

A: How are you? Welcome to China! I’m sales manager of Shanghai Mitsubishi elevator Co. Ltd.

B: I’m fine, thank you! I’m purchase manager of England ABC Co, Ltd

A: My name is xi xi , here is my card.

B: Thank you. My name is Mary .here is my card.

A: Ok,Let’s talk about the details of products .

B: En .ok. I want to learn about the CCDT2000 elevator of your company. And we want to place an order about 200 sets.

A: The price of the unit CCDT2000 elevator is $3800 FOB Shanghai. here’s the price quotation.

B: Thank you, That's a high price! It will be difficult for us to accept.

A: I'm rather surprised to hear you say that, Mrs. Mary You know the price of elevator has gone up since last year. Ours compares favorably with what you might get elsewhere.

B: I'm afraid I can't agree with you there. China has just come into the market with a lower price.

A: Ah, but everybody in the elevator trade knows that China's elevator is of top quality. Considering the quality, I should say the price is reasonable. What ’s the quotation you want?

B:I want The price of the unit CCDT2000 elevator is $3400 FOB Shanghai.

A: I'm afraid I can't accept you quotation ,considering your order is large enough, we're ready to reduce our prices by 3 percent.

B: To have this business concluded, I should say a reduction of

least 7 percent would help.

A: Let’s split the difference and meet each other halfway. For 5 percent discount , you think?

B: Ok, I ’m ready to move another step forward. I want to know the earliest time of shipment be ?

A: I think we can ship the goods in Augest .

B: I’m afraid that will be too late. Can you advance the time of shipment to June?

A: Well, I understand , but I’m afraid it’ll be very difficult . do you think the mid of July ?

B: OK! No problem .

A: Any other questions?

B: We havn’t permited transhipment, and partial shipment. A: Ok, we are accept.

B: I’m glad to hear that. Now , let’s come to the packing.

A: Do you have any special packing requirements for your order, Mrs .Mary?

B: We want to the outer packing to be strong enough to withstand long transportation. Is the wooden case strong enough for transportation?

A: You can rest assured of that. So far, no customers have complained about our outer packing.

B: I’m glad to hear that. And I want to know about the contract clause—terms of payment.

A: If it's OK with you, we would like payment prior to delivery, since this is your first order.

B:I understand why you would like it that way, but we prefer payment after delivery, because these goods are very expensive .

A:I know they are very expensive, but why does that mean you should pay after delivery?

B:It's a large order, do if we give an advance payment, we will have money trouble, because it will take three or four months to sell the goods and start to make a profit.

A:I understand, but if we must pay to make the goods, and then must wait four months for you to pay, we will have money trouble too.

B: Let's do it this way. We will pay in installments, with the first payment about 20% to be one week after sign the contract. Then 40% once a month after that.

A: It’s difficult to us .I’m only accept that the second payment about 60%. And others will be paid after two months against documents.

B: Well. Could you make an exception and accept D/A or D/P? A: I’m afraid not. We insist on a letter of credit .

B: Well, Since this is our first order, we will try our best to accommodate you on payment terms. When do I have to open the covering L/C if I want the goods delivered in the mid of July ?

A: You’ll have to open the irrevocable L/C early in the end of May. against and payable against shipping documents.

B: Ok. If not any questions . Now .shall we sign the contract? A: Do you mean you’ve got the contract ready?

B:Yes. after all. I am quite confident in our negotiation.


A: How are you? Welcome to China! I’m sales manager of Shanghai Mitsubishi elevator Co. Ltd.

B: I’m fine, thank you! I’m purchase manager of England ABC Co, Ltd

A: My name is xi xi , here is my card.

B: Thank you. My name is Mary .here is my card.

A: Ok,Let’s talk about the details of products .

B: En .ok. I want to learn about the CCDT2000 elevator of your company. And we want to place an order about 200 sets.

A: The price of the unit CCDT2000 elevator is $3800 FOB Shanghai. here’s the price quotation.

B: Thank you, That's a high price! It will be difficult for us to accept.

A: I'm rather surprised to hear you say that, Mrs. Mary You know the price of elevator has gone up since last year. Ours compares favorably with what you might get elsewhere.

B: I'm afraid I can't agree with you there. China has just come into the market with a lower price.

A: Ah, but everybody in the elevator trade knows that China's elevator is of top quality. Considering the quality, I should say the price is reasonable. What ’s the quotation you want?

B:I want The price of the unit CCDT2000 elevator is $3400 FOB Shanghai.

A: I'm afraid I can't accept you quotation ,considering your order is large enough, we're ready to reduce our prices by 3 percent.

B: To have this business concluded, I should say a reduction of

least 7 percent would help.

A: Let’s split the difference and meet each other halfway. For 5 percent discount , you think?

B: Ok, I ’m ready to move another step forward. I want to know the earliest time of shipment be ?

A: I think we can ship the goods in Augest .

B: I’m afraid that will be too late. Can you advance the time of shipment to June?

A: Well, I understand , but I’m afraid it’ll be very difficult . do you think the mid of July ?

B: OK! No problem .

A: Any other questions?

B: We havn’t permited transhipment, and partial shipment. A: Ok, we are accept.

B: I’m glad to hear that. Now , let’s come to the packing.

A: Do you have any special packing requirements for your order, Mrs .Mary?

B: We want to the outer packing to be strong enough to withstand long transportation. Is the wooden case strong enough for transportation?

A: You can rest assured of that. So far, no customers have complained about our outer packing.

B: I’m glad to hear that. And I want to know about the contract clause—terms of payment.

A: If it's OK with you, we would like payment prior to delivery, since this is your first order.

B:I understand why you would like it that way, but we prefer payment after delivery, because these goods are very expensive .

A:I know they are very expensive, but why does that mean you should pay after delivery?

B:It's a large order, do if we give an advance payment, we will have money trouble, because it will take three or four months to sell the goods and start to make a profit.

A:I understand, but if we must pay to make the goods, and then must wait four months for you to pay, we will have money trouble too.

B: Let's do it this way. We will pay in installments, with the first payment about 20% to be one week after sign the contract. Then 40% once a month after that.

A: It’s difficult to us .I’m only accept that the second payment about 60%. And others will be paid after two months against documents.

B: Well. Could you make an exception and accept D/A or D/P? A: I’m afraid not. We insist on a letter of credit .

B: Well, Since this is our first order, we will try our best to accommodate you on payment terms. When do I have to open the covering L/C if I want the goods delivered in the mid of July ?

A: You’ll have to open the irrevocable L/C early in the end of May. against and payable against shipping documents.

B: Ok. If not any questions . Now .shall we sign the contract? A: Do you mean you’ve got the contract ready?

B:Yes. after all. I am quite confident in our negotiation.


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