Unit 6 必背重点句子

Unit 6必背重点句子


1. What kind(type) of music do you like?

I like music that(which) I can dance to.


2. Rosa likes music that is quiet and gentle.罗莎喜欢安静柔和的音乐。

3. I love singers/musicians who(that) write their own lyrics /music.


4. We prefer music that has great lyrics.我更喜欢歌词很棒的音乐。

=We like music that has great lyrics better.

5.The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music.


6.I prefer classical music to pop music. 比起流行音乐来我更喜欢古典音乐。

like classical music better than pop music.

7.I love eating icecream on a hot day.There’s nothing better!

大热天我爱吃冰淇淋, 那再好不过了。

8.I can’t stand hamburgers! They make me feel sick.


9.Some of her best loved photos are on display in this exhibition.


10.I’d like to stay healthy(keep healthy/keep fit),but to be honest

(=to tell you the truth),I only eat food that tastes good.


11.Food that is bad for you can taste good!


12.I stay away from sugar, you do too, don’t you?


13.I think most people are in agreement that fruit and vegetables

are good for health.


1.prefer…to…=like …better than…喜欢…胜过… 2.remind of提醒…

3.Y ellow River 黄河 4.suit sb fine很合某人的意,对某人很合适

5.to be honest老实说,说实在的 6.be bad for… 对…有害

7.be good for …对…有好处 8.be in agreement意见一致

9.keep away from=stay away from 与…保持距离

10.tag question附加疑问句 11.dance to music随着音乐跳舞

12.sing along with music 跟着音乐唱歌

13.I like music that I can dance to. 我喜欢我能跟着跳舞的音乐。

14.I prefer music that I can sing along with .喜欢我能跟着唱歌的音乐。

15.I prefer musicians who play different kinds of music.


16.What kind of music do you like? 你喜欢那种音乐?


17.What’s the name of your favorite CD?

你最喜欢的CD 的名字是什么?

18.What do you dislike about this CD? 你不喜欢这张CD 的什么?

19.What do you think of this CD?

=How do you like this CD ? 你觉得这张CD 怎么样?

20.Brazilian dance music 巴西舞蹈音乐

21.That’s not really important to me. 那对我来说真的不是很重要。

22.over the years这些年来, 很多年来

23.look for entertainment寻求娱乐,找乐子 它的确有些特色。

25.be sure to do务必做…,记住做。26.at the Lido Gallery在Lido 展馆

27.in the world today=in the modern world 当今世界上

28.one of the best-known Chinese photographers

最著名的中国摄影师之一 29.in this exhibition在这次展览中

30.on show=on display=on exhibition展览

31.photos of people人物照 32.photos of the countryside 乡村照

33.interest sb吸引某人的注意 34.world class世界水准,世界级

35.Whatever (无论什么), however(无论怎样)

whoever (无论谁 ) ,wherever (无论哪里 )

36.musical groups with pretty strange names 有十分奇怪的名字的音乐组合

37.see sb come and go看见某人来来去去

38.make us happy 使我们高兴 39.go on vacation 去度假

40.There’s nothing better. 没有什么比这更好的了。

41.can’t stand 无法忍受 42.make me feel sick使我感到恶心

43.write a reply to sb写一封回信给44.my host family 我的房东一家

45.have to be honest and say必须坦白的说46.get together聚会,碰头

47.a good place to visit游览的好地 48.tradinional music传统音乐

49.Chinese music concert民乐音乐会 50.get-together 聚会(n.)

51.go for Italian food去吃意大利食物

52.many different kinds of food许多不同种类的食物

53.take sb to an Indian film festival 带某人参加印度电影节

54.I only eat food that tastes good.我只吃味道好的食物。

55.keep healthy=stay healthy 保持健康

56.a group of young people 一群年

57.it’s been found in laboratory testing that…实验证明

58.some types of oil 几种类型的油 59.cause cancer 致癌

60.increase the risk of cancer 增加得癌症的风险

61.increase by …增加了 62.increase to … 增加到

63.The population has increased by 200000 to 50000000.


