


学位课□ 选修课√

研 究 生 年 级、姓 名 研一 王利廷 研 究 生 学 号 2015051500 所 在 学 院(系、部) 葡萄酒学院 专 业 学 科 葡萄与葡萄酒学 任 课 教 师 姓 名 许盛宝 老师 考 试 成 绩 评 卷 教 师 签 字 处

Acta Physiol Plant (2014) 36:2547–2554

DOI 10.1007/s11738-014-1626-5

The effect of seed conditioning, short-term heat shock and salicylic, jasmonic acid or brasinolide on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) chilling resistance and polysome formation

K. Go´rnik · A. Badowiec · S. Weidner

Received: 22 December 2013 / Revised: 28 May 2014 / Accepted: 30 June 2014 / Published online: 31 July 2014 Ó The Author(s) 2014. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract The aim of this study was to develop the seedling resistance to chilling. The most pronounced effect method for increasing resistance of sunflower seedlings was obtained due to seed conditioning to 15 % moisture ‘Wielkopolski ’ to chilling. Seeds were conditioned at content in solutions of brassinolide in concentration of 25 °C for 2 days in water to 15, 20 and 25 % moisture 10-8 M. After 2 days of imbibition treated in this way content or in salicylic or jasmonic acid in concentration of seeds were exposed to heat shock at 45 °C for 2 h. The role 10-2; 10-3 and 10-4 M or brassinolide in concentration of physiological events in improvement of sunflower of chilling tolerance are discussed. 10-6; 10-8 and 10-10–15 % moisture content. After 2 days of incubation the conditioned seeds were heat shocked at 45 °C for 0, 30, 60, 120 and 240 min and 5 mm seedlings Keywords Low Á Temperature Á Electrolyte leakage Á were exposed to chilling at 0 °C for 21 days. The effec- Dehydrogenases activity Á Salicylic acid Á Jasmonic acid Á tiveness of the methods was assessed by evaluation of roots Brasinolide growth in Phytotoxkit Microbiotest, changes in the activity of dehydrogenases, the integrity of the cytoplasmic mem- brane and formation of polysomes after seedling were Introduction returned to 25 °C for 72 h. Seeds were conditioned at 25 °C for 2 days in water to 15 % moisture content and Sun flower is one of the most important oil crops world- then heat shocked at 45 °C for 2 h decreased chilling injury wide. It is mostly cultivated in the regions of high tem- of seedlings expressed by subsequent growth of the roots, peratures and long vegetation period. In Poland, the electrolyte leakage, dehydrogenases activity and poly- cultivation of sunflower grown for edible oil is strongly somes formation. Application of heat shock of 45 °C for limited because they often maturate in conditions of low 2 h during seed conditioning additionally provided seed- temperatures in autumn, dew in the mornings or evenings ling protection against subsequent chilling conditions. and high relative humidity. This hampers the natural drying Brasinolide, salicylic acid or jasmonic acid applied during of plants after ripening of achenes (Kluza-Wieloch 2003). Therefore, early sowing seems to be the way to avoid the critical period during autumn weather conditions. How- ever, early sowing compared with conventional sowing is associated with long-term low temperature exposure during Communicated by A. Gniazdowska-Piekarska. first stages of sunflower development. Such conditions can K. Go´rnik (&) signi ficantly inhibit seedlings emergence and plant growth Departament of Ornamental Nursery and Seed Science, Research as well as seriously cause plant chilling injury and infection Institute of Horticulture, Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3, Skierniewice, by diseases (Bradlow 1990). Poland e-mail: [email protected] Such problems have increased the importance of sun-

flower tolerance to low temperatures. Many approaches A. Badowiec Á S. Weidner have been tried to reduce chilling injury of growing plants Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Biology, University of (Mangrich and Saltveit 2000; Kang and Saltveit 2001; Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsztyn, Poland



