
When one gets to certain age, he will find out that freedom is more important than love.

Once you were eager to meet him every day, but when he did stay with you every day, you began to want to have some time to be alone.

Once you liked to require him to tell you what he does and where he goes, however, starting from that day, you thought it was necessary, because you didn't want him to do this again.

Once you always waited for him to travel together when he had a holiday.Now, you hope that you can try to travel alone. As long as you like, you can just pick up your bag and begin your journey without any explain.

Once you hoped he come home to eat the dinner every night. Now, you may breathe freely when he said he was to eat the dinner with you. You needn't cook the dishes he like anymore and just choose what you want to eat.

Once you either hoped to meet all of his friends, or he met all of yours. Now, you think it isn't necessary to do this at all, because you may not get along well with each other's friends, so that, it is better to have own space.

Once you hoped he come home with you to meet their parents, which means that he loves and respect you. Now, you are unwilling to meet them. You keep the distance with them, so that you needn't have a meal with them, visit them in festivals or even pretend to be graceful.

At that time, you deeply realize that what Petofi Sandor said "Life is dear, love is dearer. Both can be given up for freedom "is an exact stage of life.


When one gets to certain age, he will find out that freedom is more important than love.

Once you were eager to meet him every day, but when he did stay with you every day, you began to want to have some time to be alone.

Once you liked to require him to tell you what he does and where he goes, however, starting from that day, you thought it was necessary, because you didn't want him to do this again.

Once you always waited for him to travel together when he had a holiday.Now, you hope that you can try to travel alone. As long as you like, you can just pick up your bag and begin your journey without any explain.

Once you hoped he come home to eat the dinner every night. Now, you may breathe freely when he said he was to eat the dinner with you. You needn't cook the dishes he like anymore and just choose what you want to eat.

Once you either hoped to meet all of his friends, or he met all of yours. Now, you think it isn't necessary to do this at all, because you may not get along well with each other's friends, so that, it is better to have own space.

Once you hoped he come home with you to meet their parents, which means that he loves and respect you. Now, you are unwilling to meet them. You keep the distance with them, so that you needn't have a meal with them, visit them in festivals or even pretend to be graceful.

At that time, you deeply realize that what Petofi Sandor said "Life is dear, love is dearer. Both can be given up for freedom "is an exact stage of life.



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