64.well cooked 烤透了的 65.a balanced diet 均衡的饮食

66.The main thing is to have a good balance. 重要的是要吃得均衡。

67.an exclamation感叹句 68.a contraction 缩略词

69.tasty food 味道好的食物 74.a strict vegetarian严格的素食主义者

70.fried food油炸食品 71.on a hot day在热天

1. I prefer music that has great lyrics. (P44)我更喜欢有好歌词的音乐。

prefer 是及物动词,意为“宁愿,更喜欢”,相当于like better。

Which do you prefer(=like better), rice or bread?



◎prefer+(doing) sth+to (doing) sth


I prefer pears to any other fruit. 我喜欢梨胜过其他的水果。

My grandma prefers taking a walk to sitting in front of the TV.


◎prefer to do sth+rather than do sth


My brother preferred to do his homework rather than go to the zoo. 我的弟弟宁愿做作业而不愿去动物园。

1. prefer动词 更喜欢 宁愿 更喜欢某事 我更喜欢英语。 宁愿做某事 我宁愿坐着。 同…相比更喜欢… 与猫相比我更喜欢狗。 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 我宁愿走路也不愿坐着。

2.The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music.(P46)


remind sb of sb/sth表示“使某人回想起某人/某物”。

This song reminds me of China. 这首歌曲使我想起了中国。

3. What do you think of it? (P46)你认为它怎么样?

think of和what 连用,表示“觉得……怎样”,“认为……如何”,常用来询问对方对某人或某一事物的看法、感受、印象如何,相当于How do you like...?

4. .they don’t interest me as much. (P48)…它们同样唤不起我的兴趣。

(1)interest 作动词时,表示“使发生兴趣,引起注意”。

The story does not interest me. 这故事引不起我的兴趣。

I try to interest him in our plan. 我设法使他对我们的计划感兴趣。

◎interest sb in doing sth

He tried to interest me in buying the house. 他想说服我买这座房子。(2)as much在句中表示“同样地,同等程度地”。

That is as much as saying I am a liar. 那无异于说我撒谎了。

Whatever you do, don’t miss this exhibition. (P48)


whatever 在这里是连接代词,意为“无论什么”是由“疑问词+ever”构成的。Whatever has a beginning also has an end. 凡事有始必有终。

类似的词还有whenever , wherever , however, whoever,分别是“无论什么时候”、“无论在哪里”、“无论什么方式”、“无论谁”的意思。

Whenever I meet him, he says hello to me with a smile.


6. ...I’m lucky to be here for my six-month English course. (P49)……我很幸运在这里上6个月的英语课。

six-month 是由数词加名词构成的复合形容词,中间用连字符连接起来作定语修饰后面的名词。

a two-month holiday=two months’ holiday

=a holiday of two months 两个月的假期

a twenty-floor building =a building of twenty floors一座二十层的楼

解析 注意:连字符后紧跟的名词必须用单数。

7. along with 伴随… 同… 一道

I will go along with you. 我同你一道去。

I sing along with music. 我伴随着音乐唱歌。

8. dance to sth. 随着…跳舞

She likes dancing to the music. 她喜欢随着音乐而跳舞。

13. be important to sb. 对…重要

be important for sb. to do. 做某事对某人很重要

17. over the years


26. be in agreement 意见一致 常与介词on /about连用如:


28. I’m not sure what to expect because I’ve never seen an Indian film. (P49)我没有抱多大的指望,因为我从未看过印度电影。

expect 是及物动词,意为“期待,盼望”,其后面常跟动词不定式、从句等。 She expects to come back on Sunday. 她预计星期天回来。

I expect that I’ll finish my homework in 10 minutes.


expect sb. to do sth

What do you expect me to say to the teacher?你希望我和老师说些什么? 定语从句

1 The earthquake ____________ hit the city in 1906 was the biggest in American history .

2 We don’t know the number of people __________ lost their homes in the 1906 earthquake.

3 The house ___________ they built in 1987 stayed up in the earthquake.

4 A house ___________ is built on sand may fall down in an earthquake.

5Luckily none of the people ______I know were killed in the earthquake.

6 people _________ study earthquakes thinks that there will be another big one soon.

7. The man is talking with my mother is my father .

8. That book is the one I bought yesterday .

have been saved in that accident .

