
Welcome toXianmen. I am glad to be your guide today.my name is Chen xi. You can call me xiao Chen or Chen dao. I come from the happy travel service. This is our driver Mr Smith. And please remember our coach number –Min C 12345.

Todan we are going to visit a famous scenic spot in Xiamen, it is a must-see in xianmen. Do you know where is it? Yes, it is Ggulanyu. It is said to come to Xiamen and not go to Gulanyu is in vain. Gulanyu has a long history as well as beautiful scenery. Ladies and Gentlemen,now we have arrived at our destination.let’s got off the coach. please take along with your valuables and follow me.

During the Ming Dynasty, the island was called 'Y uanshazhou Island' "圆沙洲". Do you know why it is called Gulanyu then? It is said that in the southeast of the sea, there was a big rock. The rock was lashed by the sea waves for many years, it gradually formed into a huge cave. When the sea waves beat the rock and it sounds like the beating of a drum. The island came to be named 'Gulang'. Gu in Chinese means 'drum', and Lang, means 'waves'.

Gulangyu islet covers an area of 1.77 square kilometers which locates on the southeast of xiamen. It has 20,000 residents .You see ,quite a small place, but there are many interesting places ,such as Sunshine Rock, Music Hall and so on. It was entitled as Garden on the sea, Piano islet and Exhibition of architecture.

Now let's come to sunshine rock. Sunshine Rock is regards as the most beautiful place in xiamen. It is the highest point of xiamen. Look the statue over there. Do you know who is he? He is Zheng cheng gong ,our national hero , once recovered Taiwan for China. The status is 15 meters high and more than 1600 tons in weight. The status can not only be seen on Gulanyu but also on vessels coming and leaving the Xiamen port. Ok let ’s go to the Zhengchenggong meorial hall first. The hall was built on

february the 1st of 1962. There are many relics in the hall. You can go around and have a look. After the recovery of Taiwan, Zhengchenggong devoted himself to the constrution and development of Taiwan. Just because of his great achivements. Though 300 year passed, people have never forgotten the national hero.

Ok now let ’s go to the shuicaotai. This was the place when Zhengchenggong developed his naval force. Since there is a place for dill and there are also barracks for the navy. Follw me. Let ’s go to the Longtoushan, where zhengchenggong stationed his naval forece. Alought there is only half of the stone gate remained, you see there are some holes on them. It is said that there were left by the soldiers settig up tents.

Unconsiously we reach the top. Seeing the scenery here is really a kind of enjoyment. This is the higest point of Gulanyu. Now standing on peak, you can get a clear view of the whole xiamen and blue sea,and do you feel you are very proud of yourself to conquer such a high mountain. Look , can you see the red roofs in trees close by and the tall building in downtown Xiamen in the distance. Plus the gentle breeze from the sea and the ocassional sounds of the sea weavs. Do you feel Gulanyu is fantastic?

Well,ladies and gentlemen,during the following time ,you can look around or take some photos. Twenty minutes later, we will gather here.now go ahead please

Ok ,now our tour have come to an end. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome your next visit.

Welcome toXianmen. I am glad to be your guide today.my name is Chen xi. You can call me xiao Chen or Chen dao. I come from the happy travel service. This is our driver Mr Smith. And please remember our coach number –Min C 12345.

Todan we are going to visit a famous scenic spot in Xiamen, it is a must-see in xianmen. Do you know where is it? Yes, it is Ggulanyu. It is said to come to Xiamen and not go to Gulanyu is in vain. Gulanyu has a long history as well as beautiful scenery. Ladies and Gentlemen,now we have arrived at our destination.let’s got off the coach. please take along with your valuables and follow me.

During the Ming Dynasty, the island was called 'Y uanshazhou Island' "圆沙洲". Do you know why it is called Gulanyu then? It is said that in the southeast of the sea, there was a big rock. The rock was lashed by the sea waves for many years, it gradually formed into a huge cave. When the sea waves beat the rock and it sounds like the beating of a drum. The island came to be named 'Gulang'. Gu in Chinese means 'drum', and Lang, means 'waves'.

Gulangyu islet covers an area of 1.77 square kilometers which locates on the southeast of xiamen. It has 20,000 residents .You see ,quite a small place, but there are many interesting places ,such as Sunshine Rock, Music Hall and so on. It was entitled as Garden on the sea, Piano islet and Exhibition of architecture.

Now let's come to sunshine rock. Sunshine Rock is regards as the most beautiful place in xiamen. It is the highest point of xiamen. Look the statue over there. Do you know who is he? He is Zheng cheng gong ,our national hero , once recovered Taiwan for China. The status is 15 meters high and more than 1600 tons in weight. The status can not only be seen on Gulanyu but also on vessels coming and leaving the Xiamen port. Ok let ’s go to the Zhengchenggong meorial hall first. The hall was built on

february the 1st of 1962. There are many relics in the hall. You can go around and have a look. After the recovery of Taiwan, Zhengchenggong devoted himself to the constrution and development of Taiwan. Just because of his great achivements. Though 300 year passed, people have never forgotten the national hero.

Ok now let ’s go to the shuicaotai. This was the place when Zhengchenggong developed his naval force. Since there is a place for dill and there are also barracks for the navy. Follw me. Let ’s go to the Longtoushan, where zhengchenggong stationed his naval forece. Alought there is only half of the stone gate remained, you see there are some holes on them. It is said that there were left by the soldiers settig up tents.

Unconsiously we reach the top. Seeing the scenery here is really a kind of enjoyment. This is the higest point of Gulanyu. Now standing on peak, you can get a clear view of the whole xiamen and blue sea,and do you feel you are very proud of yourself to conquer such a high mountain. Look , can you see the red roofs in trees close by and the tall building in downtown Xiamen in the distance. Plus the gentle breeze from the sea and the ocassional sounds of the sea weavs. Do you feel Gulanyu is fantastic?

Well,ladies and gentlemen,during the following time ,you can look around or take some photos. Twenty minutes later, we will gather here.now go ahead please

Ok ,now our tour have come to an end. Thank you for your cooperation and welcome your next visit.


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