本文的旨在建立提高向日葵苗‘Wielkopolski ’对低温的抗性的方法,种子放在水中25℃浸泡两天至其含水量达到15%、20%、25%,或者在浓度10-2、10-3、10-4M 的水杨酸或茉莉酸,或者在浓度分别为10-6; 10-8 and 10-10的油菜素内酯中25℃处理两天至其含水量达到15%,两天培养处理后进行45℃热激,处理时间分比为0、30、60、120、240min ,然后将长有5mm 根的将幼苗暴漏在0℃的寒冷条件下21天,方法的效果通过对幼苗恢复到25℃,72h 后根在Phytotoxkit Microbiotest的生长情况的评价、脱氢酶活性的变化、细胞质膜的完整性以及多核糖体的合成情况来进行评估。种子在水中25℃处理2天至其含水量达到15%,又经45℃热激2h 后,减轻了低温损伤,这是通过相继的根的生长、电解液渗漏、脱活性以及多核糖体的合成情况表现出来的。对处理的种子增加45℃热激2h 这一步骤,可以保护幼苗受到低温的危害。对幼苗进行油菜素内酯、水杨酸、茉莉酸处理更大增强了幼苗对低温的抗性。影响最显著的是经10-8 M油菜素内酯浓度处理种子至其含水量达到15%。在经过两天的这种处理后,种子45℃热激2h 。我们讨论了向日葵生理学事件对改善其抗低温性的作用。


1. 出发材料好,以前也有好多提高植物抗低温胁迫性的方法,但出发材料是早期生长阶段的植株,在现实生产中,在种子生产阶段很难实行,而该实验的出发材料是种子,对现实生产有很大意义。

2. 在选择实验处理条件时,先进行了预实验,即将种子在水中25℃紧迫2天使其含水量分别达到15%、20%、25%,然后进行45℃热激,热激时间分别为0、30、60、120、240min ,再进行冷处理,通过测定相应指标来确定最具抗低温胁迫性的实验条件,以此来确定最佳的前处理条件,这使实验有针对性,简化了实验操作(不用再设置含水量分别为15%、20%、25%,热激时间分别为0、30、60、120、240min ),使实验更具可靠性。

3. 用来测定的指标比较好,根的长度是最直观的指标;电解液铁的渗透率与低温受损程度高度相关,电解液渗透说明膜再生受到损伤;脱氢酶的活力是组织呼吸和代谢的指数;非生物压力能抑制植物多核糖体的形成,以致影响植物的生长。这些指标能很好打反应种子受低温胁迫的损害程度。

4. 实验增加了热激这一环节,热激可以产生heat shock protein,可以减轻提问胁迫带来的危害,使后续处理的效果更明显。

5. 实验重复3次,每次实验指标的测定重复4次,使实验更具可靠性和说服力、 三:不足之处




学位课□ 选修课√

研 究 生 年 级、姓 名 研一 王利廷 研 究 生 学 号 2015051500 所 在 学 院(系、部) 葡萄酒学院 专 业 学 科 葡萄与葡萄酒学 任 课 教 师 姓 名 许盛宝 老师 考 试 成 绩 评 卷 教 师 签 字 处

Acta Physiol Plant (2014) 36:2547–2554

DOI 10.1007/s11738-014-1626-5

The effect of seed conditioning, short-term heat shock and salicylic, jasmonic acid or brasinolide on sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) chilling resistance and polysome formation

K. Go´rnik · A. Badowiec · S. Weidner

Received: 22 December 2013 / Revised: 28 May 2014 / Accepted: 30 June 2014 / Published online: 31 July 2014 Ó The Author(s) 2014. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract The aim of this study was to develop the seedling resistance to chilling. The most pronounced effect method for increasing resistance of sunflower seedlings was obtained due to seed conditioning to 15 % moisture ‘Wielkopolski ’ to chilling. Seeds were conditioned at content in solutions of brassinolide in concentration of 25 °C for 2 days in water to 15, 20 and 25 % moisture 10-8 M. After 2 days of imbibition treated in this way content or in salicylic or jasmonic acid in concentration of seeds were exposed to heat shock at 45 °C for 2 h. The role 10-2; 10-3 and 10-4 M or brassinolide in concentration of physiological events in improvement of sunflower of chilling tolerance are discussed. 10-6; 10-8 and 10-10–15 % moisture content. After 2 days of incubation the conditioned seeds were heat shocked at 45 °C for 0, 30, 60, 120 and 240 min and 5 mm seedlings Keywords Low Á Temperature Á Electrolyte leakage Á were exposed to chilling at 0 °C for 21 days. The effec- Dehydrogenases activity Á Salicylic acid Á Jasmonic acid Á tiveness of the methods was assessed by evaluation of roots Brasinolide growth in Phytotoxkit Microbiotest, changes in the activity of dehydrogenases, the integrity of the cytoplasmic mem- brane and formation of polysomes after seedling were Introduction returned to 25 °C for 72 h. Seeds were conditioned at 25 °C for 2 days in water to 15 % moisture content and Sun flower is one of the most important oil crops world- then heat shocked at 45 °C for 2 h decreased chilling injury wide. It is mostly cultivated in the regions of high tem- of seedlings expressed by subsequent growth of the roots, peratures and long vegetation period. In Poland, the electrolyte leakage, dehydrogenases activity and poly- cultivation of sunflower grown for edible oil is strongly somes formation. Application of heat shock of 45 °C for limited because they often maturate in conditions of low 2 h during seed conditioning additionally provided seed- temperatures in autumn, dew in the mornings or evenings ling protection against subsequent chilling conditions. and high relative humidity. This hampers the natural drying Brasinolide, salicylic acid or jasmonic acid applied during of plants after ripening of achenes (Kluza-Wieloch 2003). Therefore, early sowing seems to be the way to avoid the critical period during autumn weather conditions. How- ever, early sowing compared with conventional sowing is associated with long-term low temperature exposure during Communicated by A. Gniazdowska-Piekarska. first stages of sunflower development. Such conditions can K. Go´rnik (&) signi ficantly inhibit seedlings emergence and plant growth Departament of Ornamental Nursery and Seed Science, Research as well as seriously cause plant chilling injury and infection Institute of Horticulture, Konstytucji 3 Maja 1/3, Skierniewice, by diseases (Bradlow 1990). Poland e-mail: [email protected] Such problems have increased the importance of sun-