10. They talked of the things and persons _____they remembered in the factory .

Unit 6必背重点句子


1. What kind(type) of music do you like?

I like music that(which) I can dance to.


2. Rosa likes music that is quiet and gentle.罗莎喜欢安静柔和的音乐。

3. I love singers/musicians who(that) write their own lyrics /music.


4. We prefer music that has great lyrics.我更喜欢歌词很棒的音乐。

=We like music that has great lyrics better.

5.The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music.


6.I prefer classical music to pop music. 比起流行音乐来我更喜欢古典音乐。

like classical music better than pop music.

7.I love eating icecream on a hot day.There’s nothing better!

大热天我爱吃冰淇淋, 那再好不过了。

8.I can’t stand hamburgers! They make me feel sick.


9.Some of her best loved photos are on display in this exhibition.


10.I’d like to stay healthy(keep healthy/keep fit),but to be honest

(=to tell you the truth),I only eat food that tastes good.


11.Food that is bad for you can taste good!


12.I stay away from sugar, you do too, don’t you?


13.I think most people are in agreement that fruit and vegetables

are good for health.


1.prefer…to…=like …better than…喜欢…胜过… 2.remind of提醒…

3.Y ellow River 黄河 4.suit sb fine很合某人的意,对某人很合适

5.to be honest老实说,说实在的 6.be bad for… 对…有害

7.be good for …对…有好处 8.be in agreement意见一致

9.keep away from=stay away from 与…保持距离

10.tag question附加疑问句 11.dance to music随着音乐跳舞

12.sing along with music 跟着音乐唱歌

13.I like music that I can dance to. 我喜欢我能跟着跳舞的音乐。

14.I prefer music that I can sing along with .喜欢我能跟着唱歌的音乐。

15.I prefer musicians who play different kinds of music.


16.What kind of music do you like? 你喜欢那种音乐?


17.What’s the name of your favorite CD?

你最喜欢的CD 的名字是什么?

18.What do you dislike about this CD? 你不喜欢这张CD 的什么?

19.What do you think of this CD?

=How do you like this CD ? 你觉得这张CD 怎么样?

20.Brazilian dance music 巴西舞蹈音乐

21.That’s not really important to me. 那对我来说真的不是很重要。

22.over the years这些年来, 很多年来

23.look for entertainment寻求娱乐,找乐子 它的确有些特色。

25.be sure to do务必做…,记住做。26.at the Lido Gallery在Lido 展馆

27.in the world today=in the modern world 当今世界上

28.one of the best-known Chinese photographers

最著名的中国摄影师之一 29.in this exhibition在这次展览中

30.on show=on display=on exhibition展览

31.photos of people人物照 32.photos of the countryside 乡村照

33.interest sb吸引某人的注意 34.world class世界水准,世界级

35.Whatever (无论什么), however(无论怎样)

whoever (无论谁 ) ,wherever (无论哪里 )

36.musical groups with pretty strange names 有十分奇怪的名字的音乐组合

37.see sb come and go看见某人来来去去

38.make us happy 使我们高兴 39.go on vacation 去度假

40.There’s nothing better. 没有什么比这更好的了。

41.can’t stand 无法忍受 42.make me feel sick使我感到恶心

43.write a reply to sb写一封回信给44.my host family 我的房东一家

45.have to be honest and say必须坦白的说46.get together聚会,碰头

47.a good place to visit游览的好地 48.tradinional music传统音乐

49.Chinese music concert民乐音乐会 50.get-together 聚会(n.)

51.go for Italian food去吃意大利食物

52.many different kinds of food许多不同种类的食物

53.take sb to an Indian film festival 带某人参加印度电影节

54.I only eat food that tastes good.我只吃味道好的食物。

55.keep healthy=stay healthy 保持健康

56.a group of young people 一群年

57.it’s been found in laboratory testing that…实验证明

58.some types of oil 几种类型的油 59.cause cancer 致癌

60.increase the risk of cancer 增加得癌症的风险

61.increase by …增加了 62.increase to … 增加到

63.The population has increased by 200000 to 50000000.


