
With the society developing, technology is everywhere today,especially in the home. I am sure that the technology brings convenience to us and makes us live happily.There are two new things which I think they are necessary in our daily life.

The first one is mobile phone, when people didn't have mobile phone in the past,If we want to have a touch with friends in the distance,we had to write litter to them,although the litter is so slow. Now the mobile phone go to the world. We can chat with

our friends everywhere and keep in touch with them everyday. It is so convenience.Besides we play the games and listen to music in the mobile phone.

The second one is TV. TV is also important new things at home. After supper,we have a chance to know the new things that happened at everywhere in the world,we'd better watch TV play to relaxing ourselves when we tired.

Form my point of view, the technology makes people live happily and colorful.

With the society developing, technology is everywhere today,especially in the home. I am sure that the technology brings convenience to us and makes us live happily.There are two new things which I think they are necessary in our daily life.

The first one is mobile phone, when people didn't have mobile phone in the past,If we want to have a touch with friends in the distance,we had to write litter to them,although the litter is so slow. Now the mobile phone go to the world. We can chat with

our friends everywhere and keep in touch with them everyday. It is so convenience.Besides we play the games and listen to music in the mobile phone.

The second one is TV. TV is also important new things at home. After supper,we have a chance to know the new things that happened at everywhere in the world,we'd better watch TV play to relaxing ourselves when we tired.

Form my point of view, the technology makes people live happily and colorful.


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