

Jenny Linda Mary


Mary: Hello,everyone,I’m Mary!

Linda:Good morning,boys and girls,My name is Linda.

Jenny: Glad to see you ,everybody,I’m Jenny.


Linda:Hi,Mary,how old are you? you look so young.

Jenny:Yeah,I also want to ask you,little girl.

Mary:I’m not a little girl,I’m 10 years old,I’m very old.

Jenny:Yes,you are not a little girl,you are a fuuny girl.

Linda:Jenny,you said right.

Mary:Don’t laugh,strange sisters.,now you must tell me your age.You look so old,

Linda:Can you guess how old are we?

Mary:You are 20.

Jenny:Haha,we are 20??because we are taller than you .

Mary:Oh,please,please tell me How old are you ?strange sisters.

Linda:Ok,don’t be nervous,cutie,I’m 14 years old.

Jenny:And I’m 16 years old.

Mary:Wow,you are really old.

Jenny Linda:Yes,we are older than you,and we can hit you ,naughty girl.

Mary:I am not scared,I will tell your teachers.

Linda:My teacher,you know my teacher.

Jenny:Linda,who is your Enlish teacher?

Linda:Pinky .

Jenny:Your English teacher is Pinky?

Linda:Yes,you are also Pinky’s student??

Jenny:No no ,I just know her,My teacher is Jenny.

Mary:Oh,my teacher is Jenny too,we have the same teacher.

Jenny:Wow,it’s good.Mary ,we have the same teacher ,and we study English in Sunshine Solar, Linda:Yes,you are ,we have studied English in Sunshine Solar for many years,What do you think of your English?


Of course,Eglish is very important to me .I studied English when I was 4 years,you know I was a little child at that time.But I like English very much .my parents send me to training school because they think English is an useful language,I like practicing my spoken Enlish,I can communicate with foreigners,it’s a very exciting thing.so how about you ?

Linda:You are so little,but I think you are really good at English.I like English very much.自己准备的演讲稿。

Jenny:Yes,Linda,I can understand you,because we are all middle students.自己准备的的演讲稿。 Mary:Wow,pretty good.

Linda:Yes,I agree.we know English is impotant.

Mary:We know English is interesting.

Jenny:We know English is useful.

Jenny Linda Mary:So we must study English hard ,do our best and we are the chamption . Thank you.














Jenny Linda Mary


Mary: Hello,everyone,I’m Mary!

Linda:Good morning,boys and girls,My name is Linda.

Jenny: Glad to see you ,everybody,I’m Jenny.


Linda:Hi,Mary,how old are you? you look so young.

Jenny:Yeah,I also want to ask you,little girl.

Mary:I’m not a little girl,I’m 10 years old,I’m very old.

Jenny:Yes,you are not a little girl,you are a fuuny girl.

Linda:Jenny,you said right.

Mary:Don’t laugh,strange sisters.,now you must tell me your age.You look so old,

Linda:Can you guess how old are we?

Mary:You are 20.

Jenny:Haha,we are 20??because we are taller than you .

Mary:Oh,please,please tell me How old are you ?strange sisters.

Linda:Ok,don’t be nervous,cutie,I’m 14 years old.

Jenny:And I’m 16 years old.

Mary:Wow,you are really old.

Jenny Linda:Yes,we are older than you,and we can hit you ,naughty girl.

Mary:I am not scared,I will tell your teachers.

Linda:My teacher,you know my teacher.

Jenny:Linda,who is your Enlish teacher?

Linda:Pinky .

Jenny:Your English teacher is Pinky?

Linda:Yes,you are also Pinky’s student??

Jenny:No no ,I just know her,My teacher is Jenny.

Mary:Oh,my teacher is Jenny too,we have the same teacher.

Jenny:Wow,it’s good.Mary ,we have the same teacher ,and we study English in Sunshine Solar, Linda:Yes,you are ,we have studied English in Sunshine Solar for many years,What do you think of your English?


Of course,Eglish is very important to me .I studied English when I was 4 years,you know I was a little child at that time.But I like English very much .my parents send me to training school because they think English is an useful language,I like practicing my spoken Enlish,I can communicate with foreigners,it’s a very exciting thing.so how about you ?

Linda:You are so little,but I think you are really good at English.I like English very much.自己准备的演讲稿。

Jenny:Yes,Linda,I can understand you,because we are all middle students.自己准备的的演讲稿。 Mary:Wow,pretty good.

Linda:Yes,I agree.we know English is impotant.

Mary:We know English is interesting.

Jenny:We know English is useful.

Jenny Linda Mary:So we must study English hard ,do our best and we are the chamption . Thank you.














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