

电子商务是基于国际互联网环境中的 B/S 架构开发出来的一种应用方式。在电子商务这种新型的商业运营模式中,买卖双方可以互不谋面地进行各种商务活动,可以全程实现消费者的网上购物、在线电子支付等商贸环节。电子商务将国际互联网开放性、全球性、低成本、高效率的特点引入到商贸领域,对商业运作模式产生了深远影响,同时也被各行业广泛运用。相对于传统商业模式,电子商务优势明显,因此众多现代企业都基于 B2C 模式开发电子商务平台提高企业的运行效率。而企业在制定产品最终价格时,除了考虑成本、利润等客观因素外,还有一个因素不可忽略,即定价策略中的心理因素。



改革开放使得产品种类和形式日趋多样化,消费者可挑选的范围也越来越广,因此市场也由最初产品匮乏的卖方市场向消费者掌握主动的买方市场转化。在消费者主导市场的时代,消费者的消费心理与卖方市场相比表现出一些新的特点和发展趋势,在电子商务模式中这些特点和趋势表现得更为突出,可以归纳为以下几个方面1 追求便捷。现代社会将人们的生活节奏变快,对于快节奏生活的现代人来说,需要一种方便、快捷的购物模式,而传统的购物模式通常需要在规定的营业时间内到达购物场所、挑选购买产品,整个过程繁琐、复杂、耗时长,再加上往返路途上的时间,通常会消耗掉消费者大量的时间和精力。而电子商务环境下的网上购物恰好可以弥补这个缺陷,其方便、快捷、高效、24 小时不间断服务等特征符合现代人的消费心理。







传统购物方式已深入人心。消费者在传统购物模式中已经习惯 眼看、手摸、耳听 的方式,这种方式与网上购物环境中通过图片、文字、视频、影音等方法了解产品是截然不同的。网购平台不能满足消费者手摸、眼看的特定心理,而习惯了传统购物模式特性的消费者往往会因此对电子商务产生怀疑和顾虑。

价格达不到消费者预期。在网络购物过程中,消费者通常期望能够得到质量相同但价格比传统商场中低很多的产品,据统计显示,目前的网上商品仅比商场中便宜 4%- 10%,再加上网购环节中的物流、配送费用,消费者在网购过程中实际享受到的价格优惠是十分有限的。价格上达不到消费者预期会使部分消费者宁可多花时间和精力采用传统购物模式,也不愿选择电子商务模式。





Abstract: along with the social development, people's living standards continue to improve, consumption idea change. The rise of e-commerce and development brought new opportunity for the enterprise marketing, also put forward new challenges to the traditional way of enterprise marketing. In this paper, based on the college students' consumption psychology and behavior theory, through to the electronic commerce in the college students' consumption characteristics and psychological change of trend analysis, to explore the modern enterprises face under electronic commerce environment the characteristics of college students' network consumption psychology, how should formulate marketing strategies to cope with their psychological characteristics, to break through the limitations of traditional management mode of thinking. Electronic commerce is based on B/S architecture of the Internet environment developed in a way of application. In e-commerce this new type of commercial operation mode, buyers and sellers can not met for various business activities, can fully realize consumer online shopping, online electronic payments and other business links. E-commerce will open the Internet, global, low cost, high efficiency features is introduced into the trade domain, has profound influence on the business model, but also by various industries widely used. The obvious advantages compared with traditional business models, e-commerce so many modern enterprises are based on B2C e-commerce platform to improve the operation efficiency of enterprises development. When making the final price products and enterprises, in addition to consider the objective factors such as cost, profit, there is another factor should not be neglected, namely the psychological factors of the pricing strategy.

The meet each other in electronic commerce special consumption environment, consumer psychology is full of uncertainty, its performance is more complex and subtle, merchants for the understanding of consumer psychology is more difficult, and this psychological change will directly affect the enterprise management in e-commerce environment effect and development space. So the electronic commerce in the people's consumption psychology and consumption behavior of enterprise good application of e-commerce system is of great significance. Consumer spending psychological characteristics under the e-commerce environment

Reform and opening up makes the product variety and increasingly diversified and consumers can choose range is becoming more and more wide, so the market is also by the lack of the original product of seller's market to consumers have the initiative of a buyer's market transformation. In the time of the consumer market dominance, and consumers' consumption psychology than a seller's market showed some new characteristics and development trends, characteristics and trends in e-commerce mode of these more outstanding, can be summarized as the following several aspects 1 pursuit is convenient. Faster pace of modern society to the life of people, for the fast pace of modern life, need a convenient and fast shopping mode, the traditional shopping mode usually need to arrive within the prescribed business hours shopping place, choose to buy the product, the whole process cumbersome and complex and time-consuming, plus on round-trip journey time, often consume a lot of time and energy consumers. Online shopping and e-commerce environment that can make up for the defect, the convenient, fast and efficient, 24-hour service conforms to modern people's consumption psychology.

