
dear mr. wang

i hope that this solution is acceptable and look forward to hearing from you.

i hope to continue our cooperation. once again, please accept my apologies for the inconvenience this has caused.

yours sincerely.篇二:道歉信模版 英文版 hello rachel!

i am terribly sorry for that you are angry last time. as a student, i hope you

can be happy and we can talk with each other like old friends. it is my mistake

to forget your homework of christmas mask, but i had never late for your classes before.

i like your courses and if i realized we have the homework to do, i would try my best

to finish it. it is really a bad habit not to take homework seriously. you are different from our other college teachers. you will be worried about our

bad situations and take some actions you think it is effective. thanks too much,

rachel, you remind me of our major is english. and what we ought to do most is to

focus more attention on english. there are so many attractions around our college

life. sometimes, we maybe lose our direction in our way for those seeming unimportant

or uninteresting but alluring. above all, it’s what i want to talk with you. to be honest, we have formed the

habit to spend our more time in attending the activities, especially in our faculty

in which li yi ming enjoys taking our more time and vim to do some chores. as you

know, we chinese students devote too much energy to our elementary schools. when we

entered into our university at first, we are willing to join more clubs away from

the life like our high schools. we hate the study style of working hard to death,

such as getting up early at 5:00 in the morning, staying up to the midnight, reciting dull subjects the whole day or writing the simulated test papers again

and again. we didn’t have any interest in that. fortunately, we all have a aim,

university, where we can be free, we can be getting up late without alarm clock,

we can take part in all kinds of activities without study, we can do everything what

we want to do. maybe it is i have thought. but it ’s not the fact, what we have thought

or dreamed of before is also a high dream. sometimes we did get up later. however,

it is because the day before we were tormented by meaningless chores. sometimes, we

went to bed early, but it is because we were exhausted by the political tasks. we

are still far away from the word “freedom ”. gradually, we like to slack for everything

front of us. we are afraid of the futures of us--whether it will be limited awful

like our histories.

i can think of nothing to say. but you really remind me of that life should be

colorful but rigid and hesitated. this is a warning to me to be more responsible for myself in the future.篇三:

文章道歉信 时至今日都是我咎由自取,错就是错,与任何人无关。演艺事业的平顺,造就了我狂妄





意和愧悔。伊琍和孩子 本来可以有一个温暖和美的生活,可这一切被我打破了,我的错误行



误的道歉信英文版 道歉——财产评估错误

zhang, wang & lee, l.l.p. attorneys and counsellors at law 666 east changan boulevard beijing, p.r. china 100001 telephone: 010-1234-5678; telefax: 010-1234-5679 may 18, 2004 mr. johnson smith

providence group, inc. 620 - 5th avenue

new york, n.y. 10002

the united states of america dear mr. smith: please accept my apologies for the inaccurate assessment regarding your asset

figure. as we discussed over the phone, i will file an amended petition with caac

along with an attorney ’s affidavit explaining same, costs to be paid by zhang, wang

& lee, l.l.p. at zhang, wang & lee, each of our attorneys takes a personal interest in client ’

s entrustment. our goal is to provide our clients with timely and accurate work,

especially when we are experiencing frequent changes in pertinent laws and

regulations. regrettably, we do not attain this goal 100 percent of the time.

nonetheless, we will strive to improve the services we provide to you and all our

clients. sincerely, zhang, wang & lee, l.l.p. saying sorry has never been so popular. 道歉从来没有这么火。 chinese star wen zhang broke social media records on monday when he wrote an

apology to his wife for an extramarital affair on chinas version of twitter weibo. the 29-year-old confessed that he cheated with yao di, his co-star on hit

television series naked marriage after photographs surfaced of the two sharing an

intimate moment.


同出演电视剧《裸婚时代》。 the actor has been married to ma yili for six years and is expecting his second

child with her.


