

完型:36-40 ABCBB 41-45 CABBB 46-50 DDACA 51-55 ABCCB 阅读:56-59 DDCC 60-63 BBDA 64-66 DC


1.ourselves 2.delighted 3.Sometimes 4.suffering 5.named

6.when 7.was rescued 8.sadness 9.would be 10.should smile/smile

第一句,ticket 改为tickets ;traveled 改为traveling

第二句,and 改为or; us 改为 them

第三句,them 后加 the

第五句,when 改为what


第七句,want 改为wanted

第八句,on 改为off; rapid 改为rapidly



The Students’ Union of our school is scheduled to hold a charity sale on Saturday to raise money for children in the poverty-stricken area. The efforts to be made are to support these children to continue their school education.

You are kindly asked to donate some of your items which you don’t use but might be of some use to others,

such as some school supplies and used textbooks.

At 9 am this Saturday,

the charity sale starts at the lecture hall of our school. We are expecting you to come and offer a helpful hand. And remember all the money will go to the support of those needy children.


完型:36-40 ABCBB 41-45 CABBB 46-50 DDACA 51-55 ABCCB 阅读:56-59 DDCC 60-63 BBDA 64-66 DC


1.ourselves 2.delighted 3.Sometimes 4.suffering 5.named

6.when 7.was rescued 8.sadness 9.would be 10.should smile/smile

第一句,ticket 改为tickets ;traveled 改为traveling

第二句,and 改为or; us 改为 them

第三句,them 后加 the

第五句,when 改为what


第七句,want 改为wanted

第八句,on 改为off; rapid 改为rapidly



The Students’ Union of our school is scheduled to hold a charity sale on Saturday to raise money for children in the poverty-stricken area. The efforts to be made are to support these children to continue their school education.

You are kindly asked to donate some of your items which you don’t use but might be of some use to others,

such as some school supplies and used textbooks.

At 9 am this Saturday,

the charity sale starts at the lecture hall of our school. We are expecting you to come and offer a helpful hand. And remember all the money will go to the support of those needy children.


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