




what does----working


what kind----journalism


when will----work

Taila works----know

Talia is----reporter

Tony is----boss

Talia`s hair----take


What does Amy----party

What is----Background

What does Tony----big


Amy says----guy

Talia tells----little

Amy tells----konw

Tony says----bit









Which one----work

What is----often

How is----very

About Robin----any

About Robin`s----class

1B/5 kind/of/it's/about/right/I







confident/relaxed/tense/in a bad mood


1)How about 2)too 3)Why don't 4)enough 5)Let's 6)to walk


1)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing




3 1 1 2 3 1



What are----Gossiping

What do Tony----Nick

The information----money


In the----couldn't

Amy has----has fallen

Last year----lost

If the information----won't


Whar is Amy----Make a copy

Why does----bribe

What does----first

Who knows----Talia



Tony says----doesn't

Tony is----able









What's her----She would

What did----The rest

Baesd on----There is

Did she think----She thought

Did she hear----little bit








fall----come to owe

arise----come up

What----What a shame

Thar's----That's not

not take----sit out








5/5 211132


3/19 Nick career star

8/19 More not the nike

10/19 1\The audio 2\Don’t be 3\最

长的 4\to

go and talk

11/19 hasn’t finish he i

t nay tric

k her

12/19 Bad news audio expert check urgent be sure absolutely sure have an idea may

remember confide in reporter

researcher chance lose one more day only one more day won’t be sorry story get tell

me everything deserve a break story

charming charm out of

1A/5 They didn’t she didn’t she


pop corn It’s a story

1B/5 1)was thinking 2)That would be ok 3)this new mall 4)having a sale

5)kind of

6)a whole lot less 7)just really 8)end

up using little 9)Well 10)little girl 11)the whale 12)sounded really good 13)a lot

14)a lot less 15)you know what 16)

treat you to

2A/5 1)figure it out 2)investigate 3) result 4)make sense 5)ruined

2B/5 urg对very to put对risk Sem对

one of

charm对to persuade

3A/5 Talia对is able to she tell对be

able to

Tony对is not able Talia对is ab


3B/5 yours mine

5/5 I have an well,Idon’t If you

Do you What do it’s worth

Let’s go


2/1 9 the asked her :so: he rent

her a li

ttle N ick

8/19 diffcult amusing dis Engli

sh gla


10/19 They could Did He think a

ll To


11/19 doesn’t he can he wan

ts an


12/19 isten your side of the story Nope all

alike judge me

trust only goal helping win deal

with mess charges serious

threw a game gambling debts gave access to stop from Did you or

didn’t you throw the game get show viewers Take your pick innocent 1A/5Those Recently Time doesn’t He wo

