看Drop Dead Dive学英语第一季1, 02集:The 'F' Word-Deb: See that inspiring model there, and that was me, Deb. Inspiring: 鼓舞人心的【天生丽质的】 model: 模特看到那个天生丽质的模特了吗?那就是,Deb。Until the day I died, I thought I will go straight to the heaven,until: 直到 died: die的过去式死去 go straight to: 直接到 heaven: 天堂直到我死的那天,我以为我会直接去天堂,but there was a bit of a mix-up and I woke up in someone else's body. So now I am Jane,mix-up: 混乱 wake up: 醒来 a bit of: 一点儿但出了点小差错,我醒来时在别人的身体里,现在我是Jane,a super-busy lawyer with my very own assistant.super: 超级 very: 特有的 lawyer: 律师 assistant: 助手,助理 own: 自己的有自己专职助理的超忙律师。I got a new life, a new wardrobe, wardrobe: 衣柜新的人生,新的衣物,and the only people who really know what's going on with me are my girlfriend Stacy and my guardian angel, Fred.only: 唯一 really: 真的 angel: 天使 guardian: 保护者,监护人知道事情来龙去脉的人,只有我好友Stacy和守护天使Fred。I used to think everything happened for a reason...used to: 过去常常 happened: happen的过去式发生 reason:原因我以前都认为万事皆有因...Whoo!...and, well, I surely hope I was right.surely: 确定地 hope: 希望喔! ...我希望我是对的。I got a brand-new pair of blue jean me and my posse looking fresh and so cleanbrand-new: 崭新的 a pair of: 一对,一双 posse: [口语]死党,哥们儿 fresh: 新鲜的,最新的 jean: 牛仔裤-Jane:I used to wear entire outfits with less fabric.wear: 穿 entire: 全部的 outfit: 一套服装 less: 少的 fabric: 织物,布我以前的衣服布料要少得多。-Stacy:It’s a Minimizer, sweetie, and the extra-wide wings will help with the uplift.minimizer: 缩胸胸罩 sweetie : 亲爱的 extra-wide wings:粗肩带 extra: 额外的 wide: 宽的 unfit:【向上提升】这是缩胸文胸,甜心,粗肩带是为了提胸。-Jane: I'm never gonna get used to her.get used to: 习惯于,习惯 gonna:going to 将要会我永远都适应不了她的生活。-Stacy: You don't have to, four words - diet, exercise, pluck, and polish. Now, don't move.have to: 不得不,必须 diet: 节制饮食 exercise: 锻炼 pluck: 勇气 polish: 擦亮,打扮 move: 移动你不需要那么做,4个词,合理膳食,运动,勇气和打扮。-Jane: Ow! 嗷![Scene: cellphone ring]cellphone: 手机 ring: 响-Jane: Good morning.早上好。-Teri: Where are you?!你在哪儿?!-Jane: Getting ready for work. Ow!get ready for: 准备正准备去上班。嗷!-Teri: Are you okay?你还好吧?-Jane: I’m fine, Teri.我没事,Teri。-Teri: No, you're not. You are two hours late.late: 迟到
不,你有麻烦了,你迟到2小时了。 -Stacy: Your "assistant" can't talk to you like that.assistant: 助理 like that: 像那样 talk to: 与…讲话你的"助理"不能那么跟你讲话。-Jane: You can't talk to me like that!你不能那么跟我讲话!-Teri: Jane? Jane?-Jane: Yes?什么事?-Teri: Get your ass to the office - now!ass: 傻瓜,屁股 get your ass to: 滚进…来快给我爬到办公室来,快!-Jane: She yelled at me.yell at: 冲…喊 yell: 叫喊她冲我嚷了。-Stacy: What are you gonna do about it? gonna: going to 将要会你要怎么做?-Jane: Drive really fast and apologize?drive: 开车 fast: 快的 apologize:道歉快速开车过去道歉?-Stacy: Don't apologize, and be careful driving. That's what got you into this, sweetie.be careful: 小心 sweetie: 甜心别道歉,开车小心点,前车之鉴啊,甜心。Now, repeat after me - I am the boss, I am the boss.repeat: 重复 boss: 老板 跟着我说,我是头儿,我是头儿。 -Jane: You're right! I am the boss!没错! 我是头儿!-Fred: Hey! It’s been a week since you were shot. Maybe you should start showing up on time.since: 自从 shot: shoot的过去式中枪 start doing sth: 开始做某事 show up: 出现 on time: 按时嘿! 离你中枪伤都一周了,你也该按时上班了。-Jane: I am the boss, Fred. You are the help, and the help doesn't tell the boss what to do.help: 帮忙我是头儿,Fred,你只是个帮忙的,帮忙的不能对老板颐气指使。-Fred: You think I'm the help?你觉得我是个帮忙的?-Jane: Your words - you're my cosmic babysitter, sent down to earth to make sure I behave.cosmic: [美国俚语]非常出色的,超群的 [亦作 cosmical] babysitter: 照顾婴儿者 make sure: 确保 behave: 举止,表现用你的话说,你是非常出色的保姆,确保我不出乱子。That makes you the help.所以你是个帮忙的。-Teri: Lucy Tyner has been waiting in your office.wait: 等待 office: 办公室Lucy Tyner已经在你办公室等着呢。-Jane: Is this latte nonfat? latte: 拿铁咖啡 nonfat: 脱脂的这是无脂肪拿铁咖啡?-Teri: what?什么?-Jane: Never mind. No, I don't want the doughnut. I mean, I really want the doughnut,never mind : 别介意 doughnut: 甜甜圈 mean: 意思是不,我不想吃甜甜圈,我是说,我很想吃甜甜圈,but I don't want the doughnut, four grams of trans fat, 26 net carbs is it really worth it, Teri?trans fat: 一种不饱和脂肪 carb: (carbohydrate的缩写)碳水化合物 gram: 克 really worth: 确实值得但不能吃,4克反式脂肪酸 26克纯碳水化合,值得吗?Teri?-Teri: It's got sprinkles.sprinkle: [名词]少量的上面只有碎糖颗粒。-Jane: Right. That's another 80 calories.another: 另外的 calorie: 卡路里没错。另外80卡路里。-Teri: Too much talk
ing, not enough walking. Please tell me you remember Lucy's case.enough: 足够的 remember: 记得 case: 案子讲太多,走太慢。拜托告诉我,你记得Lucy的案子。It goes to trial tomorrow? trial: 审判明天上庭?She was fired from her job as a cocktail waitress at the sun bar. Anything?fire: 解雇 job: 工作 cocktail: 鸡尾酒 waitress: 女服务员 bar: 酒吧她之前在太阳酒吧当服务生,被解雇了。有印象?-Jane: Still got the amnesia. But I love the sun bar.still: 仍然 amnesia:失忆症还失忆着呢!但我爱太阳酒吧!There's the cutest bartender, and he gives me free spritzers.cutest: cute的最高级,可爱的 bartender: 男调酒师 free: 免费的 spritzer: 汽水,汽酒那里有个超可爱的调酒师,他免费给我spritzer喝。-Teri: Focus. Lucy was fired for …focus: 集中,聚焦 集中注意,Lucy被解雇了…-Jane: Sexual harassment!sexual: 性的,性交的 harassment: 骚扰性骚扰!-Teri: This is not a game show. Lucy was fired for being overweight.game: 游戏 overweight: 超重的这可不是玩游戏,Lucy因为超重被解雇了!-Jane: Well, everyone who works there is like a model, so that totally makes sense.model: 模特 totally: 完全的 make sense: 讲得通那里所有员工都是模特身材,挺靠谱。-Teri: We represent Lucy, not the bar. Stop scoping the new guy!represent: 代表 scope: [俚语]瞧,审视,调查 guy: 男人我们代表Lucy,不是酒吧,别再打量新来的男人了!His girlfriend died like a week ago. Pull it together, Jane.girlfriend: 女朋友 pull it together: 集中精神他女朋友好像一周前死了,给我注意力集中,Jane。-Jane: I'm so sorry I'm late.太抱歉了,我迟到了。-Lucy: Well, you're always on time, Jane, so I'm sure it was something important.always: 一直,总是 on time: 准时的 important: 重要的你总是很准时,Jane,所以肯定出大事了。-Jane: Um, well, nothing is more important than you feeling confident in court tomorrow.nothing is important than: 没有什么比…更重要的 count: 法庭 tomorrow: 明天 confident: 自信呃,没有比明天你自信的,出现在法庭更重要的事了。-Lucy: I'm scared, Jane. I had to borrow money from my mother to pay my rent.scared: 惊慌的 have to: 不得不,必须 rent: 房租 borrow from: 从…借 pay: 付款我很害怕,Jane,我从我妈妈那里借钱交房租。Do you really think we're gonna win? gonna: going to 将要会 win: 赢 be going to do: 将要(会)做你真觉得我们能赢?-Jane: Well, I'm gonna do the best that I can.do the best: 尽力我会尽力而为。-Lucy: Why did you do that?你为什么那么做?-Jane: What?什么?-Lucy: You just gave me the body check, that thing that skinny girls do?body check: 打量 body: 身体 check: 检查,查看 skinny: 极
瘦得;皮包骨的你刚刚打量我身体了,苗条姑娘才做的动作?I know what they're thinking - step away from the cookies and get a grip.step away from: 远离 cookie: 饼干 get a grip: 恢复自制力 grip: 控制,掌握我知道她们怎么想,远离松饼,克制自己。I just never expected to get that look from someone like you.never: 决不 expect to do: 期望做某事 expect: 期望我只是从没想到你这样的人,会那样看我。-Jane: Um, I don't know what you're talking about. talk about: 谈论呃,我不知道你在说什么。-Lucy: Sure, you do. Come on, Jane. Look at us. look at: 看着,看看我相信你知道,拜托,Jane。看看咱俩。You know why they assigned me to you.assign: 分配,指派你知道他们让你负责我案子的原因。-Jane: Excuse me. I'll be right back.right back: 马上回来失陪一下,马上就回来。Parker! Did you assign me the Lucy Tyner case because I'm f…because I'm f…case: 案子你让我负责Lucy Tyner的案子,是因为我... 因为我....-Kim: She's been under a lot of stress, poor thing.stress: 压力 poor thing: 可怜的人儿 她压力很大,可怜人。You know, I hear some people are never the same after a traumatic incident.hear: 听说 traumatic: 痛苦难忘的 incident: 事故我听说很多人在重大事故后,会大变样。But we're here for you, Jane.我们会帮助你的,Jane。-Jane: Why did you give me this case?你为什么把那个案子给我?-Parker: The service workers union is shopping around for new representation.service workers union: 服务业公会 service: 服务 union: 协会,公会 representation: 代理 shop: 逛服务业工会逛来逛去,在找新代理。We win; we get all future litigation and a million-dollar retainer.litigation: 诉讼,官司 a million-dollar: 一百万 retainer: 尤指付给诉讼律师的)聘用金我们赢了,得到全部诉讼权和1百万律师费。-Kim: But if you're not up to it, I'm happy to step in.be up to: 能做得到 be happy to do: 乐意做某事 step in: 干涉,介入如果这案子你没准备好,我乐意替你分忧。-Jane: I'm fine. 我很好!-Parker: Look, Jane, we've all noticed you've been acting a little...strange,noticed: notice的过去式注意到 act: 行为,举止 strange: 奇怪的听着,Jane,我们都注意到了,你的举止有点奇怪。So if you need help, get it.如果你需要帮助,就去找啊。-Kim: If you don't remember, I wanted this case, but you begged him for it.remember: 记得 case: 案子 wanted: want的过去式想要 beg for: 为…祈求 begged: beg的过去式祈求,恳求你不记得了,我曾想要这案子,但你求他给你。I guess it does make sense. sense: 感觉,道理我觉得这也很符合逻辑。-Jane: What, did you just body-check me?body-check: 打量你刚
刚打量我?-Kim: Did I what?我做什么了?-Jane: Excuse me. I have a client waiting.client: 客户 waiting: wait的现在进行时等待失陪,客户在等我呢!-Lucy: Sorry about before. I did not mean to get upset with you.mean to: 故意 upset: 使不适,使心烦刚才很抱歉,我不是有意要生你的气。-Jane: You have every right to be upset. And you know what? I'm upset, too...have right to: 享有某种权利你绝对有权生气,你猜怎么着? 我也很生气...that you were fired. But you're wrong about one thing. I did not get assigned this case.fired: 被炒 assigned: assign的过去式分配 case: 案子你被炒了。但有件事你弄错了,这个案子不是派给我的。I asked for it. I am your lawyer, and we are going to kick their ass!ask for: 要求 lawyer: 律师 kick one’s ass: 踢...的屁股我毛遂自荐的,我是你的律师,我们要告得他们屁滚尿流!-Parker: Are you sure Ms. Tyner is ready for court? court: 法庭 be ready for: 准备好你确定Tyner女士准备好上庭了?-Jane: We've reviewed her deposition. She's prepped but not overly rehearsed. she'll do fine.review: 回顾,检查 deposition: 证词 prepped: prep的过去式准备功课,预习 overly: 过度的 rehearse: 排练我们看过她的证词了,她准备好了,但是没有过度的练习。没问题的。-Parker: Over a dozen law firms wanted this case. It’s our one shot to impress the union...dozen: 一打 firm: 公司 law firm: 法律事务所 shot : [口语]机会,十拿九稳获胜的赌注 impress: 使铭记 union: 工会1打以上的法律事务所想要这个案子,这是给工会留好印象的机会...Are you listening to me?listen to: 听着,听到你在听我说话吗?-Jane: Um, what's going on there?呃…发生什么事了?-Parker: Divorce case… nothing to do with you. Jane, your case is how you make partner,divorce: 离婚 nothing to do with sb: 与..无关 partner: 搭档离婚案... 和你没什么关系.。Jane,这个案子关系到你如何和别人合作。and I get rich...er. No mistakes.rich: 富有 mistake: 错误让我更富有。别犯错误。-Mindy: I would like the artwork in the living room.artwork: 艺术品 living room: 客厅我要起居室的画。-Kim: Depending on the appraisal …depend on: 依靠,根据 appraisal: 估计,评价根据价值评估...-Chad: It's fine.好吧。-Mindy: The piano.piano: 钢琴钢琴。-Kim: That could be worth… worth: 值得那可能值...-Chad: Take it.拿走吧。-Mindy: And the wedding china.wedding: 婚礼 china: 陶瓷结婚陶瓷。-Chad: Do you love him, Mindy?你爱他吗,Mindy?-Mindy: Let's try and stay on point, Chad.stay on: 继续停留 point: 观点,要点我们不要跑题,Chad。-Chad: We've been married for 10 years, and then you cheated on me.cheat on: 对
刚打量我?-Kim: Did I what?我做什么了?-Jane: Excuse me. I have a client waiting.client: 客户 waiting: wait的现在进行时等待失陪,客户在等我呢!-Lucy: Sorry about before. I did not mean to get upset with you.mean to: 故意 upset: 使不适,使心烦刚才很抱歉,我不是有意要生你的气。-Jane: You have every right to be upset. And you know what? I'm upset, too...have right to: 享有某种权利你绝对有权生气,你猜怎么着? 我也很生气...that you were fired. But you're wrong about one thing. I did not get assigned this case.fired: 被炒 assigned: assign的过去式分配 case: 案子你被炒了。但有件事你弄错了,这个案子不是派给我的。I asked for it. I am your lawyer, and we are going to kick their ass!ask for: 要求 lawyer: 律师 kick one’s ass: 踢...的屁股我毛遂自荐的,我是你的律师,我们要告得他们屁滚尿流!-Parker: Are you sure Ms. Tyner is ready for court? court: 法庭 be ready for: 准备好你确定Tyner女士准备好上庭了?-Jane: We've reviewed her deposition. She's prepped but not overly rehearsed. she'll do fine.review: 回顾,检查 deposition: 证词 prepped: prep的过去式准备功课,预习 overly: 过度的 rehearse: 排练我们看过她的证词了,她准备好了,但是没有过度的练习。没问题的。-Parker: Over a dozen law firms wanted this case. It’s our one shot to impress the union...dozen: 一打 firm: 公司 law firm: 法律事务所 shot : [口语]机会,十拿九稳获胜的赌注 impress: 使铭记 union: 工会1打以上的法律事务所想要这个案子,这是给工会留好印象的机会...Are you listening to me?listen to: 听着,听到你在听我说话吗?-Jane: Um, what's going on there?呃…发生什么事了?-Parker: Divorce case… nothing to do with you. Jane, your case is how you make partner,divorce: 离婚 nothing to do with sb: 与..无关 partner: 搭档离婚案... 和你没什么关系.。Jane,这个案子关系到你如何和别人合作。and I get rich...er. No mistakes.rich: 富有 mistake: 错误让我更富有。别犯错误。-Mindy: I would like the artwork in the living room.artwork: 艺术品 living room: 客厅我要起居室的画。-Kim: Depending on the appraisal …depend on: 依靠,根据 appraisal: 估计,评价根据价值评估...-Chad: It's fine.好吧。-Mindy: The piano.piano: 钢琴钢琴。-Kim: That could be worth… worth: 值得那可能值...-Chad: Take it.拿走吧。-Mindy: And the wedding china.wedding: 婚礼 china: 陶瓷结婚陶瓷。-Chad: Do you love him, Mindy?你爱他吗,Mindy?-Mindy: Let's try and stay on point, Chad.stay on: 继续停留 point: 观点,要点我们不要跑题,Chad。-Chad: We've been married for 10 years, and then you cheated on me.cheat on: 对
对…不忠实 be married: 结婚 cheat: 欺骗我们结婚10年了,然后你背着我偷吃。Take it. I never liked the pattern.pattern: 图案 never: 从不拿走吧,我从不喜欢那图案。-Kim: Is there anything you do want?你有想要的东西吗?-Chad: Yeah. Just one thing. Three years ago, I gave Mindy one of my kidneys.kidney: 肾有,就一样。3年前,我给了Mindy我的1个肾。Now I want it back.现在我想要回来。-Teri: Can I help you?有什么事?-Stacy: You're Teri, right?你是Teri,对吧?-Teri: Have we met?met: meet的过去式遇见我们见过吗?-Stacy: Your boss described you.boss: 老板 described: describe的过去式描述你老板描述过你。-Teri: What, that I'm Asian?Asian: 亚洲人说什么,我是亚洲人?-Stacy: Oh, no. I am so not a racial profiler. It’s your heavy conceal and crooked cutlets.racial: 种族的 profiler: 剖面,侧写,探查 heavy: 厚的 conceal: 遮住,隐藏住 crooked:畸形的 cutlet: 肉片,肉饼哦,不。我对种族探查完全没兴趣,但认出你的浓妆和肉饼身材了。I need to see Jane.need to: 需要我要见Jane。-Teri: She doesn't want to be disturbed.disturb: 打扰 want to: 想要她不想被打扰。-Stacy: Oh, I don't want to disturb her. I want to talk to her.哦,我不想打扰她,只想和她聊聊。surpri-i-ise!surprise: 惊喜惊喜!-Jane:What are you doing here?你在这里做什么?-Stacy: No. I brought you lunch. Chicken breast...celery...and a snack for later. brought: bring的过去式带来 lunch: 午餐 chicken breast: 鸡胸 celery: 芹菜 snack: 小吃,点心 later: 一会儿别吃了,我给你带午餐了,鸡胸... 芹菜... 零食一会儿再吃。-Jane: That's it?就这些?-Stacy: Smaller snacks mean slimmer slacks. It's called a thin-centive.snack: 零食 mean: 意味着 thin: 瘦的 slimmer slack:【更易减肥】(slim: 苗条的 slack: 懈怠,偷懒) 少量零食意味着瘦身,变瘦的动力。Now, between all your important meetings, you need to exercise.between: 两者之间 important: 重要的 meeting: 会议 exercise: 锻炼在你所有重要会议间隔里,你需要运动。Come on. Let’s start with squats.squat: 蹲坐来我们开始练深蹲。-Jane: I'm really busy, Stacy.busy: 繁忙我真的很忙Stacy。-Stacy: And the sooner we start, the sooner we finish. Okay. Come on.越快开始,越早结束。好,来吧。Now, knees forward, arms out... butt in the air. First we go down, and now we go up.knee: 膝盖 forward: 向前 arm: 胳膊 butt: 屁股 go down: 向下 go up: 向上膝盖向前,伸出胳膊,翘臀。I said "up," sweetie. sweetie: 甜心我说 "起身" 甜心。-Jane: I heard you. heard: hear的过去式听到我听到了。-Teri: Jane, you're due in court in 15 minutes. What are you doing?due: 应
当 court: 法庭 Jane你15分钟后出庭。你在干什么?-Stacy: It's called a squat.这叫深蹲。-Teri: Yeah, I can see it's a squat. I also know this is not a gym.gym: 健身房,体育馆 also: 也,同样对,能看出来是深蹲,我还知道这里不是健身房。-Jane: Can someone help me up, please?拜托谁扶我站起来?-Lucy: I've worked at the sun bar for six years. Never been late. not once.bar: 酒吧我在太阳酒吧已经工作6年了,一次都没迟到过。-Jane: Any customer complaints? customer: 顾客 complaint: 投诉有顾客投诉吗?-Lucy: No.没有。-Jane: Did you receive written evaluations from your supervisor?receive: 收到 written: write的过去分词书面 evaluation: 评价 supervisor: 管理者,上司领导给过你书面评估吗?-Lucy: Yeah, once a year. Always positive.once: 一次 positive: 积极的,肯定的有,一年一次,都很好。-Jane: Ms. Tyner, do you know the difference between scotch and whiskey?different: 不同的 scotch: 苏格兰【这里可以理解为苏格兰威士忌】 whiskey: 威士忌Tyner女士,你知道苏格兰威士忌?-Lawyer B: Your honor, objection. Relevance?your honor: 法官大人 objection: 反对 relevance: 切题法官大人,反对。可以切题一些吗?-Jane: My uncle Moe was a drinker. uncle: 叔叔 drinker: 酒徒我叔叔Moe爱喝酒。And he always said that a good cocktail waitress knows the difference.always: 一直,总是 cocktail: 鸡尾酒 waitress: 女服务生他总说优秀的酒吧女招待,知道区别。-Judge: Well, then... okay. Witness may answer.witness: 证人 answer: 回答那么...好,证人请回答。-Lucy: Scotch is whisky, without an "e" before the "y", distilled in Scotland.distill: 蒸馏,提取苏格兰威士忌属于威士忌"y"前没有"e",在苏格兰蒸馏提纯。Whiskey with an "e" is traditionally distilled in Ireland.traditionally: 传统上 Ireland: 英格兰有"e"的威士忌 (whisky),是在爱尔兰蒸馏而成。-Jane: Thank you. Oh, Ms. Tyner, if the sun bar doesn't want you,谢谢。哦,Tyner女士,如果太阳酒吧不想要你,why not find another place to work?why not: 为何不 another: 另一个 place: 地方为什么不找别的工作?-Lucy: I don't have a degree. Uh, the union gets me benefits,degree: 学历 union: 工会 benefit:: 好处,福利我没有学历,工会帮我争取福利,and being a single mother, I need flexible hours. I…I can't lose this job.single mother: 单亲母亲 lose: 失去 job: 工作 flexible: 灵活的 作为单亲母亲,我需要工时灵活,我不能丢掉这份工作。-Jane: Thank you.谢谢。-Lawyer B: Ms. Tyner......who is this?Tyner女士,这是谁?-Lucy: It's me.是我。-Lawyer B: How many years ago?多久前?-Lucy: I wore that dress to a sun bar Christmas party..