The pursuit of a bargain. In the buyer's market, the consumer's options for the product, so price becomes one of the sensitive factors of consumers. The shop on the Internet over traditional stores, can let the consumer through a web easily browse commodity, compare different sellers

of goods, more importantly, the electronic commerce mode provides the enterprise directly facing the consumer platform, so eliminating the middlemen link online direct sales model can save the cost, and eventually reduce the product price, therefore, the electronic commerce mode can meet the psychological needs of consumers to choose cheap and fine products.

The pursuit of personalized. In the buyer's market both in quantity and types of consumer goods is extremely rich, modern consumer often imaginative, especially young consumers like to display their individuality, hope the products of the enterprise unique, usually this kind of psychological put forward higher demand for personalized consumption. Consumer is no longer a single only to see the practical value of goods, but more important is to see if a product is different, whether can fully reflect the nature of the individual, it also has become an important indicator of consumer spending.

The pursuit of independent thinking. In the types of consumer goods and quantity rapid growth in the modern society, with the enlargement of the scope of consumer choice, consumer also in strengthening the consciousness of independent thinking. In the face of all kinds of traditional mode marketers consumers will produce strong distrust, consumers will usually take the initiative to through various channels and means for product information and carries on the analysis comparison. Consumers will be from their own in the process of analysis and comparison for psychological balance, so as to reduce the risk of buying products especially valuable product, enhance the psychological satisfaction in the process of shopping.

The pursuit of self expression. The electronic commerce shopping environment consumers tend to dominate, usually consumers will spend more time to browse, compare and select the product in virtual shop. In the buyers and sellers don't see each other shopping environment, consumer often self-centered, completely on their own terms, ideas, this idea will make the consumer in the electronic commerce shopping mode to show ego psychology embodies the increasingly obvious.

The psychological factors which restrict the development of the e-commerce analysis

Although e-commerce mode of online shopping is convenient, fast, efficient, and many other advantages, but at present there are still a lot of consumers based on mistrust of the Internet environment,www.bshaikuo.com www.gpsdvd.cn and suspicious of online consumption, the electronic commerce mode, which seriously restrict the development of electronic commerce. Consumers of these psychological factors mainly displays in the following respects

The traditional way of shopping has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Consumers in the traditional shopping mode is used to see, touch, listening to the sounds, the way and the online shopping environment through pictures, text, video, audio and other methods to understand the product is very different. Online shopping platform can't satisfy consumer hand, see the specific psychological, and accustomed to the traditional shopping mode features consumers tend to be so suspicious and concerns to the electronic commerce.

The price not meet consumer expectations. In the process of online shopping, consumers generally expect to get the same quality but the price is low many traditional store products, according to statistics, the current online goods is much cheaper than in the mall only 4% - 4%, plus online shopping link in the logistics and distribution cost, consumers in the shopping process actually enjoy the discount is very limited. Shang da is less than the consumer price is expected to make some consumers would rather spend more time and energy to the traditional shopping mode, rather than choose e-commerce model.

Distribution system efficiency is low. Tangible products in e-commerce mode of transport cannot be achieved through the Internet directly to the logistics distribution system to complete, therefore, e-commerce and logistics distribution has a close relationship. At present, the distribution of goods, long cycle, high cost and low efficiency problems. According to our warehouse turnover rate was only about a third of the developed countries, and the error rate is almost three times that of developed countries. Efficient logistics distribution system will seriously affect the consumer perception of e-commerce, leading to some consumers are reluctant to contact e-commerce.


E-commerce has brought the convenience for consumers, efficient and fast way of shopping, consumers in the process of online shopping of consumer psychology to the enterprise business philosophy brings www.fsjct.net www.sanheshun.net new challenge to traditional, businesses must adapt to new consumer psychological characteristics and change, understand the consumer psychology, to meet the needs of consumers, establish a suitable for their own needs of e-commerce operation mechanism, only such, companies can benefit in electronic commerce operation mode.


