

http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年05月31日 11:21   中国日报网-英语点津


President Obama's administration is set to be rocked by scandal -at least, according to one political scientist's mathematical formula。

A newly-released report by scholar Brendan Nyhan predicts thereputation of the 44th US president will soon be marred by controversy。

Where Are the Obama Scandals? calls the odds of scandal 'high andrising' after two years in office, based on his interpretation of datafrom presidential scandals between 1977 and 2008.

Nyhan, a scholar at the University of Michigan, released the report to website Center for Politics on Thursday。

Serving as a guest columnist, he presented detailed graphsillustrating the likelihood of a scandal to unfold before the 2012presidential election - rising between 95 and 100 per cent by June ofnext year。

The report reads: 'Obama has been extremely fortunate: My researchon presidential scandals shows that few presidents avoid scandal for aslong as he has.'

He tested his hypotheses on scandal coverage data from WashingtonPost news reports and chronologies of presidential events covered by theNew York Times。

'In the 1977-2008 period,' he wrote, 'the longest that a presidenthas gone without having a scandal featured in a front-page WashingtonPost article is 34 months - the period between when President Bush tookoffice in January 2001 and the Valerie Plame scandal in October 2003.'

Nyhan claims his research is supported by the lack of support amongRepublicans for the Obama administration, and predicts he will follow'a similar trajectory to Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton (who bothsuffered significant first-term scandals).'











http://www.sina.com.cn  2011年05月31日 11:21   中国日报网-英语点津


President Obama's administration is set to be rocked by scandal -at least, according to one political scientist's mathematical formula。

A newly-released report by scholar Brendan Nyhan predicts thereputation of the 44th US president will soon be marred by controversy。

Where Are the Obama Scandals? calls the odds of scandal 'high andrising' after two years in office, based on his interpretation of datafrom presidential scandals between 1977 and 2008.

Nyhan, a scholar at the University of Michigan, released the report to website Center for Politics on Thursday。

Serving as a guest columnist, he presented detailed graphsillustrating the likelihood of a scandal to unfold before the 2012presidential election - rising between 95 and 100 per cent by June ofnext year。

The report reads: 'Obama has been extremely fortunate: My researchon presidential scandals shows that few presidents avoid scandal for aslong as he has.'

He tested his hypotheses on scandal coverage data from WashingtonPost news reports and chronologies of presidential events covered by theNew York Times。

'In the 1977-2008 period,' he wrote, 'the longest that a presidenthas gone without having a scandal featured in a front-page WashingtonPost article is 34 months - the period between when President Bush tookoffice in January 2001 and the Valerie Plame scandal in October 2003.'

Nyhan claims his research is supported by the lack of support amongRepublicans for the Obama administration, and predicts he will follow'a similar trajectory to Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton (who bothsuffered significant first-term scandals).'











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