

2009-11-04 13:41:15| 分类: 学习吧 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅

Detailed Solution for Unit 5

Can you come to my party?


◆ lesson/5lesEn/ n. 课,课程

◆ calendar/5kAlIndE/ n. 日历,行事历

◆ tomorrow/tE5mCrEJ/ n. 明天

◆ invitation/9InvI5teIFEn/n. 邀请

◆ match/mAtF/n. 比赛,竞赛

◆ whole/hEJl/adj. 整整的,全部的,完整的


◆ baseball game 棒球比赛

◆ the day after tomorrow 后天

◆ come over to 从一地方来到另一个地方,过来

◆ go to the doctor 去看病

◆ have a piano lesson 上钢琴课

◆ have to 不得不

◆ text time 下一次

◆ study for a test 准备考试

◆ be free 有空儿,有时间



I usually do my lessons in the evening.

2. have a lesson / have lessons (学生)上课:

I had an art lesson yesterday.

3. give a lesson to sb. / give lessons to sb. (老师)给某人上课:

Our math teacher gave a funny lesson to us.

或) give sb. a lesson给某人一个教训:

The terrible illness taught him a lesson, so he wanted to exercise every day.

作形容词:I am still hungry. I want to have another apple.

作代词: I don‟t like this shirt. I want to have a look at another.

1. from one to another 从一个到另一个:

I‟m going hiking from one city to another.

I love apples, so I eat one after another when there are some at home.

other/ others/another/the other/the others

20 students in our class are English and the other students are Chinese.

Some say yes, but others say no.


the other作代词(单数),表示两者中的另一个人或事物

I have two pens. One is red and the other is black.

the others作代词(复数),表示全体中除去一部分后其余所有的人后事物

20 students in our class are English and the others are Chinese.

thank you for / thanks for

thank you for谢谢你… 后面跟谢谢你… 后面跟doing sth.

Thank you for your invitation.

Thanks for coming to my party.

Whole/ all

all my morning与my whole morning

2. all 不与a / an 连用,whole可以

可以说a whole year,但不可以说all a year

who 问作主语的“谁”:Who can open this door?

whom 问作宾语的“谁”:Whom are you looking after?

注:口语中who和whom可以通用;whose 问事物的主人:Whose book is it?

come over顺便来访 come along一起来 come from来自…

come back回来 come down下来,败落 come round (非正式)过访,前来

come into being形成,产生 come out出来 come on赶快,来吧

come in 进来 come up上来,出现 come up with提出,赶上


1. Can you come to my party on Wednesday? 你星期三能来我的聚会吗?

2. Can you go to the movies? 你能去看电影吗?

I‟m sorry. I have to help my mom. 对不起,我必须帮我妈妈。

3. Can she/he go to the baseball game? 她(他)能去棒球赛吗?

No, she/he can‟t .She/he has to study for a test. 不能,她(他)不得不为考试学习。

4. Can they go to the concert? 他们能去音乐会吗?

No, they can‟t .They‟re going to a party. 不能,他们将去(参加)聚会。


使用Can you …?句型发出邀请并能正确回答。

1. I have to help my parents . 我不得不帮助我的父母。

I‟m sorry. I have to study for a math test. 对不起,我得为数学考试而学习。

(1)have to表示“不得不”的意思,“形势逼迫”的意味;help的用法:help sb with sth .或help sb (to) do sth . eg.

I have to help my parents with the housework .或说I have to help my parents (to) do the housework . 我不得不帮助我父母干家务。

You shall have to work hard if they want you to get it done this week.

如果他们要你这周完成这项工作的话,你就得努力工作。(表示外界条件的客观需要。) 而must则着重说明主观看法,表示个人的意志,eg.

I must go there to help the poor.



I am afraid we have to / must leave now. 我恐怕得走了。

(2)study for…表示“为……而学”的意思,for的后面接study的目的,eg.