. a year and half ago?wore: wear的过去式穿着 dress: 衣服,裙子 Christmas: 圣诞节 party: 派对 ago: 以前我穿那件衣服参加,太阳酒吧圣诞节派对,1年半前。-Lawyer B: How many pounds ago?pound: 磅,英镑那时候多重?-Jane: Objection!反对!-Judge: On what grounds? ground: 理由理由是?-Jane: His tone, your honor. He’s rude.tone: 语气 rude: 粗鲁他的语调,法官大人,他没礼貌。-Lucy: That's okay. I've gained about 50 pounds since then.gained: gain的过去式增加 since: 自从没事,那以后我增重50磅。-Lawyer B: Do you think you look any different?你觉得自己看起来不一样吗?-Lucy: Of course.当然。-Lawyer B: Are you aware that your collective bargaining agreement,aware: 知道的意识到 collective bargaining agreement: 劳资双方就工资问题的协议 collective: 集合的,集体 bargaining: bargain的现在进行时买卖合同,议价 agreement: 协议你知道劳资双方协定,states that any change in physical appearance, can constitute grounds for termination?state: 陈述 change: 改变 physical: 身体的 appearance: 外貌 constitute: 构成 ground: 理由 termination: 终止写着任何身体样貌的变化,可导致合约终止?-Lucy: Yes, but there –清楚,但…-Lawyer B: Did you understand that gaining 50 pounds would constitute a change of appearance?understand: 了解,明白 你明白增重50磅会导致身体样貌的变化?-Lucy: Yes.明白。-Lawyer B: No more questions.question: 问题没有别的问题了。-Judge: Court's adjourned for the day.court: 法庭 adjourn: 休庭休庭。-Stacy: You got Stacy.我是Stacy。-Jane: Hi, it's me.嗨,是我。-Stacy: Hi! Guess what. I bought us a low-carb cookbook.guess: 猜 bought: buy的过去式买 cookbook: 菜谱 low-carb: 低碳水化合物嗨! 猜怎么着,我给咱俩搞了本低碳水化合物菜谱。Tonight we can make a Bundt cake out of applesauce and air.Bundt cake: 一种戒指型的蛋糕 applesauce: 苹果酱 make out of: 用…制造出今晚我们用苹果酱和空气就能做个Bundt蛋糕出来(一种戒指型的巧克力蛋糕)。-Jane: That sounds fun, but -sound: 听起来听起来很有意思啊,但是…-Stacy: And I want you to sign up at my gym.sign up: 跟…签订合同 gym: 健身馆我还想让你加入我的健身馆。We can pi-latte together in the mornings before you have to go to work.pi-latte: 一种拿铁咖啡 together: 一起在你上班之前,我们早上就可以一起喝pi-latte了 (一种拿铁咖啡)。-Jane: Stacy, can you meet me at the sun bar tonight, say 9:00?Stacy,今晚能和我在太阳吧见面吗?9点怎么样?-Stacy: Of course. Yay!当然了,耶!-Jane: Okay, great. I'll see you there.好,到时见。-Chad: Mindy went into kidney failure. She almost died. Against the odds, I
was a match.go into: 进入 kidney failure: 肾衰竭 failure: 失败,衰竭 almost: 几乎 against the odds: 成败之际 match: 匹配Mindy得了肾衰竭,她差点死了,成败之际,我的肾竟然适合。-Kim: You gave it to her, Chad. It was a gift. No strings attached.gift: 礼物 no string attached:无附加条件 string: 线,悬 attached: attach的过去式附加的你给她的,Chad。这算是礼物,没有什么附加条件的。-Chad: After the transplant, everything changed. She opened an art gallery.transplant: 移植 gallery: 画廊做完移植手术,一切都改变了,她开了一家画廊。Last spring, she went on safari.spring: 春天 safari: 陆游旅行 go on: 进行去年春天她还去探险旅行。-Grayson: She got a second chance. She's living life to the fullest.chance: 机会 second chance: 第二次机会(这里指重生) fullest: full的最高级丰富多彩的她得到了重生,还活得多姿多彩的。-Chad: She got my kidney, and I got dumped.dump: 丢弃她得到了我的肾,我却被她甩了。-Kim: We could petition to try to get the kidney back, but I think we'll be laughed out of court.petition: 请愿书 try to: 尝试 get back: 要回 laughed: laugh的过去式笑 court: 法庭我们可以诉求把肾要回来,但是我觉得上庭了,我们会被笑死的。-Chad: Then figure out another way.figure out: 解决,想办法那就再想个别的办法。I'm telling you something; tell me, baby, if maybe we could...telling: tell的现在进行时告诉-Bartender: Here you go. 给您。-Guest: Thanks.谢谢。-Jane: Oh, excuse me! Your hair extensions are gorgeous. You could hardly see the weave.hair extensions:接发 gorgeous: 绚丽的 hardly: 几乎不 weave:编织哦,打扰一下!你的接发太漂亮了。编的地方根本看不出来啊。-Sierra: I just had them done last week. You want the name of my stylist?stylist:造型师我一周前刚做完的,你想知道我的造型师的名字吗?-Jane: Actually, what's your name?actually: 实际上其实,我想知道你的。-Sierra: Sierra! Um, but I don't go that way.Sierra! 嗯,我不搞(拉拉)那一套的 --Jane: Oh, no!哦,不是!-Sierra: I mean, I tried the one time, but…mean: 意思是 我虽然试过一次但是... -Jane: No. That's not what I meant. 不是的,我不是那个意思。-Sierra: Oh.哦。-Jane: Can I just borrow a pen? borrow: 借给能借支笔给我吗? -Sierra: Sure.当然可以啊。-Stacy: I am so excited! We finally get some quality time together. Sweetie...why are you still wearing your lawyer uniform?excited: 兴奋的 finally: 终于 together: 一起 uniform: 制服 sweetie: 甜心 still: 仍然 quality time: 宝贵时间 我太兴奋了!咱们终于有时间可以一起好好玩了!亲爱的... 你怎么还穿着律师装呢?
ane: I'm actually here for work.其实我来这是工作的。-Stacy: But...it's a bar!但是...这里是酒吧啊!-Jane: I know. Oh, thank you.我知道。哦,谢谢你啊。-Bartender: On the house.免费的。-Stacy: Ooh.哦。-Jane: Okay. Excuse me. 行,打扰下。-Bartender: Yeah.什么事?-Jane: You totally have Brad Pitt's nose. Is it re? totally: 完全地 nose: 鼻子你的鼻子和布拉德皮特一模一样啊,是真的吗?-Stacy: Deb! I mean, Jane...Deb! 我是说,Jane...-Bartender: It's okay. I had a nose job about six months ago. I get a lot of compliments. Get you anything else?have a nose job:鼻子整容 a lot of: 许多的 compliment: 赞美没关系,我六个月前做的,很多人都夸呢。还要点什么吗?-Jane: Um, I'd like a Mojito.Mojito: 鸡尾酒嗯,来一杯Mojito (鸡尾酒)。-Stacy: Vodka instead of rum, splenda instead of simple syrupvodka: 伏特加 instead of: 代替 simple: 简单的 syrup:糖浆 rum: 朗姆酒用伏特加别用兰姆酒,加splenda而不是简易糖浆。-Bartender: Okay.好的。-Stacy: Just saved you 225 calories -25 minutes on the elliptical. You're welcome.saved: save的过去式节省 calorie: 卡路里 我刚帮你省了225卡路里...还有25分钟的elliptical时间 (类似于跑步机的一种健身器材)。不用谢哈。-Jane: oh, my god, there's Marc and Beth! Okay, don't say anything,哦,我的天哪!Marc和Beth在那!好的,你别和别人说,but I caught Beth totally making out with Lance Redondo when Marc was at his grandmother's wake. Let’s go say hi.caught: catch的过去式撞到,抓到 make out:做爱 grandmother: 奶奶 wake:葬礼前的守夜,守灵但是Marc给他奶奶守夜的时候,被我撞到Beth和Lance Redondo鬼混。我们过去问好吧。-Stacy: Ooh, sweetie, uh, they know Deb...not Jane.哦,亲爱的,他们只认识Deb...不认识Jane。-Jane: Okay.明白。-Stacy: I'll be right back, okay?我马上回来,好吗?-Bartender: it's on the house.on the house: 免费免费。-Deb: You are the best. best: 最好的你最好了。-Stacy: Thank you!谢谢!-Jane: Oh, Stacy... 哦,Stacy...-Stacy: hmm?嗯?-Deb: No one's talked to that girl all night.all night: 整晚整晚都没人和那个女孩聊天啊。-Stacy: Poor thing.poor: 可怜的可怜的人儿。-Deb: You know what? I'm gonna give her my free Spritzer.gonna: going to 将要会你猜怎么着?我要把我这杯免费的Spritzer给她。-Stacy: You are a saint.saint: 圣人你可真是个圣人啊。-Deb: And free fashion advice. I mean, who wears a trapeze top with wide-leg pants?I'm gonna be right back. free: 免费的 fashion: 时尚 advice: 建议 mean: 意思是 wear: 穿着 wide-leg: 宽腿pant: 裤子 trapeze: 梯形宽松服还为她提供免费的潮人建议,我是说,穿宽腿裤的时候谁
谁还配露肩装啊?我马上回来。Okay. Aah! Oh, my god! I am so sorry!好的,啊!哦,天哪!太对不起了!-Grayson: I'm Grayson.我叫Grayson。-Bartender: Ma’am, your diet Mojito? Be 8 bucks.女士,你的减肥Mojito,八块钱。-Jane: Thanks.谢谢。-Grayson: I've always wanted to work for a nonprofit, but with my student loans,work for: 为…工作 nonprofit:不盈利的 loan: 贷款 我一直想替那种不盈利组织工作的,但是因为我的学生贷款,I need to sell my soul for a few years, and then I can save the whales.soul: 灵魂 sell: 出卖 a few: 几个 whale: 鲸鱼我先得出卖灵魂几年 (意指替大公司打官司),然后我就可以去拯救鲸鱼了。-Deb: I find the law so fascinating.fascinating: 吸引人的我觉得法律很有意思啊。-Grayson: No, you don't.不,你才没有呢。-Deb: No, I don't, but I wish I did.wish: 希望你说得对,我没有。但是我希望我能。-Grayson: The thing about the law is that it never stands still.law: 法律 never: 从未 stand: 维持不变 still: 静止的法律的魅力在于它从来都不是静止的。-Deb: Is that a good thing?是件好事吗?-Grayson: Yeah. It's a reflection of society.reflection: 反射 society: 社会是啊,是对社会的反射。-Deb: Oh, like a mirror.mirror: 镜子哦,就像一面镜子。-Grayson: Like a smart mirror. Have dinner with me.smart: 聪明的,巧妙的 dinner: 晚餐一面很聪明的镜子。和我共进晚餐吧。-Deb: Um, it's midnight.嗯,现在可是午夜。-Grayson: One of my professors used to say, the law is the wisdom of the ages, professors: 教授 used to: 过去常常 wisdom: 智慧我的一个教授曾经说过,法律是长久积累的智慧,wrapped in the opinion of the moment. You know what I mean?wrap in: 笼罩在... opinion: 观点 moment: 瞬间,片刻融入当下观点的结合体。你知道什么意思嘛?-Deb: I think I do. Okay, it's like everyone used to say toxins were bad for you. Mm-hmm.toxins:毒素 be bad for: 对…有害我觉得我明白。对,就好像每个人都说,毒素对人身体不好,嗯哼,But then a wise doctor discovered Botox, and opinion totally changed.doctor: 医生 discover: 发现 totally: 完全地 change: 改变 Botox:肉毒杆菌 但是一位睿智的医生发现了肉毒杆菌,毒素不好这个观点就被改变了。-Grayson: Have dinner with me, tomorrow night, and the next night, and maybe a lunch, and breakfast.dinner: 晚餐 lunch: 午餐 breakfast: 早餐和我共进晚餐吧,明晚,后天晚上,有可能的话,加上午餐还有早餐。-Stacy: Jane. I would like you to meet my friends Marc and Beth.Jane,认识下我的朋友Marc和Beth。-Beth: Uh, how do you two know each other?each other: 彼此哦,你俩怎么认识的?-Jane: Actually, we have a friend in common.