rks He looks really

1B/5 ran into my gosh doing fantastic the same old how exciting

perfect for or something like that

a boring job gets to telemarketing telephone company

2A/5 allow plan jour a part

2B/5 Take a pick /Take it easy/Take your time /Take a look

3A/5 a a the a

3B/5 aren’t /will you/does she/could he/hasn’t he/doesn’t she/didn’t I/wasn’t he

5/5 I think I know you How have

you been

No,I’m sorry I’m afraid yo

u’ve got

It was great Here’s my c



1/3How did对He no longer when对wh


2/3 Nick对Which story Nick对the


3/3 The announce ……plays The


talks about poetry……identifics

1/3 in a bad mood /exhausted

2/3 trustworthy/dishonest

3/3 disgraceful action relax

not guil

ty be……sense of plan t

o don

’t hurry

1/3 are am Let’s go too m

uch Why

don’t I

2/3 received am going to ever shoul

d ’d better

3/3 aren’t you an was

the h

ave seen good my am able

to d

fferent haven’t

2/5 serious talk busy

3/5 different same different

5/5 rising rising


1/3I’m sorry it sounds I ju

st don’t

that would be That soun

d really


3/3If you Iwill spend Tha

t’s Iju

st Let’s


3/19 It’s im He was Shy

8/19 very she plays he anything she wa

nts Nick to know unbel


10/19 He’s not Nick the team HE


11/19 I’would Talia shock

ed anno


12/19sure sounds like stupid a

minute deliberately from college

works for recognize teammate both

excuse us media you’ve got that right get it worry

you getting

some pressure sit out badly

frankly win without you

1A/5 call Her she couldn’t


A little

1B/5 the whole story on the phone this rebate A hundred dollars

supposed to of the camera nice about

it serial number is gone Oh man 800

2A/5become excit succ…… l

ike b


2B/5 1)do you feel 2)do you think 3)are loving 4)such 5)so 6)believe

3/5 so /such a /so /such /so /such a

5/5 1)can I ask you to take a

2)I have to take care of

3)I’m tied uo at the moment

4)Would you mind if

5)Can you please check

6)OK,no problem

7)please fill this form


3/19 She was No the result Tal


8/19 1\Nick put50000 into hisbank ac

count 2

\she believes 3\he owes 4\mak

ing money

5\people 6\Ibel that 7\can’t

9/16 keep investigating &

nbsp; have no choice going with beat us to it You’ve got to admit

missing something as

they seem in this case too trusting skeptical all right working on

fair let my emotions color my

judgment let me down won’t be sorry

10/19 skeptical He believes shoul

d work The bank

11/19 they have to air some want


1A/5 are allow Wise stop I

D Dan

1B/5 says at bars to have their parents thirteen years

old get drunk

you know drinking irresponsibly

their kids baby-sitter bar owners this is

happening crazy

2A/5 Take对we have we don’t 对we d


For对For one we never对we are

2B/5 1)deposited 2)bank account 3)As a matter of fact 4)Take it from me 5)For one

thing 6)except for 7)go with 8)beat us to it 9)let us down

3A/5 going/talking/eating/yourselves/myself/had known/would have

brought/crying over


3B/5 1)may 2)may not 3)Is he 4)will 5)might not 6)may 7)are going to


5/5 Do you think might perhaps It’s

didn’t Is it possible that Nic

k didn’t

take the money might


3/19He explained 最长的 annoy


8/19 It’s brand He agreed Be


的 By cheatingg Because he

wants to

amuse Talia Because angry

she was a

ngry Nick had not told here the


10/19 He wasn’t going to tell A bus

iness woman TO visit To w


11/19 He was curius He will wea

r it w

ould She want to ……truth

12/19 here it comes juice bar Aren’t you Do I know

you Not yet

interesting proposition Keep going

Let’s say deal endorse athletic That’s it business

card on second

thought pay visit

1A/5 They party+最长的 Thefirst jo

b in it

she wanted she might Thefir

st could go to earlier

1B/5 great opportunity audition for such a wonderful show the

same night

other plays coming along so perfect so

great about be invited go for it

2A/5 They paid me so that Ichan


I want to know The shoes will


Ok It doesn’t come and experi


2B/5 confirmed lines cone out basic

ally endorsed

3A/5 1)was taking 2)called 3)checked 4)was playing 5)quicker 6)more


3B/5 would rather prefer to wo

uld pref

er to

5/5 soundslike fun or reall

y? oh,

really? Isee How awful How

did it go Did you have a goo



3/19she was trying Talia the

re was

8/19 he meant to make meet jack hc

i had never jackie has never


Talia might G ower Buil ding

Frustra show forten


10/19 Because she thought Nick had

lied to

her Neither she was v


she used the recoptionst’s

11/19 he enjoy finding show h

er anger

she thinks confsed

12/19 dead for a moment angry yell at Maybe Probably guest dial in

big trouble

have trouble with used to memory to make

matters worse ridiculous took lunch voice mail available odd telling

the truth

lying see a good story

1A/5 she asked for Try to

she coul

d meeting 432

1B/5 looking for I mean quite a while at the desk Whatever Kind of hard

for her name

impossible totally screwed up pretty

clear meet me lobby 4 o’clock good idea try where she is why don’t yo u

how that goes

2A/5 please wait sorry+短的

If you+

长的 Nick ……punished Tia+长的 The right now

2B/5 odd Anyway In that case yell

at ridiculous

3A/5 where I can When the ho

w much

it what kind of used to

3B/5 someone / used to /didn’t use to /something /anything /


LISTENING1/3Talia tells Nick that she believes him: {

1.Nick meets Jackie baker

2.Nick explains the deal he made to Talia.