We study hard for the people. 我们为人们而努力学习。

They want to work hard for better pay. 他们为了更好的报酬而努力工作。

That‟s too bad . Maybe another time . 太糟了,也许换个时间吧。

或Maybe next time . 也许下一次吧。

3. Thanks for asking . 谢谢你的邀请。

for是个介词不能直接跟动词 “ask”,所以动词变为动名词的形式 “asking”起到名词作


Thanks for your photos . (photos为名词)

Thanks for helping me . (helping为动名词)

Thank you for your invitation to visit next week .谢谢你邀请我下周去做客。

4. I have a really busy week . 我有个实在忙碌的一周。

5. I‟m playing tennis with the school team . 我将同校队打网球。

6. finish the geography project in the evening . 在晚上完成地理作业。

whole做“定语”,如:the whole country . 整个国家

8. come over to my house 到我家来

come over to表示从一个地方来到另一个地方。

come over还有“过来”“顺便来访”的意思

9.I have too much homework this weekend.

too much 用来修饰不可数名词,用来强调其“量”超出了正常的范围,eg.

He sometimes finds his teachers leave them too much work to do.


I don‟t want to eat too much food every day. 我不希望每天吃太多的东西。

too用来修饰形容词或副词,表示“太”的意思,其程度比very, so, quite要强得多。

10.Thank you for your invitation to visit next week.

(1)thank you for…“感谢……”,for表示原因,表示感谢的缘由,后须接名词、代词或动名词,。eg.

A thousand thanks for your kindness. 非常感谢你的善意。

Well, I must be going now. Thanks for your time. 我得走了,谢谢你为我花费了时间。谢谢你的邀请。

(2)名词invitation 来自动词invite,是在动词的后面加上后缀-tion或-ion构成,表示“情况,状态,性质,行为”等,如:quest—question, operate—operation等。

11. Please keep quiet! I‟m trying to study.

keep quiet 动词keep的用法很多,但主要意思基本不变,主要是“保存、保持”,表示持有的意思,具体用法有名词我们在家养了一条狗。


I kept myself warm by walking up and down. 我踱来踱去以暖和身子。


The kettle is used for keeping water warm. 热水瓶是用来保持水温的。


They kept working for another half an hour. 他们又继续工作了半个小时。


She kept us waiting for quite some time. 她让我们等了好一会儿。


1. have to 与情态动词的区别

情态动词不能单独作谓语,后面必须接动词原形一起构成谓语,have to 也是这样。 情态动词没有人称和数的变化,而且所用的时态也受到一定的限制,但是have to 有人称和数的变化,可用于多种时态中,在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,要用has to, 其余人称用have to;一般过去时中用had to;一般将来时中用will have to, eg. She has to go to school by bus. 她不得不乘公共汽车去上学。

If you get ill, you‟ll have to see the doctor. 如果你生病的话,你就得看医生。

2. have to 与must 的区别

have to 和must 都有“必须”的意思,那么它们有哪些不同呢?

(1) 含义和用法上的区别:

have to 强调客观上需要做某事,即表示外界条件的需要不得不做某事,含有“形势逼迫”的意味;must 强调说话者主观上认为必须做某事,含有“主观判断”的意味, eg. My bike was broken on my way to school. I had to walk there.


We must learn English well. 我们必须学好英语。(主观上有这种想法。)

(2) 否定式的区别:

have to 的否定式意为“不必”,must的否定式意为“禁止;不允许”。因此,以must开头的一般疑问句的肯定回答为“Yes, 主语+must”,否定回答为“No, 主语+needn‟t / don‟t have to”。eg.

---Must I finish the homework now? 我必须现在完成作业吗?

---Yes, you must. (No, you needn‟t / don‟t have to) 是的,你必须现在完成。(不,你不必。)

3. 反意疑问句的构成区别:

(1) 陈述部分含有have to 时,其附加问句的谓语往往用助动词do的相应形式或助动词will。eg.