Lance Redondo? He's really cute. Shame about the herpes.in common: 共同的 cute: 可爱的 herpes:疱疹其实是因为有个朋友我俩都认识。认识Lance Redondo吧? 他真的很可爱,可惜他得了疱疹。-Beth: Honey, can we dance?honey: 亲爱的 dance: 跳舞亲爱的,我们去跳舞吧?-Jane: Oh. Well, have a lovely night!哦,那,晚上玩好了!-Stacy: Oh, my god! You didn't just lose your body. No, no, you lost your mind.lose: 失去 body: 身体 mind: 脑袋你不光身体没了,不,不,你连脑袋也丢了。-Jane: That was fun.fun: 有趣的多逗啊。-Stacy: Whew!呼!-Jane: You scared the hell out of me.scared: scare的过去式吓到你吓死我了。-Fred: You scared the hell out of me. What are you doing here?你才把我吓死了,你在这干什么?-Jane: It's my house.这是我的房子。-Fred: I thought you moved in with Stacy.thought: think的过去式认为 moved: move的过去式搬走我以为你搬过去和Stacy住了。-Jane: I came to get a few things. come to: 过来我过来拿点东西。-Fred: What things?什么东西?-Jane: None of your business.不关你的事儿。-Fred: You are my business, Jane.你就是我要管的事儿Jane。-Jane: I want her bras, okay? I bought a new one, and it's - it's pinchy. Why are you here, Fred?bras: 胸罩 pinchy: 困苦的我想要拿她的胸罩,行了吧!我买了个新的,但是...有点扎人。你在这干什么Fred?-Fred: I, uh, needed a place to sleep,and your law firm doesn't exactly pay its messengers top dollar.law firm: 律师事务所 exactly: 确实地 pay: 付钱 messenger: 报信人我,嗯,需要个地方睡觉。你那个事务所,给的工资那么低。-Jane: Well, how did you get in? Did you use your powers?get in: 进来 power: 能力你怎么进来的? 你用了你的超能力?-Fred: For the third time, I don't have any powers. As long as I'm on earth,third: 第三次 as long as: 只要 earth: 地球 跟你说三遍了,我没有超能力。只要我还在地球上,I'm as human as you are, but I'm...clever, there's a key under the mat.as…as: 和…一样 clever: 聪明的 key: 钥匙 mat: 席子,垫子我就和你一样是凡人。但是,我...很聪明,门垫下有钥匙。So...is it cool if I stay?stay: 呆着那......我能不能待在这啊?-Jane: Why should I care? I mean, these photos, they're - they're not really of me...care: 在乎 mean: 意思是 photo: 照片 really: 真的我在乎个什么劲啊? 这些照片啊,它们...又不真是我的...Fred. I would never collect plates and snow globes, and floral prints make me dizzy.collect: 收集 plate: 盘子 globe: 球体 floral prints: 花朵图腾 floral: 描绘花的,花的 dizzy: 晕眩的Fred,我一辈子都不会收集。那些盘子还有那些下雪球,还有印花的东西,我看了就头疼。This is
n't my life. I'm getting what I need and I'm not coming back.life: 生活 come back: 回来这不是我的生活。我只是来拿我需要的,我又不会再回来。Sir, as the owner of the sun bar, do you know a Sierra Wilcox?as: 作为 owner: 拥有者 bar: 酒吧先生,作为太阳吧的老板,你认识Sierra Wilcox?-Boss: Of course. Sierra's been a waitress at the sun bar for over three years. waitress: 服务员当然了。Sierra在太阳吧工作已经三年多了。-Jane: And are you aware that she recently added hair extensions?aware: 知道的,意识到的 recently: 最近的 added: add的过去式增加 extension: 延伸,展开,扩大,发展那你知道她最近刚做了接发吗?-Boss: Yes, and they look lovely.lovely: 可爱的,令人愉快的知道,看起来很漂亮的。-Jane: And what about your bartender, Kyle Nevins?bartender: 酒保那您的酒保呢Kyle Nevins?-Boss: Well, he did not get hair extensions.他可没去接发。-Jane: No, he got a nose job, didn't he?nose job: 隆鼻他是没做,但他隆鼻了,对吧?-Boss: Yeah, so?是,那又怎么样?-Jane: Would you say those employees fundamentally changed their appearance while working for you?employee: 雇员 fundamentally: 从根本上 appearance: 容貌那你承认这些雇员在为你工作期间对自己的容貌进行了大整改?-Boss: Yes, but …没错,但是... -Jane: And did you terminate either of them?terminate: 终止,结束【解雇】 either: 任一的那你有没有解雇他们中的任何一个呢?-Boss: No.没有。-Jane: But you terminated my client because her appearance changed.client: 顾客,客户 appearance: 外表,容貌但是你解雇了我的当事人, 因为她改变了外表。-Boss: It's not the same.这不是一回事。-Jane: Yes or no?是还是不是?-Boss: Yes.是。-Lawyer B: what's the difference between cosmetic surgery and gaining weight?difference: 不同 between: 两者之间 cosmetic: 美容的,整容的 surgery: 外科手术 cosmetic surgery: 整容手术 gaining: gain的现在进行时增加 weight: 体重那整容手术和增重的效果,二者有什么区别呢?-Boss: Cosmetic surgery is meant to improve the appearance. Putting on the pounds detracts from it.be meant to: 应该是,希望是 improve: 改善,提高 put on: 穿上,增加,表演 pound: 英镑 detract: 转移,降低整容手术是为了让你变漂亮,体重增加那可就是背道而驰了。-Lawyer B: Can you explain why you terminated an employee who gained 50 pounds?explain: 解释 terminate: 终止,结束【解雇】 employee: 员工 gain: 获得,增加你能解释下你为什么非得解雇一个增了50磅的员工?-Boss: I'm not ashamed to say that my objective is to turn a profit, and sex sells.ashamed: 羞耻的,羞愧的,惭愧的objective: 目标,目的 turn a profit:
获利,【赚钱】 sex:(总称)男性,女性【帅哥,美女】我光明正大的说我的目标就只挣钱,帅哥美女就能赚钱。-Lawyer B: And Lucy hurts your bottom line?hurt: 伤到 bottom line: 底线Lucy让你挣不回来? -Boss: Absolutely.absolutely: 绝对地,完全地,确实地可不是啊。-Lawyer B: Can you quantify that?quantify: 定量,称量,量化【具体说】能具体说一下吗?-Boss: My clientele buy more drinks from thin, beautiful women. Sierra brings in 20% more per night than Lucy.clientele: 客户,诉讼委托人 thin: 瘦的 beautiful: 美丽的 brings in:增加,引入,收益我的顾客们从纤瘦漂亮的服务员那买的酒更多。Sierra每晚能比Lucy多卖出20% 。-Lawyer B: Thank you.谢谢。-Lawyer A: My client is keeping the kidney.kidney: 肾我的当事人要留着这个肾。No judge would order Mindy to return a transplanted organ.judge: 法官 order: 命令 return: 返还,归还 transplanted: 被移植的 organ: 器官没有一个法官会命令她把器官再还回去。-Kim: Which is why we're now asking for $100,000 in exchange for keeping the kidney.ask for: 请求,要求 in exchange for: 作为对...的交换这也就是我们为什么要十万还钱做赔偿,用来做交换,想保住肾的话。-Lawyer A: Excuse me?什么?-Kim: Mr. Bill Myer gave his wife something of value. During a divorce proceeding, a judge assesses a value to each party's property. something of value: 有价值的东西 divorce: 离婚 proceeding: 进行,行动,诉讼程序 assess: 评估,估价 property: 资产 party: (条约、诉讼、争论等中的)一方,当事人,用户 Bill Myer先生给了他夫人一件很有价值的东西。在一件离婚案当中,法官会判定各方财产的价值。We assess the value of our client's kidney at $100,000.assess: 评估,评定 client: 客户,当事人我们认定我当事人的肾值十万元。-Mindy: This is crazy! crazy: 疯狂的太扯了吧!-Chad: Well, you're about to get half of everything I own. So you can give some of it back.你马上就能拿到我的一半东西了,你可以还一些回来。-Lawyer A: The uniform anatomical gift act prohibits the exchange of a human organ for profit.the uniform anatomical gift act: 统一组织捐献法 prohibit: 禁止,阻止 exchange: 交易 human: 人类 organ: 器官 profit: 赢利 uniform: 统一的 anatomical: 解剖的 禁止以人体器官赢利。-Grayson: The statute prohibits the sale of organs, not their monetization for a fair value within the context of a divorce proceeding.statute: 法令,法规 monetization: 作为货币 fair: 公平的 within: 把…包括在内 context: 内容,上下文,联系法令禁止的是器官的买卖,在离婚的具体背景下,不禁止其物被具体化为货币价值。-Lawyer A: This is
ot gonna fly.gonna: going to 将要,会这不可能被通过的。-Kim: We'll see about that.那我们走着瞧吧。-Parker: Don't those... belong in a cup?belong: 属于,该在 cup: 杯子那些...不是该放在杯子里吗?-Jane: Dark circles. circle: 圈我有黑眼圈了。-Parker: I heard you got buried in court.bury: 埋葬于,使陷于听说你今天上庭惨败啊。-Jane: That's a little bit strong, but…a little bit: 一点这么说就太夸张了但是...-Parker: Jane, you accused me of assigning you this case because you're overweight. Truth is, I was reluctant to put you on it.accuse of: 控告,职责 assign: 分配,指派 case: 案子 overweight: 超重的 truth: 事实 reluctant: 不情愿的,勉强的 be reluctant to do:不情愿做某事Jane,你指责我因为你肥胖把这个案子派给你。其实,我是很不情愿让你接的。-Jane: Why?为什么?-Parker: I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but here we are.hope: 希望 我本来希望不用到这一步的。但是没办法了。I want you to argue that being overweight can be a disability. argue: 争论,辩论,争吵 overweight: 超重 disability: 无能,残疾我想让你用"肥胖是一种残疾"来做辩护。-Jane: What are you talking about?你什么意思?-Parker: if you can convince the jury it's a medical condition that impairs Lucy's performance,convince: 说服,使...相信 jury: 陪审团 medical: 医学的,身体的 condition: 情况 impair:损害,损伤 performance: 业绩如果你可以说服陪审团是因为她的身体状况影响了她的工作业绩,那在美国残疾人法案的保护下,then the sun bar can't terminate her under...terminate: 终止,结束【解雇】太阳吧就不能解雇她…-Jane: The Americans with disabilities act. Oh, huh! Yeah, I know the law.law: 法律哦,哈! 是,这法我熟了,But the a.d.a. wasn't meant to apply to people like Lucy.apply to: 适用于但是这个法案的本意并不适用Lucy这样的人。-Parker: It does now. I'm flying in a federal labor expert from D.C.federal: 联邦的 D.C.: 华盛顿 expert: 专家我请了一个联邦劳工法案专家,今晚就从华盛顿飞过来。You’ll put him on the stand tomorrow.stand: 站台你明天让他上庭作证。-Jane: I-I'm not sure how I feel about telling a jury that being...larger than average is a disability.sure: 确定 feel: 感觉 jury: 陪审团 average: 平均数,平均值 disability: 残疾我...我不确定要我告诉陪审团.. 比普通人胖...是一种残疾是什么感觉...-Parker: Lucky for your client, it doesn't matter how you feel. Just win the caselucky: 幸运的 client: 客户,当事人 case: 案子对你的当事人来说,你什么感觉无所谓的,只管赢了这案子就行。-Stacy: Yay! You're home early! Let's go for a run!early: 早的耶!你今
今天回来早了,我们出去跑一圈。-Jane: I'm not in the mood.mood: 心情我没心情。-Stacy: How about makeup? I bought a palette of neutrals that'll look great with Jane's coloring. Let's play.makeup: 化妆品 palette: 调色板,板 neutral: 淡色的 color: 颜色那化妆品呢?我买了一板儿淡色的,很配Jane的外貌,我们来玩嘛。-Jane: I've been playing lawyer all day. I don't really want to play Barbie.lawyer: 律师 Barbie: 芭比娃娃我演律师已经演了一天了,不想再当芭比娃娃了。-Stacy: You know something... Jane, it's like you don't even want my help.want: 想要 help: 帮助 be like...: 像...你知道吗... Jane,你现在好像根本不想要我的帮助。-Jane: Stacy... I don't like celery. I like sandwiches.celery: 芹菜 sandwich: 三明治Stacy....我不喜欢芹菜,我喜欢三明治。And I don't want to run when I come home from work because I am tired and my brain hurts.run: 跑步 tired: 累的 brain: 头 hurt: 痛而且当我下班回家之后,我不想再跑步了,因为我累了,而且我的头疼,还有我再也不想。And I never want to do a squat again.squat: 深蹲再不做深蹲了。-Stacy: I give up. You want to stay like that, fine by me.give up: 放弃 fine by me: 我没问题我放弃。你想一直这个样,我没问题。-Jane: Do you have any idea what that feels like to me?feel like: 感觉上像 idea: 想法你知道我有什么感觉吗?-Stacy: You said you wanted Deb back. I get it …She was gorgeous and fun and… gorgeous: 华丽的,灿烂的【漂亮的】 fun: 有趣的你说你想要Deb回来的,我明白...她又漂亮又有趣又...-Jane: Stop it!别说了!-Stacy: I want Deb! I miss her!我要! Deb我想她!-Jane: I am still Deb!我还是Deb!-Stacy: All I see is Jane. Where are you going?我看见的只有Jane。你去哪儿?-Jane: I'm moving out! move out: 搬出去我要搬出去!-Fred: As your guardian angel, I'm supposed to lend an ear, if you need it.guardian: 守护人,监护人 be supposed to do: 应该做某事 lend an ear: 倾听作为你的守护天使,如果你需要的话,我可以听你倾诉的。-Jane: I'm fine.我没事。 -Fred: Good. Because fly fishing is oddly exhilarating.oddly: 奇妙的,古怪的 exhilarating: 令人愉快的,令人振奋的那好,因为我刚发现飞钓出奇地刺激啊。-Jane: He's false casting. Probably paying out the line, drying a soaked flyer repositioning his cast. casting: cast的现在进行时投掷,抛 probably: 也许 drying: dry的现在进行时变干 pay out: 出线 soaked: 湿透的 flyer: 苍蝇 repositioning: 重新定位 大概就是把线放出去,然后把湿蝇甩干 (飞钓的饵有湿蝇和干蝇两种),要不然就是在重新调整他飞钓的姿势。Oh, crap, Jane knows about fishing?!fishing: 钓鱼哦,奶奶的!Jane
连钓鱼都懂?!-Fred: Popcorn?popcorn: 爆米花来点爆米花?-Jane: You know, Fred, this whole deal, where I keep Deb's memories but get Jane's smarts,it's messed up. whole: 整个的 deal: 交易,事情 memory: 记忆 mess up: 混乱 smart: 聪明,才智 practically: 几乎,简直,实际上你知道吗,Fred?留着Deb的记忆但是得到了Jane才智,这整件事...就是一团糟!I mean, I'm practically a genius, practically: 实际上 genius: 天才我基本上算是个天才了,and I don't even know... the name of my dog.even: 甚至但是我连我的狗叫什么名字...都不知道。-Fred: Bones.骨头。-Jane: What?什么?-Fred: Dog's name is bones. It's written on the back of the picture - "bones, 1979."picture: 照片 written: write的过去分词写着狗狗的名字叫骨头,在照片的背后写这呢"骨头 1979年"。So I'm guessing bone is no longer with us.guess: 猜测 no longer: 不再我猜骨头已经不在了。 -Jane: Not unless he died, pawed the return button on the computer, and you put his soul inside of a cat. Fred?unless: 除非 died: die的过去式死去 paw: 以蹄扒地 button: 键 computer: 电脑 soul: 灵魂除非它死了,用它的爪子按了电脑上的返回键,然后你把它的灵魂装进一只猫的身体里。Fred?I don't want to be her. I want my old life back.我不想当她,我想要回我原来的生活。-Fred: If you were still Deb, what would you say to Jane?still: 仍然如果你还是Deb,你会对Jane说什么?-Jane: Step away from the cookies and get a grip.step away from: 远离 cookie: 饼干 grip: 克制离饼干远点,克制一下自己。-Fred: And what would Jane say to Deb?那Jane会对Deb说什么呢?-Jane: I'm sorry, Deb.很遗憾Deb。-Fred: Sorry for what?为了什么?-Jane: I'm sorry you needed people like me to feel better about you.feel: 感觉 feel better: 感觉良好很遗憾,你需要我这样的人来能让你自我感觉良好。 -Kim: You're on time today!on time: 准时你今天很准时啊!-Jane: Scared of you if I wasn't. No doughnut?scare: 吓着 doughnut: 甜甜圈我是怕死你了。没有甜甜圈?-Kim: I thought you were over doughnuts.我以为你不吃甜甜圈了。-Jane: Right. It’s okay.对,没关系。-Kim: I am like a boy scout.boy scout: 童子军我就像是童子军出身的。-Grayson: Do you have a minute?你有时间吗?-Jane: Mm! Of course.嗯!当然了。-Grayson: I need to speak with you about something.speak with sb: 与某人谈谈我有点事要和你谈。-Jane: Anything.你说。-Grayson: You're familiar with this kidney case, right?be familiar with: 对…熟悉 kidney: 肾脏你知道这件肾脏案吧?-Jane: Yeah. You're trying to monetize a vital organ.monetize: 货币化 try to do: 尝试做某事 vital: 生命的,重大的 organ:
器官知道。你们打算把那个器官的价值具体货币化。 -Grayson: I think Kim's a terrific lawyer, but she's blowing smoke.terrific: 极好的,非常的 lawyer: 律师 blow smoke: 【不靠谱的】我觉得Kim是个好律师,但是她有点不靠谱...-Jane: You don't think her argument will survive judicial scrutiny. You know, in law school,argument: 辩词,争论 survive: 幸存,继续存在 judicial: 司法的 scrutiny: 审查,研究 school: 学院你认为她的辩词过不了司法审查这一关?你知道吗?在法学院,they say...law is the wisdom of the ages, wrapped in the opinion of the moment.wisdom: 智慧 wrap in: 笼罩,覆盖【融入】 opinion: 观点有这么句话...法律是长久积累的智慧,同时融入当下观点的结合体。-Grayson: That's why I love the law, but how is that relevant here?relevant: 相关的,有关的,切题的这就是我为什么热爱法律,但这和案子有什么关系?-Jane: I have this girlfriend, Brandi. Really cute sorority type.sorority: 女子社团,女子俱乐部 cute: 可爱的 type: 类型我有个叫Brandi的女朋友,是很可爱的姐妹会那型的女孩。Anyway, she worked her ass off as a manicurist to put her hubby through med school,manicurist: 指甲修饰师 hubby: [口语]丈夫 put through: [美国英语]完成(任务、学业、工作、计划、交易等);(圆满)结束总之,她当修甲师累得要死要活,供她老公上完了医学院,then he dumped her. So she sued for half his future income and won.dump: 猛地扔下,扔掉,倒掉【甩掉】 sue for: 控告 income: 收入然后他甩了她,然后她把他将来收入的一半都告赢了过来。-Grayson: I still don't see the connection.connection: 联系,关系我还是没看出来有什么关系啊。-Jane: When a spouse sacrifices to help their partner, the court places a value on that sacrifice. spouse: 配偶 sacrifice: 牺牲 partner: 搭档 court: 法庭 place a value on: 对...估计,重视 当配偶一方为了对方牺牲自己,法庭会很重视这项牺牲。Giving up a kidney is quite a sacrifice.give up: 放弃放弃一个肾那可是不小的牺牲。-Grayson: Adapt the wisdom of the law to fit the opinion of the moment.adapt: 改编,使适应 fit: 适合,附和让法律的睿智去适应时下的观点。 -Jane: but, Grayson... maybe it's not about the money. See, Brandi still loved her husband.income: 收入,所得但是,Grayson...也许根本不是钱的事儿,Brandi还爱着他的丈夫。But she didn't sue because she wanted half of his income.sue: 起诉,告但是她告他不是想要他一半的收入。She just...wasn't ready to say goodbye. 她只是...没准备好说再见。-Grayson: You're saying this case isn't about Chad's kidney.kidney: 肾脏你是说这案子根本就不是拿Chad的肾说事儿。-Jane: It's abo
ut his heart. I have to go to court.是他的心。我得去法院了。-Grayson: Wait. Before you go... you got something...等一下。在你走之前...有点东西...-Jane: W-what?什...什么?-Grayson: Popcorn?爆米花?-Jane: Yeah! Um...I was just saving that for later. I am not ready to go.是啊!嗯...我打算待会吃的。我没有准备好走。Dr. Sandler, you're a leading expert in the Americans with disabilities act.expert: 专家,能手 disabilities act: 残疾人法Sandler医生,你在美国残疾人法里是顶级的专家了。-Dr. Sandler: Yes, I helped formulate the federal law enacted in 1990.formulate: 系统的陈述 federal: 联邦 enact: 制定法律是,我在1990年帮助建立了这项联邦法律。I have subsequently consulted with both congress and the EEOC on its application. subsequently: 后来,随后 consult: 商讨,查阅 congress: 代表大会,议会 EEOC: Equate Employment Opportunity Commission 均等就业机会委员会 application: 申请,应用因此国会和就业机会均等委员会都会咨询我的意见。-Jane: My client, a waitress, was fired because she gained 50 pounds. Does the law apply to her?client: 客户 waitress: 女服务员 gain: 增加 pound: 镑 apply to: 适用于我的客户,一个女服务员,因为她获得了50磅被解雇了。法律适用于她吗?-Dr. Sandler: Absolutely. Under the subsection perceived disabilities.absolutely: 必然地 subsection: 小部分 perceive:察觉,感觉,认知 disability: 残疾人当然了。根据残疾人的感知款,Although your client was still able to wait on customers,although: 虽然 be able to do: 能够 customer: 顾客虽然你的客户任然能等顾客,her employer perceived her to be disabled, due to her weight.employer: 雇主 disabled: 残疾的 due to: 因为,由于 weight: 体重她的雇主认为她是残疾的,因为她的体重。-Lucy: Stop! Please, I want this to stop.请等等。我想让你停一下。-Jane: Lucy.Lucy。-Lucy: I need to speak with you.我要和你说话。-Jane: Your honor, I need a moment.法官大人,我需要一点时间。-Judge: You certainly do.certainly: 当然地你当然可以。-Jane: Lucy! Lucy!Lucy! Lucy!-Lucy: The other waitresses, the owner of the sun bar, even my friends -they all judge me for letting myself go.judge: 判断,评判另一个女服务员,太阳酒吧的主人,甚至是我的朋友-他们都因为我放任自己而评判我。But last year, my husband left me. With two kids,但是去年,我丈夫离开了我。带着两个孩子,I don't have time to go to the gym, and I eat when I'm stressed.gym: 健身房 stressed: 紧张的,有压力的我没有时间去健身房,而且当我紧张我就吃。-Jane: Lucy, I understand, Lucy,我明白了。-Lucy: But…I am not disabled. And I don't want you saying that
