


1. My Ideal Job 我理想的工作


There are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. But different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers. This is because everyone has his own interest. As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher. I choose to do so mainly for three reasons. First, I want to teach because I like the pace of academic calendar. Two long vacations offer me an opportunity for

reflection, research and writing. Secondly, I want to teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lesson, to stimulate myself and my students. And I can have the opportunity to keep on learning. Finally, I want to teach because, being around the students who are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I will grow and change with them too. But teaching is no easy job at all. I must study cleverly to obtain more knowledge. And, at the same time, I will make every effort to purify my soul so that I can become an architect of man's soul.





A sense of humor,God's greatest gift to mankind,is universally considered the most valuable personality.It is born within every person's heart,but has to be cultivated.A person without humor is just like a spring without flowers,or like a dish without seasoning.In a sense,your personality lies in your sense of humor. Humor can improve physical as well as mental well-being.It helps us bear our burdens,lessen our tension,overcome our frustration.With a piece of joke,all our worries and sadness disappear like smoke,and we are full of vigor once again. Humor helps us live in harmony with others.It is unavoidable to have misunderstanding and tension with others during work and study.But humor can ease these problems quicker than angry words or quarrels.With it you can always keep on good terms with others. A sense of humor is really one of the keys to happiness.It gives fun and zest to life to make it worth living.





As we all know,social progress leads to the improvement of people's life,and social progress depends on every effort made by each member of the society. (换)It'strue that great events can promote the social progress.But small deeds can also put forward the social progress.For example,people may think going out by bus is a very small deed for the environmental protection,it can do nothing for the society.But I don't think so. To my mind, taking a bus instead of driving a car can do good to our environment as well as the social progress.For it can cut down the air pollution and poisonous gases.(换)If everybody keeps doing the same thing, its contribution is great and the society will benefit a lot from it,and so a good progress in society would be made。



“Thereis no beauty nowhere, yet you merely haven't been aware of it .”,which I always cling to . (换)Istill remember the period of preparing the university entrance examination. A psychological disease attacked me, meanwhile, I was drowning into studying all the subjects that would be examinated half a year later. As we all know, a psychological disease is much more terrible than one in somebody’sbody. I was stuck with the fear generated by the psychological disease. I was so desperate

that I had to spend much more time in study to make up the great deal of time my inefficient study wasted. (换)However,my dear mother always accompanied me and was listening respectfully whatever I said to her. As long as I felt upset, she steered me to walk along the side of the river ,which I have memorized up to now, nearby, which made me relaxed and be conscious of the happiness all the time but never going away. (换)In a word, life is never short of beauty. Sometimes, the beauty hided somewhere, so we should seek for it. Why we come to the complex world? Because we just experience the frustration coming and discover the beauty continuously.


2.Telecommunications technologies have made the world different 电信技术使世界不同

电信技术使世界不同,大大改变了今天的生活。世界已经成为一个“地球村”。电信技术已经成为现在在全世界越来越流行。许多国家包括国家在亚洲,拉丁美洲和东欧正在迅速获得ot 最新电信技术。




Telecommunicationstechnologieshave madethe world differentand havegreatly cha ngedinthelifetoday. The worldhas becomea "global village". Telecommunicationstech nologieshavebecome moreand morepopular inthe wholeworld now. Manycountries includ

ingcountries inAsia,Latin American andEastern Europeare rapidly acquiring upotdat etelecommunications technologies. (换)Telecommunicationstechnologieshave madethe worldofdifferenceinthe life today.There arethree aspects ofdifference. Firstly,t elecommunicationstechnologies can letcountries promote bothinternal andforeign inv estment,Itisconvenienttorelate witheachother closely.A singleoptical fiber with adiameter oflessthan halfa millimetercan carrymore information thana large cablem adeofcopperwires.So telecommunicationstechnologiesare highefficient ways. Second ly,telecommunications technologyisway to leapoverwhole stagesofeconomic developm ent.Itispossibletocondense thetime requiredtochangefrom laborintensive model to high-tech intensive model.Thirdly,telecommunications technologiescan separatethe winnersfrom the losers.Only those countrieswith telecommunicationstechnologieshav ethe chance towin.(换)Ina word, telecommunicationstechnologieshavemade a worldof differenceinthelifetoday. Thoughthere are somecountriesthat havelaggedbehind fo rsolong, oneday they cancruise alongsideAmericans andWestern Europeansin the Infor mationSuperhighway.