电子商务是基于国际互联网环境中的 B/S 架构开发出来的一种应用方式。在电子商务这种新型的商业运营模式中,买卖双方可以互不谋面地进行各种商务活动,可以全程实现消费者的网上购物、在线电子支付等商贸环节。电子商务将国际互联网开放性、全球性、低成本、高效率的特点引入到商贸领域,对商业运作模式产生了深远影响,同时也被各行业广泛运用。相对于传统商业模式,电子商务优势明显,因此众多现代企业都基于 B2C 模式开发电子商务平台提高企业的运行效率。而企业在制定产品最终价格时,除了考虑成本、利润等客观因素外,还有一个因素不可忽略,即定价策略中的心理因素。



改革开放使得产品种类和形式日趋多样化,消费者可挑选的范围也越来越广,因此市场也由最初产品匮乏的卖方市场向消费者掌握主动的买方市场转化。在消费者主导市场的时代,消费者的消费心理与卖方市场相比表现出一些新的特点和发展趋势,在电子商务模式中这些特点和趋势表现得更为突出,可以归纳为以下几个方面1 追求便捷。现代社会将人们的生活节奏变快,对于快节奏生活的现代人来说,需要一种方便、快捷的购物模式,而传统的购物模式通常需要在规定的营业时间内到达购物场所、挑选购买产品,整个过程繁琐、复杂、耗时长,再加上往返路途上的时间,通常会消耗掉消费者大量的时间和精力。而电子商务环境下的网上购物恰好可以弥补这个缺陷,其方便、快捷、高效、24 小时不间断服务等特征符合现代人的消费心理。







传统购物方式已深入人心。消费者在传统购物模式中已经习惯 眼看、手摸、耳听 的方式,这种方式与网上购物环境中通过图片、文字、视频、影音等方法了解产品是截然不同的。网购平台不能满足消费者手摸、眼看的特定心理,而习惯了传统购物模式特性的消费者往往会因此对电子商务产生怀疑和顾虑。

价格达不到消费者预期。在网络购物过程中,消费者通常期望能够得到质量相同但价格比传统商场中低很多的产品,据统计显示,目前的网上商品仅比商场中便宜 4%- 10%,再加上网购环节中的物流、配送费用,消费者在网购过程中实际享受到的价格优惠是十分有限的。价格上达不到消费者预期会使部分消费者宁可多花时间和精力采用传统购物模式,也不愿选择电子商务模式。





Abstract: along with the social development, people's living standards continue to improve, consumption idea change. The rise of e-commerce and development brought new opportunity for the enterprise marketing, also put forward new challenges to the traditional way of enterprise marketing. In this paper, based on the college students' consumption psychology and behavior theory, through to the electronic commerce in the college students' consumption characteristics and psychological change of trend analysis, to explore the modern enterprises face under electronic commerce environment the characteristics of college students' network consumption psychology, how should formulate marketing strategies to cope with their psychological characteristics, to break through the limitations of traditional management mode of thinking. Electronic commerce is based on B/S architecture of the Internet environment developed in a way of application. In e-commerce this new type of commercial operation mode, buyers and sellers can not met for various business activities, can fully realize consumer online shopping, online electronic payments and other business links. E-commerce will open the Internet, global, low cost, high efficiency features is introduced into the trade domain, has profound influence on the business model, but also by various industries widely used. The obvious advantages compared with traditional business models, e-commerce so many modern enterprises are based on B2C e-commerce platform to improve the operation efficiency of enterprises development. When making the final price products and enterprises, in addition to consider the objective factors such as cost, profit, there is another factor should not be neglected, namely the psychological factors of the pricing strategy.

The meet each other in electronic commerce special consumption environment, consumer psychology is full of uncertainty, its performance is more complex and subtle, merchants for the understanding of consumer psychology is more difficult, and this psychological change will directly affect the enterprise management in e-commerce environment effect and development space. So the electronic commerce in the people's consumption psychology and consumption behavior of enterprise good application of e-commerce system is of great significance. Consumer spending psychological characteristics under the e-commerce environment

Reform and opening up makes the product variety and increasingly diversified and consumers can choose range is becoming more and more wide, so the market is also by the lack of the original product of seller's market to consumers have the initiative of a buyer's market transformation. In the time of the consumer market dominance, and consumers' consumption psychology than a seller's market showed some new characteristics and development trends, characteristics and trends in e-commerce mode of these more outstanding, can be summarized as the following several aspects 1 pursuit is convenient. Faster pace of modern society to the life of people, for the fast pace of modern life, need a convenient and fast shopping mode, the traditional shopping mode usually need to arrive within the prescribed business hours shopping place, choose to buy the product, the whole process cumbersome and complex and time-consuming, plus on round-trip journey time, often consume a lot of time and energy consumers. Online shopping and e-commerce environment that can make up for the defect, the convenient, fast and efficient, 24-hour service conforms to modern people's consumption psychology.