am.disabled: 残疾的但是...我不是残疾。我不想让你说我是残疾。-Jane: No, it's just a legal strategy, and it's worked before.legal: 合法的 strategy: 战略,策略不,这只是一个法律策略,之前它已经生效了。-Lucy: I don't care about the other cases! Why didn't you discuss this expert with me?care about: 在乎,关心 case: 案子 discuss: 商量 expert: 专家我不管别的案子!这专家的事儿你为什么不事先跟我商量一下?-Jane: I realize Dr. Sandler's comments can be hurtful –realize: 意识到 comment: 评价,评论 hurtful: 伤人的我明白Sandler医生的评价会伤人。-Lucy: But you didn't tell me because you knew I'd get mad.get mad: 生气但是你没有告诉我,因为你知道我会生气。-Jane: No, I want to win this case for you.不,我想为你赢了这个案子。-Lucy: Mnh-mnh. I don't know you that well... but I think you're better than that.嗯嗯。我虽然不很了解你... 但是我觉得你比那强多了。-Kim: Oh, if it isn't Miss Busybody.哦,这不是大忙人小姐吗。-Jane: Not now, Kim. 我现在没心情,Kim...-Kim: Jane...if you have any further insight into my case and feel the need to share with Grayson, don't.further: 更深的,更远的 insight: 洞察力,【意见】 share with: 分享如果你对我的案子还有什么意见,觉得该和Grayson谈谈,劝你死了那条心。-Jane: I was just trying to help.我只是想帮忙。-Kim: Oh, so you were trying to be sweet - like a pop-tart or a cupcake.sweet: 亲切的,温柔的 pop-tart: 水果蛋糕 cupcake: 小杯蛋糕哦,你只是想当好人... 像水果蛋糕或是小杯蛋糕。-Jane: What do you want me to say? I am sorry for offering you a better legal argument for your case. Well, I'm not. offer: 提供 legal: 合法的,法律的 argument: 论据,辩论你想让我说什么? 对不起,为你的案子提供了更好的法律论据。我可不抱歉。-Teri: Jane!Jane!-Parker: You walk with me. You owe the firm $6,000.That's how much it cost to fly in an expert witness.owe: 欠 cost: 花费 witness: 证人你跟我来。你欠公司六千块钱。请一个专家飞过来做证人就是这么贵。-Jane: He wasn't my idea.idea: 主意让他来可不是我的主意。-Parker: You should have anticipated your client's reaction.anticipate:预期,期待 client: 客户,当事人 reaction: 反应你该预料到你当事人的反应的。-Jane: Why? 为什么呢?-Parker: Because you know how she thinks.因为你知道她会怎么想。-Jane: Oh, because you think we're both big?哦,因为你认为我俩都很大支?-Parker: That's right. I'm gonna deliver the closing for you.gonna: going to 将要,会 deliver: 发表 closing: 结尾,终止是这样,我来帮你做结尾陈辞。-Jane: no!不!-Parker: You don't say no to a managi
ging partner.managing: 管理的,经营的 partner: 搭档,你不能跟一个主理合伙人说不。-Jane: When a lawyer is swapped out mid-trial, it throws the jury.lawyer: 律师 swap: 交换,做交易 mid-trial: 中期 throw: 惊扰 jury: 陪审团如果一个律师被中途换掉,陪审团会有看法。And a new lawyer could alienate our client, who's already upset with our strategy.alienate: 使疏远,离间 be upset with: 对...失望 strategy: 策略新律师会疏远我们的委托人,我们的委托人对现在的策略已经很失望了。-Parker: I'm willing to take that risk.be willing to: 愿意 take the risk: 冒险我愿意冒一下这个险。-Jane: I took a bullet for you! bullet: 子弹我可是帮你挡了一枪哟!-Parker: Come on.得了吧。-Jane: I haven't gotten upset or angry or missed a day of work. But you owe me, and I will deliver this closing.upset: 失望 angry: 生气 miss: 缺少,错过 owe: 欠 deliver: 发表,讲话我从没有失望,生气,或者缺勤一天。但你欠我的,我会做结案陈辞的。[TV: Hello, designers. Hi.Hi.Hi. Welcome to the runway. There are 16 of you here, and after tonight, there will be 15. All right, let's meet the judges.]designer: 设计师 runway: 跑道,T台 judge: 评委设计师们,大家好。嗨嗨嗨。欢迎来到T台。现在你们有16人,今晚过后,会剩下15人。好了,我们来见见评委。-Jane: I just came to get a few things.我只是来那点东西。[TV: As you know, in fashion, one day you're in, and the next day you're out.]fashion: 时尚 be in: 引领潮流 be out: 落伍你们知道的,在时尚圈,今天你还引领潮流,明天就落伍了。-Jane: Heidi grew out her bangs!grew: grow的过去式生长 bangs: 刘海Heidi留了刘海!-Stacy: I know. She looks amazing. Wait. We're in a fight.amazing: 惊人的 in a fight: 冷战我知道。她看起来美极了。等等。我们还在冷战中。-Jane: I still know what the cookies mean. cookies: 饼干 mean: 意味着我还知道曲奇意味着什么。One cookie - you blew out your credit card, on a pair of jeans without checking out the rear view.blew out : 吹灭【刷爆】 credit card: 信用卡 a pair of: 一对,一双 jean: 牛仔裤 check out: 检查 rear view:后视图【穿起来后屁股状况】一块--你的信用卡刷爆,就为了买一条没注意穿起来后,屁股状况的牛仔裤。Two - the guy you hooked up with hasn't called. Three - you just found cellulite in a thigh crease. Four? I have never seen four.hook up: 钩住 cellulite: 脂肪团 thigh: 大腿 crease: 折痕两块--你钓的小伙子就没打电话,三块--你在大腿折痕里看到了脂肪,四块? 我从来没见你吃过四块。-Stacy: It means I feel awful. I am so sorry.awful: 可怕的意味着我感觉很不好。太对不起了。-Jane: No. You
were just trying to help. I just have to take this all in my own time.own: 自己的不。你只是想帮忙。我只是必须自己全部承受了。Everyone out there is judging me. I'm judging me. judge: 审判,评判,判决别人都在评判我,我自己也在评判自己。And I just need to know that my best friend doesn't.我只想知道我最好的朋友没有这样。-Stacy: I'm not judging, but... I'm scared I'm losing you, all right?scared: 害怕的 losing: lose的现在进行时失去我很害怕失去你,好吧?-Jane: What are you talking about?你在说什么啊?-Stacy: You're smart now. You have an office and an assistant. You have a business card,smart: 聪明 assistant: 助理 business card: 名片现在你变聪明了。你有办公室有助理。你还有名片。Your photo is on your credit card, and I bet you even have a library card.photo: 照片 credit card: 信用卡 bet: 打赌 library: 图书馆你的信用卡上有照片,我敢说你还有图书馆的卡。You're, like, important, and important people don't have time for me.important: 重要的就像,你是要人了,重要的人没时间跟我在一起。-Jane: That's crazy, Stacy. People take one look at this body, and they think they're better than I am. You get a free pass. free pass: 免费通行证,免票 crazy: 疯狂的 look at: 看着 than: 比别胡说,Stacy。人们一看到这个身体,他们就觉得比我强,你有自由通行权。-Stacy: A free pass to what? Everyone thinks I'm a dumb blonde. And you know what? They're right.dumb: 愚蠢的,无言的 blonde: 金发女郎通行去哪里? 人人都觉得我是笨金发女郎。你知道吗?他们是对的。-Jane: Come on. You are so not blonde. Come here. 别胡说。你可不是金发。过来。-Stacy: Mm. Don't move out, please.move out: 搬出嗯,不要搬出去,好吗。-Jane: You sure you still want me - all of me?still: 仍然你确定想留下我--我所有一切?-Stacy: Of course I do. Okay, let's celebrate. We'll go out clubbing,celebrate: 庆祝,祝贺 clubbing: club的现在进行时 俱乐部我当然想。好吧,我们来庆祝一下。我们去泡吧,and I promise not to change your drink order.promise: 保证,断言 order: 订单 change: 改变我保证不再改你的酒单了。-Jane: I don't think so.我不想去。-Stacy: Come on. It’ll be like old times.来吧。都会像以前一样的。-Jane: Stacy, it can't be like old times. I-I don't feel comfortable at clubs.feel: 感觉 comfortable: 舒服的Stacy,不会像以前一样了。我--我在酒吧里觉得不舒服。It's one thing not to fit in, but I actually stand out.fit in: 适合 actually: 实际上 stand out: 突出,显眼不适应是一回事,但其实我挺显眼的。-Stacy: I guess I understand, but... it doesn't seem fair. guess: 猜 understand: 了解 seem: 似乎 fair:
公平我想我明白,但...这不公平。-Jane: Oh! You're right! It doesn't seem fair. It's not even close to fair!close to: 接近,几乎噢! 你说得对! 这不公平丝毫不公平!-Stacy: Why are you acting all wacky?wacky: 奇怪的 act: 行为你为什么这么奇怪?-Jane: I think you just gave me my closing argument.argument: 辩论,论据我想你刚刚给了我结案陈辞的材料。-Stacy: I did?有吗?-Jane: Yeah. Thanks.对,谢谢。-Stacy: You’re welcome. 不客气。-Jane: Recently, I went to the sun bar, and I saw the place through a fresh set of eyes.recently: 最近的 bar: 酒吧 through: 通过 a fresh set of eyes: 全新的眼光最近,我去过太阳酒吧,我用全新的眼光观察了这个地方。No female employee was larger than a size 4, and you know what? I...felt uncomfortable.female: 女性的 employee: 员工 uncomfortable: 不舒服的没有一个女服务生的尺码大过4的,你们知道吗?我...感觉不好。No wonder the owner is worried about profits.no wonder: 毫无疑问地 owner: 店主 worry about: 担心 profit: 利润毫无疑问店主是关心利益。He's promoting this narrow-minded view of sexy. If the sun bar really wants to make money, promoting: promote的现在进行时促销 narrow-minded: 气量小的,狭隘的 sexy: 性感的他用这种狭隘的性感标准来促销。如果太阳酒吧真想赚钱,then maybe they should make all of us feel welcome.welcome: 受欢迎的也许应该让所有人都感到受欢迎。At this point, I would like to ask my friends in the gallery to please stand up.point: 点 gallery: 画廊 stand up: 起立在这一点上,我想问我在画廊的朋友们,请起立。-Lawyer B: What's going on?怎么回事儿?-Jane: Just making my closing, counselor. All of these women are size 14, the average for a woman in America today.closing: 结案陈词 counselor: 顾问 size: 号 average: 平均只是在做结案陈辞,顾问。这些女性都是14号,今天美国女性的平均尺寸。However, based on the sun bar's definition of sexy, none of these women would be hired.however: 然而,但是 base on: 基于,根据 definition: 定义 hire: 雇佣但是,根据太阳酒吧的性感标准,这些女性都不会被雇佣。That is wrong. You know that federal laws protect us based on race, religion, sex, age, veteran status, disability, and national origin. federal: 联邦的 law: 法律 protect: 保护 race: 种族 religion: 信仰 sex: 性别 veteran: 退伍的 disability: 残疾 national origin: 民族 base on: 基于这是错误的。你们知道联邦法律保护我们,不论种族,信仰,性别,年龄,服役与否,残疾,民族。But what about size?那么身材呢?Well, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Santa Cruz have all passed laws outlawing discrimination based on weight.pass: 通过 outlawing
: 失去法律保护的 discrimination: 歧视 weight: 体重旧金山,华盛顿和圣克鲁斯,都出台了相应法律,禁止歧视体重。And now you have an opportunity to extend that protection.opportunity: 机会 extend: 沿用,伸展 protection: 保护现在你们有机会把这种保护沿用到Lucy身上,谢谢。Wait. I-I'm not - I'm not done yet. Have you noticed that people have euphemisms for being overweight?notice: 注意到 euphemism: 委婉的说法 overweight: 超重等等。我还没--我还没说完。你们注意到人们用委婉的词,来代替肥胖这个词吗?Large and plus-sized, full-figured and rubenesque. And no one, not even me...large: 大的 plus-sized: 加大号 plus: 加上 full-figured: 丰满的 rubenesque: 具有(佛兰德斯画家)鲁本斯绘画特征【富态】大块头,加大号,丰满,富态,没人,甚至我自己都......especially not me... wants to say the word "fat." especially: 尤其地 word: 词...尤其是我自己... 想说"胖"这个词。But "fat" is only pejorative when we allow places like the sun bar to tell us that being fat somehow makes us less of a person.pejorative: 污蔑的,贬义的 allow: 允许 bar: 酒吧 somehow: 无论如何 less of a person: 低人一等的但"胖"只在我们容忍太阳酒吧那样,告诉我们胖就低人一等的时候有贬低意味。Tell the sun bar that being fat is not cause for being fired. Thank you.cause: 原因,起因,发生 fire: 解雇让太阳酒吧知道,胖不是被解雇的理由。谢谢。-Kim: We believe our client's kidney donation can be equated with the sacrifice that one spouse makes for another.believe: 相信 client: 客户,当事人 kidney: 肾脏 donation: 捐赠 是相等,等同 spouse:配偶我们相信委托人的肾捐赠可以被一视同仁,被看作是配偶为另一方的奉献。Like a wife who supports her husband through medical school. That being said –support: 支持 medical: 医学的就像是妻子为了支持丈夫上完医学院说--Mindy: Okay. That's it! I've had enough!enough: 足够的好了够了! 我受够了!-Lawyer A: Let me handle this.handle: 处理让我来处理。-Mindy: You can have it back.have...back: 拿回你可以拿回去了。-Chad: What? What - what are you talking about?什么? 你--你在说什么?-Mindy: When I needed a transplant, my sister was too young to consent, but she is a match, and she's agreed.transplant: 移植 consent: 同意,许可 match: 适合,匹配 agree: 同意 too…to: 太…太我需要移植手术时,妹妹太小不能签同意书。但是适合,她也同意了。-Chad: No, no, that's too risky.risky: 冒险不不,这太冒险了。-Mindy: I don't care.care: 在乎我不管。-Lawyer A: Mindy!Mindy!-Mindy: I want to get on with my life.我想继续过日子。-Grayson: Maybe Chad's not ready to move on with h
. He doesn't want his kidney back.maybe: 也许 move on: 继续也许Chad还没有准备好继续他的生活。不想要回肾脏从没有。He never did. He gave it to you because he loved you, and asking for money - that was our idea.never: 从未 ask for: 要求 idea: 主意他捐给你是因为爱你,要钱-是我们的主意。-Mindy: What he said - is that true, Chad? true: 真的他说的--是真的吗,Chad?-Chad: I was so happy. I thought you were, too. I would have done anything for you.我很高兴。我以为你也是,我愿意为你做任何事。-Mindy: You are a wonderful husband...and a good man, and my friends think I'm crazy to leave you, wonderful: 很好的,完美的 crazy: 疯狂的 leave: 离开你是一个很好的丈夫,是一个好男人,朋友认为我离开你很疯狂,but... you gave me a second chance on life, and I love you for it, but it's not enough of a reason for us to stay together. you remember me as I was.chance: 机会 reason for : ...的原因(理由等) stay together: 在一起 remember: 记得但...你给了我第二次生命,我因此爱你,但这还不足以成为生活在一起的理由,你印象中还是以前的我。I need to move on.我需要前行。-Chad: You can keep the kidney.kidney: 肾你可以留着肾。-Mindy: What? Are you sure?sure: 确定什么?你确定?-Chad: Yeah. At least a part of me will always be with you.at least: 至少 part: 部分 是的。至少我的一部分会永远伴随你。-Lucy: Jane. Jane。-Jane: Hi.嗨。-Lucy: The verdict came back quick. Is that good or bad?verdict: 判决 come back: 回来,下来 quick: 快的判决很快下来了。是好是坏?-Jane: It could go either way.either: 任一的两种都有可能。-Lucy: Whatever happens, thanks for representing me. Not just the case but me, the fat girl.whatever: 无论怎样 happen: 发生 representing: represent的现在进行时代表 case: 案子 fat: 胖的不管怎么样,谢谢你为我辩护不只是为了这个案子。还为我这个胖姑娘谢你。-Lawyer B: Ms. Bingum? We'd like to settle.settle: 解决,和解Bingum女士? 我们想要和解。-Jane: I don't think so.我不同意。-Parker: Jane, they're offering Lucy her job, with back pay.offer: 提供 job: 工作 pay: 付钱Jane,他们重新给Lucy提供工作,还支付欠薪。-Jane: It's a good start, but no. See, those large ladies from my closing just applied to be waitresses at the sun bar.start: 开始 apply to: 向…申请 waitress: 女服务员这是个好的开始,但是不行。那些我结案陈词时出现的大号女士们,刚刚申请做太阳酒吧的服务员。-Boss: You told them to apply, didn't you?tell sb to do: 告诉某人做某事你让她们去申请的,对吗?-Jane: Guilty. Oh, and if I win this case and the jury defines weight as a protected class,guilty: 有罪的
的 win: 赢 jury: 陪审团 define: 下定义 class: 条款 weight: 体重罪过呀,如果我赢了这案子,陪审团把体重也作为一项保护条款,I will file another suit - a class action. And those women will be my reps,file: 提出(离婚诉讼或其他讼案) suit: 诉讼 reps: 条花织品【代表】我会再次起诉-共同起诉,那些女士就会成为我的代表,and the plaintiff pool will extend to every fat girl, you've ever turned away from a job –plaintiff: 原告 extend: 眼神 turn away: 解雇,避免原告团就会延伸到每个你们拒绝提供工作的胖女孩-and I'm guessing there's more than a few.guess: 猜我猜这些人不会少。-Boss: What do you want?你想怎么样?-Jane: 20% pay raise, no loss in seniority, and a commitment against discrimination based on body type.raise: 增加,升高 seniority: 长辈,前任者的特权,老资格【标准】 commitment: 承诺,保证 base on: 基于 body type: 身材加薪20% ,工龄不作为减薪标准,还要做出承诺不对身材歧视。- Lawyer B: Deal.成交。-Jane: Okay.好的。-Fred: Hey.嗨。-Jane: Hey. How'd you find me out here? Did you use your powers?find out: 找到 power: 能力嗨。你怎么在这里找到我的? 用你的超能力了?-Fred: I told you.我告诉过你。-Jane: Kidding.开玩笑呢。-Fred: You weren't in your office, and I, uh, know you like fresh air. fresh air: 新鲜空气你不在办公室,我,呃,知道你爱新鲜空气。Relaxable side panels... less pinchy.relaxable: 松弛的 panel: 面,围板弹性侧网... 没那么扎人。 -Jane: You came out here to give me a bra?你出来是为了给我一个胸罩?-Fred: Well, that and to say congrats.congrat: congratulation 祝贺, 恭喜呃,还要恭喜你。I just heard the service workers union signed a long-term deal with the firm.hear: 听说 union: 工会 service: 服务 long-term: 长期 firm: 公司 deal with: 处理,安排,做买卖我刚听说服务业工会跟公司签了一份长期协议。-Jane: Parker is beyond thrilled.beyond thrilled: 非常激动Parker非常激动。-Fred: What about you?你呢?-Jane:Fred...I told those women that I could relate to them, but I don't feel like a fat girl.relate to: 涉及,联系Fred... 我告诉那些女人我跟她们一起相处,但我并不觉得我像个胖女孩。I feel thin and pretty, even though no one sees me like that. And I'm mad at myself for letting it bother me.feel: 感觉 even though: 即使 bother: 困扰 be mad at: [口语]因某事而发怒,极为愤怒的,对…生气 我觉得苗条漂亮,即使没有人那样觉得,我生自己的气,因为我放任它困扰着我。-Fred: I don't think you're mad at yourself. I think you're mad at Deb.我觉得你没有对自己生气你是对Deb生气。-Jane: She would've given Jane the body check and
walked right by.她不应该对Jane品头论足,熟视无睹。-Fred: You got to forgive her, Jane. Forgive and forget.forgive: 原谅 forget: 忘记你不得不原谅她,Jane。既往不咎。-Jane: But I don't want to forget her. I mean, I may not always like Deb,但是我不想忘掉,我是说,也许我不总像Deb一样,but - but she's - she's right here. And she's not all bad.bad: 坏的但--但她--在这里,她也不是一无是处。-Fred: Well, I know that Jane likes to eat and Deb liked to drink.like to do: 喜欢做某事 drink: 喝酒我知道Jane喜欢吃东西,Deb喜欢喝两杯。So I think you're both about to be really happy.both: 两者 really: 真的所以我觉得你们都会很高兴的。-Jane: What are you talking about?talk about: 谈论你在说什么?-Fred: The partners are inside with champagne and cake. Enjoy the moment.partner: 搭档 champagne: 香槟酒 cake: 蛋糕 enjoy: 享受 moment: 瞬间,片刻同事们买来了香槟和蛋糕来了享受这一刻吧。After all, you only live...twice.after all: 毕竟 twice: 两次毕竟,你只活...两次。