64.well cooked 烤透了的 65.a balanced diet 均衡的饮食

66.The main thing is to have a good balance. 重要的是要吃得均衡。

67.an exclamation感叹句 68.a contraction 缩略词

69.tasty food 味道好的食物 74.a strict vegetarian严格的素食主义者

70.fried food油炸食品 71.on a hot day在热天

1. I prefer music that has great lyrics. (P44)我更喜欢有好歌词的音乐。

prefer 是及物动词,意为“宁愿,更喜欢”,相当于like better。

Which do you prefer(=like better), rice or bread?



◎prefer+(doing) sth+to (doing) sth


I prefer pears to any other fruit. 我喜欢梨胜过其他的水果。

My grandma prefers taking a walk to sitting in front of the TV.


◎prefer to do sth+rather than do sth


My brother preferred to do his homework rather than go to the zoo. 我的弟弟宁愿做作业而不愿去动物园。

1. prefer动词 更喜欢 宁愿 更喜欢某事 我更喜欢英语。 宁愿做某事 我宁愿坐着。 同…相比更喜欢… 与猫相比我更喜欢狗。 宁愿做某事而不愿做某事 我宁愿走路也不愿坐着。

2.The music reminds me of Brazilian dance music.(P46)


remind sb of sb/sth表示“使某人回想起某人/某物”。

This song reminds me of China. 这首歌曲使我想起了中国。

3. What do you think of it? (P46)你认为它怎么样?

think of和what 连用,表示“觉得……怎样”,“认为……如何”,常用来询问对方对某人或某一事物的看法、感受、印象如何,相当于How do you like...?

4. .they don’t interest me as much. (P48)…它们同样唤不起我的兴趣。

(1)interest 作动词时,表示“使发生兴趣,引起注意”。

The story does not interest me. 这故事引不起我的兴趣。

I try to interest him in our plan. 我设法使他对我们的计划感兴趣。

◎interest sb in doing sth

He tried to interest me in buying the house. 他想说服我买这座房子。(2)as much在句中表示“同样地,同等程度地”。

That is as much as saying I am a liar. 那无异于说我撒谎了。

Whatever you do, don’t miss this exhibition. (P48)


whatever 在这里是连接代词,意为“无论什么”是由“疑问词+ever”构成的。Whatever has a beginning also has an end. 凡事有始必有终。

类似的词还有whenever , wherever , however, whoever,分别是“无论什么时候”、“无论在哪里”、“无论什么方式”、“无论谁”的意思。

Whenever I meet him, he says hello to me with a smile.


6. ...I’m lucky to be here for my six-month English course. (P49)……我很幸运在这里上6个月的英语课。

six-month 是由数词加名词构成的复合形容词,中间用连字符连接起来作定语修饰后面的名词。

a two-month holiday=two months’ holiday

=a holiday of two months 两个月的假期

a twenty-floor building =a building of twenty floors一座二十层的楼

解析 注意:连字符后紧跟的名词必须用单数。

7. along with 伴随… 同… 一道

I will go along with you. 我同你一道去。

I sing along with music. 我伴随着音乐唱歌。

8. dance to sth. 随着…跳舞

She likes dancing to the music. 她喜欢随着音乐而跳舞。

13. be important to sb. 对…重要

be important for sb. to do. 做某事对某人很重要

17. over the years


26. be in agreement 意见一致 常与介词on /about连用如:


28. I’m not sure what to expect because I’ve never seen an Indian film. (P49)我没有抱多大的指望,因为我从未看过印度电影。

expect 是及物动词,意为“期待,盼望”,其后面常跟动词不定式、从句等。 She expects to come back on Sunday. 她预计星期天回来。

I expect that I’ll finish my homework in 10 minutes.


expect sb. to do sth

What do you expect me to say to the teacher?你希望我和老师说些什么? 定语从句

1 The earthquake ____________ hit the city in 1906 was the biggest in American history .

2 We don’t know the number of people __________ lost their homes in the 1906 earthquake.

3 The house ___________ they built in 1987 stayed up in the earthquake.

4 A house ___________ is built on sand may fall down in an earthquake.

5Luckily none of the people ______I know were killed in the earthquake.

6 people _________ study earthquakes thinks that there will be another big one soon.

7. The man is talking with my mother is my father .

8. That book is the one I bought yesterday .

have been saved in that accident .

10. They talked of the things and persons _____they remembered in the factory .


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