3.Talia decided to do see Jackie.

2/3 1.The receptionist gives the office location.

2.The receptionist gives the directions to the office.

3.The receptionist asks for a signature

3/3He had a health accepting He ac



1/4get along get going

2/4criticizing pressure

3/4mutter feelforsomeone. fell funn


4/4 skeptical asking tostep acknowle

dged down made up approach

able Let them off transf GRAMMER

*/2 (Amy:Hi,Ronnie) 22111

即 better were having more intelligent was

listening would rather

*/2 (Dear Mom) 12122

即used to be somebody who that person is anybody where she lives PRONUNCIATION

1/4cann’t can used

2/4he /E/ her

4/4 she up at 长的

1/4 sorry to how was it?

3/4 I really double it It’sposs didn’t I’m tired

up oh,really?

Ihave to take care of Did he have

4/4 oh,really? How was That’s great


3/19 5点 looking for There

8/19 Because he needed the recept he was still Because he wondeved

He wasn’t very He over To find 6 点

10/19 Because he was trying Tell the she has blue he just

11/19 I’m confused help she never

12/19 anything else someone else either In fact cheer up as bad as describe business

suit excutive at all

1A/5 she can bring cook for Go to Aby’s Emily’s 1B/5 favor wondering bring two of my friends definitely supposed to messed up have a

great time decorations last minute

cooking things great to serve 6:30 three of you

2A/5 the news+短的 Are you interest Hey, can may you +长的 I

hend by she +短的

2B/5business overheard follow describ cheer up

3A/5 1)rushed 2)was checking 3)was playing went

3B/5may as honest as as positive as can could as disgusting as

5/5 sorry,but No,pr…… sure can I leave may be I can is

it ok Do you


3/1 9 The woman The inter……did not answer An……Dear 8/19 he got into he made an he could not Things wer badly he wanted

the woman the soccer the intertiew

10/19 Dean’s They wear both she felt sorry she took 11/19 he wespects she has sarc…… sorry


around lately ran into admired ruining his career pretty

sure different changing the color wannabe tried out

Except for took lunch performance beginning to unfold

On the house in his favor soccer professionally

1A/5 do a survey noise is a the univer+长

的 housing therre


1B/5 on behalf of a couple of minutes greatly appreciated more time building

classrooms dorm rooms

obviously point better quality more people at least pretty nice spacious rental houses

stay in mixed

feelings involved in helps them out definitely issue

2A/5will be get up stop to his unexp be made 2B/5 uspended preformance catch up on on the house trying out

3A/5 on with/out /up

3B/5 losing /saying/ to need/ to wait

3C/5 until/when/have

5/5 Actually To tell you what do you I’m not

really 同上

If you ask Frankly


3/19 she think To tell How good

8/19 he understand she joked……reporter upset she know Nick Nick

she talks……party

10/19 It’s nicer he’s going……happened no kick+长的 11/19she is angry she doesn’t Dean sorry,Nick

12/19 won't be sorry admit lied There you are are got reservations just around the

corner doing business so much pleasant talk

over over lunch sign basically says endorse the shoes tricked out of the way next in

line star player amazing team office

make sure

1A/5 Sunday write Next w…… 4:30 M…… 1B/5 are responsible for Africa visual aid in the outline easy look that up really

quick have it all done due Wednesday need

to meet I'm supposed to do compile get our project done off the Internet

helpful use bring those in tomorrow

2A/5They+短的 jose+短的 jack+长的 we+短

的 jane’s+短的


persuasive tricked persuade raise broke over out of this


3/5 went to see In orderto don’t have

to help can’t to talk

5/5 I’ve got to is there anything Nothing I really need to Do you

That’ll be



3/19 To keep By working Nicknever had

8/19 Nick is more To tell him he is That having money problem they have

been hard to the so长的

10/19 Surprisees长的 He want’s ……truth To prove He didn’t ……him

11/19he is N ick’s tell Nick 长的 almost uncertain 12/19buddy Tough rap really

happened scheme talented plotting for dreamed

up fake planning impressed

talking crazy expect figure out made up craziest

stories pulled off

typical so sure of popular prove


1A/5 she could she turned长的 A map of Africa Tuesday3小时


1B/5 the habitat of the animals

blue folder rest of the project

map definitely different spot

turned it in reliable source

coming to me instead of positively check with

2/5 handed it in figured let you turn it 3A/5 how long for since has been playing

