

1. How many _________(foot) does a monkey have?

2. Look! The dog________ ( lie) on the floor under the table.

3. Jim has a__________ (stomach). He should lie down and rest.

4. You need_________ ( go) see a dentist if you have a toothache.

5. Mary has a fever. She should________ (take) her temperature.

6. Look! The old man _______ (lie) on the road and let’s help him sand up.

7. We can’t live________ (with) air or water.

8. He told me the ________ (important) of this matter.

9. All is depend on your _______ (decide).

10. The ________ (dead) of her mother made her sad

11. Li Ying always does her homework by_______ (she).She never needs help.

12. Does your father have problems__________ (breath)?

13. Someone__________ (be) singing in the music classroom now.

14. Uncle Huang is going to have a party tomorrow. We’ll enjoy ________ (we) by then.

15. He likes going mountain__________ (climb) best.

16. Have you already made a ________ (decide).

17. Li Lei is a mountain_______ (climb). He likes climbing the mountains.

18. Lot of ____ (die) from drowning in the river have happened this year.

19. Although the singer felt very tired , she still kept on _____ (sing) on the stage.

20. After leaving the high school, he realized the ______ (important) of knowing English.

21. To_______ (me) surprise, we found it easy to learn to swim in the pool.

22. ________ (thank) to your help, we finished this task on time.

23. When I passed by, I saw some boys_______ (play) soccer on the playground.

24. Li Lei always expects his pen pal_______ (send) e-mails to him.

25. Everyone will have to think about_______ (save) themselves.

26. He believes that I should ______ (have) a good habit.

27. _________ ( drink) some hot tea with honey, you’ll be better.

28. I hurt_______ (I) when I played basketball yesterday.

29. All students agreed________ (have) a picnic on weekend.

30. He likes listening to music when_______ (take) a walk after dinner.

31. I hope ________ ( travel) to Suzhou some day.

32. The boy sang a song_______ (cheer) the sick girl up.

33. We can’t put off_______ ( finish) the job because there is no time.

34. Last week our class went to the old_______ ( people) home to volunteer.

35. Jim used to ______ ( be) a shy boy.

36. Can you help me find the _______ ( own) of the bag?

37. I don’t know how______ ( learn) English.

38. Today more and more people want to be book _______ (love).

39. ______ ( visit) America is a dream for me.

40. I don’t mind________ ( close) the door.

41. Aron found himself in a very dangerous situation when_______ ( clim) in Utah.

42. She made a good _________ (decide) to buy a camera.

43. She ____ (hit) me _____ (in,on) the head _______ (in, with) a book.

44. Sally is not good at Chinese. I think she needs______ ( practice) ______ ( speak) it every day.

45. My parents ask me ________ ( not swim) in that dangerous river

46. I’d like _________ ( cheer) up sick kids.

47. What can we do ________(help) them by then?

48. I’m better than Tim at________ ( sing).

49. My little brother iss _____ ( happy) today because he ran out of his money very early. He

can’t but his favorite CDs at last.

50. Everyone _______ ( enjoy) themselves at this time yesterday.


1. How many _________(foot) does a monkey have?

2. Look! The dog________ ( lie) on the floor under the table.

3. Jim has a__________ (stomach). He should lie down and rest.

4. You need_________ ( go) see a dentist if you have a toothache.

5. Mary has a fever. She should________ (take) her temperature.

6. Look! The old man _______ (lie) on the road and let’s help him sand up.

7. We can’t live________ (with) air or water.

8. He told me the ________ (important) of this matter.

9. All is depend on your _______ (decide).

10. The ________ (dead) of her mother made her sad

11. Li Ying always does her homework by_______ (she).She never needs help.

12. Does your father have problems__________ (breath)?

13. Someone__________ (be) singing in the music classroom now.

14. Uncle Huang is going to have a party tomorrow. We’ll enjoy ________ (we) by then.

15. He likes going mountain__________ (climb) best.

16. Have you already made a ________ (decide).

17. Li Lei is a mountain_______ (climb). He likes climbing the mountains.

18. Lot of ____ (die) from drowning in the river have happened this year.

19. Although the singer felt very tired , she still kept on _____ (sing) on the stage.

20. After leaving the high school, he realized the ______ (important) of knowing English.

21. To_______ (me) surprise, we found it easy to learn to swim in the pool.

22. ________ (thank) to your help, we finished this task on time.

23. When I passed by, I saw some boys_______ (play) soccer on the playground.

24. Li Lei always expects his pen pal_______ (send) e-mails to him.

25. Everyone will have to think about_______ (save) themselves.

26. He believes that I should ______ (have) a good habit.

27. _________ ( drink) some hot tea with honey, you’ll be better.

28. I hurt_______ (I) when I played basketball yesterday.

29. All students agreed________ (have) a picnic on weekend.

30. He likes listening to music when_______ (take) a walk after dinner.

31. I hope ________ ( travel) to Suzhou some day.

32. The boy sang a song_______ (cheer) the sick girl up.

33. We can’t put off_______ ( finish) the job because there is no time.

34. Last week our class went to the old_______ ( people) home to volunteer.

35. Jim used to ______ ( be) a shy boy.

36. Can you help me find the _______ ( own) of the bag?

37. I don’t know how______ ( learn) English.

38. Today more and more people want to be book _______ (love).

39. ______ ( visit) America is a dream for me.

40. I don’t mind________ ( close) the door.

41. Aron found himself in a very dangerous situation when_______ ( clim) in Utah.

42. She made a good _________ (decide) to buy a camera.

43. She ____ (hit) me _____ (in,on) the head _______ (in, with) a book.

44. Sally is not good at Chinese. I think she needs______ ( practice) ______ ( speak) it every day.

45. My parents ask me ________ ( not swim) in that dangerous river

46. I’d like _________ ( cheer) up sick kids.

47. What can we do ________(help) them by then?

48. I’m better than Tim at________ ( sing).

49. My little brother iss _____ ( happy) today because he ran out of his money very early. He

can’t but his favorite CDs at last.

50. Everyone _______ ( enjoy) themselves at this time yesterday.


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