
Last week our school ___1____ a sports meet. Everyone in our class felt very excited because we were the winners. In the boys’ relay race, Michael ran very fast and our class won __2___ place. Yu Ting is good at the long jump and she also won. We ’re sorry that we did ____3__ in the high jump, but we are sure we can do better next time.

I took part in the boys’ 400—meter race. I did my best and was the first to cross the finish line. This ___4_____ me a lot. Now I love sports more. I want to be a soccer player. I will do more exercise every day and I hope some day I’ll ___5__ able to take part in the Olympic Games.

2 冲突提示短语和句型

It was too… for to ……

so ….. that ……

couldn ’t ……any more.

fall down hurt ……

give up hear sb doing (cheering me on)

keep doing

at last , …….


一. 提炼法

It teaches me _____________________(how to overcome difficulties///what the true friendship is). It makes me understand the true meaning of ___________________(never giving up). I will remember it in my heart forever.

二. 引用名言法。

(This encourages me a lot./I’m proud 骄傲 of myself. )As the saying goes / There is an old saying, “ Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.”//”A friend indeed is a friend in need.” Where there is a will, there is a way.” I think we should try out best to -------------.

三 排比法。

I learn a lot from it. No matter(无论) what difficulties I meet, no matter how hard they are, I will have a strong mind (坚强的意志)and never give up, I believe I can do it .

四 记叙文开头。


1 As time goes by, many things have lost their colors, but there is still one thing that I can’t forget . I won’t forget the ……

2.Life is like our teacher, it teaches us a lot . It tells me how to be (brave/ kind/ grateful). I won’t forget the ……

Last week our school ___1____ a sports meet. Everyone in our class felt very excited because we were the winners. In the boys’ relay race, Michael ran very fast and our class won __2___ place. Yu Ting is good at the long jump and she also won. We ’re sorry that we did ____3__ in the high jump, but we are sure we can do better next time.

I took part in the boys’ 400—meter race. I did my best and was the first to cross the finish line. This ___4_____ me a lot. Now I love sports more. I want to be a soccer player. I will do more exercise every day and I hope some day I’ll ___5__ able to take part in the Olympic Games.

2 冲突提示短语和句型

It was too… for to ……

so ….. that ……

couldn ’t ……any more.

fall down hurt ……

give up hear sb doing (cheering me on)

keep doing

at last , …….


一. 提炼法

It teaches me _____________________(how to overcome difficulties///what the true friendship is). It makes me understand the true meaning of ___________________(never giving up). I will remember it in my heart forever.

二. 引用名言法。

(This encourages me a lot./I’m proud 骄傲 of myself. )As the saying goes / There is an old saying, “ Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.”//”A friend indeed is a friend in need.” Where there is a will, there is a way.” I think we should try out best to -------------.

三 排比法。

I learn a lot from it. No matter(无论) what difficulties I meet, no matter how hard they are, I will have a strong mind (坚强的意志)and never give up, I believe I can do it .

四 记叙文开头。


1 As time goes by, many things have lost their colors, but there is still one thing that I can’t forget . I won’t forget the ……

2.Life is like our teacher, it teaches us a lot . It tells me how to be (brave/ kind/ grateful). I won’t forget the ……


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