看Drop Dead Dive学英语第一季1, 02集:The 'F' Word-Deb: See that inspiring model there, and that was me, Deb. Inspiring: 鼓舞人心的【天生丽质的】 model: 模特看到那个天生丽质的模特了吗?那就是,Deb。Until the day I died, I thought I will go straight to the heaven,until: 直到 died: die的过去式死去 go straight to: 直接到 heaven: 天堂直到我死的那天,我以为我会直接去天堂,but there was a bit of a mix-up and I woke up in someone else's body. So now I am Jane,mix-up: 混乱 wake up: 醒来 a bit of: 一点儿但出了点小差错,我醒来时在别人的身体里,现在我是Jane,a super-busy lawyer with my very own assistant.super: 超级 very: 特有的 lawyer: 律师 assistant: 助手,助理 own: 自己的有自己专职助理的超忙律师。I got a new life, a new wardrobe, wardrobe: 衣柜新的人生,新的衣物,and the only people who really know what's going on with me are my girlfriend Stacy and my guardian angel, Fred.only: 唯一 really: 真的 angel: 天使 guardian: 保护者,监护人知道事情来龙去脉的人,只有我好友Stacy和守护天使Fred。I used to think everything happened for a reason...used to: 过去常常 happened: happen的过去式发生 reason:原因我以前都认为万事皆有因...Whoo!...and, well, I surely hope I was right.surely: 确定地 hope: 希望喔! ...我希望我是对的。I got a brand-new pair of blue jean me and my posse looking fresh and so cleanbrand-new: 崭新的 a pair of: 一对,一双 posse: [口语]死党,哥们儿 fresh: 新鲜的,最新的 jean: 牛仔裤-Jane:I used to wear entire outfits with less fabric.wear: 穿 entire: 全部的 outfit: 一套服装 less: 少的 fabric: 织物,布我以前的衣服布料要少得多。-Stacy:It’s a Minimizer, sweetie, and the extra-wide wings will help with the uplift.minimizer: 缩胸胸罩 sweetie : 亲爱的 extra-wide wings:粗肩带 extra: 额外的 wide: 宽的 unfit:【向上提升】这是缩胸文胸,甜心,粗肩带是为了提胸。-Jane: I'm never gonna get used to her.get used to: 习惯于,习惯 gonna:going to 将要会我永远都适应不了她的生活。-Stacy: You don't have to, four words - diet, exercise, pluck, and polish. Now, don't move.have to: 不得不,必须 diet: 节制饮食 exercise: 锻炼 pluck: 勇气 polish: 擦亮,打扮 move: 移动你不需要那么做,4个词,合理膳食,运动,勇气和打扮。-Jane: Ow! 嗷![Scene: cellphone ring]cellphone: 手机 ring: 响-Jane: Good morning.早上好。-Teri: Where are you?!你在哪儿?!-Jane: Getting ready for work. Ow!get ready for: 准备正准备去上班。嗷!-Teri: Are you okay?你还好吧?-Jane: I’m fine, Teri.我没事,Teri。-Teri: No, you're not. You are two hours late.late: 迟到
不,你有麻烦了,你迟到2小时了。 -Stacy: Your "assistant" can't talk to you like that.assistant: 助理 like that: 像那样 talk to: 与…讲话你的"助理"不能那么跟你讲话。-Jane: You can't talk to me like that!你不能那么跟我讲话!-Teri: Jane? Jane?-Jane: Yes?什么事?-Teri: Get your ass to the office - now!ass: 傻瓜,屁股 get your ass to: 滚进…来快给我爬到办公室来,快!-Jane: She yelled at me.yell at: 冲…喊 yell: 叫喊她冲我嚷了。-Stacy: What are you gonna do about it? gonna: going to 将要会你要怎么做?-Jane: Drive really fast and apologize?drive: 开车 fast: 快的 apologize:道歉快速开车过去道歉?-Stacy: Don't apologize, and be careful driving. That's what got you into this, sweetie.be careful: 小心 sweetie: 甜心别道歉,开车小心点,前车之鉴啊,甜心。Now, repeat after me - I am the boss, I am the boss.repeat: 重复 boss: 老板 跟着我说,我是头儿,我是头儿。 -Jane: You're right! I am the boss!没错! 我是头儿!-Fred: Hey! It’s been a week since you were shot. Maybe you should start showing up on time.since: 自从 shot: shoot的过去式中枪 start doing sth: 开始做某事 show up: 出现 on time: 按时嘿! 离你中枪伤都一周了,你也该按时上班了。-Jane: I am the boss, Fred. You are the help, and the help doesn't tell the boss what to do.help: 帮忙我是头儿,Fred,你只是个帮忙的,帮忙的不能对老板颐气指使。-Fred: You think I'm the help?你觉得我是个帮忙的?-Jane: Your words - you're my cosmic babysitter, sent down to earth to make sure I behave.cosmic: [美国俚语]非常出色的,超群的 [亦作 cosmical] babysitter: 照顾婴儿者 make sure: 确保 behave: 举止,表现用你的话说,你是非常出色的保姆,确保我不出乱子。That makes you the help.所以你是个帮忙的。-Teri: Lucy Tyner has been waiting in your office.wait: 等待 office: 办公室Lucy Tyner已经在你办公室等着呢。-Jane: Is this latte nonfat? latte: 拿铁咖啡 nonfat: 脱脂的这是无脂肪拿铁咖啡?-Teri: what?什么?-Jane: Never mind. No, I don't want the doughnut. I mean, I really want the doughnut,never mind : 别介意 doughnut: 甜甜圈 mean: 意思是不,我不想吃甜甜圈,我是说,我很想吃甜甜圈,but I don't want the doughnut, four grams of trans fat, 26 net carbs is it really worth it, Teri?trans fat: 一种不饱和脂肪 carb: (carbohydrate的缩写)碳水化合物 gram: 克 really worth: 确实值得但不能吃,4克反式脂肪酸 26克纯碳水化合,值得吗?Teri?-Teri: It's got sprinkles.sprinkle: [名词]少量的上面只有碎糖颗粒。-Jane: Right. That's another 80 calories.another: 另外的 calorie: 卡路里没错。另外80卡路里。-Teri: Too much talk
ing, not enough walking. Please tell me you remember Lucy's case.enough: 足够的 remember: 记得 case: 案子讲太多,走太慢。拜托告诉我,你记得Lucy的案子。It goes to trial tomorrow? trial: 审判明天上庭?She was fired from her job as a cocktail waitress at the sun bar. Anything?fire: 解雇 job: 工作 cocktail: 鸡尾酒 waitress: 女服务员 bar: 酒吧她之前在太阳酒吧当服务生,被解雇了。有印象?-Jane: Still got the amnesia. But I love the sun bar.still: 仍然 amnesia:失忆症还失忆着呢!但我爱太阳酒吧!There's the cutest bartender, and he gives me free spritzers.cutest: cute的最高级,可爱的 bartender: 男调酒师 free: 免费的 spritzer: 汽水,汽酒那里有个超可爱的调酒师,他免费给我spritzer喝。-Teri: Focus. Lucy was fired for …focus: 集中,聚焦 集中注意,Lucy被解雇了…-Jane: Sexual harassment!sexual: 性的,性交的 harassment: 骚扰性骚扰!-Teri: This is not a game show. Lucy was fired for being overweight.game: 游戏 overweight: 超重的这可不是玩游戏,Lucy因为超重被解雇了!-Jane: Well, everyone who works there is like a model, so that totally makes sense.model: 模特 totally: 完全的 make sense: 讲得通那里所有员工都是模特身材,挺靠谱。-Teri: We represent Lucy, not the bar. Stop scoping the new guy!represent: 代表 scope: [俚语]瞧,审视,调查 guy: 男人我们代表Lucy,不是酒吧,别再打量新来的男人了!His girlfriend died like a week ago. Pull it together, Jane.girlfriend: 女朋友 pull it together: 集中精神他女朋友好像一周前死了,给我注意力集中,Jane。-Jane: I'm so sorry I'm late.太抱歉了,我迟到了。-Lucy: Well, you're always on time, Jane, so I'm sure it was something important.always: 一直,总是 on time: 准时的 important: 重要的你总是很准时,Jane,所以肯定出大事了。-Jane: Um, well, nothing is more important than you feeling confident in court tomorrow.nothing is important than: 没有什么比…更重要的 count: 法庭 tomorrow: 明天 confident: 自信呃,没有比明天你自信的,出现在法庭更重要的事了。-Lucy: I'm scared, Jane. I had to borrow money from my mother to pay my rent.scared: 惊慌的 have to: 不得不,必须 rent: 房租 borrow from: 从…借 pay: 付款我很害怕,Jane,我从我妈妈那里借钱交房租。Do you really think we're gonna win? gonna: going to 将要会 win: 赢 be going to do: 将要(会)做你真觉得我们能赢?-Jane: Well, I'm gonna do the best that I can.do the best: 尽力我会尽力而为。-Lucy: Why did you do that?你为什么那么做?-Jane: What?什么?-Lucy: You just gave me the body check, that thing that skinny girls do?body check: 打量 body: 身体 check: 检查,查看 skinny: 极
瘦得;皮包骨的你刚刚打量我身体了,苗条姑娘才做的动作?I know what they're thinking - step away from the cookies and get a grip.step away from: 远离 cookie: 饼干 get a grip: 恢复自制力 grip: 控制,掌握我知道她们怎么想,远离松饼,克制自己。I just never expected to get that look from someone like you.never: 决不 expect to do: 期望做某事 expect: 期望我只是从没想到你这样的人,会那样看我。-Jane: Um, I don't know what you're talking about. talk about: 谈论呃,我不知道你在说什么。-Lucy: Sure, you do. Come on, Jane. Look at us. look at: 看着,看看我相信你知道,拜托,Jane。看看咱俩。You know why they assigned me to you.assign: 分配,指派你知道他们让你负责我案子的原因。-Jane: Excuse me. I'll be right back.right back: 马上回来失陪一下,马上就回来。Parker! Did you assign me the Lucy Tyner case because I'm f…because I'm f…case: 案子你让我负责Lucy Tyner的案子,是因为我... 因为我....-Kim: She's been under a lot of stress, poor thing.stress: 压力 poor thing: 可怜的人儿 她压力很大,可怜人。You know, I hear some people are never the same after a traumatic incident.hear: 听说 traumatic: 痛苦难忘的 incident: 事故我听说很多人在重大事故后,会大变样。But we're here for you, Jane.我们会帮助你的,Jane。-Jane: Why did you give me this case?你为什么把那个案子给我?-Parker: The service workers union is shopping around for new representation.service workers union: 服务业公会 service: 服务 union: 协会,公会 representation: 代理 shop: 逛服务业工会逛来逛去,在找新代理。We win; we get all future litigation and a million-dollar retainer.litigation: 诉讼,官司 a million-dollar: 一百万 retainer: 尤指付给诉讼律师的)聘用金我们赢了,得到全部诉讼权和1百万律师费。-Kim: But if you're not up to it, I'm happy to step in.be up to: 能做得到 be happy to do: 乐意做某事 step in: 干涉,介入如果这案子你没准备好,我乐意替你分忧。-Jane: I'm fine. 我很好!-Parker: Look, Jane, we've all noticed you've been acting a little...strange,noticed: notice的过去式注意到 act: 行为,举止 strange: 奇怪的听着,Jane,我们都注意到了,你的举止有点奇怪。So if you need help, get it.如果你需要帮助,就去找啊。-Kim: If you don't remember, I wanted this case, but you begged him for it.remember: 记得 case: 案子 wanted: want的过去式想要 beg for: 为…祈求 begged: beg的过去式祈求,恳求你不记得了,我曾想要这案子,但你求他给你。I guess it does make sense. sense: 感觉,道理我觉得这也很符合逻辑。-Jane: What, did you just body-check me?body-check: 打量你刚
刚打量我?-Kim: Did I what?我做什么了?-Jane: Excuse me. I have a client waiting.client: 客户 waiting: wait的现在进行时等待失陪,客户在等我呢!-Lucy: Sorry about before. I did not mean to get upset with you.mean to: 故意 upset: 使不适,使心烦刚才很抱歉,我不是有意要生你的气。-Jane: You have every right to be upset. And you know what? I'm upset, too...have right to: 享有某种权利你绝对有权生气,你猜怎么着? 我也很生气...that you were fired. But you're wrong about one thing. I did not get assigned this case.fired: 被炒 assigned: assign的过去式分配 case: 案子你被炒了。但有件事你弄错了,这个案子不是派给我的。I asked for it. I am your lawyer, and we are going to kick their ass!ask for: 要求 lawyer: 律师 kick one’s ass: 踢...的屁股我毛遂自荐的,我是你的律师,我们要告得他们屁滚尿流!-Parker: Are you sure Ms. Tyner is ready for court? court: 法庭 be ready for: 准备好你确定Tyner女士准备好上庭了?-Jane: We've reviewed her deposition. She's prepped but not overly rehearsed. she'll do fine.review: 回顾,检查 deposition: 证词 prepped: prep的过去式准备功课,预习 overly: 过度的 rehearse: 排练我们看过她的证词了,她准备好了,但是没有过度的练习。没问题的。-Parker: Over a dozen law firms wanted this case. It’s our one shot to impress the union...dozen: 一打 firm: 公司 law firm: 法律事务所 shot : [口语]机会,十拿九稳获胜的赌注 impress: 使铭记 union: 工会1打以上的法律事务所想要这个案子,这是给工会留好印象的机会...Are you listening to me?listen to: 听着,听到你在听我说话吗?-Jane: Um, what's going on there?呃…发生什么事了?-Parker: Divorce case… nothing to do with you. Jane, your case is how you make partner,divorce: 离婚 nothing to do with sb: 与..无关 partner: 搭档离婚案... 和你没什么关系.。Jane,这个案子关系到你如何和别人合作。and I get rich...er. No mistakes.rich: 富有 mistake: 错误让我更富有。别犯错误。-Mindy: I would like the artwork in the living room.artwork: 艺术品 living room: 客厅我要起居室的画。-Kim: Depending on the appraisal …depend on: 依靠,根据 appraisal: 估计,评价根据价值评估...-Chad: It's fine.好吧。-Mindy: The piano.piano: 钢琴钢琴。-Kim: That could be worth… worth: 值得那可能值...-Chad: Take it.拿走吧。-Mindy: And the wedding china.wedding: 婚礼 china: 陶瓷结婚陶瓷。-Chad: Do you love him, Mindy?你爱他吗,Mindy?-Mindy: Let's try and stay on point, Chad.stay on: 继续停留 point: 观点,要点我们不要跑题,Chad。-Chad: We've been married for 10 years, and then you cheated on me.cheat on: 对
刚打量我?-Kim: Did I what?我做什么了?-Jane: Excuse me. I have a client waiting.client: 客户 waiting: wait的现在进行时等待失陪,客户在等我呢!-Lucy: Sorry about before. I did not mean to get upset with you.mean to: 故意 upset: 使不适,使心烦刚才很抱歉,我不是有意要生你的气。-Jane: You have every right to be upset. And you know what? I'm upset, too...have right to: 享有某种权利你绝对有权生气,你猜怎么着? 我也很生气...that you were fired. But you're wrong about one thing. I did not get assigned this case.fired: 被炒 assigned: assign的过去式分配 case: 案子你被炒了。但有件事你弄错了,这个案子不是派给我的。I asked for it. I am your lawyer, and we are going to kick their ass!ask for: 要求 lawyer: 律师 kick one’s ass: 踢...的屁股我毛遂自荐的,我是你的律师,我们要告得他们屁滚尿流!-Parker: Are you sure Ms. Tyner is ready for court? court: 法庭 be ready for: 准备好你确定Tyner女士准备好上庭了?-Jane: We've reviewed her deposition. She's prepped but not overly rehearsed. she'll do fine.review: 回顾,检查 deposition: 证词 prepped: prep的过去式准备功课,预习 overly: 过度的 rehearse: 排练我们看过她的证词了,她准备好了,但是没有过度的练习。没问题的。-Parker: Over a dozen law firms wanted this case. It’s our one shot to impress the union...dozen: 一打 firm: 公司 law firm: 法律事务所 shot : [口语]机会,十拿九稳获胜的赌注 impress: 使铭记 union: 工会1打以上的法律事务所想要这个案子,这是给工会留好印象的机会...Are you listening to me?listen to: 听着,听到你在听我说话吗?-Jane: Um, what's going on there?呃…发生什么事了?-Parker: Divorce case… nothing to do with you. Jane, your case is how you make partner,divorce: 离婚 nothing to do with sb: 与..无关 partner: 搭档离婚案... 和你没什么关系.。Jane,这个案子关系到你如何和别人合作。and I get rich...er. No mistakes.rich: 富有 mistake: 错误让我更富有。别犯错误。-Mindy: I would like the artwork in the living room.artwork: 艺术品 living room: 客厅我要起居室的画。-Kim: Depending on the appraisal …depend on: 依靠,根据 appraisal: 估计,评价根据价值评估...-Chad: It's fine.好吧。-Mindy: The piano.piano: 钢琴钢琴。-Kim: That could be worth… worth: 值得那可能值...-Chad: Take it.拿走吧。-Mindy: And the wedding china.wedding: 婚礼 china: 陶瓷结婚陶瓷。-Chad: Do you love him, Mindy?你爱他吗,Mindy?-Mindy: Let's try and stay on point, Chad.stay on: 继续停留 point: 观点,要点我们不要跑题,Chad。-Chad: We've been married for 10 years, and then you cheated on me.cheat on: 对
对…不忠实 be married: 结婚 cheat: 欺骗我们结婚10年了,然后你背着我偷吃。Take it. I never liked the pattern.pattern: 图案 never: 从不拿走吧,我从不喜欢那图案。-Kim: Is there anything you do want?你有想要的东西吗?-Chad: Yeah. Just one thing. Three years ago, I gave Mindy one of my kidneys.kidney: 肾有,就一样。3年前,我给了Mindy我的1个肾。Now I want it back.现在我想要回来。-Teri: Can I help you?有什么事?-Stacy: You're Teri, right?你是Teri,对吧?-Teri: Have we met?met: meet的过去式遇见我们见过吗?-Stacy: Your boss described you.boss: 老板 described: describe的过去式描述你老板描述过你。-Teri: What, that I'm Asian?Asian: 亚洲人说什么,我是亚洲人?-Stacy: Oh, no. I am so not a racial profiler. It’s your heavy conceal and crooked cutlets.racial: 种族的 profiler: 剖面,侧写,探查 heavy: 厚的 conceal: 遮住,隐藏住 crooked:畸形的 cutlet: 肉片,肉饼哦,不。我对种族探查完全没兴趣,但认出你的浓妆和肉饼身材了。I need to see Jane.need to: 需要我要见Jane。-Teri: She doesn't want to be disturbed.disturb: 打扰 want to: 想要她不想被打扰。-Stacy: Oh, I don't want to disturb her. I want to talk to her.哦,我不想打扰她,只想和她聊聊。surpri-i-ise!surprise: 惊喜惊喜!-Jane:What are you doing here?你在这里做什么?-Stacy: No. I brought you lunch. Chicken breast...celery...and a snack for later. brought: bring的过去式带来 lunch: 午餐 chicken breast: 鸡胸 celery: 芹菜 snack: 小吃,点心 later: 一会儿别吃了,我给你带午餐了,鸡胸... 芹菜... 零食一会儿再吃。-Jane: That's it?就这些?-Stacy: Smaller snacks mean slimmer slacks. It's called a thin-centive.snack: 零食 mean: 意味着 thin: 瘦的 slimmer slack:【更易减肥】(slim: 苗条的 slack: 懈怠,偷懒) 少量零食意味着瘦身,变瘦的动力。Now, between all your important meetings, you need to exercise.between: 两者之间 important: 重要的 meeting: 会议 exercise: 锻炼在你所有重要会议间隔里,你需要运动。Come on. Let’s start with squats.squat: 蹲坐来我们开始练深蹲。-Jane: I'm really busy, Stacy.busy: 繁忙我真的很忙Stacy。-Stacy: And the sooner we start, the sooner we finish. Okay. Come on.越快开始,越早结束。好,来吧。Now, knees forward, arms out... butt in the air. First we go down, and now we go up.knee: 膝盖 forward: 向前 arm: 胳膊 butt: 屁股 go down: 向下 go up: 向上膝盖向前,伸出胳膊,翘臀。I said "up," sweetie. sweetie: 甜心我说 "起身" 甜心。-Jane: I heard you. heard: hear的过去式听到我听到了。-Teri: Jane, you're due in court in 15 minutes. What are you doing?due: 应
当 court: 法庭 Jane你15分钟后出庭。你在干什么?-Stacy: It's called a squat.这叫深蹲。-Teri: Yeah, I can see it's a squat. I also know this is not a gym.gym: 健身房,体育馆 also: 也,同样对,能看出来是深蹲,我还知道这里不是健身房。-Jane: Can someone help me up, please?拜托谁扶我站起来?-Lucy: I've worked at the sun bar for six years. Never been late. not once.bar: 酒吧我在太阳酒吧已经工作6年了,一次都没迟到过。-Jane: Any customer complaints? customer: 顾客 complaint: 投诉有顾客投诉吗?-Lucy: No.没有。-Jane: Did you receive written evaluations from your supervisor?receive: 收到 written: write的过去分词书面 evaluation: 评价 supervisor: 管理者,上司领导给过你书面评估吗?-Lucy: Yeah, once a year. Always positive.once: 一次 positive: 积极的,肯定的有,一年一次,都很好。-Jane: Ms. Tyner, do you know the difference between scotch and whiskey?different: 不同的 scotch: 苏格兰【这里可以理解为苏格兰威士忌】 whiskey: 威士忌Tyner女士,你知道苏格兰威士忌?-Lawyer B: Your honor, objection. Relevance?your honor: 法官大人 objection: 反对 relevance: 切题法官大人,反对。可以切题一些吗?-Jane: My uncle Moe was a drinker. uncle: 叔叔 drinker: 酒徒我叔叔Moe爱喝酒。And he always said that a good cocktail waitress knows the difference.always: 一直,总是 cocktail: 鸡尾酒 waitress: 女服务生他总说优秀的酒吧女招待,知道区别。-Judge: Well, then... okay. Witness may answer.witness: 证人 answer: 回答那么...好,证人请回答。-Lucy: Scotch is whisky, without an "e" before the "y", distilled in Scotland.distill: 蒸馏,提取苏格兰威士忌属于威士忌"y"前没有"e",在苏格兰蒸馏提纯。Whiskey with an "e" is traditionally distilled in Ireland.traditionally: 传统上 Ireland: 英格兰有"e"的威士忌 (whisky),是在爱尔兰蒸馏而成。-Jane: Thank you. Oh, Ms. Tyner, if the sun bar doesn't want you,谢谢。哦,Tyner女士,如果太阳酒吧不想要你,why not find another place to work?why not: 为何不 another: 另一个 place: 地方为什么不找别的工作?-Lucy: I don't have a degree. Uh, the union gets me benefits,degree: 学历 union: 工会 benefit:: 好处,福利我没有学历,工会帮我争取福利,and being a single mother, I need flexible hours. I…I can't lose this job.single mother: 单亲母亲 lose: 失去 job: 工作 flexible: 灵活的 作为单亲母亲,我需要工时灵活,我不能丢掉这份工作。-Jane: Thank you.谢谢。-Lawyer B: Ms. Tyner......who is this?Tyner女士,这是谁?-Lucy: It's me.是我。-Lawyer B: How many years ago?多久前?-Lucy: I wore that dress to a sun bar Christmas party..