You had to go shopping yesterday, didn‟t you? 昨天你不得不去购物,是吗?

(2) 陈述部分含有must 时,其附加问句的谓语,按下面几种情况来确定:

A. must 意为“必须”时,附加问句谓语用needn‟t。eg.

We must clean the classroom, needn‟t we? 我们必须打扫教室,是吗? B. mustn‟t意为“禁止”之意,附加问句谓语用must。eg. The boy mustn‟t play with the knife, must he? 那个男孩不能玩刀子,对吗? C. must 意为“应该”时,附加问句谓语用mustn‟t。eg.

We must help each other, mustn‟t we? 我们应该互相帮助,对吗?

D. must 意为“一定;想必”表示推测时,附加问句部分谓语要根据must后面的动词来确定。eg.

Mr Liang must be at home, isn‟t he? 梁先生一定在家,对吗?

注:must 表示的是一种相当肯定的与事实非常接近的推测。eg.

Mr Wang must be at home. 其实就相当于Mr Wang is at home.

因此,它的反意疑问句的附加问句部分是isn‟t he 也就很容易理解了。

又如:They must be right, aren‟t they?

4.情态动词“have to”与其他的情态动词的用法比较:如“can” , “may”和 “should”(应该)。 而have to有。它的第三人称单数为“has to”,eg.

He should study hard . 他应该好好学习。

He has to study hard . 他不得不好好学习。


Can he go with us ? 他能和我们一起去吗?

而“have to”要加助动词do , does或did才可能完成其疑问、否定句。

同学们试着将下面三种话分别写成(1)一般疑问句,并做肯定回答。(2)否定句。 A: They have to go to the party . Do they have to go to the party ? Yes , they do . They don‟t have to go to the party .

B: He has to go to see the doctor . Does he have to go to see the doctor ? Yes , he does . He doesn‟t have to go to see the doctor .

C: She had to have a piano lesson yesterday . Did she have to have a piano lesson yesterday ? Yes , she did . She didn‟t have to have a piano lesson yesterday .

(用了助动词 “does”或 “did”表示疑问,否定时一定注意原来动词的第三人称单数或过去式要还原)


. 单项填空

1. What do you usually do _______ Saturdays?( )

A. at B. on C. in

2. I‟m sorry I have to _______ for the English test.( )

A. study B. studies C. studying

3. Can you ______ to my birthday party?( )

A. visit B. go C. come

4. Thanks for ___________.( )

A. asking B. ask C. asks

5. On Wednesday , I‟m _________ tennis with the school team.( )

A. play B. playing C. am playing

6. A: Must I clean my room, mom? B: No, you ______.( )

A. don‟t B. needn‟t C. aren‟t

. 连词成句

1. Thanks, for, a lot, invitation , the


2. Can, come, to, you , my , party ?


3. I‟m , I‟m , sorry , to , going , the , movies, my friends, with .


4. Tomorrow , have to , I , to , the , go , dentist.


5. What , you, are , on , Sunday, doing?


. 根据所给词语的提示,写出问句和答句

1. does go school how Lucy to? (ride her bike)

Q: _________________________________________

A: _________________________________________

2. you how do get house your? (walk)

Q: _________________________________________

A: _________________________________________

3. it long take how does? (twenty minutes)

Q: _________________________________________

A: _________________________________________

4. far it his home is how from school to? (five miles)

Q: _________________________________________

A: _________________________________________

. 补全对话

A: Hi, Tom?

T: Yeah, hi, Amy.

A: Tom, can you 1 tennis with me?

T: Uh, 2 ?

A: Today.

T: Uh, no, sorry, I can‟t. I have to go to the doctor and 3 for a test today.

A: How about 4 ?

T: Sorry, tomorrow I‟m playing soccer and I have a piano lesson.

A: Oh. Well, what are you doing the day after tomorrow?

T: I have 5 babysit my sister.

A: Oh, I see.

T: I‟m sorry, Amy. I‟m really busy this week.

