




庞大的垃圾箱也不够用,在居民小区的垃圾箱旁,堆在垃圾箱旁边的垃圾数不胜数,旁边的道路也被堆满了垃圾。伴随着这些垃圾的还有乌黑发臭的污水,难闻的气味让人退避三舍,到处都是垃圾多于道路的景象。当然路过的人们自然不愿意从这里走了,但为什么扔垃圾是却愿意走过来呢 ?




Conquest of nature

Site news

Jin Tingting reported

Recently, everyone pays much attention to the environment problem which has been a hot topic. So does our town. We made a positive response to this increasingly serious problem.

In our town, the dustbins in residential areas are always not big enough to keep the huge amounts of rubbish, which has filled the two sides of streets heavily. Besides, the black smelly sewage also makes people shy away from it. With the terrible scene that rubbish is everywhere, of course the passers by are not willing to walk here, but why the trash is willing to come over?

Nowadays, the house decoration is so popular and indispensable that the people in our town also strive for a first-class decoration. But everyone knows that the house decoration could bring about serious air pollution, including Formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, and radioactive elements from natural stone materials, since we know that fresh air benefits us, so after the decoration, your house is better, however your body is worse. Both home and public decorations are infinite waste for limited resources that could only aggravate the deterioration of the environment. I do want to know when human beings would stop extorting Mother Earth's few remaining resources.

Of course, these are negative examples. Our school has emphasized the importance of environment protection. The environmental problems announced last week are ---- Card pollution, disposable supplies, water pollution, air pollution, for instance, car tail gas pollution and so on. These problems are not unfamiliar, but very serious. School students are encouraged to use less disposable supplies, save water, save resource, and to requite the nature with practical action.

The famous biologist Charles Darwin said,





庞大的垃圾箱也不够用,在居民小区的垃圾箱旁,堆在垃圾箱旁边的垃圾数不胜数,旁边的道路也被堆满了垃圾。伴随着这些垃圾的还有乌黑发臭的污水,难闻的气味让人退避三舍,到处都是垃圾多于道路的景象。当然路过的人们自然不愿意从这里走了,但为什么扔垃圾是却愿意走过来呢 ?




Conquest of nature

Site news

Jin Tingting reported

Recently, everyone pays much attention to the environment problem which has been a hot topic. So does our town. We made a positive response to this increasingly serious problem.

In our town, the dustbins in residential areas are always not big enough to keep the huge amounts of rubbish, which has filled the two sides of streets heavily. Besides, the black smelly sewage also makes people shy away from it. With the terrible scene that rubbish is everywhere, of course the passers by are not willing to walk here, but why the trash is willing to come over?

Nowadays, the house decoration is so popular and indispensable that the people in our town also strive for a first-class decoration. But everyone knows that the house decoration could bring about serious air pollution, including Formaldehyde, ammonia, benzene, and radioactive elements from natural stone materials, since we know that fresh air benefits us, so after the decoration, your house is better, however your body is worse. Both home and public decorations are infinite waste for limited resources that could only aggravate the deterioration of the environment. I do want to know when human beings would stop extorting Mother Earth's few remaining resources.

Of course, these are negative examples. Our school has emphasized the importance of environment protection. The environmental problems announced last week are ---- Card pollution, disposable supplies, water pollution, air pollution, for instance, car tail gas pollution and so on. These problems are not unfamiliar, but very serious. School students are encouraged to use less disposable supplies, save water, save resource, and to requite the nature with practical action.

The famous biologist Charles Darwin said,


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