
《The Journey of Little Water Drop》教学设计

长春市佟家中心校 李昕蔚







(一)学生能掌握单词:up,shine, over, tree, ground





(一)词汇:up,shine, over, tree, ground




(一)教学方法:Task-based language teaching, heuristic method

(二)资源运用: 多媒体,图片



多媒体呈现水龙头动画,先快速流水,问学生:What’s this? 然后滴水,问学生What’s this?引出小水滴Little water drop.


Play the video of the journey of little water drop(是学生提前感知文章内容)


1、Ask Ss to scan the para1 and find out the unknown words, they can discuss them in group first then teacher will explains them in detail.

Ask Ss to skim the passage carefully and answer the questions given by teacher: Where is little water drop? Then teacher give the answer and present it on the blackboard.

2、Ask Ss to scan the para2 and find out the unknown words, they can discuss them in group first then teacher will explains them in detail.

Ask Ss to skim the passage carefully and answer the questions given by teacher: Where is little water drop now and how does it get there? Then teacher give the answers and present it on the blackboard.

3、Ask Ss to scan the para3 , para4 and find out the unknown words, they can discuss them in group first then teacher will explains them in detail.

Ask Ss to skim the passage carefully and answer the questions given by teacher: Where is little water drop now and how does it get there? Then teacher give the answers and present it on the blackboard.


1、Ask Ss to try to retell the story according to the main points on the blackboard. Then teacher perfects Ss’ retelling and further extend to explain the Water Cycle.

2、Fill in the blank

3、Play the video of water problem and encourage Ss to think about the way of solving the problem so that to arouse Ss’ awareness of protecting water resource and saving water.


Ask Ss to think about or search on line more ways of solving water problem. 九教师反思


2)黑板上的main points呈现要简洁明了,适当配图。


《The Journey of Little Water Drop》教学设计

长春市佟家中心校 李昕蔚







(一)学生能掌握单词:up,shine, over, tree, ground





(一)词汇:up,shine, over, tree, ground




(一)教学方法:Task-based language teaching, heuristic method

(二)资源运用: 多媒体,图片



多媒体呈现水龙头动画,先快速流水,问学生:What’s this? 然后滴水,问学生What’s this?引出小水滴Little water drop.


Play the video of the journey of little water drop(是学生提前感知文章内容)


1、Ask Ss to scan the para1 and find out the unknown words, they can discuss them in group first then teacher will explains them in detail.

Ask Ss to skim the passage carefully and answer the questions given by teacher: Where is little water drop? Then teacher give the answer and present it on the blackboard.

2、Ask Ss to scan the para2 and find out the unknown words, they can discuss them in group first then teacher will explains them in detail.

Ask Ss to skim the passage carefully and answer the questions given by teacher: Where is little water drop now and how does it get there? Then teacher give the answers and present it on the blackboard.

3、Ask Ss to scan the para3 , para4 and find out the unknown words, they can discuss them in group first then teacher will explains them in detail.

Ask Ss to skim the passage carefully and answer the questions given by teacher: Where is little water drop now and how does it get there? Then teacher give the answers and present it on the blackboard.


1、Ask Ss to try to retell the story according to the main points on the blackboard. Then teacher perfects Ss’ retelling and further extend to explain the Water Cycle.

2、Fill in the blank

3、Play the video of water problem and encourage Ss to think about the way of solving the problem so that to arouse Ss’ awareness of protecting water resource and saving water.


Ask Ss to think about or search on line more ways of solving water problem. 九教师反思


2)黑板上的main points呈现要简洁明了,适当配图。



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