随着互联网的发展以及计算机的普及,网上购物已经成为一个平凡的在我们的生活当中。消费者几乎可以买到所有的东西在他们的需要。网上购物有很多优点,其中最重要的或许是它的便利。人们不用花很多的精力和宝贵的时间去到从一个店到另一个选择他们喜欢的商品。这是特别可取的老人、病人和繁忙的人无法去商店的人。货物到各个形状,大小和颜色在互联网上。他们所要做的就是坐在电脑前面,并点击“只老鼠。所订商品马上送到。然而,在因特网上购物也有它的劣势。第一个不利条件是,消费者不能看到商品或亲自试一试。有时,真正的货物不得与这些人所见的是在计算机上。第二个缺点是一些店铺在互联网上没有注册。他们将永远不会提供任何东西给你之后,他们得到钱的。骗过,你会发现你无处可去抱怨。总之,购物动机和购买商店都是重要的给我们在我们日常生活中。我们可以选择我们想买accordding 我们自己的情况

Withthedevelopment ofthe Internetand the popularizationofcomputers,shopping

ontheInternethas becomea commonplace inour life.(换)Here consumers canbuy almost e verythingthey need.Shopping onthe Internethas a lotofadvantages,of which the most important isperhaps its convenience.Peopledon’

thave towaste a lot oftheir energyandprecious timetogo fromone shoptoanother to choosethecommodities theylike. Thisisespecially desirabletothe old, thesick and t hebusypeople whocannot gotothe shops inperson. The goodscome inall shapes, sizesa ndcolorsontheInternet. All theyneed todoistositin front oftheir computersand cl ickthe mouses. The commodities theyorder willbedelivered tothem promptly.(换)Howev er ,shopping on the Internet also has its

disadvantages.Thefirst disadvantage isthatthe consumers can’

tsee thegoods ortry themon personally.Sometimes,the real goodsmay not bethe samea swhat theyhaveseen onthe computer. Theseconddisadvantage isthatsome shops onthe I nternetare notregistered. Theywill neverdeliver anythingtoyou after theyget the mo neyfrom you.Oncecheated, you willfindthatyou havenowhere togo tocomplain.(换)In aword, shopping onthe internerand buyinginstoresare both importantto usinour dail ylife. wecanchoose whatwewant tobuyaccordding our ownsituations






备学习既竞争又合作。弥补你的弱点,学习别人的长处,你最终会成功的在你的事业或生活。With therapid development ofour society,we are now facing challenges more frequently. Then what can we do to deal with these challenges?(换)Some people believe that the best preparation for our career is learning to be competitive. Competition exists at every corner of society. Consciously or not,we compete with others when we play a game,sell commodities,study and so on. We want to do better than others whatever field we are in. So competition is of vital importance in our life.(换)Those who hold the opposite view believe that the best preparation for career is learning to be cooperative. Nowadays,the term "teamwork" is really very popular. We may hear "teamwork" everywhere. In a company,cooperation is in the first place. Every member should work together rather than work by himself. When we play football,our teammates should cooperate with each other to win the game. So cooperation is also very important. (换)From my point of view,neither of these two opinions is very exact. I believe that the best preparation for our future career is learning to be both competitive and cooperative. Offsetting your weaknesses by learning from other's strengths,you will eventually succeed in your career or life.