. a year and half ago?wore: wear的过去式穿着 dress: 衣服,裙子 Christmas: 圣诞节 party: 派对 ago: 以前我穿那件衣服参加,太阳酒吧圣诞节派对,1年半前。-Lawyer B: How many pounds ago?pound: 磅,英镑那时候多重?-Jane: Objection!反对!-Judge: On what grounds? ground: 理由理由是?-Jane: His tone, your honor. He’s rude.tone: 语气 rude: 粗鲁他的语调,法官大人,他没礼貌。-Lucy: That's okay. I've gained about 50 pounds since then.gained: gain的过去式增加 since: 自从没事,那以后我增重50磅。-Lawyer B: Do you think you look any different?你觉得自己看起来不一样吗?-Lucy: Of course.当然。-Lawyer B: Are you aware that your collective bargaining agreement,aware: 知道的意识到 collective bargaining agreement: 劳资双方就工资问题的协议 collective: 集合的,集体 bargaining: bargain的现在进行时买卖合同,议价 agreement: 协议你知道劳资双方协定,states that any change in physical appearance, can constitute grounds for termination?state: 陈述 change: 改变 physical: 身体的 appearance: 外貌 constitute: 构成 ground: 理由 termination: 终止写着任何身体样貌的变化,可导致合约终止?-Lucy: Yes, but there –清楚,但…-Lawyer B: Did you understand that gaining 50 pounds would constitute a change of appearance?understand: 了解,明白 你明白增重50磅会导致身体样貌的变化?-Lucy: Yes.明白。-Lawyer B: No more questions.question: 问题没有别的问题了。-Judge: Court's adjourned for the day.court: 法庭 adjourn: 休庭休庭。-Stacy: You got Stacy.我是Stacy。-Jane: Hi, it's me.嗨,是我。-Stacy: Hi! Guess what. I bought us a low-carb cookbook.guess: 猜 bought: buy的过去式买 cookbook: 菜谱 low-carb: 低碳水化合物嗨! 猜怎么着,我给咱俩搞了本低碳水化合物菜谱。Tonight we can make a Bundt cake out of applesauce and air.Bundt cake: 一种戒指型的蛋糕 applesauce: 苹果酱 make out of: 用…制造出今晚我们用苹果酱和空气就能做个Bundt蛋糕出来(一种戒指型的巧克力蛋糕)。-Jane: That sounds fun, but -sound: 听起来听起来很有意思啊,但是…-Stacy: And I want you to sign up at my gym.sign up: 跟…签订合同 gym: 健身馆我还想让你加入我的健身馆。We can pi-latte together in the mornings before you have to go to work.pi-latte: 一种拿铁咖啡 together: 一起在你上班之前,我们早上就可以一起喝pi-latte了 (一种拿铁咖啡)。-Jane: Stacy, can you meet me at the sun bar tonight, say 9:00?Stacy,今晚能和我在太阳吧见面吗?9点怎么样?-Stacy: Of course. Yay!当然了,耶!-Jane: Okay, great. I'll see you there.好,到时见。-Chad: Mindy went into kidney failure. She almost died. Against the odds, I
was a match.go into: 进入 kidney failure: 肾衰竭 failure: 失败,衰竭 almost: 几乎 against the odds: 成败之际 match: 匹配Mindy得了肾衰竭,她差点死了,成败之际,我的肾竟然适合。-Kim: You gave it to her, Chad. It was a gift. No strings attached.gift: 礼物 no string attached:无附加条件 string: 线,悬 attached: attach的过去式附加的你给她的,Chad。这算是礼物,没有什么附加条件的。-Chad: After the transplant, everything changed. She opened an art gallery.transplant: 移植 gallery: 画廊做完移植手术,一切都改变了,她开了一家画廊。Last spring, she went on safari.spring: 春天 safari: 陆游旅行 go on: 进行去年春天她还去探险旅行。-Grayson: She got a second chance. She's living life to the fullest.chance: 机会 second chance: 第二次机会(这里指重生) fullest: full的最高级丰富多彩的她得到了重生,还活得多姿多彩的。-Chad: She got my kidney, and I got dumped.dump: 丢弃她得到了我的肾,我却被她甩了。-Kim: We could petition to try to get the kidney back, but I think we'll be laughed out of court.petition: 请愿书 try to: 尝试 get back: 要回 laughed: laugh的过去式笑 court: 法庭我们可以诉求把肾要回来,但是我觉得上庭了,我们会被笑死的。-Chad: Then figure out another way.figure out: 解决,想办法那就再想个别的办法。I'm telling you something; tell me, baby, if maybe we could...telling: tell的现在进行时告诉-Bartender: Here you go. 给您。-Guest: Thanks.谢谢。-Jane: Oh, excuse me! Your hair extensions are gorgeous. You could hardly see the weave.hair extensions:接发 gorgeous: 绚丽的 hardly: 几乎不 weave:编织哦,打扰一下!你的接发太漂亮了。编的地方根本看不出来啊。-Sierra: I just had them done last week. You want the name of my stylist?stylist:造型师我一周前刚做完的,你想知道我的造型师的名字吗?-Jane: Actually, what's your name?actually: 实际上其实,我想知道你的。-Sierra: Sierra! Um, but I don't go that way.Sierra! 嗯,我不搞(拉拉)那一套的 --Jane: Oh, no!哦,不是!-Sierra: I mean, I tried the one time, but…mean: 意思是 我虽然试过一次但是... -Jane: No. That's not what I meant. 不是的,我不是那个意思。-Sierra: Oh.哦。-Jane: Can I just borrow a pen? borrow: 借给能借支笔给我吗? -Sierra: Sure.当然可以啊。-Stacy: I am so excited! We finally get some quality time together. Sweetie...why are you still wearing your lawyer uniform?excited: 兴奋的 finally: 终于 together: 一起 uniform: 制服 sweetie: 甜心 still: 仍然 quality time: 宝贵时间 我太兴奋了!咱们终于有时间可以一起好好玩了!亲爱的... 你怎么还穿着律师装呢?
ane: I'm actually here for work.其实我来这是工作的。-Stacy: But...it's a bar!但是...这里是酒吧啊!-Jane: I know. Oh, thank you.我知道。哦,谢谢你啊。-Bartender: On the house.免费的。-Stacy: Ooh.哦。-Jane: Okay. Excuse me. 行,打扰下。-Bartender: Yeah.什么事?-Jane: You totally have Brad Pitt's nose. Is it re? totally: 完全地 nose: 鼻子你的鼻子和布拉德皮特一模一样啊,是真的吗?-Stacy: Deb! I mean, Jane...Deb! 我是说,Jane...-Bartender: It's okay. I had a nose job about six months ago. I get a lot of compliments. Get you anything else?have a nose job:鼻子整容 a lot of: 许多的 compliment: 赞美没关系,我六个月前做的,很多人都夸呢。还要点什么吗?-Jane: Um, I'd like a Mojito.Mojito: 鸡尾酒嗯,来一杯Mojito (鸡尾酒)。-Stacy: Vodka instead of rum, splenda instead of simple syrupvodka: 伏特加 instead of: 代替 simple: 简单的 syrup:糖浆 rum: 朗姆酒用伏特加别用兰姆酒,加splenda而不是简易糖浆。-Bartender: Okay.好的。-Stacy: Just saved you 225 calories -25 minutes on the elliptical. You're welcome.saved: save的过去式节省 calorie: 卡路里 我刚帮你省了225卡路里...还有25分钟的elliptical时间 (类似于跑步机的一种健身器材)。不用谢哈。-Jane: oh, my god, there's Marc and Beth! Okay, don't say anything,哦,我的天哪!Marc和Beth在那!好的,你别和别人说,but I caught Beth totally making out with Lance Redondo when Marc was at his grandmother's wake. Let’s go say hi.caught: catch的过去式撞到,抓到 make out:做爱 grandmother: 奶奶 wake:葬礼前的守夜,守灵但是Marc给他奶奶守夜的时候,被我撞到Beth和Lance Redondo鬼混。我们过去问好吧。-Stacy: Ooh, sweetie, uh, they know Deb...not Jane.哦,亲爱的,他们只认识Deb...不认识Jane。-Jane: Okay.明白。-Stacy: I'll be right back, okay?我马上回来,好吗?-Bartender: it's on the house.on the house: 免费免费。-Deb: You are the best. best: 最好的你最好了。-Stacy: Thank you!谢谢!-Jane: Oh, Stacy... 哦,Stacy...-Stacy: hmm?嗯?-Deb: No one's talked to that girl all night.all night: 整晚整晚都没人和那个女孩聊天啊。-Stacy: Poor thing.poor: 可怜的可怜的人儿。-Deb: You know what? I'm gonna give her my free Spritzer.gonna: going to 将要会你猜怎么着?我要把我这杯免费的Spritzer给她。-Stacy: You are a saint.saint: 圣人你可真是个圣人啊。-Deb: And free fashion advice. I mean, who wears a trapeze top with wide-leg pants?I'm gonna be right back. free: 免费的 fashion: 时尚 advice: 建议 mean: 意思是 wear: 穿着 wide-leg: 宽腿pant: 裤子 trapeze: 梯形宽松服还为她提供免费的潮人建议,我是说,穿宽腿裤的时候谁
谁还配露肩装啊?我马上回来。Okay. Aah! Oh, my god! I am so sorry!好的,啊!哦,天哪!太对不起了!-Grayson: I'm Grayson.我叫Grayson。-Bartender: Ma’am, your diet Mojito? Be 8 bucks.女士,你的减肥Mojito,八块钱。-Jane: Thanks.谢谢。-Grayson: I've always wanted to work for a nonprofit, but with my student loans,work for: 为…工作 nonprofit:不盈利的 loan: 贷款 我一直想替那种不盈利组织工作的,但是因为我的学生贷款,I need to sell my soul for a few years, and then I can save the whales.soul: 灵魂 sell: 出卖 a few: 几个 whale: 鲸鱼我先得出卖灵魂几年 (意指替大公司打官司),然后我就可以去拯救鲸鱼了。-Deb: I find the law so fascinating.fascinating: 吸引人的我觉得法律很有意思啊。-Grayson: No, you don't.不,你才没有呢。-Deb: No, I don't, but I wish I did.wish: 希望你说得对,我没有。但是我希望我能。-Grayson: The thing about the law is that it never stands still.law: 法律 never: 从未 stand: 维持不变 still: 静止的法律的魅力在于它从来都不是静止的。-Deb: Is that a good thing?是件好事吗?-Grayson: Yeah. It's a reflection of society.reflection: 反射 society: 社会是啊,是对社会的反射。-Deb: Oh, like a mirror.mirror: 镜子哦,就像一面镜子。-Grayson: Like a smart mirror. Have dinner with me.smart: 聪明的,巧妙的 dinner: 晚餐一面很聪明的镜子。和我共进晚餐吧。-Deb: Um, it's midnight.嗯,现在可是午夜。-Grayson: One of my professors used to say, the law is the wisdom of the ages, professors: 教授 used to: 过去常常 wisdom: 智慧我的一个教授曾经说过,法律是长久积累的智慧,wrapped in the opinion of the moment. You know what I mean?wrap in: 笼罩在... opinion: 观点 moment: 瞬间,片刻融入当下观点的结合体。你知道什么意思嘛?-Deb: I think I do. Okay, it's like everyone used to say toxins were bad for you. Mm-hmm.toxins:毒素 be bad for: 对…有害我觉得我明白。对,就好像每个人都说,毒素对人身体不好,嗯哼,But then a wise doctor discovered Botox, and opinion totally changed.doctor: 医生 discover: 发现 totally: 完全地 change: 改变 Botox:肉毒杆菌 但是一位睿智的医生发现了肉毒杆菌,毒素不好这个观点就被改变了。-Grayson: Have dinner with me, tomorrow night, and the next night, and maybe a lunch, and breakfast.dinner: 晚餐 lunch: 午餐 breakfast: 早餐和我共进晚餐吧,明晚,后天晚上,有可能的话,加上午餐还有早餐。-Stacy: Jane. I would like you to meet my friends Marc and Beth.Jane,认识下我的朋友Marc和Beth。-Beth: Uh, how do you two know each other?each other: 彼此哦,你俩怎么认识的?-Jane: Actually, we have a friend in common.