3B/5 figure them out help you out put them

away clean it up

the most expensive the best

5/5 I’m not quite sure what you’re getting at. /Exactly.

/Do you mean that/NO,that’s not what I mean.

/ Could you go over it again? / Are you saying that



1/4 howdoes对He listened he wants to

2/4 says he hasn’t heard of Kicks shoes

to help Nick

eye color

3/4 Spread on the mustard:

1.Put on the cheese and avocado.

2. Put on the tomato and cucumber

3.Add the secret ingredient.

4/4 Gomez对if her team The team appearing



1/4 Marcello:Hi,Amy: pulled it off pass on

2/4 Talia:Hi,Mom: Keep cool play it by ear

3/4 come up with break down

4/4 out of control out of this world



1/4 the luckiest pick him up best for dream this up

2/4 Tony:So,Talia: think of working could start was doing as difficult as

3/4 Secretary: may to talk as easy as will give

4/4 interesting to buy surprised to invite have


1/5 up out

2/5 I want to get and it

3/5 single sound spr…… gl……

4/5suprised going

5/5 I have to has is ---------------


1/3 Yes,what do you neeed I really need to

2/3 Are you saping it Yes, that’s whatI mean

3/3 Are you saying it didn’t go well Yes,that’s what Imean 过级最终测试Level Test




talia thinks…eliminated—the soccer team

there is a rumor—has an injury

tony thinks nick—a good soccer


what does the coach say the socer—they want nick not to paly what does the coach ask to be—he doesn`t trust

what dose nick say the tv station—he planned ahead


nick says his life is—a mess

nick says he needs—the news

dean doesn`t want to—comment about nick

nick agreed to endorse—shoes


OK, I’m wondering…:

couple sit-down silverware accommodate

easy-going understanding favor attractive settings

she knows it’s kind of out of your way for us to go to this party

Pick(注意大写) up anything else get some

some wine or dessert or bring anything


Alex.My old boyfriend Alex.:

I looked really good too

look your best

No way doing things and moving on

hang out or something



talia:i`m try,but—truth

amy:what`s wrong,talia?—exhauted

amy:you need to rest more—easy


which phrase means to want to do something?—feel like doing someting Which phrase means to understand something?—get it

