
Speed up Your SDH Analysis


Path MUX section MUX section Reg. section Reg. section Reg. section

Acterna Test & Measurement Solutions




T-BERD / MTS-8000

B1 B1 B1



RSOH Regenerator Section Overhead

A1, A2: Indicates the beginning of the STM-1 (A1: 11110110, A2: 00101000). The frame alignment word of an STM-N (N ³ 64) = frame is compoesed of 3 * N A1 bytes followed by 3 * N A2 bytes. The frame alignment word of an STM-256 frame is composed of 64 A1 bytes (byte No. 705 to No. 768) followed by 64 A2 bytes. The other bytes are reserved for future international standardization.


J0: Regenerator section trace. Used to transmit a section access point identifier so that a section receiver can verify its continued connection to the intended transmitter. SDH Maintenance Interactions

Regenerator Section LOS/LOF (J0) (B1) (K2) (B2) (M1) (K2) RS-TIM BIP Err. MS-AIS MS-BIP Err. MS-REI MS-RDI AU-AIS AU-LOP (C2) (J1) (B3) (G1) (G1) HP-UNEQ HP-TIM HP-BIP Err. HP-REI HP-RDI TU-AIS TU-LOP (H4) (C2) (V5) (J2) (V5) (V5) (V5) (V5) LOM HP-PLM LP-UNEQ LP-TIM LP-BIP Err. LP-REI LP-RDI LP-PLM “1” AIS r X ¶ Media dependent bytes Reserved for national use Unscrambled bytes, therefore care should be taken with their content “1” AIS “1” AIS A1 RSOH B1 D1 H1 AU Pointer B2 D4 MSOH D7 D10 S1 A1 r r XY B2 A1 r r X B2 A2 E1 D2 H2 K1 D5 D8 D11 “1” AIS VC-4 260 columns (bytes) “1” AIS 9 “1” AIS “1” Multiplex Section AIS 1 3 4 9 rows 5 (bytes) Higher Order Path

STM-1 Frame Structure

Generation Detection 270 columns (bytes) 9 bytes Regenerator Section Overhead RSOH AU-Pointer Multiplex Section Overhead MSOH AU-4 261 bytes Lower Order Path

STM-N frame after scrambling and is placed in the B1 byte of the current frame before scrambling.

Z0: Spare. Reserved for future international standardization. B1: Regenerator section error monitoring. The BIP-8 is computed over all bits of the previous E1: Provides orderwire channels for voice communication between regenerators. F1: Reserved for user purposes (e.g. temporary data/voice channel connections for special D1 - D3: Data communication channels (DCC). A 192 kb/s channel used from a central

ANT-20se ANT-5

maintenance purposes.

location for alarms, control, monitoring and administration functions.

J1: The first byte in the virtual container. Its location is indicated by the AU pointer. A 64-byte free format string or a 16-byte frame is transmitted so that a path receiving terminal can verify its continued connection to the intended transmitter. B3: Higher order path error monitoring. The BIP-8 is calculated over all bits of the previous VC-n. Computed value is placed in the B3 byte. C2: Signal label. Indicates the composition or the maintenance status of the VC-n. C2 byte coding

b1 - b4 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 1111 1111 b5 - b8 Hex code Interpretation 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0

Speed up Your SDH Analysis


Path MUX section MUX section Reg. section Reg. section Reg. section

Acterna Test & Measurement Solutions




T-BERD / MTS-8000

B1 B1 B1



RSOH Regenerator Section Overhead

A1, A2: Indicates the beginning of the STM-1 (A1: 11110110, A2: 00101000). The frame alignment word of an STM-N (N ³ 64) = frame is compoesed of 3 * N A1 bytes followed by 3 * N A2 bytes. The frame alignment word of an STM-256 frame is composed of 64 A1 bytes (byte No. 705 to No. 768) followed by 64 A2 bytes. The other bytes are reserved for future international standardization.


J0: Regenerator section trace. Used to transmit a section access point identifier so that a section receiver can verify its continued connection to the intended transmitter. SDH Maintenance Interactions

Regenerator Section LOS/LOF (J0) (B1) (K2) (B2) (M1) (K2) RS-TIM BIP Err. MS-AIS MS-BIP Err. MS-REI MS-RDI AU-AIS AU-LOP (C2) (J1) (B3) (G1) (G1) HP-UNEQ HP-TIM HP-BIP Err. HP-REI HP-RDI TU-AIS TU-LOP (H4) (C2) (V5) (J2) (V5) (V5) (V5) (V5) LOM HP-PLM LP-UNEQ LP-TIM LP-BIP Err. LP-REI LP-RDI LP-PLM “1” AIS r X ¶ Media dependent bytes Reserved for national use Unscrambled bytes, therefore care should be taken with their content “1” AIS “1” AIS A1 RSOH B1 D1 H1 AU Pointer B2 D4 MSOH D7 D10 S1 A1 r r XY B2 A1 r r X B2 A2 E1 D2 H2 K1 D5 D8 D11 “1” AIS VC-4 260 columns (bytes) “1” AIS 9 “1” AIS “1” Multiplex Section AIS 1 3 4 9 rows 5 (bytes) Higher Order Path

STM-1 Frame Structure

Generation Detection 270 columns (bytes) 9 bytes Regenerator Section Overhead RSOH AU-Pointer Multiplex Section Overhead MSOH AU-4 261 bytes Lower Order Path

STM-N frame after scrambling and is placed in the B1 byte of the current frame before scrambling.

Z0: Spare. Reserved for future international standardization. B1: Regenerator section error monitoring. The BIP-8 is computed over all bits of the previous E1: Provides orderwire channels for voice communication between regenerators. F1: Reserved for user purposes (e.g. temporary data/voice channel connections for special D1 - D3: Data communication channels (DCC). A 192 kb/s channel used from a central

ANT-20se ANT-5

maintenance purposes.

location for alarms, control, monitoring and administration functions.

J1: The first byte in the virtual container. Its location is indicated by the AU pointer. A 64-byte free format string or a 16-byte frame is transmitted so that a path receiving terminal can verify its continued connection to the intended transmitter. B3: Higher order path error monitoring. The BIP-8 is calculated over all bits of the previous VC-n. Computed value is placed in the B3 byte. C2: Signal label. Indicates the composition or the maintenance status of the VC-n. C2 byte coding

b1 - b4 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 0001 1111 1111 b5 - b8 Hex code Interpretation 0000 0001 0010 0011 0100 0


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