


在中国,笔、墨、纸、砚(ink slab),就是人们所说的“文房四宝”,在中华文明的传承中起了重要作用。文房四宝不仅有实用价值,它们本身也是供人观赏的艺术品,并逐步成为收藏品。文房四宝品类繁多,丰富多彩,选材制作不断趋于完善、精美,历代都有名品、名匠产生,成为一种深厚的文化积淀。在当今时代,使用笔、墨、纸、砚进行学习、写作的人越来越少了,但是,在中国的书法、绘画、收藏以及修身养性活动中,它们仍起着不可替代的作用。


In China, “four treasures of the study” refers to “writing brush”, “ink stick”, “paper” and “ink slab”, playing an important role in passing on Chinese civilization. They not only have their value of practical use, but also become the works of art for appreciation and collection. There is a large variety of these four treasures. Selecting of materials and making process have become increasingly delicate and perfect. Each dynasty of Chinese history saw famous craftsmen appear and works produced, which is a profound process of cultural accumulation. In contemporary times, “four treasures of the study” have been increasingly rarely used for study or writhing, but they are still playing an irreplaceable role in the field of Chinese calligraphy, painting, collection and in the activities of cultivating one's mind.



在中国,笔、墨、纸、砚(ink slab),就是人们所说的“文房四宝”,在中华文明的传承中起了重要作用。文房四宝不仅有实用价值,它们本身也是供人观赏的艺术品,并逐步成为收藏品。文房四宝品类繁多,丰富多彩,选材制作不断趋于完善、精美,历代都有名品、名匠产生,成为一种深厚的文化积淀。在当今时代,使用笔、墨、纸、砚进行学习、写作的人越来越少了,但是,在中国的书法、绘画、收藏以及修身养性活动中,它们仍起着不可替代的作用。


In China, “four treasures of the study” refers to “writing brush”, “ink stick”, “paper” and “ink slab”, playing an important role in passing on Chinese civilization. They not only have their value of practical use, but also become the works of art for appreciation and collection. There is a large variety of these four treasures. Selecting of materials and making process have become increasingly delicate and perfect. Each dynasty of Chinese history saw famous craftsmen appear and works produced, which is a profound process of cultural accumulation. In contemporary times, “four treasures of the study” have been increasingly rarely used for study or writhing, but they are still playing an irreplaceable role in the field of Chinese calligraphy, painting, collection and in the activities of cultivating one's mind.


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