云南美食 历史




London bridge is Yunnan famous foodand have years of history,spreading to kunming fifty years ago.It's mainly made of soup, meat, meter plus condiments '



Because economic steamed with its name. Main ingredients is chicken, main cooking process is boiled, have good tonify deficiency anemia and savoury, invigorating spleen to effect.




Milk fan is in a kind of bai eat cheese. Made from milk. Rolls, unique shape, form such as fans, so its name milk fan. Raw, dry eat, Fried all can.

Milk is exported to all over the southeast door, very popular, and relatives and friends do not have new idea.



Bean curd is burning characteristics snacks in yunnan. Burn the bean curd already became famous, in street, become one of the ancient city of beautiful scenery line, also is the one large window attract tourists.




Bamboo rice is with fresh bamboo tube loaded on rice and sauce cooked meals.

Rice to eat up not only has the bamboo wenfu, also has the smell of baking food, two kind of the perfect combination of fragrance, coveted. DaiGuRen often carry out bamboo rice, are also used it to entertain the honored guest.





还有其他水果 想香蕉 芒果 莲雾 杨桃 叶子 红毛丹 等等

Durian contain a variety of living and nutrition is rich, delicious flavor, fragrance is unique, have "the king of the fruit" laudatory name.

Shanzhu is worthy of the green fruit, and pomegranate eponymous, known as "the queen of fruit.

Others like banana mango wax-apple carambola coconut rambutan and so on.



The puer tea color red strong bright, aroma is unique,. "The longer the more fragrant tea" is recognized as the difference of other tea tea is the biggest characteristic.

The history of Yunnan

云南省位于中国西南边陲,省会昆明。战国时期,这里是滇族部落的生息之地。 云南,即“彩云之南”,另一说法是因位于“云岭之南”而得名。



Yunnan province is located in China's southwestern border, kunming, capital. During the warring states period, here is the yunnan tribes increase land.

Yunnan, namely "clouds south", and the other is the one that is because is located in the "yunling the south of" the name.

Yunnan is the national minority number to be most provinces, the total of 25 a minority. The famous ancient yunnan tea-horse road. When the rise of the tea-horse road, prosperity, and yunnan puer tea fashionable Europe and the royal family.




London bridge is Yunnan famous foodand have years of history,spreading to kunming fifty years ago.It's mainly made of soup, meat, meter plus condiments '



Because economic steamed with its name. Main ingredients is chicken, main cooking process is boiled, have good tonify deficiency anemia and savoury, invigorating spleen to effect.




Milk fan is in a kind of bai eat cheese. Made from milk. Rolls, unique shape, form such as fans, so its name milk fan. Raw, dry eat, Fried all can.

Milk is exported to all over the southeast door, very popular, and relatives and friends do not have new idea.



Bean curd is burning characteristics snacks in yunnan. Burn the bean curd already became famous, in street, become one of the ancient city of beautiful scenery line, also is the one large window attract tourists.




Bamboo rice is with fresh bamboo tube loaded on rice and sauce cooked meals.

Rice to eat up not only has the bamboo wenfu, also has the smell of baking food, two kind of the perfect combination of fragrance, coveted. DaiGuRen often carry out bamboo rice, are also used it to entertain the honored guest.





还有其他水果 想香蕉 芒果 莲雾 杨桃 叶子 红毛丹 等等

Durian contain a variety of living and nutrition is rich, delicious flavor, fragrance is unique, have "the king of the fruit" laudatory name.

Shanzhu is worthy of the green fruit, and pomegranate eponymous, known as "the queen of fruit.

Others like banana mango wax-apple carambola coconut rambutan and so on.



The puer tea color red strong bright, aroma is unique,. "The longer the more fragrant tea" is recognized as the difference of other tea tea is the biggest characteristic.

The history of Yunnan

云南省位于中国西南边陲,省会昆明。战国时期,这里是滇族部落的生息之地。 云南,即“彩云之南”,另一说法是因位于“云岭之南”而得名。



Yunnan province is located in China's southwestern border, kunming, capital. During the warring states period, here is the yunnan tribes increase land.

Yunnan, namely "clouds south", and the other is the one that is because is located in the "yunling the south of" the name.

Yunnan is the national minority number to be most provinces, the total of 25 a minority. The famous ancient yunnan tea-horse road. When the rise of the tea-horse road, prosperity, and yunnan puer tea fashionable Europe and the royal family.


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