摘要以北方地区常见的抗旱树种毛白杨(Populus tomentosa Carr.)、加杨(Populus canadensis Moench.)和杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.)为材料,研究水分胁迫对植物叶片的电容值、含水量和水势的影响。结果表明:随着胁迫时间的延长叶片组织的含水量降低,电容值及水势值亦逐渐下降,且电容值与含水量、电容值与水势间均存在显著的相关关系。在1 000Hz频率下,3种植物的叶片电容值与含水量之间的关系曲线图较为理想,拟合并建立了两者之间的数学模型。
Studyon the Relationshipbetween CapacitanceandWaterContentofPlantLeaves
XUAN Qi-danFENG Xiao-wangZHANG Wen-jie *
(College of Science,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083)
AbstractCommon tree species in northern area of Populus tomentosa Carr.,Populus canadensis Moench.,and Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. were used to study the influence of water stress on leaf capacitance value,water content and water potential. The results showed that with the stress time extension,the leaf water content reduced,capacitance value and water potential also decrease gradually;capacitance value and water content,capacitance values and water potential had a significant relationship. At 1 000Hz,the relationship curve of water content and capacitance value of these three kinds of plants leaves was more desirable. By way of regression,a mathematic model was established.
Key wordscapacitance;water content;water potential;Populus tomentosa Carr.;Populus canadensis Moench.;Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.
摘要以北方地区常见的抗旱树种毛白杨(Populus tomentosa Carr.)、加杨(Populus canadensis Moench.)和杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.)为材料,研究水分胁迫对植物叶片的电容值、含水量和水势的影响。结果表明:随着胁迫时间的延长叶片组织的含水量降低,电容值及水势值亦逐渐下降,且电容值与含水量、电容值与水势间均存在显著的相关关系。在1 000Hz频率下,3种植物的叶片电容值与含水量之间的关系曲线图较为理想,拟合并建立了两者之间的数学模型。
Studyon the Relationshipbetween CapacitanceandWaterContentofPlantLeaves
XUAN Qi-danFENG Xiao-wangZHANG Wen-jie *
(College of Science,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083)
AbstractCommon tree species in northern area of Populus tomentosa Carr.,Populus canadensis Moench.,and Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. were used to study the influence of water stress on leaf capacitance value,water content and water potential. The results showed that with the stress time extension,the leaf water content reduced,capacitance value and water potential also decrease gradually;capacitance value and water content,capacitance values and water potential had a significant relationship. At 1 000Hz,the relationship curve of water content and capacitance value of these three kinds of plants leaves was more desirable. By way of regression,a mathematic model was established.
Key wordscapacitance;water content;water potential;Populus tomentosa Carr.;Populus canadensis Moench.;Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.