
Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?

Section A (60分 30分钟)


1. I have never seen such a big (娱乐 ) park.

2. It’难以置信的)that it’s snowing in March in South China.

3. Tom works very hard and he has made great _________ (进步) .

4. Mr Li always _________ (鼓励 ) us to speak in public.

5. Jerry enjoys _________ (收集) different kinds of stamps..\


( ) 1. Have you ever been to Water City?

( ) 2. Did you go to the space museum last mouth?

( ) 3. Linda has never been to Water World.

( ) 4. Why do you want to go there?

( ) 5. How long have you been a flight attendant?

A. Yes, I did. And I had a good time there.

B. No, I haven't.

C. Neither has Tom.

D. Because I can rent a bicycle all day.

E. For only a month.


1. No, I haven’t.

2. It’s raining again, John! I really want to go skating today!

3. We can take the subway. The station is near the museum.

4. Oh, well. Hey, have you ever been to the space museum, Tina?

5. Great. What bus do we take to get to the museum?

6. Yes, I went there last year. Have you ever been there?

7. Well, I’d really like to go there again.



1. 你曾经去过儿童乐园吗?

_____ you _____ _____ _____ an amusement park?

2. 他们将要去乘地铁。

They are going _____ ____ the subway.

3. 玛丽的朋友从未去过水上世界。

Mary’s friend has _____ _____ _____ Water World.

4. 那有许多船供游客乘坐到一座小岛。

There are many boat rides ____ ____ ____ an island.

5. 你可以在船上兜风好几天。

You can ____ ____ ____ on the boat _____ several days.


1. He has studied English for 4 years. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ he _______ English for 4 years?

2. 对画线部分提问)

_____ _____ _____ parents _____?

3. Lucy has traveled to another province. (改为否定句)

Lucy ____ ____ to another province.

4. He borrowed the book two weeks ago. (改为同义句)

He has _____ the book ____ two weeks.

5. I have been here for three months. (改为同义句)

I have been here ____ three months _____.


In England, when you’re ill, you go to see a doctor near your home. __1___ are men and women, and you can

say who you __2___. You usually only spend (花费) about ten minutes __3___ the doctor. They can usually say what’s the __4___ very quickly, and often give you a prescription (处方) for some medicine.

Most people only go to __5__ doctors when they are ill. People with colds don’t go to the doctor but to the

chemist’s shop to buy medicine. Doctors only come to your home when you’re very ill. In an emergency (急诊) you can __6___ an ambulance (急救车) at 999. The ambulance takes __7___ to hospital. Friends come to see you __8___ at certain hours of the day, but they don’t __9___ there for a long time.

You don’t give money to the doctor __10__ to the hospital when the doctor comes to see you in England. But

when you are eighteen years old, you must give money for prescriptions.












Section A

一、1. amassment 2. unbelievable 3. progress 4. encourages 5. collecting




1. Have, ever been to

2. to take

3. never been to

4. for visitors to

5. take a ride, for


A. Teachers A. go with A. with A. ill A. his A. tell A. me A. in hospital A. come A. than B. Doctors B. want B. in B. matter B. our B. say B. him B. at home B. stay B. so C. Friends C. would love C. on C. bad C. their C. call C. her C. at work C. know C. or D. Parents D. prefer (更喜欢) D. for D. wrong D. your D. speak D. you D. at school D. have D. but

1. Has, studied

2. Where have your, been

3. hasn’t traveled

4. kept, for

5. since, ago


1. B 根据短文首句意义可知,该题应选择B。

2. D prefer表示有选择意义,为“更喜欢”.

3. C spend…on表示“在……花费”. X k B 1 . c o m

4. B 在该题中省掉了with you, 整句为 What’s the matter with you?

5. C “their doctors”在此表示为“他们的私人医生” .

6. C call在此表示为“急救时,可打电话呼叫救护车”。

7. D 承接上句意义,该题应选代词“you”。

8. A 承接前面所述,在此应为“住院”,故应选in hospital.

9. B 当朋友在医院看望你时,一般都不会呆很长时间。

10. C 在此用or表示“选择”意义。

Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park?

