耐洗色牢度AATCC 61

1.0 Scope 范围

(1) This test is an accelerated laundering test to evaluate the colourfastness to

laundering of textiles which are expected to withstand frequent laundering.



Principle 原理

(1) Specimens are tested under appropriate conditions of temperature, detergent

solution, bleaching and abrasive action such that the colour change is similar to that occurring in 5 hand, home, or commercial launderings. The colour change of specimen is then evaluated in a conveniently short time.


(2) The abrasive action is a result of the frictional effects of fabric against canister,

the low liquor ratio and the impact of the steel balls on the fabric.



3.0 Apparatus / Material

(1) Launder-ometer


(2) Standard stainless steel cylinders:



For Test No. 1A - 75 ⨯ 125 mm (3.0" ⨯ 5.0"), 500 ml capacity

根据测试样No.1A -75 ⨯ 125 mm (3.0" ⨯ 5.0"), 选用的容量为500毫升

For Test No. 2A - 90 ⨯ 200 mm (3.5" ⨯ 8.0"), 1200 ml capacity

根据测试样No.2A-90 ⨯ 200 mm (3.5" ⨯ 8.0"), 选用的容量为1200毫升 (3) Stainless steel balls, diameter 6 mm (0.25")

不锈钢珠,直径为6 mm(0.25")

(4) Bleached cotton test fabric, 32 ⨯ 32 ends ⨯ picks/cm (80 ⨯ 80 ends ⨯ picks/in.)

construction, 136 ± 10 g/m2 (4.0 ± 0.3 oz/yd2), desized without fluorescent whitening agent.

经漂白、退浆过的无荧光增白剂的棉织物,32⨯32经密⨯纬密/厘米(80⨯80经密⨯纬密/英寸)结构, 布重136 ± 10 g/m2 (4.0 ± 0.3 oz/yd2) 。

(5) Multifibre test fabric No. 1 & FB, No. 10 & FA and No. 10A & FAA

多纤维测试织物 No. 1 与 FB, No. 10 与 FA 和 No. 10A 与 FAA (6) AATCC Chromatic Transference Scale

AATCC 颜色转移卡

(7) AATCC Gray Scale for Colour Change

AATCC 变色灰尺

(8) AATCC Gray Scale of Staining

AATCC 沾色灰尺

(9) 1993 AATCC Standard Reference Detergent WOB (without fluorescent

whitening agent & without phosphate)

1993 AATCC 标准洗涤剂WOB (不含荧光增白剂及无磷酸盐)

(10) 1993 AATCC Standard Reference Detergent (with fluorescent whitening agent) 1993 AATCC 标准洗涤剂(含荧光增白剂) (11) Distilled / deionized water 蒸馏水/去离子水 (12) Volumetric flask, 1 L


(13) Measuring cylinder, 250 ml

250ml 的量筒

(14) Beakers, 2000 ml, 500 ml

2000ml ,500ml 的烧杯

(15) Thermometers , 0 - 100︒C

0 - 100︒C 的温度计

(16) Hot plate




Procedure 步骤

Specimen Preparation 试样准备

(1) Cut a sample measuring 50 ⨯ 100 mm (2.0" ⨯ 4.0") (for Test No. 1A) or 50 ⨯ 150 mm (2.0" ⨯ 6.0") (for Test No. 2A), for each specimen tested and retain a similar sample for evaluation.

剪取50⨯100 mm (2.0"⨯4.0") (测试NO.1A )或50⨯150 mm(2.0"⨯ 6.0")(测试 No. 2A) 的试样

(2) Attach, by sewing or stapling, a 50 ⨯ 50 mm (2.0" ⨯ 2.0") multifibre to the specimen, such that each of 6 fibre bands is along the 50 mm (2") edge of the specimen with the wool on the right.

将试样和多纤维布(尺寸为50⨯50mm (2.0"⨯2.0") 缝或钉在一起, 使6种纤维沿 着样品的50mm(2") 边缘方向粘合且羊毛纤维在右边.

(3) The multifibre should be in contact with the face of the material.