Lance Redondo? He's really cute. Shame about the herpes.in common: 共同的 cute: 可爱的 herpes:疱疹其实是因为有个朋友我俩都认识。认识Lance Redondo吧? 他真的很可爱,可惜他得了疱疹。-Beth: Honey, can we dance?honey: 亲爱的 dance: 跳舞亲爱的,我们去跳舞吧?-Jane: Oh. Well, have a lovely night!哦,那,晚上玩好了!-Stacy: Oh, my god! You didn't just lose your body. No, no, you lost your mind.lose: 失去 body: 身体 mind: 脑袋你不光身体没了,不,不,你连脑袋也丢了。-Jane: That was fun.fun: 有趣的多逗啊。-Stacy: Whew!呼!-Jane: You scared the hell out of me.scared: scare的过去式吓到你吓死我了。-Fred: You scared the hell out of me. What are you doing here?你才把我吓死了,你在这干什么?-Jane: It's my house.这是我的房子。-Fred: I thought you moved in with Stacy.thought: think的过去式认为 moved: move的过去式搬走我以为你搬过去和Stacy住了。-Jane: I came to get a few things. come to: 过来我过来拿点东西。-Fred: What things?什么东西?-Jane: None of your business.不关你的事儿。-Fred: You are my business, Jane.你就是我要管的事儿Jane。-Jane: I want her bras, okay? I bought a new one, and it's - it's pinchy. Why are you here, Fred?bras: 胸罩 pinchy: 困苦的我想要拿她的胸罩,行了吧!我买了个新的,但是...有点扎人。你在这干什么Fred?-Fred: I, uh, needed a place to sleep,and your law firm doesn't exactly pay its messengers top dollar.law firm: 律师事务所 exactly: 确实地 pay: 付钱 messenger: 报信人我,嗯,需要个地方睡觉。你那个事务所,给的工资那么低。-Jane: Well, how did you get in? Did you use your powers?get in: 进来 power: 能力你怎么进来的? 你用了你的超能力?-Fred: For the third time, I don't have any powers. As long as I'm on earth,third: 第三次 as long as: 只要 earth: 地球 跟你说三遍了,我没有超能力。只要我还在地球上,I'm as human as you are, but I'm...clever, there's a key under the mat.as…as: 和…一样 clever: 聪明的 key: 钥匙 mat: 席子,垫子我就和你一样是凡人。但是,我...很聪明,门垫下有钥匙。So...is it cool if I stay?stay: 呆着那......我能不能待在这啊?-Jane: Why should I care? I mean, these photos, they're - they're not really of me...care: 在乎 mean: 意思是 photo: 照片 really: 真的我在乎个什么劲啊? 这些照片啊,它们...又不真是我的...Fred. I would never collect plates and snow globes, and floral prints make me dizzy.collect: 收集 plate: 盘子 globe: 球体 floral prints: 花朵图腾 floral: 描绘花的,花的 dizzy: 晕眩的Fred,我一辈子都不会收集。那些盘子还有那些下雪球,还有印花的东西,我看了就头疼。This is
n't my life. I'm getting what I need and I'm not coming back.life: 生活 come back: 回来这不是我的生活。我只是来拿我需要的,我又不会再回来。Sir, as the owner of the sun bar, do you know a Sierra Wilcox?as: 作为 owner: 拥有者 bar: 酒吧先生,作为太阳吧的老板,你认识Sierra Wilcox?-Boss: Of course. Sierra's been a waitress at the sun bar for over three years. waitress: 服务员当然了。Sierra在太阳吧工作已经三年多了。-Jane: And are you aware that she recently added hair extensions?aware: 知道的,意识到的 recently: 最近的 added: add的过去式增加 extension: 延伸,展开,扩大,发展那你知道她最近刚做了接发吗?-Boss: Yes, and they look lovely.lovely: 可爱的,令人愉快的知道,看起来很漂亮的。-Jane: And what about your bartender, Kyle Nevins?bartender: 酒保那您的酒保呢Kyle Nevins?-Boss: Well, he did not get hair extensions.他可没去接发。-Jane: No, he got a nose job, didn't he?nose job: 隆鼻他是没做,但他隆鼻了,对吧?-Boss: Yeah, so?是,那又怎么样?-Jane: Would you say those employees fundamentally changed their appearance while working for you?employee: 雇员 fundamentally: 从根本上 appearance: 容貌那你承认这些雇员在为你工作期间对自己的容貌进行了大整改?-Boss: Yes, but …没错,但是... -Jane: And did you terminate either of them?terminate: 终止,结束【解雇】 either: 任一的那你有没有解雇他们中的任何一个呢?-Boss: No.没有。-Jane: But you terminated my client because her appearance changed.client: 顾客,客户 appearance: 外表,容貌但是你解雇了我的当事人, 因为她改变了外表。-Boss: It's not the same.这不是一回事。-Jane: Yes or no?是还是不是?-Boss: Yes.是。-Lawyer B: what's the difference between cosmetic surgery and gaining weight?difference: 不同 between: 两者之间 cosmetic: 美容的,整容的 surgery: 外科手术 cosmetic surgery: 整容手术 gaining: gain的现在进行时增加 weight: 体重那整容手术和增重的效果,二者有什么区别呢?-Boss: Cosmetic surgery is meant to improve the appearance. Putting on the pounds detracts from it.be meant to: 应该是,希望是 improve: 改善,提高 put on: 穿上,增加,表演 pound: 英镑 detract: 转移,降低整容手术是为了让你变漂亮,体重增加那可就是背道而驰了。-Lawyer B: Can you explain why you terminated an employee who gained 50 pounds?explain: 解释 terminate: 终止,结束【解雇】 employee: 员工 gain: 获得,增加你能解释下你为什么非得解雇一个增了50磅的员工?-Boss: I'm not ashamed to say that my objective is to turn a profit, and sex sells.ashamed: 羞耻的,羞愧的,惭愧的objective: 目标,目的 turn a profit:
获利,【赚钱】 sex:(总称)男性,女性【帅哥,美女】我光明正大的说我的目标就只挣钱,帅哥美女就能赚钱。-Lawyer B: And Lucy hurts your bottom line?hurt: 伤到 bottom line: 底线Lucy让你挣不回来? -Boss: Absolutely.absolutely: 绝对地,完全地,确实地可不是啊。-Lawyer B: Can you quantify that?quantify: 定量,称量,量化【具体说】能具体说一下吗?-Boss: My clientele buy more drinks from thin, beautiful women. Sierra brings in 20% more per night than Lucy.clientele: 客户,诉讼委托人 thin: 瘦的 beautiful: 美丽的 brings in:增加,引入,收益我的顾客们从纤瘦漂亮的服务员那买的酒更多。Sierra每晚能比Lucy多卖出20% 。-Lawyer B: Thank you.谢谢。-Lawyer A: My client is keeping the kidney.kidney: 肾我的当事人要留着这个肾。No judge would order Mindy to return a transplanted organ.judge: 法官 order: 命令 return: 返还,归还 transplanted: 被移植的 organ: 器官没有一个法官会命令她把器官再还回去。-Kim: Which is why we're now asking for $100,000 in exchange for keeping the kidney.ask for: 请求,要求 in exchange for: 作为对...的交换这也就是我们为什么要十万还钱做赔偿,用来做交换,想保住肾的话。-Lawyer A: Excuse me?什么?-Kim: Mr. Bill Myer gave his wife something of value. During a divorce proceeding, a judge assesses a value to each party's property. something of value: 有价值的东西 divorce: 离婚 proceeding: 进行,行动,诉讼程序 assess: 评估,估价 property: 资产 party: (条约、诉讼、争论等中的)一方,当事人,用户 Bill Myer先生给了他夫人一件很有价值的东西。在一件离婚案当中,法官会判定各方财产的价值。We assess the value of our client's kidney at $100,000.assess: 评估,评定 client: 客户,当事人我们认定我当事人的肾值十万元。-Mindy: This is crazy! crazy: 疯狂的太扯了吧!-Chad: Well, you're about to get half of everything I own. So you can give some of it back.你马上就能拿到我的一半东西了,你可以还一些回来。-Lawyer A: The uniform anatomical gift act prohibits the exchange of a human organ for profit.the uniform anatomical gift act: 统一组织捐献法 prohibit: 禁止,阻止 exchange: 交易 human: 人类 organ: 器官 profit: 赢利 uniform: 统一的 anatomical: 解剖的 禁止以人体器官赢利。-Grayson: The statute prohibits the sale of organs, not their monetization for a fair value within the context of a divorce proceeding.statute: 法令,法规 monetization: 作为货币 fair: 公平的 within: 把…包括在内 context: 内容,上下文,联系法令禁止的是器官的买卖,在离婚的具体背景下,不禁止其物被具体化为货币价值。-Lawyer A: This is
ot gonna fly.gonna: going to 将要,会这不可能被通过的。-Kim: We'll see about that.那我们走着瞧吧。-Parker: Don't those... belong in a cup?belong: 属于,该在 cup: 杯子那些...不是该放在杯子里吗?-Jane: Dark circles. circle: 圈我有黑眼圈了。-Parker: I heard you got buried in court.bury: 埋葬于,使陷于听说你今天上庭惨败啊。-Jane: That's a little bit strong, but…a little bit: 一点这么说就太夸张了但是...-Parker: Jane, you accused me of assigning you this case because you're overweight. Truth is, I was reluctant to put you on it.accuse of: 控告,职责 assign: 分配,指派 case: 案子 overweight: 超重的 truth: 事实 reluctant: 不情愿的,勉强的 be reluctant to do:不情愿做某事Jane,你指责我因为你肥胖把这个案子派给你。其实,我是很不情愿让你接的。-Jane: Why?为什么?-Parker: I was hoping it wouldn't come to this, but here we are.hope: 希望 我本来希望不用到这一步的。但是没办法了。I want you to argue that being overweight can be a disability. argue: 争论,辩论,争吵 overweight: 超重 disability: 无能,残疾我想让你用"肥胖是一种残疾"来做辩护。-Jane: What are you talking about?你什么意思?-Parker: if you can convince the jury it's a medical condition that impairs Lucy's performance,convince: 说服,使...相信 jury: 陪审团 medical: 医学的,身体的 condition: 情况 impair:损害,损伤 performance: 业绩如果你可以说服陪审团是因为她的身体状况影响了她的工作业绩,那在美国残疾人法案的保护下,then the sun bar can't terminate her under...terminate: 终止,结束【解雇】太阳吧就不能解雇她…-Jane: The Americans with disabilities act. Oh, huh! Yeah, I know the law.law: 法律哦,哈! 是,这法我熟了,But the a.d.a. wasn't meant to apply to people like Lucy.apply to: 适用于但是这个法案的本意并不适用Lucy这样的人。-Parker: It does now. I'm flying in a federal labor expert from D.C.federal: 联邦的 D.C.: 华盛顿 expert: 专家我请了一个联邦劳工法案专家,今晚就从华盛顿飞过来。You’ll put him on the stand tomorrow.stand: 站台你明天让他上庭作证。-Jane: I-I'm not sure how I feel about telling a jury that being...larger than average is a disability.sure: 确定 feel: 感觉 jury: 陪审团 average: 平均数,平均值 disability: 残疾我...我不确定要我告诉陪审团.. 比普通人胖...是一种残疾是什么感觉...-Parker: Lucky for your client, it doesn't matter how you feel. Just win the caselucky: 幸运的 client: 客户,当事人 case: 案子对你的当事人来说,你什么感觉无所谓的,只管赢了这案子就行。-Stacy: Yay! You're home early! Let's go for a run!early: 早的耶!你今
今天回来早了,我们出去跑一圈。-Jane: I'm not in the mood.mood: 心情我没心情。-Stacy: How about makeup? I bought a palette of neutrals that'll look great with Jane's coloring. Let's play.makeup: 化妆品 palette: 调色板,板 neutral: 淡色的 color: 颜色那化妆品呢?我买了一板儿淡色的,很配Jane的外貌,我们来玩嘛。-Jane: I've been playing lawyer all day. I don't really want to play Barbie.lawyer: 律师 Barbie: 芭比娃娃我演律师已经演了一天了,不想再当芭比娃娃了。-Stacy: You know something... Jane, it's like you don't even want my help.want: 想要 help: 帮助 be like...: 像...你知道吗... Jane,你现在好像根本不想要我的帮助。-Jane: Stacy... I don't like celery. I like sandwiches.celery: 芹菜 sandwich: 三明治Stacy....我不喜欢芹菜,我喜欢三明治。And I don't want to run when I come home from work because I am tired and my brain hurts.run: 跑步 tired: 累的 brain: 头 hurt: 痛而且当我下班回家之后,我不想再跑步了,因为我累了,而且我的头疼,还有我再也不想。And I never want to do a squat again.squat: 深蹲再不做深蹲了。-Stacy: I give up. You want to stay like that, fine by me.give up: 放弃 fine by me: 我没问题我放弃。你想一直这个样,我没问题。-Jane: Do you have any idea what that feels like to me?feel like: 感觉上像 idea: 想法你知道我有什么感觉吗?-Stacy: You said you wanted Deb back. I get it …She was gorgeous and fun and… gorgeous: 华丽的,灿烂的【漂亮的】 fun: 有趣的你说你想要Deb回来的,我明白...她又漂亮又有趣又...-Jane: Stop it!别说了!-Stacy: I want Deb! I miss her!我要! Deb我想她!-Jane: I am still Deb!我还是Deb!-Stacy: All I see is Jane. Where are you going?我看见的只有Jane。你去哪儿?-Jane: I'm moving out! move out: 搬出去我要搬出去!-Fred: As your guardian angel, I'm supposed to lend an ear, if you need it.guardian: 守护人,监护人 be supposed to do: 应该做某事 lend an ear: 倾听作为你的守护天使,如果你需要的话,我可以听你倾诉的。-Jane: I'm fine.我没事。 -Fred: Good. Because fly fishing is oddly exhilarating.oddly: 奇妙的,古怪的 exhilarating: 令人愉快的,令人振奋的那好,因为我刚发现飞钓出奇地刺激啊。-Jane: He's false casting. Probably paying out the line, drying a soaked flyer repositioning his cast. casting: cast的现在进行时投掷,抛 probably: 也许 drying: dry的现在进行时变干 pay out: 出线 soaked: 湿透的 flyer: 苍蝇 repositioning: 重新定位 大概就是把线放出去,然后把湿蝇甩干 (飞钓的饵有湿蝇和干蝇两种),要不然就是在重新调整他飞钓的姿势。Oh, crap, Jane knows about fishing?!fishing: 钓鱼哦,奶奶的!Jane
连钓鱼都懂?!-Fred: Popcorn?popcorn: 爆米花来点爆米花?-Jane: You know, Fred, this whole deal, where I keep Deb's memories but get Jane's smarts,it's messed up. whole: 整个的 deal: 交易,事情 memory: 记忆 mess up: 混乱 smart: 聪明,才智 practically: 几乎,简直,实际上你知道吗,Fred?留着Deb的记忆但是得到了Jane才智,这整件事...就是一团糟!I mean, I'm practically a genius, practically: 实际上 genius: 天才我基本上算是个天才了,and I don't even know... the name of my dog.even: 甚至但是我连我的狗叫什么名字...都不知道。-Fred: Bones.骨头。-Jane: What?什么?-Fred: Dog's name is bones. It's written on the back of the picture - "bones, 1979."picture: 照片 written: write的过去分词写着狗狗的名字叫骨头,在照片的背后写这呢"骨头 1979年"。So I'm guessing bone is no longer with us.guess: 猜测 no longer: 不再我猜骨头已经不在了。 -Jane: Not unless he died, pawed the return button on the computer, and you put his soul inside of a cat. Fred?unless: 除非 died: die的过去式死去 paw: 以蹄扒地 button: 键 computer: 电脑 soul: 灵魂除非它死了,用它的爪子按了电脑上的返回键,然后你把它的灵魂装进一只猫的身体里。Fred?I don't want to be her. I want my old life back.我不想当她,我想要回我原来的生活。-Fred: If you were still Deb, what would you say to Jane?still: 仍然如果你还是Deb,你会对Jane说什么?-Jane: Step away from the cookies and get a grip.step away from: 远离 cookie: 饼干 grip: 克制离饼干远点,克制一下自己。-Fred: And what would Jane say to Deb?那Jane会对Deb说什么呢?-Jane: I'm sorry, Deb.很遗憾Deb。-Fred: Sorry for what?为了什么?-Jane: I'm sorry you needed people like me to feel better about you.feel: 感觉 feel better: 感觉良好很遗憾,你需要我这样的人来能让你自我感觉良好。 -Kim: You're on time today!on time: 准时你今天很准时啊!-Jane: Scared of you if I wasn't. No doughnut?scare: 吓着 doughnut: 甜甜圈我是怕死你了。没有甜甜圈?-Kim: I thought you were over doughnuts.我以为你不吃甜甜圈了。-Jane: Right. It’s okay.对,没关系。-Kim: I am like a boy scout.boy scout: 童子军我就像是童子军出身的。-Grayson: Do you have a minute?你有时间吗?-Jane: Mm! Of course.嗯!当然了。-Grayson: I need to speak with you about something.speak with sb: 与某人谈谈我有点事要和你谈。-Jane: Anything.你说。-Grayson: You're familiar with this kidney case, right?be familiar with: 对…熟悉 kidney: 肾脏你知道这件肾脏案吧?-Jane: Yeah. You're trying to monetize a vital organ.monetize: 货币化 try to do: 尝试做某事 vital: 生命的,重大的 organ:
器官知道。你们打算把那个器官的价值具体货币化。 -Grayson: I think Kim's a terrific lawyer, but she's blowing smoke.terrific: 极好的,非常的 lawyer: 律师 blow smoke: 【不靠谱的】我觉得Kim是个好律师,但是她有点不靠谱...-Jane: You don't think her argument will survive judicial scrutiny. You know, in law school,argument: 辩词,争论 survive: 幸存,继续存在 judicial: 司法的 scrutiny: 审查,研究 school: 学院你认为她的辩词过不了司法审查这一关?你知道吗?在法学院,they say...law is the wisdom of the ages, wrapped in the opinion of the moment.wisdom: 智慧 wrap in: 笼罩,覆盖【融入】 opinion: 观点有这么句话...法律是长久积累的智慧,同时融入当下观点的结合体。-Grayson: That's why I love the law, but how is that relevant here?relevant: 相关的,有关的,切题的这就是我为什么热爱法律,但这和案子有什么关系?-Jane: I have this girlfriend, Brandi. Really cute sorority type.sorority: 女子社团,女子俱乐部 cute: 可爱的 type: 类型我有个叫Brandi的女朋友,是很可爱的姐妹会那型的女孩。Anyway, she worked her ass off as a manicurist to put her hubby through med school,manicurist: 指甲修饰师 hubby: [口语]丈夫 put through: [美国英语]完成(任务、学业、工作、计划、交易等);(圆满)结束总之,她当修甲师累得要死要活,供她老公上完了医学院,then he dumped her. So she sued for half his future income and won.dump: 猛地扔下,扔掉,倒掉【甩掉】 sue for: 控告 income: 收入然后他甩了她,然后她把他将来收入的一半都告赢了过来。-Grayson: I still don't see the connection.connection: 联系,关系我还是没看出来有什么关系啊。-Jane: When a spouse sacrifices to help their partner, the court places a value on that sacrifice. spouse: 配偶 sacrifice: 牺牲 partner: 搭档 court: 法庭 place a value on: 对...估计,重视 当配偶一方为了对方牺牲自己,法庭会很重视这项牺牲。Giving up a kidney is quite a sacrifice.give up: 放弃放弃一个肾那可是不小的牺牲。-Grayson: Adapt the wisdom of the law to fit the opinion of the moment.adapt: 改编,使适应 fit: 适合,附和让法律的睿智去适应时下的观点。 -Jane: but, Grayson... maybe it's not about the money. See, Brandi still loved her husband.income: 收入,所得但是,Grayson...也许根本不是钱的事儿,Brandi还爱着他的丈夫。But she didn't sue because she wanted half of his income.sue: 起诉,告但是她告他不是想要他一半的收入。She just...wasn't ready to say goodbye. 她只是...没准备好说再见。-Grayson: You're saying this case isn't about Chad's kidney.kidney: 肾脏你是说这案子根本就不是拿Chad的肾说事儿。-Jane: It's abo
ut his heart. I have to go to court.是他的心。我得去法院了。-Grayson: Wait. Before you go... you got something...等一下。在你走之前...有点东西...-Jane: W-what?什...什么?-Grayson: Popcorn?爆米花?-Jane: Yeah! Um...I was just saving that for later. I am not ready to go.是啊!嗯...我打算待会吃的。我没有准备好走。Dr. Sandler, you're a leading expert in the Americans with disabilities act.expert: 专家,能手 disabilities act: 残疾人法Sandler医生,你在美国残疾人法里是顶级的专家了。-Dr. Sandler: Yes, I helped formulate the federal law enacted in 1990.formulate: 系统的陈述 federal: 联邦 enact: 制定法律是,我在1990年帮助建立了这项联邦法律。I have subsequently consulted with both congress and the EEOC on its application. subsequently: 后来,随后 consult: 商讨,查阅 congress: 代表大会,议会 EEOC: Equate Employment Opportunity Commission 均等就业机会委员会 application: 申请,应用因此国会和就业机会均等委员会都会咨询我的意见。-Jane: My client, a waitress, was fired because she gained 50 pounds. Does the law apply to her?client: 客户 waitress: 女服务员 gain: 增加 pound: 镑 apply to: 适用于我的客户,一个女服务员,因为她获得了50磅被解雇了。法律适用于她吗?-Dr. Sandler: Absolutely. Under the subsection perceived disabilities.absolutely: 必然地 subsection: 小部分 perceive:察觉,感觉,认知 disability: 残疾人当然了。根据残疾人的感知款,Although your client was still able to wait on customers,although: 虽然 be able to do: 能够 customer: 顾客虽然你的客户任然能等顾客,her employer perceived her to be disabled, due to her weight.employer: 雇主 disabled: 残疾的 due to: 因为,由于 weight: 体重她的雇主认为她是残疾的,因为她的体重。-Lucy: Stop! Please, I want this to stop.请等等。我想让你停一下。-Jane: Lucy.Lucy。-Lucy: I need to speak with you.我要和你说话。-Jane: Your honor, I need a moment.法官大人,我需要一点时间。-Judge: You certainly do.certainly: 当然地你当然可以。-Jane: Lucy! Lucy!Lucy! Lucy!-Lucy: The other waitresses, the owner of the sun bar, even my friends -they all judge me for letting myself go.judge: 判断,评判另一个女服务员,太阳酒吧的主人,甚至是我的朋友-他们都因为我放任自己而评判我。But last year, my husband left me. With two kids,但是去年,我丈夫离开了我。带着两个孩子,I don't have time to go to the gym, and I eat when I'm stressed.gym: 健身房 stressed: 紧张的,有压力的我没有时间去健身房,而且当我紧张我就吃。-Jane: Lucy, I understand, Lucy,我明白了。-Lucy: But…I am not disabled. And I don't want you saying that
