
课 时 授 课 计 划 No. 成功英语1-1-4

201 --201 学年度 第 学期

系(部) 专业 班

授课时间: 第 周 第 课时 200 年 月 日

章节及题目: Unit One



参考书与教具(图表\模型\演术等) 教学过程(教学步骤\内容\时间分配等)

I Read materials

II Answer True or False

III Analysis the Advantage and Disadvantage

IV Check the courses suitability

I Read materials

Read the definition of Continuing Education and then match the different types of continuing education with their description. 1. Distance courses 2. Full-time graduate courses 3. Conferences 4. Refresher courses 5. Part-time graduate courses

II Answer True or False

1. F Continuing Education refers to all types of education for adults.

2. F Continuing Education is any form of education for adult learners.

3. F There are many distance education programs that grant degree credits.

4. T

5. F Many companies provide refresher courses for their employees

6. F There are many ways to progress professionally. There is no difference between a degree awarded for a full-time graduate course and a distance course.

III Analysis the Advantage and Disadvantage

IV Check the courses suitability

Read the list of continuing education courses. Check √ the ones you think would be suitable for each profession. Compare and justify your answers with your partner.

课后作业: 1. 复习内容: words and passage of Lesson One

2. 预习内容

3. 书面作业

4. 思考题:

5. 参考资料 教后总结: 编制日期: 年 月 日

教师签字: 教研室主任签字:

课 时 授 课 计 划 No. 成功英语1-1-4

201 --201 学年度 第 学期

系(部) 专业 班

授课时间: 第 周 第 课时 200 年 月 日

章节及题目: Unit One



参考书与教具(图表\模型\演术等) 教学过程(教学步骤\内容\时间分配等)

I Read materials

II Answer True or False

III Analysis the Advantage and Disadvantage

IV Check the courses suitability

I Read materials

Read the definition of Continuing Education and then match the different types of continuing education with their description. 1. Distance courses 2. Full-time graduate courses 3. Conferences 4. Refresher courses 5. Part-time graduate courses

II Answer True or False

1. F Continuing Education refers to all types of education for adults.

2. F Continuing Education is any form of education for adult learners.

3. F There are many distance education programs that grant degree credits.

4. T

5. F Many companies provide refresher courses for their employees

6. F There are many ways to progress professionally. There is no difference between a degree awarded for a full-time graduate course and a distance course.

III Analysis the Advantage and Disadvantage

IV Check the courses suitability

Read the list of continuing education courses. Check √ the ones you think would be suitable for each profession. Compare and justify your answers with your partner.

课后作业: 1. 复习内容: words and passage of Lesson One

2. 预习内容

3. 书面作业

4. 思考题:

5. 参考资料 教后总结: 编制日期: 年 月 日

教师签字: 教研室主任签字:


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