Test Procedures 测试流程

(1) Table 1 summarizes the conditions of the tests.

表一 测试条件概述

Table 1

Test condition


表一 测试条件

(2) Adjust the launder-ometer to the prescribed temperature. (3)


Add the detergent solution and steel balls to the appropriate cylinder as designated in Table 1.

按表1指定的要求添加洗涤液和钢珠到相应的钢杯. Place an equal number of cylinders on each side of the shaft. 在轴架的每一边放相同数量的钢杯.

Start the rotor and run for at least 2 min to pre-heat the cylinders. 开始旋转并预热钢杯至少2分钟

Stop the rotor, crumpled up the test sample and place it into the cylinder and replace the cover. Repeat this operation until all the cylinders in the row have been loaded.

停止转动, 弄皱测试样将其放进钢杯中并盖上盖子, 重复操作直到所有钢杯被装好。

Clamp the covers in the same order in which the cylinders were loaded. 所有被装好的杯按同样的顺序夹紧盖子.

(4) (5) (6)


(8) Repeat this operation until all rows of cylinders have been loaded.

重复操作直到所有钢杯被装好排好. (9) Start the launder-ometer and operate it at 40 ± 2 rpm for 45 min.

启动水洗牢度仪并以40± 2转/分的转速运转45分钟. (10) When the machine stops,


(i) Remove the cylinders


(ii) Empty the contents into separate beakers


(iii) Rinse each specimen thoroughly 3 times, in a beaker, in distilled or

deionized water at 40 ± 3︒C (105 ± 5︒F) for 1 min periods with occasional stirring or hand squeezing.

用温度为40±3︒C(105±5︒F) 的蒸馏水或去离子水在一个烧杯中对每一试样彻底冲洗3次, 每次1分钟, 并且间歇搅拌或手挤.

(13) Extract the excess water from the specimens by centrifuge, blot or pass the test

specimens through wringer rolls.

通过甩干机将试样多余的水份去掉,或通过轧水机轧干。 (14) Dry the specimens by either methods:

以下任一方法弄干试样 (i) Air-dry the specimens.


(ii) Dry the specimens in an air circulating oven at temperature not exceeding

71︒C (160︒F).

在不超过温度71︒C (160︒F) 的循环烘箱内烘干

(iii) Tumble dry the specimen in a nylon mesh bag at normal cycle with

exhausted temperature of 60 - 71︒C (140 - 160︒F).

将试样放在尼龙网中在温度范围60-71︒C(140-160︒F) 烘干机内正常转动烘


(15) Allow specimens to condition at 20 ± 1︒C (70 ± 2︒F) and 65 ± 2% RH for 1 hour

before evaluation.

样品评级前须在温度20 ± 1︒C (70 ± 2︒F) 和湿度 65 ± 2% 的环境中放置1小时。

5.0 Evaluation



Handling of Tested Specimen before Assessment


(1) Trim off raveled yarns and lightly brush off any loose fibre and yarn on the fabric

surfaces of test specimens and staining fabrics.

修剪测试样上散开的纱线, 并轻轻地刷掉测试织物、多纤维布与染色织物表面的松散的纤维和纱线.

(2) Brush pile fabric specimen in required direction to restore the same pile angle as

the untreated specimens.

按照未处理过的样品要求的起毛方向刷毛使其恢复原样. (3) Smooth or flatten the specimen to remove any wrinkles.



Colour Evaluation (1) Colour Change 变色

∙ Compare the washed specimen to the original one and evaluate the contrast to

the AATCC Gray Scale for colour change, assigning a class number mostly resembling the change. Half steps are allowed.

∙ 把原样和洗水后的样品对照AATCC 变色灰卡比较评定其颜色变化,允许


(2) Staining


∙ Compare the stained multifibre fabric to the original one to evaluate the

contrast to the AATCC Gray Scale for Staining or the 5-step or 9-step Chromatic Transference Scale, assigning a class number mostly resembling the change. Half steps are allowed.