am.disabled: 残疾的但是...我不是残疾。我不想让你说我是残疾。-Jane: No, it's just a legal strategy, and it's worked before.legal: 合法的 strategy: 战略,策略不,这只是一个法律策略,之前它已经生效了。-Lucy: I don't care about the other cases! Why didn't you discuss this expert with me?care about: 在乎,关心 case: 案子 discuss: 商量 expert: 专家我不管别的案子!这专家的事儿你为什么不事先跟我商量一下?-Jane: I realize Dr. Sandler's comments can be hurtful –realize: 意识到 comment: 评价,评论 hurtful: 伤人的我明白Sandler医生的评价会伤人。-Lucy: But you didn't tell me because you knew I'd get mad.get mad: 生气但是你没有告诉我,因为你知道我会生气。-Jane: No, I want to win this case for you.不,我想为你赢了这个案子。-Lucy: Mnh-mnh. I don't know you that well... but I think you're better than that.嗯嗯。我虽然不很了解你... 但是我觉得你比那强多了。-Kim: Oh, if it isn't Miss Busybody.哦,这不是大忙人小姐吗。-Jane: Not now, Kim. 我现在没心情,Kim...-Kim: Jane...if you have any further insight into my case and feel the need to share with Grayson, don't.further: 更深的,更远的 insight: 洞察力,【意见】 share with: 分享如果你对我的案子还有什么意见,觉得该和Grayson谈谈,劝你死了那条心。-Jane: I was just trying to help.我只是想帮忙。-Kim: Oh, so you were trying to be sweet - like a pop-tart or a cupcake.sweet: 亲切的,温柔的 pop-tart: 水果蛋糕 cupcake: 小杯蛋糕哦,你只是想当好人... 像水果蛋糕或是小杯蛋糕。-Jane: What do you want me to say? I am sorry for offering you a better legal argument for your case. Well, I'm not. offer: 提供 legal: 合法的,法律的 argument: 论据,辩论你想让我说什么? 对不起,为你的案子提供了更好的法律论据。我可不抱歉。-Teri: Jane!Jane!-Parker: You walk with me. You owe the firm $6,000.That's how much it cost to fly in an expert witness.owe: 欠 cost: 花费 witness: 证人你跟我来。你欠公司六千块钱。请一个专家飞过来做证人就是这么贵。-Jane: He wasn't my idea.idea: 主意让他来可不是我的主意。-Parker: You should have anticipated your client's reaction.anticipate:预期,期待 client: 客户,当事人 reaction: 反应你该预料到你当事人的反应的。-Jane: Why? 为什么呢?-Parker: Because you know how she thinks.因为你知道她会怎么想。-Jane: Oh, because you think we're both big?哦,因为你认为我俩都很大支?-Parker: That's right. I'm gonna deliver the closing for you.gonna: going to 将要,会 deliver: 发表 closing: 结尾,终止是这样,我来帮你做结尾陈辞。-Jane: no!不!-Parker: You don't say no to a managi
ging partner.managing: 管理的,经营的 partner: 搭档,你不能跟一个主理合伙人说不。-Jane: When a lawyer is swapped out mid-trial, it throws the jury.lawyer: 律师 swap: 交换,做交易 mid-trial: 中期 throw: 惊扰 jury: 陪审团如果一个律师被中途换掉,陪审团会有看法。And a new lawyer could alienate our client, who's already upset with our strategy.alienate: 使疏远,离间 be upset with: 对...失望 strategy: 策略新律师会疏远我们的委托人,我们的委托人对现在的策略已经很失望了。-Parker: I'm willing to take that risk.be willing to: 愿意 take the risk: 冒险我愿意冒一下这个险。-Jane: I took a bullet for you! bullet: 子弹我可是帮你挡了一枪哟!-Parker: Come on.得了吧。-Jane: I haven't gotten upset or angry or missed a day of work. But you owe me, and I will deliver this closing.upset: 失望 angry: 生气 miss: 缺少,错过 owe: 欠 deliver: 发表,讲话我从没有失望,生气,或者缺勤一天。但你欠我的,我会做结案陈辞的。[TV: Hello, designers. Hi.Hi.Hi. Welcome to the runway. There are 16 of you here, and after tonight, there will be 15. All right, let's meet the judges.]designer: 设计师 runway: 跑道,T台 judge: 评委设计师们,大家好。嗨嗨嗨。欢迎来到T台。现在你们有16人,今晚过后,会剩下15人。好了,我们来见见评委。-Jane: I just came to get a few things.我只是来那点东西。[TV: As you know, in fashion, one day you're in, and the next day you're out.]fashion: 时尚 be in: 引领潮流 be out: 落伍你们知道的,在时尚圈,今天你还引领潮流,明天就落伍了。-Jane: Heidi grew out her bangs!grew: grow的过去式生长 bangs: 刘海Heidi留了刘海!-Stacy: I know. She looks amazing. Wait. We're in a fight.amazing: 惊人的 in a fight: 冷战我知道。她看起来美极了。等等。我们还在冷战中。-Jane: I still know what the cookies mean. cookies: 饼干 mean: 意味着我还知道曲奇意味着什么。One cookie - you blew out your credit card, on a pair of jeans without checking out the rear view.blew out : 吹灭【刷爆】 credit card: 信用卡 a pair of: 一对,一双 jean: 牛仔裤 check out: 检查 rear view:后视图【穿起来后屁股状况】一块--你的信用卡刷爆,就为了买一条没注意穿起来后,屁股状况的牛仔裤。Two - the guy you hooked up with hasn't called. Three - you just found cellulite in a thigh crease. Four? I have never seen four.hook up: 钩住 cellulite: 脂肪团 thigh: 大腿 crease: 折痕两块--你钓的小伙子就没打电话,三块--你在大腿折痕里看到了脂肪,四块? 我从来没见你吃过四块。-Stacy: It means I feel awful. I am so sorry.awful: 可怕的意味着我感觉很不好。太对不起了。-Jane: No. You
were just trying to help. I just have to take this all in my own time.own: 自己的不。你只是想帮忙。我只是必须自己全部承受了。Everyone out there is judging me. I'm judging me. judge: 审判,评判,判决别人都在评判我,我自己也在评判自己。And I just need to know that my best friend doesn't.我只想知道我最好的朋友没有这样。-Stacy: I'm not judging, but... I'm scared I'm losing you, all right?scared: 害怕的 losing: lose的现在进行时失去我很害怕失去你,好吧?-Jane: What are you talking about?你在说什么啊?-Stacy: You're smart now. You have an office and an assistant. You have a business card,smart: 聪明 assistant: 助理 business card: 名片现在你变聪明了。你有办公室有助理。你还有名片。Your photo is on your credit card, and I bet you even have a library card.photo: 照片 credit card: 信用卡 bet: 打赌 library: 图书馆你的信用卡上有照片,我敢说你还有图书馆的卡。You're, like, important, and important people don't have time for me.important: 重要的就像,你是要人了,重要的人没时间跟我在一起。-Jane: That's crazy, Stacy. People take one look at this body, and they think they're better than I am. You get a free pass. free pass: 免费通行证,免票 crazy: 疯狂的 look at: 看着 than: 比别胡说,Stacy。人们一看到这个身体,他们就觉得比我强,你有自由通行权。-Stacy: A free pass to what? Everyone thinks I'm a dumb blonde. And you know what? They're right.dumb: 愚蠢的,无言的 blonde: 金发女郎通行去哪里? 人人都觉得我是笨金发女郎。你知道吗?他们是对的。-Jane: Come on. You are so not blonde. Come here. 别胡说。你可不是金发。过来。-Stacy: Mm. Don't move out, please.move out: 搬出嗯,不要搬出去,好吗。-Jane: You sure you still want me - all of me?still: 仍然你确定想留下我--我所有一切?-Stacy: Of course I do. Okay, let's celebrate. We'll go out clubbing,celebrate: 庆祝,祝贺 clubbing: club的现在进行时 俱乐部我当然想。好吧,我们来庆祝一下。我们去泡吧,and I promise not to change your drink order.promise: 保证,断言 order: 订单 change: 改变我保证不再改你的酒单了。-Jane: I don't think so.我不想去。-Stacy: Come on. It’ll be like old times.来吧。都会像以前一样的。-Jane: Stacy, it can't be like old times. I-I don't feel comfortable at clubs.feel: 感觉 comfortable: 舒服的Stacy,不会像以前一样了。我--我在酒吧里觉得不舒服。It's one thing not to fit in, but I actually stand out.fit in: 适合 actually: 实际上 stand out: 突出,显眼不适应是一回事,但其实我挺显眼的。-Stacy: I guess I understand, but... it doesn't seem fair. guess: 猜 understand: 了解 seem: 似乎 fair:
公平我想我明白,但...这不公平。-Jane: Oh! You're right! It doesn't seem fair. It's not even close to fair!close to: 接近,几乎噢! 你说得对! 这不公平丝毫不公平!-Stacy: Why are you acting all wacky?wacky: 奇怪的 act: 行为你为什么这么奇怪?-Jane: I think you just gave me my closing argument.argument: 辩论,论据我想你刚刚给了我结案陈辞的材料。-Stacy: I did?有吗?-Jane: Yeah. Thanks.对,谢谢。-Stacy: You’re welcome. 不客气。-Jane: Recently, I went to the sun bar, and I saw the place through a fresh set of eyes.recently: 最近的 bar: 酒吧 through: 通过 a fresh set of eyes: 全新的眼光最近,我去过太阳酒吧,我用全新的眼光观察了这个地方。No female employee was larger than a size 4, and you know what? I...felt uncomfortable.female: 女性的 employee: 员工 uncomfortable: 不舒服的没有一个女服务生的尺码大过4的,你们知道吗?我...感觉不好。No wonder the owner is worried about profits.no wonder: 毫无疑问地 owner: 店主 worry about: 担心 profit: 利润毫无疑问店主是关心利益。He's promoting this narrow-minded view of sexy. If the sun bar really wants to make money, promoting: promote的现在进行时促销 narrow-minded: 气量小的,狭隘的 sexy: 性感的他用这种狭隘的性感标准来促销。如果太阳酒吧真想赚钱,then maybe they should make all of us feel welcome.welcome: 受欢迎的也许应该让所有人都感到受欢迎。At this point, I would like to ask my friends in the gallery to please stand up.point: 点 gallery: 画廊 stand up: 起立在这一点上,我想问我在画廊的朋友们,请起立。-Lawyer B: What's going on?怎么回事儿?-Jane: Just making my closing, counselor. All of these women are size 14, the average for a woman in America today.closing: 结案陈词 counselor: 顾问 size: 号 average: 平均只是在做结案陈辞,顾问。这些女性都是14号,今天美国女性的平均尺寸。However, based on the sun bar's definition of sexy, none of these women would be hired.however: 然而,但是 base on: 基于,根据 definition: 定义 hire: 雇佣但是,根据太阳酒吧的性感标准,这些女性都不会被雇佣。That is wrong. You know that federal laws protect us based on race, religion, sex, age, veteran status, disability, and national origin. federal: 联邦的 law: 法律 protect: 保护 race: 种族 religion: 信仰 sex: 性别 veteran: 退伍的 disability: 残疾 national origin: 民族 base on: 基于这是错误的。你们知道联邦法律保护我们,不论种族,信仰,性别,年龄,服役与否,残疾,民族。But what about size?那么身材呢?Well, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and Santa Cruz have all passed laws outlawing discrimination based on weight.pass: 通过 outlawing
: 失去法律保护的 discrimination: 歧视 weight: 体重旧金山,华盛顿和圣克鲁斯,都出台了相应法律,禁止歧视体重。And now you have an opportunity to extend that protection.opportunity: 机会 extend: 沿用,伸展 protection: 保护现在你们有机会把这种保护沿用到Lucy身上,谢谢。Wait. I-I'm not - I'm not done yet. Have you noticed that people have euphemisms for being overweight?notice: 注意到 euphemism: 委婉的说法 overweight: 超重等等。我还没--我还没说完。你们注意到人们用委婉的词,来代替肥胖这个词吗?Large and plus-sized, full-figured and rubenesque. And no one, not even me...large: 大的 plus-sized: 加大号 plus: 加上 full-figured: 丰满的 rubenesque: 具有(佛兰德斯画家)鲁本斯绘画特征【富态】大块头,加大号,丰满,富态,没人,甚至我自己都......especially not me... wants to say the word "fat." especially: 尤其地 word: 词...尤其是我自己... 想说"胖"这个词。But "fat" is only pejorative when we allow places like the sun bar to tell us that being fat somehow makes us less of a person.pejorative: 污蔑的,贬义的 allow: 允许 bar: 酒吧 somehow: 无论如何 less of a person: 低人一等的但"胖"只在我们容忍太阳酒吧那样,告诉我们胖就低人一等的时候有贬低意味。Tell the sun bar that being fat is not cause for being fired. Thank you.cause: 原因,起因,发生 fire: 解雇让太阳酒吧知道,胖不是被解雇的理由。谢谢。-Kim: We believe our client's kidney donation can be equated with the sacrifice that one spouse makes for another.believe: 相信 client: 客户,当事人 kidney: 肾脏 donation: 捐赠 是相等,等同 spouse:配偶我们相信委托人的肾捐赠可以被一视同仁,被看作是配偶为另一方的奉献。Like a wife who supports her husband through medical school. That being said –support: 支持 medical: 医学的就像是妻子为了支持丈夫上完医学院说--Mindy: Okay. That's it! I've had enough!enough: 足够的好了够了! 我受够了!-Lawyer A: Let me handle this.handle: 处理让我来处理。-Mindy: You can have it back.have...back: 拿回你可以拿回去了。-Chad: What? What - what are you talking about?什么? 你--你在说什么?-Mindy: When I needed a transplant, my sister was too young to consent, but she is a match, and she's agreed.transplant: 移植 consent: 同意,许可 match: 适合,匹配 agree: 同意 too…to: 太…太我需要移植手术时,妹妹太小不能签同意书。但是适合,她也同意了。-Chad: No, no, that's too risky.risky: 冒险不不,这太冒险了。-Mindy: I don't care.care: 在乎我不管。-Lawyer A: Mindy!Mindy!-Mindy: I want to get on with my life.我想继续过日子。-Grayson: Maybe Chad's not ready to move on with h
. He doesn't want his kidney back.maybe: 也许 move on: 继续也许Chad还没有准备好继续他的生活。不想要回肾脏从没有。He never did. He gave it to you because he loved you, and asking for money - that was our idea.never: 从未 ask for: 要求 idea: 主意他捐给你是因为爱你,要钱-是我们的主意。-Mindy: What he said - is that true, Chad? true: 真的他说的--是真的吗,Chad?-Chad: I was so happy. I thought you were, too. I would have done anything for you.我很高兴。我以为你也是,我愿意为你做任何事。-Mindy: You are a wonderful husband...and a good man, and my friends think I'm crazy to leave you, wonderful: 很好的,完美的 crazy: 疯狂的 leave: 离开你是一个很好的丈夫,是一个好男人,朋友认为我离开你很疯狂,but... you gave me a second chance on life, and I love you for it, but it's not enough of a reason for us to stay together. you remember me as I was.chance: 机会 reason for : ...的原因(理由等) stay together: 在一起 remember: 记得但...你给了我第二次生命,我因此爱你,但这还不足以成为生活在一起的理由,你印象中还是以前的我。I need to move on.我需要前行。-Chad: You can keep the kidney.kidney: 肾你可以留着肾。-Mindy: What? Are you sure?sure: 确定什么?你确定?-Chad: Yeah. At least a part of me will always be with you.at least: 至少 part: 部分 是的。至少我的一部分会永远伴随你。-Lucy: Jane. Jane。-Jane: Hi.嗨。-Lucy: The verdict came back quick. Is that good or bad?verdict: 判决 come back: 回来,下来 quick: 快的判决很快下来了。是好是坏?-Jane: It could go either way.either: 任一的两种都有可能。-Lucy: Whatever happens, thanks for representing me. Not just the case but me, the fat girl.whatever: 无论怎样 happen: 发生 representing: represent的现在进行时代表 case: 案子 fat: 胖的不管怎么样,谢谢你为我辩护不只是为了这个案子。还为我这个胖姑娘谢你。-Lawyer B: Ms. Bingum? We'd like to settle.settle: 解决,和解Bingum女士? 我们想要和解。-Jane: I don't think so.我不同意。-Parker: Jane, they're offering Lucy her job, with back pay.offer: 提供 job: 工作 pay: 付钱Jane,他们重新给Lucy提供工作,还支付欠薪。-Jane: It's a good start, but no. See, those large ladies from my closing just applied to be waitresses at the sun bar.start: 开始 apply to: 向…申请 waitress: 女服务员这是个好的开始,但是不行。那些我结案陈词时出现的大号女士们,刚刚申请做太阳酒吧的服务员。-Boss: You told them to apply, didn't you?tell sb to do: 告诉某人做某事你让她们去申请的,对吗?-Jane: Guilty. Oh, and if I win this case and the jury defines weight as a protected class,guilty: 有罪的
的 win: 赢 jury: 陪审团 define: 下定义 class: 条款 weight: 体重罪过呀,如果我赢了这案子,陪审团把体重也作为一项保护条款,I will file another suit - a class action. And those women will be my reps,file: 提出(离婚诉讼或其他讼案) suit: 诉讼 reps: 条花织品【代表】我会再次起诉-共同起诉,那些女士就会成为我的代表,and the plaintiff pool will extend to every fat girl, you've ever turned away from a job –plaintiff: 原告 extend: 眼神 turn away: 解雇,避免原告团就会延伸到每个你们拒绝提供工作的胖女孩-and I'm guessing there's more than a few.guess: 猜我猜这些人不会少。-Boss: What do you want?你想怎么样?-Jane: 20% pay raise, no loss in seniority, and a commitment against discrimination based on body type.raise: 增加,升高 seniority: 长辈,前任者的特权,老资格【标准】 commitment: 承诺,保证 base on: 基于 body type: 身材加薪20% ,工龄不作为减薪标准,还要做出承诺不对身材歧视。- Lawyer B: Deal.成交。-Jane: Okay.好的。-Fred: Hey.嗨。-Jane: Hey. How'd you find me out here? Did you use your powers?find out: 找到 power: 能力嗨。你怎么在这里找到我的? 用你的超能力了?-Fred: I told you.我告诉过你。-Jane: Kidding.开玩笑呢。-Fred: You weren't in your office, and I, uh, know you like fresh air. fresh air: 新鲜空气你不在办公室,我,呃,知道你爱新鲜空气。Relaxable side panels... less pinchy.relaxable: 松弛的 panel: 面,围板弹性侧网... 没那么扎人。 -Jane: You came out here to give me a bra?你出来是为了给我一个胸罩?-Fred: Well, that and to say congrats.congrat: congratulation 祝贺, 恭喜呃,还要恭喜你。I just heard the service workers union signed a long-term deal with the firm.hear: 听说 union: 工会 service: 服务 long-term: 长期 firm: 公司 deal with: 处理,安排,做买卖我刚听说服务业工会跟公司签了一份长期协议。-Jane: Parker is beyond thrilled.beyond thrilled: 非常激动Parker非常激动。-Fred: What about you?你呢?-Jane:Fred...I told those women that I could relate to them, but I don't feel like a fat girl.relate to: 涉及,联系Fred... 我告诉那些女人我跟她们一起相处,但我并不觉得我像个胖女孩。I feel thin and pretty, even though no one sees me like that. And I'm mad at myself for letting it bother me.feel: 感觉 even though: 即使 bother: 困扰 be mad at: [口语]因某事而发怒,极为愤怒的,对…生气 我觉得苗条漂亮,即使没有人那样觉得,我生自己的气,因为我放任它困扰着我。-Fred: I don't think you're mad at yourself. I think you're mad at Deb.我觉得你没有对自己生气你是对Deb生气。-Jane: She would've given Jane the body check and
walked right by.她不应该对Jane品头论足,熟视无睹。-Fred: You got to forgive her, Jane. Forgive and forget.forgive: 原谅 forget: 忘记你不得不原谅她,Jane。既往不咎。-Jane: But I don't want to forget her. I mean, I may not always like Deb,但是我不想忘掉,我是说,也许我不总像Deb一样,but - but she's - she's right here. And she's not all bad.bad: 坏的但--但她--在这里,她也不是一无是处。-Fred: Well, I know that Jane likes to eat and Deb liked to drink.like to do: 喜欢做某事 drink: 喝酒我知道Jane喜欢吃东西,Deb喜欢喝两杯。So I think you're both about to be really happy.both: 两者 really: 真的所以我觉得你们都会很高兴的。-Jane: What are you talking about?talk about: 谈论你在说什么?-Fred: The partners are inside with champagne and cake. Enjoy the moment.partner: 搭档 champagne: 香槟酒 cake: 蛋糕 enjoy: 享受 moment: 瞬间,片刻同事们买来了香槟和蛋糕来了享受这一刻吧。After all, you only live...twice.after all: 毕竟 twice: 两次毕竟,你只活...两次。