

The scenery is beautiful in Lhasa city .A rever,which is called “blue wave of joy,“(蓝色欢乐之波 ) Kat Song River (吉曲河)(Lhasa River), from the snow-capped mountain in Tanggula, rushes down through the numerous forest valleys and pastoral field and goes into the Brahmaputra(雅鲁藏布江) , forming a blue and white snowy blending wonders.

Standing in the ancient city of Lhasa on this auspicious(吉祥) blue river. We can see the grand Potala Palace, interlaced street, high-rise clusters, the busy and colorful sencery. Ancient and modern, tradition and innovation, religious and secular, turning cylinder(转经筒) and the computer, yesterday, today and tomorrow, are all crashing, agglomerating and blending in this city.

布达拉宫是国家4A级景区。布达拉宫是世界文化遗产、全国重点文物保护单位。位于拉萨市的中心,古城西北约 2公里的红山上,也是世界上海拔最高的古代宫殿。占地面积 36万多平方米,高177.19米,东西长 360 多米,由红宫、白宫两大部分组成,红宫居中,白宫横贯两翼,红白相间,是集宫殿、城堡、陵塔和寺院于一体的宏伟建筑。

• is a national 4A level scenic spots. Potala Palace is the world's

cultural heritage,and national cultural heritage site. Located in the center of Lhasa, the ancient city of about 2 km northwest of Red Mountain, is the world's highest ancient palace. It covers an area of more than 360,000 square meters, and is 177.19 meters high and more than 360 meters from east to west. It is composed of the Red Palace and the White House .The Red Palace is in the center, the White House running through the two wings. It is a set of palaces, castles, towers and temples,which is a magnificent building.

• 纳木措是西藏三大神湖之一,也是藏传佛教的著名圣地,意为天湖。相传这里是密


• 纳木措湖水靠念青唐古拉山的冰雪融化后补给,沿湖有不少大小溪流注入,湖水清


Namco Lake in Tibet is one of the three kangdeses(神湖), but also a well-known Tibetan Buddhist shrine, which means sky lake. According to legend, here is the Zunsheng King‘s temple, the faithful respect it as one of the four mighty lake.

Namco water is supplied by the melting ice in Tanggula .There are many small streams going into the lake. It is a clear, dark blue lake, and the water and sky are all blending into one harmonious whole. Each person who visited this lake, they would feel as if the soul is washed by the pure water. All those who go to the lake worshiping the buddha (佛陀) will devout worship. 藏餐内容分主食、菜肴、汤三大类。其主要佐料除甜食外,盐是最基本的调味品,此外,还有姜、咖喱、花椒、香菜、藏茴香、胡椒、香薷、大蒜、葱、野蒜、沙贝母、


• Tibetan food is divided staple food, dishes, soup three categories. The main

ingredients except sweet, the salt is the most basic spices, in addition to ginger(姜), curry(咖喱), pepper(花椒), coriander(香菜), possession of fennel(藏茴香), herba boslae(香薷 ), garlic(大蒜), onions, wild garlic(野蒜), Chabay mother(沙贝母), powder Sun(孙粉) .

• Jewelry :Pearls, agate, gold, silver products珍珠,玛瑙,金,银产品

Bone jewelry


• The Yak(牦牛) is the best friend of Tibetan,which was hailed as a beautiful

sacred animals.The bone ornaments,as a unique, originally natural, wild, uninhibited jewelry , add the wearer a wild charm!

• Tangka 一种带有浓郁西藏风情的卷轴画,大部分是佛像和菩萨像,也有一些花鸟、


• Tangka is a kind of scroll painting with a strong Tibetan style, most of them

are buddha and bodhisattva(菩萨), and also some flowers ,birds, landscapes ,medicine, and astronomy charts. There are cloth painted, the brocade(锦), embroidery(刺绣), tapestry(壁毯)and decals(贴花)styles. •


The scenery is beautiful in Lhasa city .A rever,which is called “blue wave of joy,“(蓝色欢乐之波 ) Kat Song River (吉曲河)(Lhasa River), from the snow-capped mountain in Tanggula, rushes down through the numerous forest valleys and pastoral field and goes into the Brahmaputra(雅鲁藏布江) , forming a blue and white snowy blending wonders.

Standing in the ancient city of Lhasa on this auspicious(吉祥) blue river. We can see the grand Potala Palace, interlaced street, high-rise clusters, the busy and colorful sencery. Ancient and modern, tradition and innovation, religious and secular, turning cylinder(转经筒) and the computer, yesterday, today and tomorrow, are all crashing, agglomerating and blending in this city.

布达拉宫是国家4A级景区。布达拉宫是世界文化遗产、全国重点文物保护单位。位于拉萨市的中心,古城西北约 2公里的红山上,也是世界上海拔最高的古代宫殿。占地面积 36万多平方米,高177.19米,东西长 360 多米,由红宫、白宫两大部分组成,红宫居中,白宫横贯两翼,红白相间,是集宫殿、城堡、陵塔和寺院于一体的宏伟建筑。

• is a national 4A level scenic spots. Potala Palace is the world's

cultural heritage,and national cultural heritage site. Located in the center of Lhasa, the ancient city of about 2 km northwest of Red Mountain, is the world's highest ancient palace. It covers an area of more than 360,000 square meters, and is 177.19 meters high and more than 360 meters from east to west. It is composed of the Red Palace and the White House .The Red Palace is in the center, the White House running through the two wings. It is a set of palaces, castles, towers and temples,which is a magnificent building.

• 纳木措是西藏三大神湖之一,也是藏传佛教的著名圣地,意为天湖。相传这里是密


• 纳木措湖水靠念青唐古拉山的冰雪融化后补给,沿湖有不少大小溪流注入,湖水清


Namco Lake in Tibet is one of the three kangdeses(神湖), but also a well-known Tibetan Buddhist shrine, which means sky lake. According to legend, here is the Zunsheng King‘s temple, the faithful respect it as one of the four mighty lake.

Namco water is supplied by the melting ice in Tanggula .There are many small streams going into the lake. It is a clear, dark blue lake, and the water and sky are all blending into one harmonious whole. Each person who visited this lake, they would feel as if the soul is washed by the pure water. All those who go to the lake worshiping the buddha (佛陀) will devout worship. 藏餐内容分主食、菜肴、汤三大类。其主要佐料除甜食外,盐是最基本的调味品,此外,还有姜、咖喱、花椒、香菜、藏茴香、胡椒、香薷、大蒜、葱、野蒜、沙贝母、


• Tibetan food is divided staple food, dishes, soup three categories. The main

ingredients except sweet, the salt is the most basic spices, in addition to ginger(姜), curry(咖喱), pepper(花椒), coriander(香菜), possession of fennel(藏茴香), herba boslae(香薷 ), garlic(大蒜), onions, wild garlic(野蒜), Chabay mother(沙贝母), powder Sun(孙粉) .

• Jewelry :Pearls, agate, gold, silver products珍珠,玛瑙,金,银产品

Bone jewelry


• The Yak(牦牛) is the best friend of Tibetan,which was hailed as a beautiful

sacred animals.The bone ornaments,as a unique, originally natural, wild, uninhibited jewelry , add the wearer a wild charm!

• Tangka 一种带有浓郁西藏风情的卷轴画,大部分是佛像和菩萨像,也有一些花鸟、


• Tangka is a kind of scroll painting with a strong Tibetan style, most of them

are buddha and bodhisattva(菩萨), and also some flowers ,birds, landscapes ,medicine, and astronomy charts. There are cloth painted, the brocade(锦), embroidery(刺绣), tapestry(壁毯)and decals(贴花)styles. •


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