会使教师失去了课堂上的主导地位,使教师与学生之间成为简单的演示者与

被演示者之间的关系。3. 在与学生的互动交流上,多媒体教学与传统教学相比,没有任何优势可言,情感的互动性也并不理想。因此,现阶段我们觉得应该客观的认识多媒体教学的作用:多媒体只是一种教学辅助工具及手段,我们应当在适时、必要时才使用它。Teachers attending to trifles and neglecting the essentials, and English classroom becoming ademonstrating hall of computer functions

In order to prevent the students’ taste tiredness, teachers have made great efforts to design flowery and fancy courseware, but they have neglected the cognitive laws. They didn’t consider these factors very well such asteaching aim, teaching object, teaching content and teaching measures. Students roam about in the courseware,and teachers press the mouse on the platform ceaselessly. There is no essential distinction between such kind ofclass and traditional teaching; sometimes the former is not as good as the latter.

In English teaching, some teachers adopt multimedia teaching method without exception no matter what theteaching contents are. They haven’t realized that multimedia teaching

method is only an auxiliary one, and it isnot the whole teaching.

5. 谈了这么多,能看的出您在ICT 教育推进过程中不少下功夫了,那您能谈谈在今后教育教学过程中,怎么继续发展这种教育方式吗?

回答:我认为,继续完善ICT 教育的过程中,至少需要注意两点。1. 教师的主导作用在多媒体教学中至关重要。


2、多媒体有着其他媒体无法取代的特殊功效,但这并不意味着创新就一定要抛弃传统。传统的教学法有着它自身的存在价值。一个能花几分钟就能在一般教室完成的情景创设,没有必要花几个小时来制作一个GIF 或 FLASH 动画来完成。我们不要为了多媒体而多媒体,运用多媒体是为了搞好教学,所有的教学措施都是围绕着这个中心的。何况并不是每一堂课都适合做成课件的。(以下是相关的译文,但一点儿也不准确,仅供参考)

1. Teachers should change their ideas of using multimedia teaching。

The modernization of teaching media is not equal to teaching optimization. The determinant of teachingoptimization doesn’t rely on using whichever media but the education conception. An educationist said: “If ateacher uses undeveloped teaching idea and methods even though he uses modern teaching media, we can say thatthe students are infused by teacher and computer together instead of teacher.”

No matter how powerful the modern education technology is, it is only a kind of technology, and it onlyprovides a kind of possibility. It isn’t catholicon for all the diseases and we can’t depend on it excessively,otherwise we will lose go-aheadism. We should scan each role of teacher and students in class again. Students arethe main body and teachers are mentors. The reason why a good teacher teaches well is that he can inspire thestudents’ strong study desire and arouse their study interest. Even though this is still the teaching of a teacher, it

isdifferent essentially. The essential difference is that a good teacher has syncretized his teaching into the students’study. So we can draw a conclusion that the change of a teacher’s idea is far more impor tant than a kind ofteaching method.

2. According to the questionnaire for the student-subjects, some of them think thatsome courseware is too colorful to focus their attention and is often played at a fastspeed in teaching, so, it is hard for them to take notes. Besides, according to thequestionnaire for teacher-subjects, it is seen that multimedia is just an auxiliary means

of teaching. Therefore, teachers’ use of multimedia must be in a reasonable way. Theanswers of three questions related to teaching model in the questionnaires for both theteacher and student-subjects have clearly shown this idea.

Thus, teachers should continuously update their professional knowledge, fully absorb the effectivenetwork teaching resources, optimize their teaching courseware and ultimatelyimprove teaching effect.

However, the multimedia can not be abused to dominate the whole class.Multimedia teaching should be used proportionally and depends on the need of classtypes and teaching content (quoted from a student). It is only an adjunct teachingmode after all. Besides, teachers, through writing on the blackboard, passionateexplanations and humorous body language, can inspire the learning enthusiasm ofstudents and mobilize the creative thinking of students, thus creating a good learningatmosphere. Therefore, the traditional teaching method can not be completelyabandoned. It should be a necessary complement to multimedia teaching.

1. 随着社会信息化程度的加强,信息通讯技术(简称ICT)凭借网络的飞速发展已渗透

到社会的各个领域,教育界也出现了以ICT的广泛应用为特征的发展趋势,并成为教育改革的强大动力。据我所知,我们京源学校也一直致力于ICT 教育的推动,那么现价段,就我们学校的教育教学工作中,怎么实施的ICT 教育?或者您怎么理解这一概念。

回答:建校以来,我们一直坚持科技进校园的理念,强调一线教师加强科学素养的培养,积极接受科技对于教育教学工作的不断革新,并努力学习尝试。目前来看,我校坚持把ICT 教育分为素养教育和适用教育两个方面。素养教育,即通过利用计算机和各种信息仪器以及多媒体器材等培养学生有关信息的生成、处理、分析、检索等基本信息素养的教育,使学生在学习和日常生活中遇到问题时能够积极运用信息技术去解决。而活用教育则是指以基本的信息素养能力为基础,在学习和日常生活中能积极活用信息技术的教育。通过将信息技术整合到各科课程中,发展学生的创造性思维能力和多样的学习活动能力,提高学生的自主学习能力。

