

Ø 举例说明

1) … is often cited as an example.

2) A good case in point is…

3) The most dramatic example is…

4) To the familiar facts, another may be added.

5) As an illustration, we may take…

6) Consider the case of…

7) Take…for example.

8) I recall from my childhood that…

9) A very similar story can be told.

10) Such examples might be given indefinitely.

11) I can think of no better illustration than…

12) The case is only one example.

13) Suppose that…

14) Legend has it that…

15) Let us suppose that…

16) Just think of…

17) Just imagine what would be like if…

18) To illustrate this point, let us consider…

19) A study of… will make this point clear.

Ø 引用权威

1) …, wrote Edison, a great inventor.

2) Many years ago, a writer remarked that…

3) As one scientist wrote, …

4) A noted teacher once told me…

5) Many researchers find that…

Ø 深入阐述

1) But that’s only part of the story

2) Another equally important aspect is

3) Closely connected with this is

4) … may further be supported by

5) … is but one of many effects. Another is

6) So does…

7) Not only…but also…



Ø 举例说明

1) … is often cited as an example.

2) A good case in point is…

3) The most dramatic example is…

4) To the familiar facts, another may be added.

5) As an illustration, we may take…

6) Consider the case of…

7) Take…for example.

8) I recall from my childhood that…

9) A very similar story can be told.

10) Such examples might be given indefinitely.

11) I can think of no better illustration than…

12) The case is only one example.

13) Suppose that…

14) Legend has it that…

15) Let us suppose that…

16) Just think of…

17) Just imagine what would be like if…

18) To illustrate this point, let us consider…

19) A study of… will make this point clear.

Ø 引用权威

1) …, wrote Edison, a great inventor.

2) Many years ago, a writer remarked that…

3) As one scientist wrote, …

4) A noted teacher once told me…

5) Many researchers find that…

Ø 深入阐述

1) But that’s only part of the story

2) Another equally important aspect is

3) Closely connected with this is

4) … may further be supported by

5) … is but one of many effects. Another is

6) So does…

7) Not only…but also…



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