. 重新安排所给句子的顺序,使其成为一个完整的信件。

A. Dear Ms Masini,

B. yours sincerely

A. Springfield

C. We usually try to arrange such visits on Fridays, D. are 21st May and 4th June. E. if one of these is suitable for you? F. In view of your interest in the Institute for the Blind

G. for you to spend a morning

H. Could you please let us know

I. Thank you for your letter of 12th April.

J. visiting our organization,

K. because one of our staff is then free to show guests round the buildings.

L. Two possible dates which we can offer

M. we are extremely happy.


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. B


1. B, 表示在星期几,用介词 on。

2. A, have to 后面接动词原形。

4. A, for是介词,其后应该接动名词作介词宾语。

5. B, I‟m 加现在分词playing一起构成现在进行时,表示将要发生的动作。

6. B, 用must 提问时,否定回答应该用:needn‟t。

1. Thanks a lot for the invitation.

2. Can you come to my birthday party?

3. I‟m sorry I „m going to the movies with my friends.

4. Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist (tomorrow).

5. What are you doing on Sunday?

1. How does Lucy go to school? She rides her bike.

2. How do you get to your house? I walk.

3. How long does it take. It takes twenty minutes.

4. How far is it from his home to school? It is five miles.

1. play 2. when 3. study 4. tomorrow 5. to


1. play, 根据前后词义,应该是can you play tennis with me。

2. when, 因为其后面的答句是Today。

3. study, study for a test 是固定短语。

4. tomorrow, 因为答句是Sorry, tomorrow I‟m playing soccer..., 由此判断得出答案。

Dear Ms Masini,

Thank you for your letter of 12th April.

In view of your interest in the Institute for the Blind, we are extremely happy.

We usually try to arrange such visits on Fridays, because one of our staff is then free to show guests round the buildings.

Two possible dates which we can offer for you to spend a morning visiting our organization,

are 21st May and 4th June.

Could you please let us know if one of these is suitable for you?

yours sincerely


Can Mary go to the baseball game ?

She has to babysit her sister .

I am really busy this week .

Thanks a lot for your invitation .

I have too much homework this weekend .

I am going to the mall the day after tomorrow .

I have to help him (to) clean his room .

I have to practise the piano .

Can you go shopping with me ?

10. Sure . I‟d love to .

in view of: 由于

then: 表示“这时,那时”

show sb. round sth: 带领某人参观

offer sth (for sb) to do sth: (向某人)提供某物做某事

which we can offer: 作定语,修饰前面的dates

spend some time (in) doing sth: 花费某时间做某事

one of these: 指21st May 和 4th June 之中的一个时间

if: 引导的从句作know的宾语

【例1】 The students are having a class. Ask them to keep ________.

A. quiet B. quietly

C. quick D. quickly

解析:keep quiet “保持安静”。quiet是形容词与keep一起构成词组。keep后面加上形容词表示“保持某种状态”。如:keep clean;keep warm等。

(1)May I __________ the sports meeting?

(2)When did your father ________ the Party?

解析:根据“重,难点解析”第6点可知(1)填take part in,(2)填join

【例3】 He eats ________ food, so he is ________ fat.

解析:Too much,too many都是表示“太多的”意思,too much后接不可数名词,too many后接可数名词。Much too是“太…”的意思,后接形容词。句子的意思是“他吃了太多食物,所以太胖了。”。

【例4】 ----Do you have a PE _______ every day?

----No, we have only two PE _______ every week.

解析:上一堂体育课,译为“have a PE lesson”。两节体育课,译为“have two PE classes”

【例5】 Tomorrow is Chinese Communist ________ birthday. We will have a tea ________.

A. party, Party B. Party, party

C. party‟s, party D. party‟s, party

解析:党的生日晚会译为“Party‟s birthday party”其中P大写是“党”的意思,p小写是“晚会”的意思。


2009-11-04 13:41:15| 分类: 学习吧 | 标签: |字号大中小 订阅

Detailed Solution for Unit 5

Can you come to my party?