2.我现在只是一个大学生,但是我的未来的职业生涯做准备是必须的。因为现在社会的竞争和公司是非常严重的。首先,我应该学习我的专业与心脏和灵魂。尽管你可能认为很难找一份好工作可以完全匹配你现在的专业,我相信,只要我能处理好我的学习和成绩高分学期结束时,我得到了许多有用的技能对我未来的职业。其次,加强我的人格和健全的人生观。在进入社会之前,大学生应该讨论和改变想法与经验丰富的教师和他们心爱的父母或家庭成员,他们可以alwasy 给广泛的意见和建议可以帮助我们在未来的职业生涯。总之,大学生是至关重要的为未来的职业做好准备。

As i am now just a college student, but making preparations for my future career is a must for me. Because nowadays the competition in the society and company is very serious. (换)Firstof all, i should study my major

with heart and soul. Although you may think that it's hard to look for a good job which can totally match your present major, i believe that as long as i can handle my studies well and score high marks at the end of the term, i obtained many useful skills for my future career. Secondly, intensify my personality and sound view of life. Before entering into society, college students should always talk and change ideas with experienced teachers and their beloved parents or family members, and they can alwasy give extensive ideas and suggestions which could assist us in the future career. (换)Tosum up, it's crucial for college students to make preparations for future career.


As an English learner, vocabulary lays the foundation for further study. There are several methods of enlarging vocabulary. (换)First and formost, reading as much as you can is an effective approach for increasing vocabulary. Through extensive reading, we can form our sensitivity to language and become more familiar with a good deal of words, from which we will benefit in future reading and writing. Secondly, it is fundamental to practise writing if we want to consolidate the memory of words. Language can be mastered only by practical usage. Thus, keep on writing will be helpful for increasing vocabulary. (换)Apartfrom the above mentioned methods, memory is also necessary for enlarging vocabulary. In short, we should form a good habbit of excersing and reciting as more as we can so that to enlarge vocabulary.



1. My Ideal Job 我理想的工作


There are various kinds of jobs in the world, such as writing, nursing, teaching and engineering. But different people choose different jobs as their ideal careers. This is because everyone has his own interest. As for me, I have made up my mind to be a teacher. I choose to do so mainly for three reasons. First, I want to teach because I like the pace of academic calendar. Two long vacations offer me an opportunity for

reflection, research and writing. Secondly, I want to teach because I like the freedom to make my own mistakes, to learn my own lesson, to stimulate myself and my students. And I can have the opportunity to keep on learning. Finally, I want to teach because, being around the students who are beginning to grow and change in front of me, I will grow and change with them too. But teaching is no easy job at all. I must study cleverly to obtain more knowledge. And, at the same time, I will make every effort to purify my soul so that I can become an architect of man's soul.





A sense of humor,God's greatest gift to mankind,is universally considered the most valuable personality.It is born within every person's heart,but has to be cultivated.A person without humor is just like a spring without flowers,or like a dish without seasoning.In a sense,your personality lies in your sense of humor. Humor can improve physical as well as mental well-being.It helps us bear our burdens,lessen our tension,overcome our frustration.With a piece of joke,all our worries and sadness disappear like smoke,and we are full of vigor once again. Humor helps us live in harmony with others.It is unavoidable to have misunderstanding and tension with others during work and study.But humor can ease these problems quicker than angry words or quarrels.With it you can always keep on good terms with others. A sense of humor is really one of the keys to happiness.It gives fun and zest to life to make it worth living.