Section A (60分 30分钟)


1. I have never seen such a big (娱乐 ) park.

2. It’难以置信的)that it’s snowing in March in South China.

3. Tom works very hard and he has made great _________ (进步) .

4. Mr Li always _________ (鼓励 ) us to speak in public.

5. Jerry enjoys _________ (收集) different kinds of stamps..\


( ) 1. Have you ever been to Water City?

( ) 2. Did you go to the space museum last mouth?

( ) 3. Linda has never been to Water World.

( ) 4. Why do you want to go there?

( ) 5. How long have you been a flight attendant?

A. Yes, I did. And I had a good time there.

B. No, I haven't.

C. Neither has Tom.

D. Because I can rent a bicycle all day.

E. For only a month.


1. No, I haven’t.

2. It’s raining again, John! I really want to go skating today!

3. We can take the subway. The station is near the museum.

4. Oh, well. Hey, have you ever been to the space museum, Tina?

5. Great. What bus do we take to get to the museum?

6. Yes, I went there last year. Have you ever been there?

7. Well, I’d really like to go there again.



1. 你曾经去过儿童乐园吗?

_____ you _____ _____ _____ an amusement park?

2. 他们将要去乘地铁。

They are going _____ ____ the subway.

3. 玛丽的朋友从未去过水上世界。

Mary’s friend has _____ _____ _____ Water World.

4. 那有许多船供游客乘坐到一座小岛。

There are many boat rides ____ ____ ____ an island.

5. 你可以在船上兜风好几天。

You can ____ ____ ____ on the boat _____ several days.


1. He has studied English for 4 years. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ he _______ English for 4 years?

2. 对画线部分提问)

_____ _____ _____ parents _____?

3. Lucy has traveled to another province. (改为否定句)

Lucy ____ ____ to another province.

4. He borrowed the book two weeks ago. (改为同义句)

He has _____ the book ____ two weeks.

5. I have been here for three months. (改为同义句)

I have been here ____ three months _____.


In England, when you’re ill, you go to see a doctor near your home. __1___ are men and women, and you can

say who you __2___. You usually only spend (花费) about ten minutes __3___ the doctor. They can usually say what’s the __4___ very quickly, and often give you a prescription (处方) for some medicine.

Most people only go to __5__ doctors when they are ill. People with colds don’t go to the doctor but to the

chemist’s shop to buy medicine. Doctors only come to your home when you’re very ill. In an emergency (急诊) you can __6___ an ambulance (急救车) at 999. The ambulance takes __7___ to hospital. Friends come to see you __8___ at certain hours of the day, but they don’t __9___ there for a long time.

You don’t give money to the doctor __10__ to the hospital when the doctor comes to see you in England. But

when you are eighteen years old, you must give money for prescriptions.












Section A

一、1. amassment 2. unbelievable 3. progress 4. encourages 5. collecting




1. Have, ever been to

2. to take

3. never been to

4. for visitors to

5. take a ride, for


A. Teachers A. go with A. with A. ill A. his A. tell A. me A. in hospital A. come A. than B. Doctors B. want B. in B. matter B. our B. say B. him B. at home B. stay B. so C. Friends C. would love C. on C. bad C. their C. call C. her C. at work C. know C. or D. Parents D. prefer (更喜欢) D. for D. wrong D. your D. speak D. you D. at school D. have D. but

1. Has, studied

2. Where have your, been

3. hasn’t traveled

4. kept, for

5. since, ago


1. B 根据短文首句意义可知,该题应选择B。

2. D prefer表示有选择意义,为“更喜欢”.

3. C spend…on表示“在……花费”. X k B 1 . c o m

4. B 在该题中省掉了with you, 整句为 What’s the matter with you?

5. C “their doctors”在此表示为“他们的私人医生” .

6. C call在此表示为“急救时,可打电话呼叫救护车”。

7. D 承接上句意义,该题应选代词“you”。

8. A 承接前面所述,在此应为“住院”,故应选in hospital.

9. B 当朋友在医院看望你时,一般都不会呆很长时间。

10. C 在此用or表示“选择”意义。


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