◆ lesson/5lesEn/ n. 课,课程

◆ calendar/5kAlIndE/ n. 日历,行事历

◆ tomorrow/tE5mCrEJ/ n. 明天

◆ invitation/9InvI5teIFEn/n. 邀请

◆ match/mAtF/n. 比赛,竞赛

◆ whole/hEJl/adj. 整整的,全部的,完整的


◆ baseball game 棒球比赛

◆ the day after tomorrow 后天

◆ come over to 从一地方来到另一个地方,过来

◆ go to the doctor 去看病

◆ have a piano lesson 上钢琴课

◆ have to 不得不

◆ text time 下一次

◆ study for a test 准备考试

◆ be free 有空儿,有时间



I usually do my lessons in the evening.

2. have a lesson / have lessons (学生)上课:

I had an art lesson yesterday.

3. give a lesson to sb. / give lessons to sb. (老师)给某人上课:

Our math teacher gave a funny lesson to us.

或) give sb. a lesson给某人一个教训:

The terrible illness taught him a lesson, so he wanted to exercise every day.

作形容词:I am still hungry. I want to have another apple.

作代词: I don‟t like this shirt. I want to have a look at another.

1. from one to another 从一个到另一个:

I‟m going hiking from one city to another.

I love apples, so I eat one after another when there are some at home.

other/ others/another/the other/the others

20 students in our class are English and the other students are Chinese.

Some say yes, but others say no.


the other作代词(单数),表示两者中的另一个人或事物

I have two pens. One is red and the other is black.

the others作代词(复数),表示全体中除去一部分后其余所有的人后事物

20 students in our class are English and the others are Chinese.

thank you for / thanks for

thank you for谢谢你… 后面跟谢谢你… 后面跟doing sth.

Thank you for your invitation.

Thanks for coming to my party.

Whole/ all

all my morning与my whole morning

2. all 不与a / an 连用,whole可以

可以说a whole year,但不可以说all a year

who 问作主语的“谁”:Who can open this door?

whom 问作宾语的“谁”:Whom are you looking after?

注:口语中who和whom可以通用;whose 问事物的主人:Whose book is it?

come over顺便来访 come along一起来 come from来自…

come back回来 come down下来,败落 come round (非正式)过访,前来

come into being形成,产生 come out出来 come on赶快,来吧

come in 进来 come up上来,出现 come up with提出,赶上


1. Can you come to my party on Wednesday? 你星期三能来我的聚会吗?

2. Can you go to the movies? 你能去看电影吗?

I‟m sorry. I have to help my mom. 对不起,我必须帮我妈妈。

3. Can she/he go to the baseball game? 她(他)能去棒球赛吗?

No, she/he can‟t .She/he has to study for a test. 不能,她(他)不得不为考试学习。

4. Can they go to the concert? 他们能去音乐会吗?

No, they can‟t .They‟re going to a party. 不能,他们将去(参加)聚会。


使用Can you …?句型发出邀请并能正确回答。

1. I have to help my parents . 我不得不帮助我的父母。

I‟m sorry. I have to study for a math test. 对不起,我得为数学考试而学习。

(1)have to表示“不得不”的意思,“形势逼迫”的意味;help的用法:help sb with sth .或help sb (to) do sth . eg.

I have to help my parents with the housework .或说I have to help my parents (to) do the housework . 我不得不帮助我父母干家务。

You shall have to work hard if they want you to get it done this week.

如果他们要你这周完成这项工作的话,你就得努力工作。(表示外界条件的客观需要。) 而must则着重说明主观看法,表示个人的意志,eg.

I must go there to help the poor.



I am afraid we have to / must leave now. 我恐怕得走了。

(2)study for…表示“为……而学”的意思,for的后面接study的目的,eg.

