
(广州版小学三年级上册单词复习练习) 根据句子开头的中文提示,填入所缺的单词。

1. 兄弟 2. 他的 3. 你的 4. 我的 5. 漂亮的女士 6. 我们的新老师 7. 见到 8. 也是 9. 早上 10. 下午 11. 怎样 12. 身体好 13. 谢谢 14. 洗手 15. 洗脸 16. 刷牙 17. 梳头 18. 眼睛 19. 嘴巴 20. 鼻子 21. 头 22. 脚趾 23. 双臂 24. 左腿 25. 右臂 26. 身体 27. 脚 26.铅笔 27. 在你的书桌上 28. 床 29. 铅笔盒 30. 桌子 31. 这里

32. 椅子; 在…下面33. 箱子; 在角落

34. 橡皮; 尺子 35. 袋子; 架子 36. 收拾; 书包 37. 借给 38. 给你。

This is my __________. __________ name is Jiamin. What ’s __________ name? __________ name is Janet.

Who ’s that __________ __________.

She ’s __________ __________ __________, Miss Lee. Nice to __________ you. Me, __________. Good __________. Good __________. __________ are you? I ’m __________. __________ you.

Please __________ your __________ before(在…之前) eating(吃东西). Please __________ your __________ after(在…之后起床). Please __________ your __________ after eating.

外出). Sally has two big(大的) __________. Tom has a big __________. Jim has a high(高的) _________. Peter likes to shake(摇) his __________. Touch your __________. Raise your __________.

Raise your __________ __________. Raise your __________ __________. This is my __________. These are my __________. Where ’s my __________?

It ’s __________ __________ __________. Is this your __________? Where is my ___________? Is it on the ___________? __________ it is!

Put the ___________ ___________ the table, please. Put the ___________ in the _________, please. Please put the __________ and the ___________ here. Put the __________ on the __________, please. __________ your ___________ quickly(赶快). Can you __________ me a pen? __________ you are.

39. 看 40. 彩虹 41. 涂颜色 42. 蓝色 43. 绿色 44. 红色 45. 粉色 46. 紫色 47. 橙色 48. 黄色 49. 白色 50. 黑色 51. 褐色 52. 灰色 53. 坐 54. 故事时间 55. 飞机 56. 小鸟 57. 公共汽车 58. 自行车 59. 轮船 60. 摩托车 61. 卡车 62. 小船 63. 出租车

写出以下数字的英文 一: 六: 十一:


eye nose toe bus circle

___________! What is that? It ’s a __________.

Let ’s __________ this picture. The sky(天空) is __________. The grass(草地) is __________. The girl’s hat(帽子) is ___________. Her dress(裙子) is ___________. Her shoes(鞋子) are __________. She has an __________ bag.

There are some __________ butterflies(蝴蝶).

在追逐) the butterflies. A little __________ dog is chasing the cat.

There are some ____________ mushrooms(蘑菇) under a tree. 在采集) mushrooms. Come and ___________ with me. It ’s __________ __________. It ’s not a __________. It ’s a _________.

I often(经常Do you like(喜欢) riding(骑) ___________? We can go to that island(岛) by __________. My brother can ride(骑) __________. He is a __________ driver(司机). There is a __________ in the lake(湖).

Sometimes(有时) we go to my grandmother’s home by __________.

二: 七: 十二:

三: 八: 十三:

四: 九: 十四:

五: 十: 十五:

ship taxi truck triangle mouth

plane thumb finger foot hair

rectangle ear bike hand spaceship

arm lip teeth boat head

leg motorbike square face

body (身体部分):___________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

traffic tool (交通工具) :______________________________________________________________________________ shape (形状) :______________________________________________________________________________________

(广州版小学三年级上册单词复习练习) 根据句子开头的中文提示,填入所缺的单词。

1. 兄弟 2. 他的 3. 你的 4. 我的 5. 漂亮的女士 6. 我们的新老师 7. 见到 8. 也是 9. 早上 10. 下午 11. 怎样 12. 身体好 13. 谢谢 14. 洗手 15. 洗脸 16. 刷牙 17. 梳头 18. 眼睛 19. 嘴巴 20. 鼻子 21. 头 22. 脚趾 23. 双臂 24. 左腿 25. 右臂 26. 身体 27. 脚 26.铅笔 27. 在你的书桌上 28. 床 29. 铅笔盒 30. 桌子 31. 这里

32. 椅子; 在…下面33. 箱子; 在角落

34. 橡皮; 尺子 35. 袋子; 架子 36. 收拾; 书包 37. 借给 38. 给你。

This is my __________. __________ name is Jiamin. What ’s __________ name? __________ name is Janet.

Who ’s that __________ __________.

She ’s __________ __________ __________, Miss Lee. Nice to __________ you. Me, __________. Good __________. Good __________. __________ are you? I ’m __________. __________ you.

Please __________ your __________ before(在…之前) eating(吃东西). Please __________ your __________ after(在…之后起床). Please __________ your __________ after eating.

外出). Sally has two big(大的) __________. Tom has a big __________. Jim has a high(高的) _________. Peter likes to shake(摇) his __________. Touch your __________. Raise your __________.

Raise your __________ __________. Raise your __________ __________. This is my __________. These are my __________. Where ’s my __________?

It ’s __________ __________ __________. Is this your __________? Where is my ___________? Is it on the ___________? __________ it is!

Put the ___________ ___________ the table, please. Put the ___________ in the _________, please. Please put the __________ and the ___________ here. Put the __________ on the __________, please. __________ your ___________ quickly(赶快). Can you __________ me a pen? __________ you are.

39. 看 40. 彩虹 41. 涂颜色 42. 蓝色 43. 绿色 44. 红色 45. 粉色 46. 紫色 47. 橙色 48. 黄色 49. 白色 50. 黑色 51. 褐色 52. 灰色 53. 坐 54. 故事时间 55. 飞机 56. 小鸟 57. 公共汽车 58. 自行车 59. 轮船 60. 摩托车 61. 卡车 62. 小船 63. 出租车

写出以下数字的英文 一: 六: 十一:


eye nose toe bus circle

___________! What is that? It ’s a __________.

Let ’s __________ this picture. The sky(天空) is __________. The grass(草地) is __________. The girl’s hat(帽子) is ___________. Her dress(裙子) is ___________. Her shoes(鞋子) are __________. She has an __________ bag.

There are some __________ butterflies(蝴蝶).

在追逐) the butterflies. A little __________ dog is chasing the cat.

There are some ____________ mushrooms(蘑菇) under a tree. 在采集) mushrooms. Come and ___________ with me. It ’s __________ __________. It ’s not a __________. It ’s a _________.

I often(经常Do you like(喜欢) riding(骑) ___________? We can go to that island(岛) by __________. My brother can ride(骑) __________. He is a __________ driver(司机). There is a __________ in the lake(湖).

Sometimes(有时) we go to my grandmother’s home by __________.

二: 七: 十二:

三: 八: 十三:

四: 九: 十四:

五: 十: 十五:

ship taxi truck triangle mouth

plane thumb finger foot hair

rectangle ear bike hand spaceship

arm lip teeth boat head

leg motorbike square face

body (身体部分):___________________________________________________________________________________

___________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________

traffic tool (交通工具) :______________________________________________________________________________ shape (形状) :______________________________________________________________________________________


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