

It's a well-known fact that shunning the sunscreen and basking in direct sun leads to wrinkles. But those who thought their skin was shielded while driving, or sitting in a conservatory, could be in for a nasty surprise. The damage caused by sun coming through glass can be so dramatic that, over time, the side of the face exposed to the rays can end up looking up to seven years older than the other. Even a few hours sitting in a car during April results in skin damage, according to a study. The sun's ageing effects during autumn months are also far worse than previously realized, it found.

Glass does block out the sun's UVB rays, but about 50 percent of UVA rays, associated with burning and ageing, do get through. Leading

dermatologists and photobiologists warn that daily exposure to

ultraviolet rays means the skin can age more than twice as quickly as skin that is protected. There will be more lines and wrinkles, and these will be much deeper around the eyes, nose and mouth.

A team at University College Hospital, Besancon, in France, conducted the first study on how sections of the face age at different rates related to sun exposure. They demonstrated that a woman office worker or regular driver will age more quickly on the side where the skin faces the sun and heat - even through glass.

Another study, by skin experts at Boots, found even a few hours sitting in a car in April resulted in skin damage linked to ageing. Signs can include dark spots, wrinkles, droopy and leathery skin and broken blood vessels.

据英国《每日邮报》9月7日报道:“即使是有窗户”太阳光也会赐予你皱纹。 众所周知,不涂防晒霜就在太阳底下曝晒会长皱纹。然而那些认为自己因为开车时被玻璃遮挡、或者因为背光而坐从而不会对皮肤造成损伤的人,在读过这篇文章后会吃惊不小。


玻璃确实能阻挡太阳光中的中波紫外线,但却无法抵挡50%的长波紫外线(正是这种紫外线催生了燃烧和老龄化) 穿堂入室。著名皮肤病学家以及光生物学家警


法国贝桑松University College Hospital 的一个研究小组日前进行了首例关于不同程度脸部老化和日晒关系的研究。研究表明女性文职人员和司机面对太阳和热量的脸颊比另一半脸颊老化得快——即使是通过玻璃。



It's a well-known fact that shunning the sunscreen and basking in direct sun leads to wrinkles. But those who thought their skin was shielded while driving, or sitting in a conservatory, could be in for a nasty surprise. The damage caused by sun coming through glass can be so dramatic that, over time, the side of the face exposed to the rays can end up looking up to seven years older than the other. Even a few hours sitting in a car during April results in skin damage, according to a study. The sun's ageing effects during autumn months are also far worse than previously realized, it found.

Glass does block out the sun's UVB rays, but about 50 percent of UVA rays, associated with burning and ageing, do get through. Leading

dermatologists and photobiologists warn that daily exposure to

ultraviolet rays means the skin can age more than twice as quickly as skin that is protected. There will be more lines and wrinkles, and these will be much deeper around the eyes, nose and mouth.

A team at University College Hospital, Besancon, in France, conducted the first study on how sections of the face age at different rates related to sun exposure. They demonstrated that a woman office worker or regular driver will age more quickly on the side where the skin faces the sun and heat - even through glass.

Another study, by skin experts at Boots, found even a few hours sitting in a car in April resulted in skin damage linked to ageing. Signs can include dark spots, wrinkles, droopy and leathery skin and broken blood vessels.

据英国《每日邮报》9月7日报道:“即使是有窗户”太阳光也会赐予你皱纹。 众所周知,不涂防晒霜就在太阳底下曝晒会长皱纹。然而那些认为自己因为开车时被玻璃遮挡、或者因为背光而坐从而不会对皮肤造成损伤的人,在读过这篇文章后会吃惊不小。


玻璃确实能阻挡太阳光中的中波紫外线,但却无法抵挡50%的长波紫外线(正是这种紫外线催生了燃烧和老龄化) 穿堂入室。著名皮肤病学家以及光生物学家警


法国贝桑松University College Hospital 的一个研究小组日前进行了首例关于不同程度脸部老化和日晒关系的研究。研究表明女性文职人员和司机面对太阳和热量的脸颊比另一半脸颊老化得快——即使是通过玻璃。



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