which word describes a loud way of speaking?—roar


dean:well i can tell you—reaction


through it


patty:he`s innocent—out of the way

talia:i know—dream up

patty:i can`t believe—wait and see


two boys were caught smoking—let them off

excuse us for a minute—asking to step aside

the government is tring to—down

we…for lost time by—made up


figure out—be able to come up with

take your time—don`t hurry

throw a game—plan to lose a sports game



Tony:I(选词) : want am having would rather anyone better

nick:i don`t know what to do—through it

dean:i can`t believe all of—shout


dean:i tink nick should—could

coach:at first—was hoping


patty:well,i could add—hold on second

nick:thanks,i appreciate—best


talia:i…to see nick—have

dean:why do you need to see him?—to talk

dean:i think he`s too busy—concerned



falling rising falling


forget debts talk


men{tion} ab{so}lutely


He…stuty—used to can’t


(br)eak (str)eet


looked—single sound talented—extra syllable



mark:what do you think about—frankly


but i`ve got one favor to ask you—ok.no problem

he was accused of taking drugs—yeah.absolutely

you won`t believe who i ran into today—who

if you go shopping with me—that sounds good

you studied so hard on the test—no.i didn`t prepare for it at all





what does----working


what kind----journalism


when will----work

Taila works----know

Talia is----reporter

Tony is----boss

Talia`s hair----take


What does Amy----party

What is----Background

What does Tony----big


Amy says----guy

Talia tells----little

Amy tells----konw

Tony says----bit









Which one----work

What is----often

How is----very

About Robin----any

About Robin`s----class

1B/5 kind/of/it's/about/right/I







confident/relaxed/tense/in a bad mood


1)How about 2)too 3)Why don't 4)enough 5)Let's 6)to walk


1)am taking 2)work 3)have 4)am writing




3 1 1 2 3 1



What are----Gossiping

What do Tony----Nick

The information----money


In the----couldn't

Amy has----has fallen

Last year----lost

If the information----won't


Whar is Amy----Make a copy

Why does----bribe

What does----first

Who knows----Talia



Tony says----doesn't

Tony is----able









What's her----She would

What did----The rest

Baesd on----There is

Did she think----She thought

Did she hear----little bit








fall----come to owe

arise----come up

What----What a shame

Thar's----That's not

not take----sit out








5/5 211132


3/19 Nick career star

8/19 More not the nike

10/19 1\The audio 2\Don’t be 3\最

长的 4\to

go and talk

11/19 hasn’t finish he i

t nay tric

k her

12/19 Bad news audio expert check urgent be sure absolutely sure have an idea may

remember confide in reporter

researcher chance lose one more day only one more day won’t be sorry story get tell

me everything deserve a break story

charming charm out of

1A/5 They didn’t she didn’t she


pop corn It’s a story

1B/5 1)was thinking 2)That would be ok 3)this new mall 4)having a sale

5)kind of

6)a whole lot less 7)just really 8)end

up using little 9)Well 10)little girl 11)the whale 12)sounded really good 13)a lot

14)a lot less 15)you know what 16)

treat you to

2A/5 1)figure it out 2)investigate 3) result 4)make sense 5)ruined

2B/5 urg对very to put对risk Sem对

one of

charm对to persuade

3A/5 Talia对is able to she tell对be

able to

Tony对is not able Talia对is ab


3B/5 yours mine

5/5 I have an well,Idon’t If you

Do you What do it’s worth

Let’s go


2/1 9 the asked her :so: he rent

her a li

ttle N ick

8/19 diffcult amusing dis Engli

sh gla


10/19 They could Did He think a

ll To


11/19 doesn’t he can he wan

ts an


12/19 isten your side of the story Nope all

alike judge me

trust only goal helping win deal

with mess charges serious

threw a game gambling debts gave access to stop from Did you or

didn’t you throw the game get show viewers Take your pick innocent 1A/5Those Recently Time doesn’t He wo