2. 我们学校对ICT 教育的实施可谓特别的重视,那么您能简单介绍一下它的重要价值在哪


回答:ICT 开始走进中学校园,并逐渐将其实现课堂教学大容量、多信息、多趣味、高效率的优越性展示在中学教师面前。将计算机引进课堂,无疑是改进教学手段的一种突破。它集声音、图象、动画、文字于一台体的多种信息功能,使教学手段趋于全方位,多层次,创造了一个更合适学生学习的开放环境。促使教学效果达到最优化,培养了学生听说能力和运用英语交际的能力。具体来说,有这么几个优点:1. 有利于创造真实情景。2人机对话,及时反馈和监控学生可以根据自己的情况操作,可以查询难点;可以边看边跟读,学习地道的语音、语调。一个个动画的屏幕代替了传统的小黑板,幻灯片和书本上静止的画面、文字, 激发了学生的求知欲。在轻松愉快的环境中训练,开口说英语的能力大的增加了。教师则可以通过监控、对讲、切换功能,控制和了解学生的学习情况,为学生提供帮助。 3.能充分调动学生的积极性按信息论的观点,人们学习新知识的过程要经历感知—理解—记忆—运用几个阶段。ICT 集图形、文字、动画和声音等多种媒体技术为一体,交互或共同出现,能教长时间地吸引学生的注意力。使他们耳、眼、口、手并用,大的缩短他们的感知过程,激发了他们的求知欲,调动了学生的学习主动性。

3. 看来贵校对ICT 教育下了不少功夫,听说您在支持学校工作的同时还是一名特别推崇ICT

教育的英文教师,那么我想了解一下W hat are theteacher’s and student’s viewpoints of English Teaching with multimedia?What is (are) the problem(s) students run into while teachers are conducting English teaching with multimedia?



(1) Students can not take notes effectively because of the high speed of courseware. (2) Multimedia teaching negatively reduces the opportunities of emotional exchange between teachers and students because of the change from interpersonal communication to man-machine communication in classroom. (3) Multimedia courseware often serves as a platform for gathering materials and in fact becomes an electronic version of the traditional spoon-feeding education. Thus, many students become the passive recipients of information in class. (4) Multimedia teaching is not conducive to the training of students’ spoken English to a certain extent.

In response to these issues, under the guidance of the theory ofConstructivism and Humanism, explored the methods and measures in order todeal with the existing issues and proposed the related suggestions as follows: (1) Building a scientific classroom teaching mode; (2) Designing practical multimedia courseware;

(3) Strengthen emotional communication with students; (4) Further highlight the main role of students in learning(这段英文需要改里面的句子结构,修改成自己的话)

4. 您刚刚谈到了学生在ICT 教育中存在的问题以及相对应的解决办法,那么老

师在实施过程中是否也有一些问题呢,有没有组织过关于多媒体设备或软件的专业培训?Misunderstandings and Disadvantages of Multimedia Teaching in Teaching

回答:专业培训是必须有的,因为ICT 教育也是不断注入新鲜的血液的。比如最早我们使用投影,录音机教学,接着使用电脑多媒体操作平台,而后又推广片段录课,微格课,乃至最近的幕课的使用,这些当然需要专业的培训之后老师们才可以具体操作。同时,The time when computers have become popular in China is not long, so the co llege English teachers haven’tused them for a long time. Many young teachers can use them by training or self-study. They are lecturers orbachelors and they have very short teaching experiences. All the above restrict the multimedia teaching methodfrom becoming popular in school teaching.

Constructivist learning theory thinks that learners can’t get real knowledge by being taught, but byconstructing meaning under a certain social cultural background with others’ help. Of course, necessary studymaterial is needed. Under constructive study environment, teaching design should include not only the teachingtarget analysis but also creating a certain scene suitable for learners to study. We can say that multimedia teachingmethod is brought to bear in teaching and become a good tool of creating such a study scene. Butit’s a pity that in actual teaching teachers have some misunderstandings to multimedia teaching.

老师们在初步接触ICT 教学的时候,肯定有不少的问题,就拿英语这门学科来说吧。新颖动感的多媒体课件固然可以激起学生更大的学习兴趣,但也有可能使学生的注意力过分集中在多媒体技术的多种展示技巧上,而忽视了其本身所体现的教学内容,不知不觉把精神愉悦当作课堂最终目的,使课堂教学本末倒置。2、多媒体的不适当应用会使教师失去了课堂上的主导地位,使教师与学生之间成为简单的演示者与

被演示者之间的关系。3. 在与学生的互动交流上,多媒体教学与传统教学相比,没有任何优势可言,情感的互动性也并不理想。因此,现阶段我们觉得应该客观的认识多媒体教学的作用:多媒体只是一种教学辅助工具及手段,我们应当在适时、必要时才使用它。Teachers attending to trifles and neglecting the essentials, and English classroom becoming ademonstrating hall of computer functions

In order to prevent the students’ taste tiredness, teachers have made great efforts to design flowery and fancy courseware, but they have neglected the cognitive laws. They didn’t consider these factors very well such asteaching aim, teaching object, teaching content and teaching measures. Students roam about in the courseware,and teachers press the mouse on the platform ceaselessly. There is no essential distinction between such kind ofclass and traditional teaching; sometimes the former is not as good as the latter.