As we all know,social progress leads to the improvement of people's life,and social progress depends on every effort made by each member of the society. (换)It'strue that great events can promote the social progress.But small deeds can also put forward the social progress.For example,people may think going out by bus is a very small deed for the environmental protection,it can do nothing for the society.But I don't think so. To my mind, taking a bus instead of driving a car can do good to our environment as well as the social progress.For it can cut down the air pollution and poisonous gases.(换)If everybody keeps doing the same thing, its contribution is great and the society will benefit a lot from it,and so a good progress in society would be made。



“Thereis no beauty nowhere, yet you merely haven't been aware of it .”,which I always cling to . (换)Istill remember the period of preparing the university entrance examination. A psychological disease attacked me, meanwhile, I was drowning into studying all the subjects that would be examinated half a year later. As we all know, a psychological disease is much more terrible than one in somebody’sbody. I was stuck with the fear generated by the psychological disease. I was so desperate

that I had to spend much more time in study to make up the great deal of time my inefficient study wasted. (换)However,my dear mother always accompanied me and was listening respectfully whatever I said to her. As long as I felt upset, she steered me to walk along the side of the river ,which I have memorized up to now, nearby, which made me relaxed and be conscious of the happiness all the time but never going away. (换)In a word, life is never short of beauty. Sometimes, the beauty hided somewhere, so we should seek for it. Why we come to the complex world? Because we just experience the frustration coming and discover the beauty continuously.


2.Telecommunications technologies have made the world different 电信技术使世界不同

电信技术使世界不同,大大改变了今天的生活。世界已经成为一个“地球村”。电信技术已经成为现在在全世界越来越流行。许多国家包括国家在亚洲,拉丁美洲和东欧正在迅速获得ot 最新电信技术。




Telecommunicationstechnologieshave madethe world differentand havegreatly cha ngedinthelifetoday. The worldhas becomea "global village". Telecommunicationstech nologieshavebecome moreand morepopular inthe wholeworld now. Manycountries includ

ingcountries inAsia,Latin American andEastern Europeare rapidly acquiring upotdat etelecommunications technologies. (换)Telecommunicationstechnologieshave madethe worldofdifferenceinthe life today.There arethree aspects ofdifference. Firstly,t elecommunicationstechnologies can letcountries promote bothinternal andforeign inv estment,Itisconvenienttorelate witheachother closely.A singleoptical fiber with adiameter oflessthan halfa millimetercan carrymore information thana large cablem adeofcopperwires.So telecommunicationstechnologiesare highefficient ways. Second ly,telecommunications technologyisway to leapoverwhole stagesofeconomic developm ent.Itispossibletocondense thetime requiredtochangefrom laborintensive model to high-tech intensive model.Thirdly,telecommunications technologiescan separatethe winnersfrom the losers.Only those countrieswith telecommunicationstechnologieshav ethe chance towin.(换)Ina word, telecommunicationstechnologieshavemade a worldof differenceinthelifetoday. Thoughthere are somecountriesthat havelaggedbehind fo rsolong, oneday they cancruise alongsideAmericans andWestern Europeansin the Infor mationSuperhighway.



随着互联网的发展以及计算机的普及,网上购物已经成为一个平凡的在我们的生活当中。消费者几乎可以买到所有的东西在他们的需要。网上购物有很多优点,其中最重要的或许是它的便利。人们不用花很多的精力和宝贵的时间去到从一个店到另一个选择他们喜欢的商品。这是特别可取的老人、病人和繁忙的人无法去商店的人。货物到各个形状,大小和颜色在互联网上。他们所要做的就是坐在电脑前面,并点击“只老鼠。所订商品马上送到。然而,在因特网上购物也有它的劣势。第一个不利条件是,消费者不能看到商品或亲自试一试。有时,真正的货物不得与这些人所见的是在计算机上。第二个缺点是一些店铺在互联网上没有注册。他们将永远不会提供任何东西给你之后,他们得到钱的。骗过,你会发现你无处可去抱怨。总之,购物动机和购买商店都是重要的给我们在我们日常生活中。我们可以选择我们想买accordding 我们自己的情况