∙ 把测试过的多纤维布和多纤布原样对照根据AATCC 灰卡或5级、9级颜



1.0 Scope 范围

(1) This test is an accelerated laundering test to evaluate the colourfastness to

laundering of textiles which are expected to withstand frequent laundering.



Principle 原理

(1) Specimens are tested under appropriate conditions of temperature, detergent

solution, bleaching and abrasive action such that the colour change is similar to that occurring in 5 hand, home, or commercial launderings. The colour change of specimen is then evaluated in a conveniently short time.


(2) The abrasive action is a result of the frictional effects of fabric against canister,

the low liquor ratio and the impact of the steel balls on the fabric.



3.0 Apparatus / Material

(1) Launder-ometer


(2) Standard stainless steel cylinders:



For Test No. 1A - 75 ⨯ 125 mm (3.0" ⨯ 5.0"), 500 ml capacity

根据测试样No.1A -75 ⨯ 125 mm (3.0" ⨯ 5.0"), 选用的容量为500毫升

For Test No. 2A - 90 ⨯ 200 mm (3.5" ⨯ 8.0"), 1200 ml capacity

根据测试样No.2A-90 ⨯ 200 mm (3.5" ⨯ 8.0"), 选用的容量为1200毫升 (3) Stainless steel balls, diameter 6 mm (0.25")

不锈钢珠,直径为6 mm(0.25")

(4) Bleached cotton test fabric, 32 ⨯ 32 ends ⨯ picks/cm (80 ⨯ 80 ends ⨯ picks/in.)

construction, 136 ± 10 g/m2 (4.0 ± 0.3 oz/yd2), desized without fluorescent whitening agent.

经漂白、退浆过的无荧光增白剂的棉织物,32⨯32经密⨯纬密/厘米(80⨯80经密⨯纬密/英寸)结构, 布重136 ± 10 g/m2 (4.0 ± 0.3 oz/yd2) 。

(5) Multifibre test fabric No. 1 & FB, No. 10 & FA and No. 10A & FAA

多纤维测试织物 No. 1 与 FB, No. 10 与 FA 和 No. 10A 与 FAA (6) AATCC Chromatic Transference Scale

AATCC 颜色转移卡

(7) AATCC Gray Scale for Colour Change

AATCC 变色灰尺

(8) AATCC Gray Scale of Staining

AATCC 沾色灰尺

(9) 1993 AATCC Standard Reference Detergent WOB (without fluorescent

whitening agent & without phosphate)

1993 AATCC 标准洗涤剂WOB (不含荧光增白剂及无磷酸盐)

(10) 1993 AATCC Standard Reference Detergent (with fluorescent whitening agent) 1993 AATCC 标准洗涤剂(含荧光增白剂) (11) Distilled / deionized water 蒸馏水/去离子水 (12) Volumetric flask, 1 L


(13) Measuring cylinder, 250 ml

250ml 的量筒

(14) Beakers, 2000 ml, 500 ml

2000ml ,500ml 的烧杯

(15) Thermometers , 0 - 100︒C

0 - 100︒C 的温度计

(16) Hot plate




Procedure 步骤

Specimen Preparation 试样准备

(1) Cut a sample measuring 50 ⨯ 100 mm (2.0" ⨯ 4.0") (for Test No. 1A) or 50 ⨯ 150 mm (2.0" ⨯ 6.0") (for Test No. 2A), for each specimen tested and retain a similar sample for evaluation.

剪取50⨯100 mm (2.0"⨯4.0") (测试NO.1A )或50⨯150 mm(2.0"⨯ 6.0")(测试 No. 2A) 的试样

(2) Attach, by sewing or stapling, a 50 ⨯ 50 mm (2.0" ⨯ 2.0") multifibre to the specimen, such that each of 6 fibre bands is along the 50 mm (2") edge of the specimen with the wool on the right.

将试样和多纤维布(尺寸为50⨯50mm (2.0"⨯2.0") 缝或钉在一起, 使6种纤维沿 着样品的50mm(2") 边缘方向粘合且羊毛纤维在右边.

(3) The multifibre should be in contact with the face of the material.