We study hard for the people. 我们为人们而努力学习。

They want to work hard for better pay. 他们为了更好的报酬而努力工作。

That‟s too bad . Maybe another time . 太糟了,也许换个时间吧。

或Maybe next time . 也许下一次吧。

3. Thanks for asking . 谢谢你的邀请。

for是个介词不能直接跟动词 “ask”,所以动词变为动名词的形式 “asking”起到名词作


Thanks for your photos . (photos为名词)

Thanks for helping me . (helping为动名词)

Thank you for your invitation to visit next week .谢谢你邀请我下周去做客。

4. I have a really busy week . 我有个实在忙碌的一周。

5. I‟m playing tennis with the school team . 我将同校队打网球。

6. finish the geography project in the evening . 在晚上完成地理作业。

whole做“定语”,如:the whole country . 整个国家

8. come over to my house 到我家来

come over to表示从一个地方来到另一个地方。

come over还有“过来”“顺便来访”的意思

9.I have too much homework this weekend.

too much 用来修饰不可数名词,用来强调其“量”超出了正常的范围,eg.

He sometimes finds his teachers leave them too much work to do.


I don‟t want to eat too much food every day. 我不希望每天吃太多的东西。

too用来修饰形容词或副词,表示“太”的意思,其程度比very, so, quite要强得多。

10.Thank you for your invitation to visit next week.

(1)thank you for…“感谢……”,for表示原因,表示感谢的缘由,后须接名词、代词或动名词,。eg.

A thousand thanks for your kindness. 非常感谢你的善意。

Well, I must be going now. Thanks for your time. 我得走了,谢谢你为我花费了时间。谢谢你的邀请。

(2)名词invitation 来自动词invite,是在动词的后面加上后缀-tion或-ion构成,表示“情况,状态,性质,行为”等,如:quest—question, operate—operation等。

11. Please keep quiet! I‟m trying to study.

keep quiet 动词keep的用法很多,但主要意思基本不变,主要是“保存、保持”,表示持有的意思,具体用法有名词我们在家养了一条狗。


I kept myself warm by walking up and down. 我踱来踱去以暖和身子。


The kettle is used for keeping water warm. 热水瓶是用来保持水温的。


They kept working for another half an hour. 他们又继续工作了半个小时。


She kept us waiting for quite some time. 她让我们等了好一会儿。


1. have to 与情态动词的区别

情态动词不能单独作谓语,后面必须接动词原形一起构成谓语,have to 也是这样。 情态动词没有人称和数的变化,而且所用的时态也受到一定的限制,但是have to 有人称和数的变化,可用于多种时态中,在一般现在时中,当主语是第三人称单数时,要用has to, 其余人称用have to;一般过去时中用had to;一般将来时中用will have to, eg. She has to go to school by bus. 她不得不乘公共汽车去上学。

If you get ill, you‟ll have to see the doctor. 如果你生病的话,你就得看医生。

2. have to 与must 的区别

have to 和must 都有“必须”的意思,那么它们有哪些不同呢?

(1) 含义和用法上的区别:

have to 强调客观上需要做某事,即表示外界条件的需要不得不做某事,含有“形势逼迫”的意味;must 强调说话者主观上认为必须做某事,含有“主观判断”的意味, eg. My bike was broken on my way to school. I had to walk there.


We must learn English well. 我们必须学好英语。(主观上有这种想法。)

(2) 否定式的区别:

have to 的否定式意为“不必”,must的否定式意为“禁止;不允许”。因此,以must开头的一般疑问句的肯定回答为“Yes, 主语+must”,否定回答为“No, 主语+needn‟t / don‟t have to”。eg.

---Must I finish the homework now? 我必须现在完成作业吗?

---Yes, you must. (No, you needn‟t / don‟t have to) 是的,你必须现在完成。(不,你不必。)

3. 反意疑问句的构成区别:

(1) 陈述部分含有have to 时,其附加问句的谓语往往用助动词do的相应形式或助动词will。eg.