The pursuit of a bargain. In the buyer's market, the consumer's options for the product, so price becomes one of the sensitive factors of consumers. The shop on the Internet over traditional stores, can let the consumer through a web easily browse commodity, compare different sellers

of goods, more importantly, the electronic commerce mode provides the enterprise directly facing the consumer platform, so eliminating the middlemen link online direct sales model can save the cost, and eventually reduce the product price, therefore, the electronic commerce mode can meet the psychological needs of consumers to choose cheap and fine products.

The pursuit of personalized. In the buyer's market both in quantity and types of consumer goods is extremely rich, modern consumer often imaginative, especially young consumers like to display their individuality, hope the products of the enterprise unique, usually this kind of psychological put forward higher demand for personalized consumption. Consumer is no longer a single only to see the practical value of goods, but more important is to see if a product is different, whether can fully reflect the nature of the individual, it also has become an important indicator of consumer spending.

The pursuit of independent thinking. In the types of consumer goods and quantity rapid growth in the modern society, with the enlargement of the scope of consumer choice, consumer also in strengthening the consciousness of independent thinking. In the face of all kinds of traditional mode marketers consumers will produce strong distrust, consumers will usually take the initiative to through various channels and means for product information and carries on the analysis comparison. Consumers will be from their own in the process of analysis and comparison for psychological balance, so as to reduce the risk of buying products especially valuable product, enhance the psychological satisfaction in the process of shopping.

The pursuit of self expression. The electronic commerce shopping environment consumers tend to dominate, usually consumers will spend more time to browse, compare and select the product in virtual shop. In the buyers and sellers don't see each other shopping environment, consumer often self-centered, completely on their own terms, ideas, this idea will make the consumer in the electronic commerce shopping mode to show ego psychology embodies the increasingly obvious.

The psychological factors which restrict the development of the e-commerce analysis

Although e-commerce mode of online shopping is convenient, fast, efficient, and many other advantages, but at present there are still a lot of consumers based on mistrust of the Internet environment,www.bshaikuo.com www.gpsdvd.cn and suspicious of online consumption, the electronic commerce mode, which seriously restrict the development of electronic commerce. Consumers of these psychological factors mainly displays in the following respects

The traditional way of shopping has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Consumers in the traditional shopping mode is used to see, touch, listening to the sounds, the way and the online shopping environment through pictures, text, video, audio and other methods to understand the product is very different. Online shopping platform can't satisfy consumer hand, see the specific psychological, and accustomed to the traditional shopping mode features consumers tend to be so suspicious and concerns to the electronic commerce.

The price not meet consumer expectations. In the process of online shopping, consumers generally expect to get the same quality but the price is low many traditional store products, according to statistics, the current online goods is much cheaper than in the mall only 4% - 4%, plus online shopping link in the logistics and distribution cost, consumers in the shopping process actually enjoy the discount is very limited. Shang da is less than the consumer price is expected to make some consumers would rather spend more time and energy to the traditional shopping mode, rather than choose e-commerce model.

Distribution system efficiency is low. Tangible products in e-commerce mode of transport cannot be achieved through the Internet directly to the logistics distribution system to complete, therefore, e-commerce and logistics distribution has a close relationship. At present, the distribution of goods, long cycle, high cost and low efficiency problems. According to our warehouse turnover rate was only about a third of the developed countries, and the error rate is almost three times that of developed countries. Efficient logistics distribution system will seriously affect the consumer perception of e-commerce, leading to some consumers are reluctant to contact e-commerce.


E-commerce has brought the convenience for consumers, efficient and fast way of shopping, consumers in the process of online shopping of consumer psychology to the enterprise business philosophy brings www.fsjct.net www.sanheshun.net new challenge to traditional, businesses must adapt to new consumer psychological characteristics and change, understand the consumer psychology, to meet the needs of consumers, establish a suitable for their own needs of e-commerce operation mechanism, only such, companies can benefit in electronic commerce operation mode.


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