
Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province, People's Republic of China, and is the most populous city in central China. It lies at the east of Jianghan Plain, and the intersection of the middle reaches of the Yangtze and Han River. Now Wuhan is recognized as the political, economic, financial, cultural, educational and transportation center of central China.

The Yellow Crane Tower, standing at the top of the Snake Hill imposingly(壮观地,令人印象深刻地), has been enjoying the great fame of “No. 1 tower among all the landscapes(风景)”.

Yellow Crane Tower was first built in the second year of Huangwu of Wu during the Three Kingdoms (A.D.223 year). The tower has a history of over 1700 years. It is not only an important scenic spot, but also a symbol of "piping times of peace" in people's minds. It has become the symbol of Wuhan for its long history, its magnificent outlook and its imposing architectural style.

Scholars and men of letters(文学家) through the ages mounted the tow er, composed poetry and wrote prose(文赋), enlarging (on)(原文无on ,恐有误,该短语意为“详述,细说”) the magnificent landscape of the Yellow Crane Tower. Today there are over one thousand pieces of poetry and over one hundred pieces of prose handed down(流传下来), in addition to many legends scattering(散落) into the folks(某一国家或地区的人们).

The East Lake is the pride and joy of the people of Wuhan. Millions of residents here get a lot of fun out of going for a walk along the lakeside in spring, swimming in summer, appreciating sw eet laurel in autumn and admiring plum in winter. The lake covers 33 square kilometers and stretches far into the distance. Ancient pagodas and temples scattered in 34 verdant hills around the lake make the scenic spot more historic and imposing.

Han Street, which lies in the south of Chu River, is 1500 meters long and covers 180,000 square meters. When you have a walk in it , you may feel that you are seemed in the picture of ' Riverside Scenes at the Qingming Festival '.There are more than 300 first-class brands in it including foods, gifts, clothes, entertainments and so forth. The buildings of this street are mostly the Mingguo style, with current fashionable style and European style architecture interspersing in them. From these different kinds of buildings, we can easily find people's respect to history and the vision to the future.

Chu River, crossing the whole project and connecting the East Lake and Shahu, is a man-made river. It's reputed as the soul of the tourist resorts. This river is very splendid. If you want to have a cruise excursion on it, don't worry, the luxurious ships are waiting for you. Those ships are environmental and I believe that they will provide you with total new experience of visiting

on water.

Hot and Dry Noodle is a kind of noodle which is very popular in this city. Hot and Dry Noodle is the most “Wuhaneseful” food.

zhouheiya is a local vision of this popular Chinese dish , made of duck necks and spices .

Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province, People's Republic of China, and is the most populous city in central China. It lies at the east of Jianghan Plain, and the intersection of the middle reaches of the Yangtze and Han River. Now Wuhan is recognized as the political, economic, financial, cultural, educational and transportation center of central China.

The Yellow Crane Tower, standing at the top of the Snake Hill imposingly(壮观地,令人印象深刻地), has been enjoying the great fame of “No. 1 tower among all the landscapes(风景)”.

Yellow Crane Tower was first built in the second year of Huangwu of Wu during the Three Kingdoms (A.D.223 year). The tower has a history of over 1700 years. It is not only an important scenic spot, but also a symbol of "piping times of peace" in people's minds. It has become the symbol of Wuhan for its long history, its magnificent outlook and its imposing architectural style.

Scholars and men of letters(文学家) through the ages mounted the tow er, composed poetry and wrote prose(文赋), enlarging (on)(原文无on ,恐有误,该短语意为“详述,细说”) the magnificent landscape of the Yellow Crane Tower. Today there are over one thousand pieces of poetry and over one hundred pieces of prose handed down(流传下来), in addition to many legends scattering(散落) into the folks(某一国家或地区的人们).

The East Lake is the pride and joy of the people of Wuhan. Millions of residents here get a lot of fun out of going for a walk along the lakeside in spring, swimming in summer, appreciating sw eet laurel in autumn and admiring plum in winter. The lake covers 33 square kilometers and stretches far into the distance. Ancient pagodas and temples scattered in 34 verdant hills around the lake make the scenic spot more historic and imposing.

Han Street, which lies in the south of Chu River, is 1500 meters long and covers 180,000 square meters. When you have a walk in it , you may feel that you are seemed in the picture of ' Riverside Scenes at the Qingming Festival '.There are more than 300 first-class brands in it including foods, gifts, clothes, entertainments and so forth. The buildings of this street are mostly the Mingguo style, with current fashionable style and European style architecture interspersing in them. From these different kinds of buildings, we can easily find people's respect to history and the vision to the future.

Chu River, crossing the whole project and connecting the East Lake and Shahu, is a man-made river. It's reputed as the soul of the tourist resorts. This river is very splendid. If you want to have a cruise excursion on it, don't worry, the luxurious ships are waiting for you. Those ships are environmental and I believe that they will provide you with total new experience of visiting

on water.

Hot and Dry Noodle is a kind of noodle which is very popular in this city. Hot and Dry Noodle is the most “Wuhaneseful” food.

zhouheiya is a local vision of this popular Chinese dish , made of duck necks and spices .


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