You had to go shopping yesterday, didn‟t you? 昨天你不得不去购物,是吗?

(2) 陈述部分含有must 时,其附加问句的谓语,按下面几种情况来确定:

A. must 意为“必须”时,附加问句谓语用needn‟t。eg.

We must clean the classroom, needn‟t we? 我们必须打扫教室,是吗? B. mustn‟t意为“禁止”之意,附加问句谓语用must。eg. The boy mustn‟t play with the knife, must he? 那个男孩不能玩刀子,对吗? C. must 意为“应该”时,附加问句谓语用mustn‟t。eg.

We must help each other, mustn‟t we? 我们应该互相帮助,对吗?

D. must 意为“一定;想必”表示推测时,附加问句部分谓语要根据must后面的动词来确定。eg.

Mr Liang must be at home, isn‟t he? 梁先生一定在家,对吗?

注:must 表示的是一种相当肯定的与事实非常接近的推测。eg.

Mr Wang must be at home. 其实就相当于Mr Wang is at home.

因此,它的反意疑问句的附加问句部分是isn‟t he 也就很容易理解了。

又如:They must be right, aren‟t they?

4.情态动词“have to”与其他的情态动词的用法比较:如“can” , “may”和 “should”(应该)。 而have to有。它的第三人称单数为“has to”,eg.

He should study hard . 他应该好好学习。

He has to study hard . 他不得不好好学习。


Can he go with us ? 他能和我们一起去吗?

而“have to”要加助动词do , does或did才可能完成其疑问、否定句。

同学们试着将下面三种话分别写成(1)一般疑问句,并做肯定回答。(2)否定句。 A: They have to go to the party . Do they have to go to the party ? Yes , they do . They don‟t have to go to the party .

B: He has to go to see the doctor . Does he have to go to see the doctor ? Yes , he does . He doesn‟t have to go to see the doctor .

C: She had to have a piano lesson yesterday . Did she have to have a piano lesson yesterday ? Yes , she did . She didn‟t have to have a piano lesson yesterday .

(用了助动词 “does”或 “did”表示疑问,否定时一定注意原来动词的第三人称单数或过去式要还原)


. 单项填空

1. What do you usually do _______ Saturdays?( )

A. at B. on C. in

2. I‟m sorry I have to _______ for the English test.( )

A. study B. studies C. studying

3. Can you ______ to my birthday party?( )

A. visit B. go C. come

4. Thanks for ___________.( )

A. asking B. ask C. asks

5. On Wednesday , I‟m _________ tennis with the school team.( )

A. play B. playing C. am playing

6. A: Must I clean my room, mom? B: No, you ______.( )

A. don‟t B. needn‟t C. aren‟t

. 连词成句

1. Thanks, for, a lot, invitation , the


2. Can, come, to, you , my , party ?


3. I‟m , I‟m , sorry , to , going , the , movies, my friends, with .


4. Tomorrow , have to , I , to , the , go , dentist.


5. What , you, are , on , Sunday, doing?


. 根据所给词语的提示,写出问句和答句

1. does go school how Lucy to? (ride her bike)

Q: _________________________________________

A: _________________________________________

2. you how do get house your? (walk)

Q: _________________________________________

A: _________________________________________

3. it long take how does? (twenty minutes)

Q: _________________________________________

A: _________________________________________

4. far it his home is how from school to? (five miles)

Q: _________________________________________

A: _________________________________________

. 补全对话

A: Hi, Tom?

T: Yeah, hi, Amy.

A: Tom, can you 1 tennis with me?

T: Uh, 2 ?

A: Today.

T: Uh, no, sorry, I can‟t. I have to go to the doctor and 3 for a test today.

A: How about 4 ?

T: Sorry, tomorrow I‟m playing soccer and I have a piano lesson.

A: Oh. Well, what are you doing the day after tomorrow?

T: I have 5 babysit my sister.

A: Oh, I see.

T: I‟m sorry, Amy. I‟m really busy this week.