In English teaching, some teachers adopt multimedia teaching method without exception no matter what theteaching contents are. They haven’t realized that multimedia teaching

method is only an auxiliary one, and it isnot the whole teaching.

5. 谈了这么多,能看的出您在ICT 教育推进过程中不少下功夫了,那您能谈谈在今后教育教学过程中,怎么继续发展这种教育方式吗?

回答:我认为,继续完善ICT 教育的过程中,至少需要注意两点。1. 教师的主导作用在多媒体教学中至关重要。


2、多媒体有着其他媒体无法取代的特殊功效,但这并不意味着创新就一定要抛弃传统。传统的教学法有着它自身的存在价值。一个能花几分钟就能在一般教室完成的情景创设,没有必要花几个小时来制作一个GIF 或 FLASH 动画来完成。我们不要为了多媒体而多媒体,运用多媒体是为了搞好教学,所有的教学措施都是围绕着这个中心的。何况并不是每一堂课都适合做成课件的。(以下是相关的译文,但一点儿也不准确,仅供参考)

1. Teachers should change their ideas of using multimedia teaching。

The modernization of teaching media is not equal to teaching optimization. The determinant of teachingoptimization doesn’t rely on using whichever media but the education conception. An educationist said: “If ateacher uses undeveloped teaching idea and methods even though he uses modern teaching media, we can say thatthe students are infused by teacher and computer together instead of teacher.”

No matter how powerful the modern education technology is, it is only a kind of technology, and it onlyprovides a kind of possibility. It isn’t catholicon for all the diseases and we can’t depend on it excessively,otherwise we will lose go-aheadism. We should scan each role of teacher and students in class again. Students arethe main body and teachers are mentors. The reason why a good teacher teaches well is that he can inspire thestudents’ strong study desire and arouse their study interest. Even though this is still the teaching of a teacher, it

isdifferent essentially. The essential difference is that a good teacher has syncretized his teaching into the students’study. So we can draw a conclusion that the change of a teacher’s idea is far more impor tant than a kind ofteaching method.

2. According to the questionnaire for the student-subjects, some of them think thatsome courseware is too colorful to focus their attention and is often played at a fastspeed in teaching, so, it is hard for them to take notes. Besides, according to thequestionnaire for teacher-subjects, it is seen that multimedia is just an auxiliary means

of teaching. Therefore, teachers’ use of multimedia must be in a reasonable way. Theanswers of three questions related to teaching model in the questionnaires for both theteacher and student-subjects have clearly shown this idea.

Thus, teachers should continuously update their professional knowledge, fully absorb the effectivenetwork teaching resources, optimize their teaching courseware and ultimatelyimprove teaching effect.

However, the multimedia can not be abused to dominate the whole class.Multimedia teaching should be used proportionally and depends on the need of classtypes and teaching content (quoted from a student). It is only an adjunct teachingmode after all. Besides, teachers, through writing on the blackboard, passionateexplanations and humorous body language, can inspire the learning enthusiasm ofstudents and mobilize the creative thinking of students, thus creating a good learningatmosphere. Therefore, the traditional teaching method can not be completelyabandoned. It should be a necessary complement to multimedia teaching.


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  • 浅谈网格化服务管理 网格化服务管理是适应管理工作新形势的根本要求,通过构建服务管理网络,重点搭建服务管理工作平台,把化解矛盾和服务群众作为工作落脚点,积极应对经济发展中网格内日益凸显的社会矛盾,形成了"网中有格.格中有人.人尽其责 ...查看

  • 一.会计的特点和现状
  • 一.会计的特点和现状 会计是商品经济的产物,随着改革开放的进一步深入发展和社会主义市场经济体制的确立,我国会计改革必须与经济改革同步进行,实行会计模式的重大转变,以促进工作的全面发展和水平的不断提高,更好地为发展社会主义市场经济服务. (一 ...查看

  • 关于大学生专业认识和毕业后发展方向的调查报告
  • 分析大学生专业认识情况和毕业后发展方向 2013-8 摘 要:如今,随着中国人口的增长,国家为了普及大众的受教育程度,近些年来颁布了一系列的措施, 高校近年来的扩招给大多数中国青年提供了受教育的机会,但是这同时也给中国大学生的就业带来了一定 ...查看

  • 信息时代的企业管理方法分析
  • [摘 要]企业管理是企业这艘巨轮顺利远航的重要保障,对企业发展,以及员工的生产生活有着至关重要的作用.随着我国社会经济的飞速发展,以及信息化时代的到来,人们对企业管理方法有了新的认识,要求也越来越高,迫切需要构建一套科学.合理的企业管理机制 ...查看