Test Procedures 测试流程

(1) Table 1 summarizes the conditions of the tests.

表一 测试条件概述

Table 1

Test condition


表一 测试条件

(2) Adjust the launder-ometer to the prescribed temperature. (3)


Add the detergent solution and steel balls to the appropriate cylinder as designated in Table 1.

按表1指定的要求添加洗涤液和钢珠到相应的钢杯. Place an equal number of cylinders on each side of the shaft. 在轴架的每一边放相同数量的钢杯.

Start the rotor and run for at least 2 min to pre-heat the cylinders. 开始旋转并预热钢杯至少2分钟

Stop the rotor, crumpled up the test sample and place it into the cylinder and replace the cover. Repeat this operation until all the cylinders in the row have been loaded.

停止转动, 弄皱测试样将其放进钢杯中并盖上盖子, 重复操作直到所有钢杯被装好。

Clamp the covers in the same order in which the cylinders were loaded. 所有被装好的杯按同样的顺序夹紧盖子.

(4) (5) (6)


(8) Repeat this operation until all rows of cylinders have been loaded.

重复操作直到所有钢杯被装好排好. (9) Start the launder-ometer and operate it at 40 ± 2 rpm for 45 min.

启动水洗牢度仪并以40± 2转/分的转速运转45分钟. (10) When the machine stops,


(i) Remove the cylinders


(ii) Empty the contents into separate beakers


(iii) Rinse each specimen thoroughly 3 times, in a beaker, in distilled or

deionized water at 40 ± 3︒C (105 ± 5︒F) for 1 min periods with occasional stirring or hand squeezing.

用温度为40±3︒C(105±5︒F) 的蒸馏水或去离子水在一个烧杯中对每一试样彻底冲洗3次, 每次1分钟, 并且间歇搅拌或手挤.

(13) Extract the excess water from the specimens by centrifuge, blot or pass the test

specimens through wringer rolls.

通过甩干机将试样多余的水份去掉,或通过轧水机轧干。 (14) Dry the specimens by either methods:

以下任一方法弄干试样 (i) Air-dry the specimens.


(ii) Dry the specimens in an air circulating oven at temperature not exceeding

71︒C (160︒F).

在不超过温度71︒C (160︒F) 的循环烘箱内烘干

(iii) Tumble dry the specimen in a nylon mesh bag at normal cycle with

exhausted temperature of 60 - 71︒C (140 - 160︒F).

将试样放在尼龙网中在温度范围60-71︒C(140-160︒F) 烘干机内正常转动烘


(15) Allow specimens to condition at 20 ± 1︒C (70 ± 2︒F) and 65 ± 2% RH for 1 hour

before evaluation.

样品评级前须在温度20 ± 1︒C (70 ± 2︒F) 和湿度 65 ± 2% 的环境中放置1小时。

5.0 Evaluation



Handling of Tested Specimen before Assessment


(1) Trim off raveled yarns and lightly brush off any loose fibre and yarn on the fabric

surfaces of test specimens and staining fabrics.

修剪测试样上散开的纱线, 并轻轻地刷掉测试织物、多纤维布与染色织物表面的松散的纤维和纱线.

(2) Brush pile fabric specimen in required direction to restore the same pile angle as

the untreated specimens.

按照未处理过的样品要求的起毛方向刷毛使其恢复原样. (3) Smooth or flatten the specimen to remove any wrinkles.



Colour Evaluation (1) Colour Change 变色

∙ Compare the washed specimen to the original one and evaluate the contrast to

the AATCC Gray Scale for colour change, assigning a class number mostly resembling the change. Half steps are allowed.

∙ 把原样和洗水后的样品对照AATCC 变色灰卡比较评定其颜色变化,允许


(2) Staining


∙ Compare the stained multifibre fabric to the original one to evaluate the

contrast to the AATCC Gray Scale for Staining or the 5-step or 9-step Chromatic Transference Scale, assigning a class number mostly resembling the change. Half steps are allowed.

∙ 把测试过的多纤维布和多纤布原样对照根据AATCC 灰卡或5级、9级颜




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