


例1:报纸和网站是当今两大主要媒体。请根据下表内容,以 "Newspapers and Websites" 为题,用英语写一篇短文,简要介绍这两种媒体的优缺点。 报 纸

1. 传统媒体,天天更新,信息可靠 2. 携带方便,随时随地可以阅读 3.仅有文字和图片

网 站

1. 新兴媒体,信息更新速度快 2.依赖于电脑及互联网 3. 包含文字、图片、音频和视频


1. 短文必须包括表中所有内容,可以适当发挥; 2. 词数:100-120 3. 参考词汇:更新update;音频audio;视频video

Newspapers and Websites

Newspapers and websites are two major new media in the world today, both of which can provide us with lots of news and information. But they're different in some ways.

Newspapers enjoy a longer history and often come out daily with more reliable news and information. They can be carried and read almost anywhere you like. So many people like reading them. But they can only contain texts and photos.

On the other hand, websites are quite new and popular, especially among young people. Websites have not only texts with pictures but also audios and videos, which makes stories more interesting. What's more, they are updated from time to time. So the latest news is always seen on websites instead of in newspapers. But it is not quite convenient for people without a computer connected with the Internet to get information from websites. 例2:目前,一些诸如GG, MM, Xia Mi 等网络语言在青少年中极为盛行,并且出现在家庭作业报告,甚至全国入学考试的作文中。请你以 "Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited (禁止)?"为题,根据下表内容用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你自己的看法。

一些同学认为 网络语言生动、时尚 网络语言充满幽默与智慧 使网上聊天更快捷

另一些同学认为 网络语言缺乏思想性 没有被大部分人理解、接受 过多使用使人不解,甚至误解?



1. 短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数; 2. 词数:100左右 3. 参考词汇:生动的vivid;智慧intelligence

Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited?

At present, Internet Slang, such as "GG, MM, Xia Mi", has become popular among the teenagers.

There are different opinions on Internet Slang. Some students think Internet Slang is vivid, fashionable and full of humor and intelligence. Besides, it makes chatting on the Internet quicker.

However, some other students think Internet Slang lacks depth of thought and is too simple. Also, it is hard to understand and not accepted by most people. The words sometimes might make people confused, even resulting in misunderstanding.

Every coin has two sides. In my opinion, living in the Information Age, if we don't know the Internet Slang, we seem to fall behind the times. It will be OK as long as these terms are used correctly in proper situations.



1.报道应包括图表中的所有内容; 2. 叙述中要适当增加个人观点,对学生上网情况进行评论,并提出建议; 3.词数:100左右; 4. 参考词汇:做调查make a survey

Dear editor,

I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in our class about their purpose(s) of getting on the Internet. The girls' favorite

is chatting, but few boys like it. What boys like to do most is playing games and the girls also like them. Both boys and girls like to read news or send e-mails on the Internet. Maybe they think it's the most convenient way to get information or keep in touch with friends. As for studying, the numbers of boys and girls are equal, but altogether only several of them will use the Internet as a tool to study.



例1:报纸和网站是当今两大主要媒体。请根据下表内容,以 "Newspapers and Websites" 为题,用英语写一篇短文,简要介绍这两种媒体的优缺点。 报 纸

1. 传统媒体,天天更新,信息可靠 2. 携带方便,随时随地可以阅读 3.仅有文字和图片

网 站

1. 新兴媒体,信息更新速度快 2.依赖于电脑及互联网 3. 包含文字、图片、音频和视频


1. 短文必须包括表中所有内容,可以适当发挥; 2. 词数:100-120 3. 参考词汇:更新update;音频audio;视频video

Newspapers and Websites

Newspapers and websites are two major new media in the world today, both of which can provide us with lots of news and information. But they're different in some ways.

Newspapers enjoy a longer history and often come out daily with more reliable news and information. They can be carried and read almost anywhere you like. So many people like reading them. But they can only contain texts and photos.

On the other hand, websites are quite new and popular, especially among young people. Websites have not only texts with pictures but also audios and videos, which makes stories more interesting. What's more, they are updated from time to time. So the latest news is always seen on websites instead of in newspapers. But it is not quite convenient for people without a computer connected with the Internet to get information from websites. 例2:目前,一些诸如GG, MM, Xia Mi 等网络语言在青少年中极为盛行,并且出现在家庭作业报告,甚至全国入学考试的作文中。请你以 "Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited (禁止)?"为题,根据下表内容用英语写一篇短文,并谈谈你自己的看法。

一些同学认为 网络语言生动、时尚 网络语言充满幽默与智慧 使网上聊天更快捷

另一些同学认为 网络语言缺乏思想性 没有被大部分人理解、接受 过多使用使人不解,甚至误解?



1. 短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数; 2. 词数:100左右 3. 参考词汇:生动的vivid;智慧intelligence

Should Internet Slang Be Prohibited?

At present, Internet Slang, such as "GG, MM, Xia Mi", has become popular among the teenagers.

There are different opinions on Internet Slang. Some students think Internet Slang is vivid, fashionable and full of humor and intelligence. Besides, it makes chatting on the Internet quicker.

However, some other students think Internet Slang lacks depth of thought and is too simple. Also, it is hard to understand and not accepted by most people. The words sometimes might make people confused, even resulting in misunderstanding.

Every coin has two sides. In my opinion, living in the Information Age, if we don't know the Internet Slang, we seem to fall behind the times. It will be OK as long as these terms are used correctly in proper situations.



1.报道应包括图表中的所有内容; 2. 叙述中要适当增加个人观点,对学生上网情况进行评论,并提出建议; 3.词数:100左右; 4. 参考词汇:做调查make a survey

Dear editor,

I have recently made a survey among 30 boys and 30 girls in our class about their purpose(s) of getting on the Internet. The girls' favorite

is chatting, but few boys like it. What boys like to do most is playing games and the girls also like them. Both boys and girls like to read news or send e-mails on the Internet. Maybe they think it's the most convenient way to get information or keep in touch with friends. As for studying, the numbers of boys and girls are equal, but altogether only several of them will use the Internet as a tool to study.


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