Withthedevelopment ofthe Internetand the popularizationofcomputers,shopping

ontheInternethas becomea commonplace inour life.(换)Here consumers canbuy almost e verythingthey need.Shopping onthe Internethas a lotofadvantages,of which the most important isperhaps its convenience.Peopledon’

thave towaste a lot oftheir energyandprecious timetogo fromone shoptoanother to choosethecommodities theylike. Thisisespecially desirabletothe old, thesick and t hebusypeople whocannot gotothe shops inperson. The goodscome inall shapes, sizesa ndcolorsontheInternet. All theyneed todoistositin front oftheir computersand cl ickthe mouses. The commodities theyorder willbedelivered tothem promptly.(换)Howev er ,shopping on the Internet also has its

disadvantages.Thefirst disadvantage isthatthe consumers can’

tsee thegoods ortry themon personally.Sometimes,the real goodsmay not bethe samea swhat theyhaveseen onthe computer. Theseconddisadvantage isthatsome shops onthe I nternetare notregistered. Theywill neverdeliver anythingtoyou after theyget the mo neyfrom you.Oncecheated, you willfindthatyou havenowhere togo tocomplain.(换)In aword, shopping onthe internerand buyinginstoresare both importantto usinour dail ylife. wecanchoose whatwewant tobuyaccordding our ownsituations






备学习既竞争又合作。弥补你的弱点,学习别人的长处,你最终会成功的在你的事业或生活。With therapid development ofour society,we are now facing challenges more frequently. Then what can we do to deal with these challenges?(换)Some people believe that the best preparation for our career is learning to be competitive. Competition exists at every corner of society. Consciously or not,we compete with others when we play a game,sell commodities,study and so on. We want to do better than others whatever field we are in. So competition is of vital importance in our life.(换)Those who hold the opposite view believe that the best preparation for career is learning to be cooperative. Nowadays,the term "teamwork" is really very popular. We may hear "teamwork" everywhere. In a company,cooperation is in the first place. Every member should work together rather than work by himself. When we play football,our teammates should cooperate with each other to win the game. So cooperation is also very important. (换)From my point of view,neither of these two opinions is very exact. I believe that the best preparation for our future career is learning to be both competitive and cooperative. Offsetting your weaknesses by learning from other's strengths,you will eventually succeed in your career or life.

2.我现在只是一个大学生,但是我的未来的职业生涯做准备是必须的。因为现在社会的竞争和公司是非常严重的。首先,我应该学习我的专业与心脏和灵魂。尽管你可能认为很难找一份好工作可以完全匹配你现在的专业,我相信,只要我能处理好我的学习和成绩高分学期结束时,我得到了许多有用的技能对我未来的职业。其次,加强我的人格和健全的人生观。在进入社会之前,大学生应该讨论和改变想法与经验丰富的教师和他们心爱的父母或家庭成员,他们可以alwasy 给广泛的意见和建议可以帮助我们在未来的职业生涯。总之,大学生是至关重要的为未来的职业做好准备。

As i am now just a college student, but making preparations for my future career is a must for me. Because nowadays the competition in the society and company is very serious. (换)Firstof all, i should study my major

with heart and soul. Although you may think that it's hard to look for a good job which can totally match your present major, i believe that as long as i can handle my studies well and score high marks at the end of the term, i obtained many useful skills for my future career. Secondly, intensify my personality and sound view of life. Before entering into society, college students should always talk and change ideas with experienced teachers and their beloved parents or family members, and they can alwasy give extensive ideas and suggestions which could assist us in the future career. (换)Tosum up, it's crucial for college students to make preparations for future career.


As an English learner, vocabulary lays the foundation for further study. There are several methods of enlarging vocabulary. (换)First and formost, reading as much as you can is an effective approach for increasing vocabulary. Through extensive reading, we can form our sensitivity to language and become more familiar with a good deal of words, from which we will benefit in future reading and writing. Secondly, it is fundamental to practise writing if we want to consolidate the memory of words. Language can be mastered only by practical usage. Thus, keep on writing will be helpful for increasing vocabulary. (换)Apartfrom the above mentioned methods, memory is also necessary for enlarging vocabulary. In short, we should form a good habbit of excersing and reciting as more as we can so that to enlarge vocabulary.


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