

【2013铜仁】1.—I really hate to go to such a noisy place.


A. So am I           B. So do I             C. So have I            D. So can I

【2013黄石】2. I can’t play the piano, and _______.

A. neither can my sister                        B. my sister can’t, too

C. so can’t my sister                                   D. can my sister, either

【2013遂宁】3.His father likes keeping dogs and        .

A.so is his mother       B.so his mother does       C.so does his mother

【2013兰州】4.    — I’m not going swimming tomorrow afternoon.

— ________. I have to clean up my bedroom.

A. So am I                B. Neither am I             C. Neither I am      D. S o I am

【2013泉州】5.—It’s snowing so heavily! I prefer to stay at home and read a novel.

—______________. I hate going out on such a cold day!

A. So do I                  B. So I do                        C. Neither do I

【2013娄底】6.—Lily and I will go to the old people’s home this weekend.


A. So will I                   B. So I will             C. So do I

【2013毕节】7.If you go to the theater this evening, so ________ I.

A.will           B.should         C,do            D.am

【2013齐齐哈尔】8.—Mary likes playing basketball very much.


A.So does Amy          B.So Amy is           C.So Amy does

【2013乌鲁木齐】9.—I don’t like documentaries.


A. So do I         B. So I do       C. Neither do I        D.Either do I

【2013烟台】10.—Would you like to go to the amusement park?

—If Jack does, ______________.

A.I go, too        B.so will I        c.neither will I       D.so do I

【2013黔东南】11.—We have never been to Mexico, what about Jeff?

—___________. He hopes to visit it some day.

A.Neither has he      B.Neither does he       C.So has he         D.So does he

【2013巴中】12.—Tom loves his classmates and teachers.


A.So do I            B.So I do              C.Neither do I


【2013铜仁】1.—I really hate to go to such a noisy place.


A. So am I           B. So do I             C. So have I            D. So can I

【2013黄石】2. I can’t play the piano, and _______.

A. neither can my sister                        B. my sister can’t, too

C. so can’t my sister                                   D. can my sister, either

【2013遂宁】3.His father likes keeping dogs and        .

A.so is his mother       B.so his mother does       C.so does his mother

【2013兰州】4.    — I’m not going swimming tomorrow afternoon.

— ________. I have to clean up my bedroom.

A. So am I                B. Neither am I             C. Neither I am      D. S o I am

【2013泉州】5.—It’s snowing so heavily! I prefer to stay at home and read a novel.

—______________. I hate going out on such a cold day!

A. So do I                  B. So I do                        C. Neither do I

【2013娄底】6.—Lily and I will go to the old people’s home this weekend.


A. So will I                   B. So I will             C. So do I

【2013毕节】7.If you go to the theater this evening, so ________ I.

A.will           B.should         C,do            D.am

【2013齐齐哈尔】8.—Mary likes playing basketball very much.


A.So does Amy          B.So Amy is           C.So Amy does

【2013乌鲁木齐】9.—I don’t like documentaries.


A. So do I         B. So I do       C. Neither do I        D.Either do I

【2013烟台】10.—Would you like to go to the amusement park?

—If Jack does, ______________.

A.I go, too        B.so will I        c.neither will I       D.so do I

【2013黔东南】11.—We have never been to Mexico, what about Jeff?

—___________. He hopes to visit it some day.

A.Neither has he      B.Neither does he       C.So has he         D.So does he

【2013巴中】12.—Tom loves his classmates and teachers.


A.So do I            B.So I do              C.Neither do I


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