. 重新安排所给句子的顺序,使其成为一个完整的信件。

A. Dear Ms Masini,

B. yours sincerely

A. Springfield

C. We usually try to arrange such visits on Fridays, D. are 21st May and 4th June. E. if one of these is suitable for you? F. In view of your interest in the Institute for the Blind

G. for you to spend a morning

H. Could you please let us know

I. Thank you for your letter of 12th April.

J. visiting our organization,

K. because one of our staff is then free to show guests round the buildings.

L. Two possible dates which we can offer

M. we are extremely happy.


1. B 2. A 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. B


1. B, 表示在星期几,用介词 on。

2. A, have to 后面接动词原形。

4. A, for是介词,其后应该接动名词作介词宾语。

5. B, I‟m 加现在分词playing一起构成现在进行时,表示将要发生的动作。

6. B, 用must 提问时,否定回答应该用:needn‟t。

1. Thanks a lot for the invitation.

2. Can you come to my birthday party?

3. I‟m sorry I „m going to the movies with my friends.

4. Tomorrow I have to go to the dentist (tomorrow).

5. What are you doing on Sunday?

1. How does Lucy go to school? She rides her bike.

2. How do you get to your house? I walk.

3. How long does it take. It takes twenty minutes.

4. How far is it from his home to school? It is five miles.

1. play 2. when 3. study 4. tomorrow 5. to


1. play, 根据前后词义,应该是can you play tennis with me。

2. when, 因为其后面的答句是Today。

3. study, study for a test 是固定短语。

4. tomorrow, 因为答句是Sorry, tomorrow I‟m playing soccer..., 由此判断得出答案。

Dear Ms Masini,

Thank you for your letter of 12th April.

In view of your interest in the Institute for the Blind, we are extremely happy.

We usually try to arrange such visits on Fridays, because one of our staff is then free to show guests round the buildings.

Two possible dates which we can offer for you to spend a morning visiting our organization,

are 21st May and 4th June.

Could you please let us know if one of these is suitable for you?

yours sincerely


Can Mary go to the baseball game ?

She has to babysit her sister .

I am really busy this week .

Thanks a lot for your invitation .

I have too much homework this weekend .

I am going to the mall the day after tomorrow .

I have to help him (to) clean his room .

I have to practise the piano .

Can you go shopping with me ?

10. Sure . I‟d love to .

in view of: 由于

then: 表示“这时,那时”

show sb. round sth: 带领某人参观

offer sth (for sb) to do sth: (向某人)提供某物做某事

which we can offer: 作定语,修饰前面的dates

spend some time (in) doing sth: 花费某时间做某事

one of these: 指21st May 和 4th June 之中的一个时间

if: 引导的从句作know的宾语

【例1】 The students are having a class. Ask them to keep ________.

A. quiet B. quietly

C. quick D. quickly

解析:keep quiet “保持安静”。quiet是形容词与keep一起构成词组。keep后面加上形容词表示“保持某种状态”。如:keep clean;keep warm等。

(1)May I __________ the sports meeting?

(2)When did your father ________ the Party?

解析:根据“重,难点解析”第6点可知(1)填take part in,(2)填join

【例3】 He eats ________ food, so he is ________ fat.

解析:Too much,too many都是表示“太多的”意思,too much后接不可数名词,too many后接可数名词。Much too是“太…”的意思,后接形容词。句子的意思是“他吃了太多食物,所以太胖了。”。

【例4】 ----Do you have a PE _______ every day?

----No, we have only two PE _______ every week.

解析:上一堂体育课,译为“have a PE lesson”。两节体育课,译为“have two PE classes”

【例5】 Tomorrow is Chinese Communist ________ birthday. We will have a tea ________.

A. party, Party B. Party, party

C. party‟s, party D. party‟s, party

解析:党的生日晚会译为“Party‟s birthday party”其中P大写是“党”的意思,p小写是“晚会”的意思。


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