rks He looks really

1B/5 ran into my gosh doing fantastic the same old how exciting

perfect for or something like that

a boring job gets to telemarketing telephone company

2A/5 allow plan jour a part

2B/5 Take a pick /Take it easy/Take your time /Take a look

3A/5 a a the a

3B/5 aren’t /will you/does she/could he/hasn’t he/doesn’t she/didn’t I/wasn’t he

5/5 I think I know you How have

you been

No,I’m sorry I’m afraid yo

u’ve got

It was great Here’s my c



1/3How did对He no longer when对wh


2/3 Nick对Which story Nick对the


3/3 The announce ……plays The


talks about poetry……identifics

1/3 in a bad mood /exhausted

2/3 trustworthy/dishonest

3/3 disgraceful action relax

not guil

ty be……sense of plan t

o don

’t hurry

1/3 are am Let’s go too m

uch Why

don’t I

2/3 received am going to ever shoul

d ’d better

3/3 aren’t you an was

the h

ave seen good my am able

to d

fferent haven’t

2/5 serious talk busy

3/5 different same different

5/5 rising rising


1/3I’m sorry it sounds I ju

st don’t

that would be That soun

d really


3/3If you Iwill spend Tha

t’s Iju

st Let’s


3/19 It’s im He was Shy

8/19 very she plays he anything she wa

nts Nick to know unbel


10/19 He’s not Nick the team HE


11/19 I’would Talia shock

ed anno


12/19sure sounds like stupid a

minute deliberately from college

works for recognize teammate both

excuse us media you’ve got that right get it worry

you getting

some pressure sit out badly

frankly win without you

1A/5 call Her she couldn’t


A little

1B/5 the whole story on the phone this rebate A hundred dollars

supposed to of the camera nice about

it serial number is gone Oh man 800

2A/5become excit succ…… l

ike b


2B/5 1)do you feel 2)do you think 3)are loving 4)such 5)so 6)believe

3/5 so /such a /so /such /so /such a

5/5 1)can I ask you to take a

2)I have to take care of

3)I’m tied uo at the moment

4)Would you mind if

5)Can you please check

6)OK,no problem

7)please fill this form


3/19 She was No the result Tal


8/19 1\Nick put50000 into hisbank ac

count 2

\she believes 3\he owes 4\mak

ing money

5\people 6\Ibel that 7\can’t

9/16 keep investigating &

nbsp; have no choice going with beat us to it You’ve got to admit

missing something as

they seem in this case too trusting skeptical all right working on

fair let my emotions color my

judgment let me down won’t be sorry

10/19 skeptical He believes shoul

d work The bank

11/19 they have to air some want


1A/5 are allow Wise stop I

D Dan

1B/5 says at bars to have their parents thirteen years

old get drunk

you know drinking irresponsibly

their kids baby-sitter bar owners this is

happening crazy

2A/5 Take对we have we don’t 对we d


For对For one we never对we are

2B/5 1)deposited 2)bank account 3)As a matter of fact 4)Take it from me 5)For one

thing 6)except for 7)go with 8)beat us to it 9)let us down

3A/5 going/talking/eating/yourselves/myself/had known/would have

brought/crying over


3B/5 1)may 2)may not 3)Is he 4)will 5)might not 6)may 7)are going to


5/5 Do you think might perhaps It’s

didn’t Is it possible that Nic

k didn’t

take the money might


3/19He explained 最长的 annoy


8/19 It’s brand He agreed Be


的 By cheatingg Because he

wants to

amuse Talia Because angry

she was a

ngry Nick had not told here the


10/19 He wasn’t going to tell A bus

iness woman TO visit To w


11/19 He was curius He will wea

r it w

ould She want to ……truth

12/19 here it comes juice bar Aren’t you Do I know

you Not yet

interesting proposition Keep going

Let’s say deal endorse athletic That’s it business

card on second

thought pay visit

1A/5 They party+最长的 Thefirst jo

b in it

she wanted she might Thefir

st could go to earlier

1B/5 great opportunity audition for such a wonderful show the

same night

other plays coming along so perfect so

great about be invited go for it

2A/5 They paid me so that Ichan


I want to know The shoes will


Ok It doesn’t come and experi


2B/5 confirmed lines cone out basic

ally endorsed

3A/5 1)was taking 2)called 3)checked 4)was playing 5)quicker 6)more


3B/5 would rather prefer to wo

uld pref

er to

5/5 soundslike fun or reall

y? oh,

really? Isee How awful How

did it go Did you have a goo



3/19she was trying Talia the

re was

8/19 he meant to make meet jack hc

i had never jackie has never


Talia might G ower Buil ding

Frustra show forten


10/19 Because she thought Nick had

lied to

her Neither she was v


she used the recoptionst’s

11/19 he enjoy finding show h

er anger

she thinks confsed

12/19 dead for a moment angry yell at Maybe Probably guest dial in

big trouble

have trouble with used to memory to make

matters worse ridiculous took lunch voice mail available odd telling

the truth

lying see a good story

1A/5 she asked for Try to

she coul

d meeting 432

1B/5 looking for I mean quite a while at the desk Whatever Kind of hard

for her name

impossible totally screwed up pretty

clear meet me lobby 4 o’clock good idea try where she is why don’t yo u

how that goes

2A/5 please wait sorry+短的

If you+

长的 Nick ……punished Tia+长的 The right now

2B/5 odd Anyway In that case yell

at ridiculous

3A/5 where I can When the ho

w much

it what kind of used to

3B/5 someone / used to /didn’t use to /something /anything /


LISTENING1/3Talia tells Nick that she believes him: {

1.Nick meets Jackie baker

2.Nick explains the deal he made to Talia.

