
China Energy conditions


Energy is an essential material basis for human survival and development.Over the entire history of mankind,each and every significant step in the progress of human civilization has been accompanied by energy innovations and substitutions.The development and utilization of energy has enormously boosted the development of the world economy and human society.


1.Current Situation of Energy Development


Energy resources abound.China boasts fairly rich fossil energy resources,dominated by coal.The verified reserves of oil and natural gas are relatively small,while oil shale,coal-bed gas and other unconventional fossil energy resources have huge potential for exploitation.China also boasts fairly abundant renewable energy resources.


2.Strategy and Goals of Energy Development


China”s energy development emphasizes thrift,cleanness and safety.Believing that development is the only way for its survival,China solves problems emerging in the process of advance through development and reform.To is end,it is applying the Scientific Outlook on Development,persevering in putting people first,changing its concept of development,making innovations in the mode of development, and improving the quality of development.It strives for high scientific and technological content,low resource consumption,minimum of environmental pollution,good economic returns,and guaranteed safety in energy development,so as to realize the coordinated and sustained development of all energy resources to the fullest possible extent. 中国的能源发展坚持节约、清洁和安全。 坚持发展是其生存的唯一途径,解决了新中国在前进的过程中通过发展和改革的问题。要结束了,这是落实科学发展观,坚持以人为本,转变发展观念,在创新发展模式,提高发展质量。力求科学技术含量高,资源消耗低,环境污染最小,经济效益好,保证能源发展的安全,实现能源的安全生产。所有能源资源的协调和可持续发展,尽可能最大限度地。

The basis themes of China”s energy strategy are giving priority to thrift,relying on domestic resources,encouraging diverse patterns of development, relying on science and technology,protecting the environment,and increasing international cooperation for mutual benefit.It strives to build a stable,economical,clean and safe energy supply system,so as to support the sustained economic and social development with sustained energy development. 对中国的基础”主题的能源战略是坚持节约优先、立足国内资源,鼓励多元发展,依靠科技,保护环境环境,加强国际互利合作。致力于建立一个稳定、经济、清洁、安全的能源供应体系,以支持可持续的经济和社会发展与持续的能源发展。

China Energy conditions


Energy is an essential material basis for human survival and development.Over the entire history of mankind,each and every significant step in the progress of human civilization has been accompanied by energy innovations and substitutions.The development and utilization of energy has enormously boosted the development of the world economy and human society.


1.Current Situation of Energy Development


Energy resources abound.China boasts fairly rich fossil energy resources,dominated by coal.The verified reserves of oil and natural gas are relatively small,while oil shale,coal-bed gas and other unconventional fossil energy resources have huge potential for exploitation.China also boasts fairly abundant renewable energy resources.


2.Strategy and Goals of Energy Development


China”s energy development emphasizes thrift,cleanness and safety.Believing that development is the only way for its survival,China solves problems emerging in the process of advance through development and reform.To is end,it is applying the Scientific Outlook on Development,persevering in putting people first,changing its concept of development,making innovations in the mode of development, and improving the quality of development.It strives for high scientific and technological content,low resource consumption,minimum of environmental pollution,good economic returns,and guaranteed safety in energy development,so as to realize the coordinated and sustained development of all energy resources to the fullest possible extent. 中国的能源发展坚持节约、清洁和安全。 坚持发展是其生存的唯一途径,解决了新中国在前进的过程中通过发展和改革的问题。要结束了,这是落实科学发展观,坚持以人为本,转变发展观念,在创新发展模式,提高发展质量。力求科学技术含量高,资源消耗低,环境污染最小,经济效益好,保证能源发展的安全,实现能源的安全生产。所有能源资源的协调和可持续发展,尽可能最大限度地。

The basis themes of China”s energy strategy are giving priority to thrift,relying on domestic resources,encouraging diverse patterns of development, relying on science and technology,protecting the environment,and increasing international cooperation for mutual benefit.It strives to build a stable,economical,clean and safe energy supply system,so as to support the sustained economic and social development with sustained energy development. 对中国的基础”主题的能源战略是坚持节约优先、立足国内资源,鼓励多元发展,依靠科技,保护环境环境,加强国际互利合作。致力于建立一个稳定、经济、清洁、安全的能源供应体系,以支持可持续的经济和社会发展与持续的能源发展。


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