【相关阅读】且行且珍惜:“小三”“劈腿”用英语怎么说>>> zhangs confession, translated by the hollywood reporter, states: i have brought

this upon myself. a mistake is a mistake. this has nothing to do with anyone else.

today, i am willing to accept all the consequences. 文章在道歉信(英文版由《好莱坞报道者》翻译)中写道:“时至今日都是我咎由自取,

错就是错,与任何人无关,我今天原意承担一切后果。” he added: ive let down ma yili and our children. my mistake does not deserve to be forgiven, and it will be difficult for me to make amends for all

the harm ive caused. but i want to do it. i have to do it. this is what ill do for

the rest of my life.




dear mr. wang

i hope that this solution is acceptable and look forward to hearing from you.

i hope to continue our cooperation. once again, please accept my apologies for the inconvenience this has caused.

yours sincerely.篇二:道歉信模版 英文版 hello rachel!

i am terribly sorry for that you are angry last time. as a student, i hope you

can be happy and we can talk with each other like old friends. it is my mistake

to forget your homework of christmas mask, but i had never late for your classes before.

i like your courses and if i realized we have the homework to do, i would try my best

to finish it. it is really a bad habit not to take homework seriously. you are different from our other college teachers. you will be worried about our

bad situations and take some actions you think it is effective. thanks too much,

rachel, you remind me of our major is english. and what we ought to do most is to

focus more attention on english. there are so many attractions around our college

life. sometimes, we maybe lose our direction in our way for those seeming unimportant

or uninteresting but alluring. above all, it’s what i want to talk with you. to be honest, we have formed the

habit to spend our more time in attending the activities, especially in our faculty

in which li yi ming enjoys taking our more time and vim to do some chores. as you

know, we chinese students devote too much energy to our elementary schools. when we

entered into our university at first, we are willing to join more clubs away from

the life like our high schools. we hate the study style of working hard to death,

such as getting up early at 5:00 in the morning, staying up to the midnight, reciting dull subjects the whole day or writing the simulated test papers again

and again. we didn’t have any interest in that. fortunately, we all have a aim,

university, where we can be free, we can be getting up late without alarm clock,

we can take part in all kinds of activities without study, we can do everything what

we want to do. maybe it is i have thought. but it ’s not the fact, what we have thought

or dreamed of before is also a high dream. sometimes we did get up later. however,

it is because the day before we were tormented by meaningless chores. sometimes, we

went to bed early, but it is because we were exhausted by the political tasks. we

are still far away from the word “freedom ”. gradually, we like to slack for everything

front of us. we are afraid of the futures of us--whether it will be limited awful

like our histories.

i can think of nothing to say. but you really remind me of that life should be

colorful but rigid and hesitated. this is a warning to me to be more responsible for myself in the future.篇三:

文章道歉信 时至今日都是我咎由自取,错就是错,与任何人无关。演艺事业的平顺,造就了我狂妄





意和愧悔。伊琍和孩子 本来可以有一个温暖和美的生活,可这一切被我打破了,我的错误行



误的道歉信英文版 道歉——财产评估错误

zhang, wang & lee, l.l.p. attorneys and counsellors at law 666 east changan boulevard beijing, p.r. china 100001 telephone: 010-1234-5678; telefax: 010-1234-5679 may 18, 2004 mr. johnson smith

providence group, inc. 620 - 5th avenue

new york, n.y. 10002

the united states of america dear mr. smith: please accept my apologies for the inaccurate assessment regarding your asset

figure. as we discussed over the phone, i will file an amended petition with caac

along with an attorney ’s affidavit explaining same, costs to be paid by zhang, wang

& lee, l.l.p. at zhang, wang & lee, each of our attorneys takes a personal interest in client ’

s entrustment. our goal is to provide our clients with timely and accurate work,

especially when we are experiencing frequent changes in pertinent laws and

regulations. regrettably, we do not attain this goal 100 percent of the time.

nonetheless, we will strive to improve the services we provide to you and all our

clients. sincerely, zhang, wang & lee, l.l.p. saying sorry has never been so popular. 道歉从来没有这么火。 chinese star wen zhang broke social media records on monday when he wrote an

apology to his wife for an extramarital affair on chinas version of twitter weibo. the 29-year-old confessed that he cheated with yao di, his co-star on hit

television series naked marriage after photographs surfaced of the two sharing an

intimate moment.


同出演电视剧《裸婚时代》。 the actor has been married to ma yili for six years and is expecting his second

child with her.


【相关阅读】且行且珍惜:“小三”“劈腿”用英语怎么说>>> zhangs confession, translated by the hollywood reporter, states: i have brought

this upon myself. a mistake is a mistake. this has nothing to do with anyone else.

today, i am willing to accept all the consequences. 文章在道歉信(英文版由《好莱坞报道者》翻译)中写道:“时至今日都是我咎由自取,

错就是错,与任何人无关,我今天原意承担一切后果。” he added: ive let down ma yili and our children. my mistake does not deserve to be forgiven, and it will be difficult for me to make amends for all

the harm ive caused. but i want to do it. i have to do it. this is what ill do for

the rest of my life.





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