夜莺颂 赏析

Enjoy Ode to a Nightingale

Ode to a Nightingale is a poem written by John Keats in May 1819. John Keats was one of the well-known English Romantic poets in the 18th century. During his life, he wrote many famous poets, such as On a Greeian Urn、To Psyche and so on, having great influence on the later poets after his death. This poetry has eight stanzas, and when it came to vowel forms, Keats incorporated a pattern of alternating historically "short" and "long" vowel sounds in his ode. In particular, in " And purple-stained mouth" has the historical pattern of "short" followed by "long" followed by "short" and followed by "long". This alteration is continued in longer lines, including this sentence ("Away! away! for I will fly to thee") which contains five pairs of alternations. However, other lines, such as the sentence ("Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains") rely on a pattern of five "short" vowels followed by "long" vowel and "short" vowel pairings until it ends with a "long" vowel. These are not the only combination patterns present, and there are patterns of two "short" vowels followed by a "long" vowel in other lines, which are repeated twice and then followed up with two sets of "short" vowel and then "long" vowel pairs. Ode to a Nightingale describes a series of conflicts between reality and the Romantic ideal of uniting with nature, including the antitheses of pleasure and pain, of imagination and reality, of fullness and privation, of permanence and change, of nature and the human, of art and life, freedom and bondage, waking and dream. In the Ode, the nightingale's song is the dominant image and dominant "voice". Also the nightingale is the object of empathy and praise

within the poem. However, the nightingale and the description of the nightingale are not simply about the bird or the song, but implies the author’s feelings and sprits. The poem ends with an acceptance that pleasure cannot last and that death is an inevitable part of life. In the poem, Keats imagines the loss of the physical world and sees himself dead —as a "sod" over which the nightingale sings. The contrast between the immortal nightingale and mortal man, sitting in his garden, is made all the more acute by an effort of the imagination.

Enjoy Ode to a Nightingale

Ode to a Nightingale is a poem written by John Keats in May 1819. John Keats was one of the well-known English Romantic poets in the 18th century. During his life, he wrote many famous poets, such as On a Greeian Urn、To Psyche and so on, having great influence on the later poets after his death. This poetry has eight stanzas, and when it came to vowel forms, Keats incorporated a pattern of alternating historically "short" and "long" vowel sounds in his ode. In particular, in " And purple-stained mouth" has the historical pattern of "short" followed by "long" followed by "short" and followed by "long". This alteration is continued in longer lines, including this sentence ("Away! away! for I will fly to thee") which contains five pairs of alternations. However, other lines, such as the sentence ("Or emptied some dull opiate to the drains") rely on a pattern of five "short" vowels followed by "long" vowel and "short" vowel pairings until it ends with a "long" vowel. These are not the only combination patterns present, and there are patterns of two "short" vowels followed by a "long" vowel in other lines, which are repeated twice and then followed up with two sets of "short" vowel and then "long" vowel pairs. Ode to a Nightingale describes a series of conflicts between reality and the Romantic ideal of uniting with nature, including the antitheses of pleasure and pain, of imagination and reality, of fullness and privation, of permanence and change, of nature and the human, of art and life, freedom and bondage, waking and dream. In the Ode, the nightingale's song is the dominant image and dominant "voice". Also the nightingale is the object of empathy and praise

within the poem. However, the nightingale and the description of the nightingale are not simply about the bird or the song, but implies the author’s feelings and sprits. The poem ends with an acceptance that pleasure cannot last and that death is an inevitable part of life. In the poem, Keats imagines the loss of the physical world and sees himself dead —as a "sod" over which the nightingale sings. The contrast between the immortal nightingale and mortal man, sitting in his garden, is made all the more acute by an effort of the imagination.


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