

【摘要】素质教育是教育深化改革的核心, 是当今教育的主旋律。作为素质教育的主要组成部分——体育学科, 应充分发挥其他学科不可替代的作用, 作为素质教育的切入点和突破口, 而顽强拼搏的体育精神对发挥体育在素质教育整体战略中的引领作用, 有其不可忽视重要的一面。笔者结合多年的体育教育教学实践, 谈了对顽强拼搏的体育精神与人的健康成长方面的认识和感想:顽强拼搏, 就是刻苦顽强、坚忍不拔、自强不息、永不放弃的拼搏。吃苦是顽强拼搏的一个筹码, 吃苦是为了拼搏, 顽强因吃苦而精彩, 吃苦是为了拼搏的新境界。勇于挑战, 顽强拼搏, 堪称为体魂(体育的灵魂) 和人格完善素质提高的人魂。同时又通过教学案例, 就运用顽强拼搏的体育精神教育转化差生取得可喜成绩的作法与同仁们交流共商, 望有所益。

【Abstract 】The education for all-round development is the core that education be deep to turn reform, is nowadays education of lord melody.Be an education for all-round development of main constitute part-athletics academics, should full exertive other academics can’t act for of the function be a correspond of education for all-round development point and break, but stubborn work hard of athletics spirit rightness exertive the athletics is in the education for all-round development wholely the strategy of guide a function, having it can’t neglect importance of one side.The writer combine education teaching of the athletics of several years practice and talked rightness stubborn work hard of athletics spirit and person of health growth of understanding and feeling:Stubborn work hard, be assiduous stubborn, firm and unyielding, exert and strive without stop and never give up of work hard.Bear suffering is stubborn work hard of a counter, bear suffering is for work hard, stubborn because of bear suffering but fascinating, bear suffering is for work hard of new state.Brave challenge, stubborn work hard, be rated as for the body soul(the soul of athletics) perfect character with personality exaltation of person’s soul.In the meantime again pass a teaching case, usage stubborn work hard of athletics spirit education conversion bad living to obtain can method and the colleagues exchanges of pleased result total company, hope to have a benefit.

【Key words 】Stubborn work hard;Athletics spirit;Education for all-round development

1.“泽星, 加油! 我们第一勇士, 冲啊! 为了辉煌, 拼啊!”在一片助威鼓励的呐喊声中, 吕泽星像猛虎下山一样冲过终点线。当听到他的1000米成绩是3分5秒时欢呼声冲天而起“耶, 太棒了, 英雄啊! 勇士啊!”只见同学们簇拥着他欢呼跳跃着。这时的他狂蹦了起来, 屈臂疾呼“OK,惊喜! 惊喜!”噙不住的泪花夺框而出, 欣喜若狂的场面令人难以忘怀。它触动了我的心灵, 一种耕耘者的喜悦挂在我的嘴角, 流露出一丝丝微微的笑意, 按捺不住内心的激动和喜悦, 迸发出由衷的言语脱口而出:“顽


【摘要】素质教育是教育深化改革的核心, 是当今教育的主旋律。作为素质教育的主要组成部分——体育学科, 应充分发挥其他学科不可替代的作用, 作为素质教育的切入点和突破口, 而顽强拼搏的体育精神对发挥体育在素质教育整体战略中的引领作用, 有其不可忽视重要的一面。笔者结合多年的体育教育教学实践, 谈了对顽强拼搏的体育精神与人的健康成长方面的认识和感想:顽强拼搏, 就是刻苦顽强、坚忍不拔、自强不息、永不放弃的拼搏。吃苦是顽强拼搏的一个筹码, 吃苦是为了拼搏, 顽强因吃苦而精彩, 吃苦是为了拼搏的新境界。勇于挑战, 顽强拼搏, 堪称为体魂(体育的灵魂) 和人格完善素质提高的人魂。同时又通过教学案例, 就运用顽强拼搏的体育精神教育转化差生取得可喜成绩的作法与同仁们交流共商, 望有所益。

【Abstract 】The education for all-round development is the core that education be deep to turn reform, is nowadays education of lord melody.Be an education for all-round development of main constitute part-athletics academics, should full exertive other academics can’t act for of the function be a correspond of education for all-round development point and break, but stubborn work hard of athletics spirit rightness exertive the athletics is in the education for all-round development wholely the strategy of guide a function, having it can’t neglect importance of one side.The writer combine education teaching of the athletics of several years practice and talked rightness stubborn work hard of athletics spirit and person of health growth of understanding and feeling:Stubborn work hard, be assiduous stubborn, firm and unyielding, exert and strive without stop and never give up of work hard.Bear suffering is stubborn work hard of a counter, bear suffering is for work hard, stubborn because of bear suffering but fascinating, bear suffering is for work hard of new state.Brave challenge, stubborn work hard, be rated as for the body soul(the soul of athletics) perfect character with personality exaltation of person’s soul.In the meantime again pass a teaching case, usage stubborn work hard of athletics spirit education conversion bad living to obtain can method and the colleagues exchanges of pleased result total company, hope to have a benefit.

【Key words 】Stubborn work hard;Athletics spirit;Education for all-round development

1.“泽星, 加油! 我们第一勇士, 冲啊! 为了辉煌, 拼啊!”在一片助威鼓励的呐喊声中, 吕泽星像猛虎下山一样冲过终点线。当听到他的1000米成绩是3分5秒时欢呼声冲天而起“耶, 太棒了, 英雄啊! 勇士啊!”只见同学们簇拥着他欢呼跳跃着。这时的他狂蹦了起来, 屈臂疾呼“OK,惊喜! 惊喜!”噙不住的泪花夺框而出, 欣喜若狂的场面令人难以忘怀。它触动了我的心灵, 一种耕耘者的喜悦挂在我的嘴角, 流露出一丝丝微微的笑意, 按捺不住内心的激动和喜悦, 迸发出由衷的言语脱口而出:“顽


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