flower tolerance to low temperatures. Many approaches A. Badowiec Á S. Weidner have been tried to reduce chilling injury of growing plants Department of Biochemistry Faculty of Biology, University of (Mangrich and Saltveit 2000; Kang and Saltveit 2001; Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsztyn, Poland



本文的旨在建立提高向日葵苗‘Wielkopolski ’对低温的抗性的方法,种子放在水中25℃浸泡两天至其含水量达到15%、20%、25%,或者在浓度10-2、10-3、10-4M 的水杨酸或茉莉酸,或者在浓度分别为10-6; 10-8 and 10-10的油菜素内酯中25℃处理两天至其含水量达到15%,两天培养处理后进行45℃热激,处理时间分比为0、30、60、120、240min ,然后将长有5mm 根的将幼苗暴漏在0℃的寒冷条件下21天,方法的效果通过对幼苗恢复到25℃,72h 后根在Phytotoxkit Microbiotest的生长情况的评价、脱氢酶活性的变化、细胞质膜的完整性以及多核糖体的合成情况来进行评估。种子在水中25℃处理2天至其含水量达到15%,又经45℃热激2h 后,减轻了低温损伤,这是通过相继的根的生长、电解液渗漏、脱活性以及多核糖体的合成情况表现出来的。对处理的种子增加45℃热激2h 这一步骤,可以保护幼苗受到低温的危害。对幼苗进行油菜素内酯、水杨酸、茉莉酸处理更大增强了幼苗对低温的抗性。影响最显著的是经10-8 M油菜素内酯浓度处理种子至其含水量达到15%。在经过两天的这种处理后,种子45℃热激2h 。我们讨论了向日葵生理学事件对改善其抗低温性的作用。


1. 出发材料好,以前也有好多提高植物抗低温胁迫性的方法,但出发材料是早期生长阶段的植株,在现实生产中,在种子生产阶段很难实行,而该实验的出发材料是种子,对现实生产有很大意义。

2. 在选择实验处理条件时,先进行了预实验,即将种子在水中25℃紧迫2天使其含水量分别达到15%、20%、25%,然后进行45℃热激,热激时间分别为0、30、60、120、240min ,再进行冷处理,通过测定相应指标来确定最具抗低温胁迫性的实验条件,以此来确定最佳的前处理条件,这使实验有针对性,简化了实验操作(不用再设置含水量分别为15%、20%、25%,热激时间分别为0、30、60、120、240min ),使实验更具可靠性。

3. 用来测定的指标比较好,根的长度是最直观的指标;电解液铁的渗透率与低温受损程度高度相关,电解液渗透说明膜再生受到损伤;脱氢酶的活力是组织呼吸和代谢的指数;非生物压力能抑制植物多核糖体的形成,以致影响植物的生长。这些指标能很好打反应种子受低温胁迫的损害程度。

4. 实验增加了热激这一环节,热激可以产生heat shock protein,可以减轻提问胁迫带来的危害,使后续处理的效果更明显。

5. 实验重复3次,每次实验指标的测定重复4次,使实验更具可靠性和说服力、 三:不足之处



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