


拟卷人: 姓名: 得分: 字迹分: 家长签字:

一、 根据中文意思完成句子。10

1. ----- It is (多雨的) here in summer. ----- Yes, It is raining now.

2. ----- There were no (云) in the sky. The weather was fine.

----- Yes, So we went to the park.

3. ----- It’s (有风的) now. We can fly kites. ----- Great!

4. ----- I’d like some (饮料) ,please. ----- Here you are.

5. The weather (变成) sunny then.

二、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。10

1. ----- It (rain) hard and we were wet. ----- What a day!

2. There are some (ant) on the ground.

3. We (can) not eat our supper yesterday.

4. Mike (fly) kites in the park last Sunday.

5. There (be) some bees in the flowers then.

三、 选择题。15

( ) 1. We an interesting animal show last Sunday.

A. see B. saw C. sees

( ) 2. ----- Look! The kite high in the sky.

----- It’s beautiful.

A. flying B. flew C. is flying

( ) 3. ----- It is time lunch.

----- Let’s go home now.

A. for B. to C. for have

( ) 4. Helen some bread and water for dinner yesterday.

A. brought B. bring C. brings

( ) 5. They hungry and wet.

A. is B. was C. were

四、 按要求改写句子。20

1. It ’对划线部分提问)

What ’s the here?

2. Can I fly the kite? (肯定回答)

Yes, 3. It was cloudy in the morning. (改为一半疑问句)

it in the morning?

4. It was time for school. (同义句转换)

It was time school.

5. We could eat our breakfast. (改为否定句)

We our breakfast.

五、 根据中文意思,完成句子。20

1. 我看见蜂蜜上有许多蜜蜂。

I saw on the honey.

2. 我们上周二骑车去那儿的。

We by last Tuesday.

3. 该吃午饭了。

It is time .

4. 最后,我们不能吃午饭了。

Finally we our lunch.

六、 阅读短文,选择正确答案。25

Good evening. Here is the weather report.

It’s windy and rainy in London. Remember to take your umbrella. It's cold and snowy in Beijing, please wear the sweater and put on your boots. It's also snowy in Moscow. But it's sunny and warm in Singapore. You can play football and go shopping. It's cloudy in Sydney. Take your raincoat. In New York is windy and snowy, it's so cold. Please close the window. At last, it's sunny and hot in Hong Kong, you can wear the T-shirt and shorts. Hope you have a good weekend. See you!

( )1、What ’s the weather like in Beijing?

A 、Cold and sunny B、Cold and snowy C、Snowy and rainy

( )2、What ’s the weather like in Moscow?

A、Sunny B、Snowy C、Warm

( )3、What ’s the weather like in Singapore?

A 、Warm and sunny B、Snowy and windy C、Sunny and hot

( )4、A 、put on you boots B、take your umbrella C、close the window

( )5、It's sunny and hot in Hong Kong, you can wear the

A 、raincoat B、jeans C、T-shirt and shorts

If you don’t go beyond difficulty, you won’t grow any stronger.




拟卷人: 姓名: 得分: 字迹分: 家长签字:

一、 根据中文意思完成句子。10

1. ----- It is (多雨的) here in summer. ----- Yes, It is raining now.

2. ----- There were no (云) in the sky. The weather was fine.

----- Yes, So we went to the park.

3. ----- It’s (有风的) now. We can fly kites. ----- Great!

4. ----- I’d like some (饮料) ,please. ----- Here you are.

5. The weather (变成) sunny then.

二、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。10

1. ----- It (rain) hard and we were wet. ----- What a day!

2. There are some (ant) on the ground.

3. We (can) not eat our supper yesterday.

4. Mike (fly) kites in the park last Sunday.

5. There (be) some bees in the flowers then.

三、 选择题。15

( ) 1. We an interesting animal show last Sunday.

A. see B. saw C. sees

( ) 2. ----- Look! The kite high in the sky.

----- It’s beautiful.

A. flying B. flew C. is flying

( ) 3. ----- It is time lunch.

----- Let’s go home now.

A. for B. to C. for have

( ) 4. Helen some bread and water for dinner yesterday.

A. brought B. bring C. brings

( ) 5. They hungry and wet.

A. is B. was C. were

四、 按要求改写句子。20

1. It ’对划线部分提问)

What ’s the here?

2. Can I fly the kite? (肯定回答)

Yes, 3. It was cloudy in the morning. (改为一半疑问句)

it in the morning?

4. It was time for school. (同义句转换)

It was time school.

5. We could eat our breakfast. (改为否定句)

We our breakfast.

五、 根据中文意思,完成句子。20

1. 我看见蜂蜜上有许多蜜蜂。

I saw on the honey.

2. 我们上周二骑车去那儿的。

We by last Tuesday.

3. 该吃午饭了。

It is time .

4. 最后,我们不能吃午饭了。

Finally we our lunch.

六、 阅读短文,选择正确答案。25

Good evening. Here is the weather report.

It’s windy and rainy in London. Remember to take your umbrella. It's cold and snowy in Beijing, please wear the sweater and put on your boots. It's also snowy in Moscow. But it's sunny and warm in Singapore. You can play football and go shopping. It's cloudy in Sydney. Take your raincoat. In New York is windy and snowy, it's so cold. Please close the window. At last, it's sunny and hot in Hong Kong, you can wear the T-shirt and shorts. Hope you have a good weekend. See you!

( )1、What ’s the weather like in Beijing?

A 、Cold and sunny B、Cold and snowy C、Snowy and rainy

( )2、What ’s the weather like in Moscow?

A、Sunny B、Snowy C、Warm

( )3、What ’s the weather like in Singapore?

A 、Warm and sunny B、Snowy and windy C、Sunny and hot

( )4、A 、put on you boots B、take your umbrella C、close the window

( )5、It's sunny and hot in Hong Kong, you can wear the

A 、raincoat B、jeans C、T-shirt and shorts

If you don’t go beyond difficulty, you won’t grow any stronger.



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