3.Talia decided to do see Jackie.

2/3 1.The receptionist gives the office location.

2.The receptionist gives the directions to the office.

3.The receptionist asks for a signature

3/3He had a health accepting He ac



1/4get along get going

2/4criticizing pressure

3/4mutter feelforsomeone. fell funn


4/4 skeptical asking tostep acknowle

dged down made up approach

able Let them off transf GRAMMER

*/2 (Amy:Hi,Ronnie) 22111

即 better were having more intelligent was

listening would rather

*/2 (Dear Mom) 12122

即used to be somebody who that person is anybody where she lives PRONUNCIATION

1/4cann’t can used

2/4he /E/ her

4/4 she up at 长的

1/4 sorry to how was it?

3/4 I really double it It’sposs didn’t I’m tired

up oh,really?

Ihave to take care of Did he have

4/4 oh,really? How was That’s great


3/19 5点 looking for There

8/19 Because he needed the recept he was still Because he wondeved

He wasn’t very He over To find 6 点

10/19 Because he was trying Tell the she has blue he just

11/19 I’m confused help she never

12/19 anything else someone else either In fact cheer up as bad as describe business

suit excutive at all

1A/5 she can bring cook for Go to Aby’s Emily’s 1B/5 favor wondering bring two of my friends definitely supposed to messed up have a

great time decorations last minute

cooking things great to serve 6:30 three of you

2A/5 the news+短的 Are you interest Hey, can may you +长的 I

hend by she +短的

2B/5business overheard follow describ cheer up

3A/5 1)rushed 2)was checking 3)was playing went

3B/5may as honest as as positive as can could as disgusting as

5/5 sorry,but No,pr…… sure can I leave may be I can is

it ok Do you


3/1 9 The woman The inter……did not answer An……Dear 8/19 he got into he made an he could not Things wer badly he wanted

the woman the soccer the intertiew

10/19 Dean’s They wear both she felt sorry she took 11/19 he wespects she has sarc…… sorry


around lately ran into admired ruining his career pretty

sure different changing the color wannabe tried out

Except for took lunch performance beginning to unfold

On the house in his favor soccer professionally

1A/5 do a survey noise is a the univer+长

的 housing therre


1B/5 on behalf of a couple of minutes greatly appreciated more time building

classrooms dorm rooms

obviously point better quality more people at least pretty nice spacious rental houses

stay in mixed

feelings involved in helps them out definitely issue

2A/5will be get up stop to his unexp be made 2B/5 uspended preformance catch up on on the house trying out

3A/5 on with/out /up

3B/5 losing /saying/ to need/ to wait

3C/5 until/when/have

5/5 Actually To tell you what do you I’m not

really 同上

If you ask Frankly


3/19 she think To tell How good

8/19 he understand she joked……reporter upset she know Nick Nick

she talks……party

10/19 It’s nicer he’s going……happened no kick+长的 11/19she is angry she doesn’t Dean sorry,Nick

12/19 won't be sorry admit lied There you are are got reservations just around the

corner doing business so much pleasant talk

over over lunch sign basically says endorse the shoes tricked out of the way next in

line star player amazing team office

make sure

1A/5 Sunday write Next w…… 4:30 M…… 1B/5 are responsible for Africa visual aid in the outline easy look that up really

