




例 May I offer you a suggestion: don't drive without your seat belts fastened.

The thought continued to perplex him: Where will I go next?


In the basement, he kept some equipment for his experiments: the test tubes, some chemical agents, three sun-lamps, and the drill.


President Jiang Zemin enjoys quoting the first line of Lincoln's Gettysburg address:

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.


There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.

--英国作家Oscar Wide


The four major reasons for the landslide victory were: the candidate's personal popularity, the enthusiastic support of his party, his stand on budget issues, and the general mood of the nation.

这样用的问题在哪?问题出在冒号用于动词were之后,你可能在英语为母语的人写的报纸或流行刊物中见到这类用法,但它在学术写作中不被大学教师所接受。 在学术论文中,主语补足语或直接宾语应紧跟在冒号之后。主语补足语的修饰词(obvious)使原本存在句子中的问题得到解决:冒号不应紧跟在动词之后。

上面例题中,取得压倒性胜利的四个原因是明显的:the candidate's personal popularity, the enthusiastic support of his party, his stand on budget issues, and the general mood of the nation.





例 May I offer you a suggestion: don't drive without your seat belts fastened.

The thought continued to perplex him: Where will I go next?


In the basement, he kept some equipment for his experiments: the test tubes, some chemical agents, three sun-lamps, and the drill.


President Jiang Zemin enjoys quoting the first line of Lincoln's Gettysburg address:

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.


There are only two tragedies in life: one is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.

--英国作家Oscar Wide


The four major reasons for the landslide victory were: the candidate's personal popularity, the enthusiastic support of his party, his stand on budget issues, and the general mood of the nation.

这样用的问题在哪?问题出在冒号用于动词were之后,你可能在英语为母语的人写的报纸或流行刊物中见到这类用法,但它在学术写作中不被大学教师所接受。 在学术论文中,主语补足语或直接宾语应紧跟在冒号之后。主语补足语的修饰词(obvious)使原本存在句子中的问题得到解决:冒号不应紧跟在动词之后。

上面例题中,取得压倒性胜利的四个原因是明显的:the candidate's personal popularity, the enthusiastic support of his party, his stand on budget issues, and the general mood of the nation.


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