



  secretary (senior)

  sandy lin 15/f,tower2 ,bright china,building1,beijing.


  to contribute acquired administrative skills to a senior secretary/word processor position.

  summary of qualifications

  *more than 13 years administrative/clerical experience; type 90 wpm.*self-motivated;able to set effective priorities and implement decisions to achieve immediate and long-term goals and meet operational deadlines.

  *proven communication abilities,both oral and written.

  professional experience

  1988-present caldyne associates,providence,ri


  process technical reports,engineering specs,and traffic studies utilizing multi-mate wp.type all requisite documents for staff of 30

professionals.arrange meetings,handle incoming calls.expedite ups mailings,federal express,faxing and courier services.type statistical charts,manuscripts,correspondence,and minutes.order supplies,coordinate daily meetings,arrange luncheons,and administer labor cards.

  1984-1988 bristol bank,bristol,ct


  utilized call director,typed reports,letters,and expense sheets.reserved conference rooms,order supplies.responsible for calligraphy assignments.

  1981-1984 sargent agency,hamden,ct


  assigned to school of public health.managed typing of medical charts used in textbooks for government funded medical program in iran.


  pollack secretarial school,jackson,tn 1979

  computer skills

  dos,microsoft word,ibm compatible,lotus 1-2-3

  separate category for computer experience calls attention to candidate's technical knowledge.

  education is applicable to candidate'sjob objective and adds weight to resume.



  peter david stevens

  university of texas at austin

  1 university station - c2369

  austin, tx 78712

  (512) 555-3454

  [email protected]


  bachelor of business administration in marketing

  university of texas, austin, tx, may XX

  college and graduate school of business

  major: marketing; minor: spanish

  cumulative gpa: 3.8

  professional skills

  entrepreneurial: designed, published and promoted 35-page marketing web site.

  established, managed, and sold lawn service consisting of 20 clients.

  founded and maintained car detailing service responsible for 25 clients.

  professional sales: telemarketed as an order-taker for longhorn tire supply, which involved learning and implementing sales presentation and conflict-resolution skills.

  performed cold, door-to-door sales calls to obtain clientele for a deli delivery route and landscape service company.

  solicited austin business professionals for donations and sponsorships of ut crew, club hispanic, and george bush hall events.

  communications: composed business news articles as an intern and authored editorial articles as a freelance columnist for the texas business weekly.

  drafted professional letters for the texas bureau for compliance monitoring and a financial assistance proposal for the austin rotary club in an academic internship with the migrant farm workers association.

  performed reading, writing, and speaking activities in spanish while participating in a language immersion program in costa rica, a latin american studies trip in guatemala, and a business internship program in ecuador.

  multicultural: developed integrated marketing plan for sale of services to latin american municipalities through internship program in ecuador.

  participated in spanish immersion program in san josé, costa rica, while living with a local family and attending a language school for one month.

  interacted with mayan indians to observe their cultural norms and study their language for two weeks through a latin american studies trip to guatemala.


  who's who among students in american universities

  national honor society: 4 semesters

  dean's list: 4 semesters

  honor roll: 2 semesters

  activities resident assistant, ut department of residential life

  general member, ut alumni association

  rower, ut crew team


  the cumulative gpa (grade point average) is the calculation of all grades received while an undergraduate or a graduate student at the university.




  secretary (senior)

  sandy lin 15/f,tower2 ,bright china,building1,beijing.


  to contribute acquired administrative skills to a senior secretary/word processor position.

  summary of qualifications

  *more than 13 years administrative/clerical experience; type 90 wpm.*self-motivated;able to set effective priorities and implement decisions to achieve immediate and long-term goals and meet operational deadlines.

  *proven communication abilities,both oral and written.

  professional experience

  1988-present caldyne associates,providence,ri


  process technical reports,engineering specs,and traffic studies utilizing multi-mate wp.type all requisite documents for staff of 30

professionals.arrange meetings,handle incoming calls.expedite ups mailings,federal express,faxing and courier services.type statistical charts,manuscripts,correspondence,and minutes.order supplies,coordinate daily meetings,arrange luncheons,and administer labor cards.

  1984-1988 bristol bank,bristol,ct


  utilized call director,typed reports,letters,and expense sheets.reserved conference rooms,order supplies.responsible for calligraphy assignments.

  1981-1984 sargent agency,hamden,ct


  assigned to school of public health.managed typing of medical charts used in textbooks for government funded medical program in iran.


  pollack secretarial school,jackson,tn 1979

  computer skills

  dos,microsoft word,ibm compatible,lotus 1-2-3

  separate category for computer experience calls attention to candidate's technical knowledge.

  education is applicable to candidate'sjob objective and adds weight to resume.



  peter david stevens

  university of texas at austin

  1 university station - c2369

  austin, tx 78712

  (512) 555-3454

  [email protected]


  bachelor of business administration in marketing

  university of texas, austin, tx, may XX

  college and graduate school of business

  major: marketing; minor: spanish

  cumulative gpa: 3.8

  professional skills

  entrepreneurial: designed, published and promoted 35-page marketing web site.

  established, managed, and sold lawn service consisting of 20 clients.

  founded and maintained car detailing service responsible for 25 clients.

  professional sales: telemarketed as an order-taker for longhorn tire supply, which involved learning and implementing sales presentation and conflict-resolution skills.

  performed cold, door-to-door sales calls to obtain clientele for a deli delivery route and landscape service company.

  solicited austin business professionals for donations and sponsorships of ut crew, club hispanic, and george bush hall events.

  communications: composed business news articles as an intern and authored editorial articles as a freelance columnist for the texas business weekly.

  drafted professional letters for the texas bureau for compliance monitoring and a financial assistance proposal for the austin rotary club in an academic internship with the migrant farm workers association.

  performed reading, writing, and speaking activities in spanish while participating in a language immersion program in costa rica, a latin american studies trip in guatemala, and a business internship program in ecuador.

  multicultural: developed integrated marketing plan for sale of services to latin american municipalities through internship program in ecuador.

  participated in spanish immersion program in san josé, costa rica, while living with a local family and attending a language school for one month.

  interacted with mayan indians to observe their cultural norms and study their language for two weeks through a latin american studies trip to guatemala.


  who's who among students in american universities

  national honor society: 4 semesters

  dean's list: 4 semesters

  honor roll: 2 semesters

  activities resident assistant, ut department of residential life

  general member, ut alumni association

  rower, ut crew team


  the cumulative gpa (grade point average) is the calculation of all grades received while an undergraduate or a graduate student at the university.


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