quick have it all done due Wednesday need

to meet I'm supposed to do compile get our project done off the Internet

helpful use bring those in tomorrow

2A/5They+短的 jose+短的 jack+长的 we+短

的 jane’s+短的


persuasive tricked persuade raise broke over out of this


3/5 went to see In orderto don’t have

to help can’t to talk

5/5 I’ve got to is there anything Nothing I really need to Do you

That’ll be



3/19 To keep By working Nicknever had

8/19 Nick is more To tell him he is That having money problem they have

been hard to the so长的

10/19 Surprisees长的 He want’s ……truth To prove He didn’t ……him

11/19he is N ick’s tell Nick 长的 almost uncertain 12/19buddy Tough rap really

happened scheme talented plotting for dreamed

up fake planning impressed

talking crazy expect figure out made up craziest

stories pulled off

typical so sure of popular prove


1A/5 she could she turned长的 A map of Africa Tuesday3小时


1B/5 the habitat of the animals

blue folder rest of the project

map definitely different spot

turned it in reliable source

coming to me instead of positively check with

2/5 handed it in figured let you turn it 3A/5 how long for since has been playing

3B/5 figure them out help you out put them

away clean it up

the most expensive the best

5/5 I’m not quite sure what you’re getting at. /Exactly.

/Do you mean that/NO,that’s not what I mean.

/ Could you go over it again? / Are you saying that



1/4 howdoes对He listened he wants to

2/4 says he hasn’t heard of Kicks shoes

to help Nick

eye color

3/4 Spread on the mustard:

1.Put on the cheese and avocado.

2. Put on the tomato and cucumber

3.Add the secret ingredient.

4/4 Gomez对if her team The team appearing



1/4 Marcello:Hi,Amy: pulled it off pass on

2/4 Talia:Hi,Mom: Keep cool play it by ear

3/4 come up with break down

4/4 out of control out of this world



1/4 the luckiest pick him up best for dream this up

2/4 Tony:So,Talia: think of working could start was doing as difficult as

3/4 Secretary: may to talk as easy as will give

4/4 interesting to buy surprised to invite have


1/5 up out

2/5 I want to get and it

3/5 single sound spr…… gl……

4/5suprised going

5/5 I have to has is ---------------


1/3 Yes,what do you neeed I really need to

2/3 Are you saping it Yes, that’s whatI mean

3/3 Are you saying it didn’t go well Yes,that’s what Imean 过级最终测试Level Test




talia thinks…eliminated—the soccer team

there is a rumor—has an injury

tony thinks nick—a good soccer


what does the coach say the socer—they want nick not to paly what does the coach ask to be—he doesn`t trust

what dose nick say the tv station—he planned ahead


nick says his life is—a mess

nick says he needs—the news

dean doesn`t want to—comment about nick

nick agreed to endorse—shoes


OK, I’m wondering…:

couple sit-down silverware accommodate

easy-going understanding favor attractive settings

she knows it’s kind of out of your way for us to go to this party

Pick(注意大写) up anything else get some

some wine or dessert or bring anything


Alex.My old boyfriend Alex.:

I looked really good too

look your best

No way doing things and moving on

hang out or something



talia:i`m try,but—truth

amy:what`s wrong,talia?—exhauted

amy:you need to rest more—easy


which phrase means to want to do something?—feel like doing someting Which phrase means to understand something?—get it

which word describes a loud way of speaking?—roar


dean:well i can tell you—reaction


through it


patty:he`s innocent—out of the way

talia:i know—dream up

patty:i can`t believe—wait and see


two boys were caught smoking—let them off

excuse us for a minute—asking to step aside

the government is tring to—down

we…for lost time by—made up


figure out—be able to come up with

take your time—don`t hurry

throw a game—plan to lose a sports game



Tony:I(选词) : want am having would rather anyone better

nick:i don`t know what to do—through it

dean:i can`t believe all of—shout


dean:i tink nick should—could

coach:at first—was hoping


patty:well,i could add—hold on second

nick:thanks,i appreciate—best


talia:i…to see nick—have

dean:why do you need to see him?—to talk

dean:i think he`s too busy—concerned



falling rising falling


forget debts talk


men{tion} ab{so}lutely


He…stuty—used to can’t


(br)eak (str)eet


looked—single sound talented—extra syllable



mark:what do you think about—frankly


but i`ve got one favor to ask you—ok.no problem

he was accused of taking drugs—yeah.absolutely

you won`t believe who i ran into today—who

if you go shopping with me—that sounds good

you studied so hard on the test—no.i didn`t prepare for it at all


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