












Ten major trends in marketing

Changes in the market is growing at a rapid speed. More and more companies are recognizing the consumer is business. "This sentence words of wisdom. Here, for the problems of market sales of the coming of a new century, I will from" looking ahead "proposed some ideas.

If it is 2005, the major development of the market / space evolution should be

(1) due to the development of electronic commerce, between the wholesale and retail has been substantial disintermediation. You don't actually need to go to the store, all products can buy. Consumers on the Internet can get a picture of any product, read the product description, according to the best prices and terms from the vending machine to buy goods.

(2) to store as the base of retailers found that shops transaction volume in

reducing. In order to change this situation, more retailers began in their store business entertainment projects and built theater. Many bookshops, food stores and clothing stores now also has a cafe and art lecture and screening. From the fundamental, these stores are in the marketing of "experience", rather than the sale of various products.

(3) most companies have established special customer basic material library, including a customer in commercial activities and special needs. They can use these materials provided to individual customers a large number according to the requirements of custom-made goods.

(4) businesses in the rich imagination to exceed the expectations of consumers for excellent work. Therefore, find competitors, they are more difficult to get new customers, most of the company is spending more time to find how to sell more goods and provide more services for customers.

Companies are focused on establishing customer share, and not market share. Many companies is opening the way for the to increase sales and to higher sales of the company's number. The company is through the gain some new viewpoints of

departments and customers from their database by using the newer and more effective data mining technology.

(5) companies have finally managed to convince their accounting departments to produce more real profits through individual customers, products and sales channels, and the company is now focusing their attention on these areas.

(6) company has from must has made trading vision into has set up the faithful to the foresight of customers ideas. Many companies have begun with the thought of customer lifetime service, what to rely on to do this? They regularly at a low price provides consumer goods (such as a coffee). They can stand in each pen business gets lower profits this loss, because this is in long-term sales contracts.













Ten major trends in marketing

Changes in the market is growing at a rapid speed. More and more companies are recognizing the consumer is business. "This sentence words of wisdom. Here, for the problems of market sales of the coming of a new century, I will from" looking ahead "proposed some ideas.

If it is 2005, the major development of the market / space evolution should be

(1) due to the development of electronic commerce, between the wholesale and retail has been substantial disintermediation. You don't actually need to go to the store, all products can buy. Consumers on the Internet can get a picture of any product, read the product description, according to the best prices and terms from the vending machine to buy goods.

(2) to store as the base of retailers found that shops transaction volume in

reducing. In order to change this situation, more retailers began in their store business entertainment projects and built theater. Many bookshops, food stores and clothing stores now also has a cafe and art lecture and screening. From the fundamental, these stores are in the marketing of "experience", rather than the sale of various products.

(3) most companies have established special customer basic material library, including a customer in commercial activities and special needs. They can use these materials provided to individual customers a large number according to the requirements of custom-made goods.

(4) businesses in the rich imagination to exceed the expectations of consumers for excellent work. Therefore, find competitors, they are more difficult to get new customers, most of the company is spending more time to find how to sell more goods and provide more services for customers.

Companies are focused on establishing customer share, and not market share. Many companies is opening the way for the to increase sales and to higher sales of the company's number. The company is through the gain some new viewpoints of

departments and customers from their database by using the newer and more effective data mining technology.

(5) companies have finally managed to convince their accounting departments to produce more real profits through individual customers, products and sales channels, and the company is now focusing their attention on these areas.

(6) company has from must has made trading vision into has set up the faithful to the foresight of customers ideas. Many companies have begun with the thought of customer lifetime service, what to rely on to do this? They regularly at a low price provides consumer goods (such as a coffee). They can stand in each pen business gets lower profits this loss, because this is in long-term sales contracts.


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